Atamara/Historic Map

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Revision as of 12:40, 19 February 2009 by Mr Jones (talk | contribs) (missed the headline saying "late" in the first edit. corrected to "mid".)

Atamara, Mid 2004

Putting it into Context

  • If a realm looks unfamiliar too you, scroll around its territory. When you find its capital, its identity will soon become familiar to you.
  • The map is most likely from late May 2004. The city of Strombran fell to Carelian forces in the evening of June 3.
  • The banner of RedSpan is unfamiliar as they had not yet heard the revelations of Da Great Goat.
  • The Darkan presence in Eaglin is possible because at the time, far away colonies and possessions were tolerated amongst the rulers of Atamara. This is no longer the case.
  • Lamar was in its death throes. Despite Abington and RedSpan support, she was still struggling to cope with the combined Carelian and Cagilan assault.
  • Likewise, Tuchanon II was also in its death throes.
  • Southasland exists here in its initial incarnation, with its original banner, long before its usurpation.
  • The realm at the extreme South-Eastern tip is the once great nation of Abington, using her second banner.
  • Norland too, is onto her second banner.