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The Kingdom of Hasland
Crest of Hasland
Hasland area.png
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Basic Info
Largest City
Avg pop/region
19 (3rd)
King Boeth Relak

Hasland was a realm whose history was well documented. This page contains several accounts of Hasland's history.

Boeth Relak's Account

With the discovery of the un-tamed island of Atamara, nobles of the East Continent flocked to the rich lands of city states and forged large realms, and empires. Of these realms the Cagilan Empire was the largest, the realm of Falasan the second, and Hasland the third.

It was said that Boeth Relak united the four city states of York, Leohampton, Shanandoah, and Brackhead. Shanandoah was the first to join the with York, and Brackhead fell through an intense siege. Leohampton surrounded resolutely defied any attempts to incorporate it until one night its gates were opened by a traitor and its head-strong people were betrayed. With a close-knit empire forged the King Boeth Relak sought to give stability to the island. During the time of the two Darka's Eston, a small and tiny woodland realm sought to attack North Darka in return for some lands by South Darka. Falasan, and Hasland stepped in viciously destroying the armies of Eston, and taking the regions of Fiddleford, and Saradic. Eston badly bruised surrendered and foreswore involvement in the Darkan civil war. Saradic was returned to Eston, but Hasland kept Fiddleford which the duchy of Brackhead had laid claim to in days long since past.

Following these events, Falasan and the Cagilan Empire began to wage war upon one another in the mountains which separated two of their cities. Massive armies clashed, and thousands died for what appeared to be little more than sport for the nobles. Hasland remained at peace during much of this time, and it was only the meddling of Tuchanon in the affairs of other realms which brought its wrath down to the badlands. In an allied effort with Callaway, Tuchanon was over-run. Massive armies poured through Lothruin into the badlands. Regions were quickly taken-over, and the city of Tucha, and the fortress of Aja lay bare. The King sought to incoporate the entirety of Tucha peacefully into Hasland, and thus a treaty was struck, and the Duke of Leohampton was shuffled to Tucha, and the former King Pitviper was placed as the Duke of Leohampton where he could be watched.

The former realm was now an empire, five cities strong. Its armies were organized along Duchal lines, a first in the world, and a loyal cohort of troop leaders served the King personally as his Royal Guard. Captains were selected for each of the armies to lead them foreshadowing the coming of Marshals and armies. All were loyal to the crown, and Hasland knew strength.

In a short few months the Barony of Icegate, led by the daring and courages Falcon was fracturing and its duchies were being hailed by their leaders as independent Baronies. Hasland had been friendly with the Barony of Icegate, and rushed to suppress this seeming rebellion. The Barony of Sale was quickly crushed, and brought into the Hasland empire. Icegate claimed to have given up its rights to the lands, and so the realm council of Hasland decided to keep the lands. At this Icegate declared war, for they could not stand to see those of the warm midlands holding title over their icy lands. Icegate was assaulted, and nearly taken, but badly bruised the empires rapidly being buried by its own bureaucracy a radical step was quickly formulated.

The independent Duchies with their own armies would splinter, and form what would now be known as a Federation called the Protectorate. In the north comprising of all lands north of the river would be Norland, based in Brackhead. In the south comprising of all lands south of Lothruin would be Southasland, based in Tucha. The loyal Dukes and their knights split the realm into three parts. In Norland, Capt. Nemo reigned as King swearing his new realm to the Hasland crown. In Southasalnd, Kodak Hobbs (please someone double check this) sat as King himself swearing loyalty to the Hasland crown. However, the other realms in the west grew wary of Hasland's power. They saw the brutality of the war against the northern vikings as a play for even greater power, and so they banded together. Darka, Eston, and the Cagilan Empire; and they struck.

The lands in turmoil over the successions, the newly formed Protectorate could barely put up a fight. Most attention was given to Southasland as this was the greatest focus of the CE a formidable foe. The King of Norland died in a momentous battle, and the new King Drago of Norland, and his nobles felt betrayed by their allies. Joining with the Barony of Makar who had sworn to remain neutral even during the siege on Icegate, they swept down over the river. Shortly before the Duchy of Leohampton led by the traitor Pitviper seized upon the chaos to form Tuchannon II. The armies of Hasland had beaten utterly the would be traitor, but to no avail as soon the northern armies swept through its lands.

The King Boeth Relak led his people until the bitter end, and then retired to his family estates in Al Arab. He witnessed the formation of Minas Ithil as a colony of one of his enemies, the entry of Falasan when Norland turned against its progenitor and the taking of many lands by Eston. In an ironic twist Minas Ithil adopted many Hasland customs, and is by and large a mirror of the former empire.

Thus did Hasland end, beset on all sides by enemies, and its friends and allies being badly beaten. Many realms survived for years to come, but none managed to unite the lands of what was one of the greatest empires the world has ever known. Now all that remains of the Protectorate is Norland who has seemingly embraced its past, though likely knows little of it.

Doc's Biatch Primus's Account

I know all about Hasland...I am one of the very reasons why the realm was so successful. I was the General of Hasland, and my King was not a man to be reckoned with. He had a dream, which I vowed to make a reality...I can tell you anything you want, I am Lady DBP, former Guard of the Imperial power known as Hasland. I was there when Norland was planned, when the city was seceded with the King's choice as Duke...I was there when we created South Hasland...I led our armies to many victories...whatever you want to know up to the Birth of a "Tuchanon" child in OUR Empire, I can tell you. Shortly after I demilitarized the seceded City, I left, knowing that my replacement would oversee the takeover...but when I came back to Atamara, years later, the lands I called "home" are simply not the same.

You can find me in Abington, Lady Doc's Biatch Primus.


Some recently recovered records of Kodak Hobbs carry many details of Hasland and its history. After being examined and compiled, they will be placed here.

Hasland was removed from Atamara by Norland after Norland was betrayed by their allies and left to defend by itself against many of southern enemies. Norland then vowed revenge and methodically removed Hasland from power, fighting Hasland from Norland's capital all the way back to and finally crushing the Hasland Empire at its city. Hasland became no more.

You can see Kodak Hobbs journal [1] here.

Icon1.gif Lands of Hasland - July 2002 Icon1.gif
City of York

Rotherthorpe | Northhill | Dunstoke | Winwich

City of Brackhead

Melmoor | Mansbridge | Ashmoor | Hernepoole | Shiverwood

City of Leohampton

Cantervern | Nemaha | Winham

City of Shanandoah

Cheltenborne | Lyton | Crahandan