Anima Family

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Revision as of 12:53, 16 February 2009 by Vita` (talk | contribs)

A Lost History

About 2000 years before present day, a young man decided to take on the mantels of his fathers and join the fight against the savage armies of undead that ravaged his nation. In a bitter pitched-battle in what is now Akesh Temple on the East Continent, the young man distinguished himself by destroying the undead champion, turning all the rest of its unholy army into dust. For his accomplishment, he was elevated to the ranks of the nobility. Returning to his Ancestral Home in Lorient, he and his descendants made up the noble House of Anima.

Current Events

The family has been in and out of the politics of the world for the past 2 millenia, sometimes making a larger impact than others. Currently, after about five decades of inactivity, a new generation of Animas is looking to bring fame to the family name. Current active members of the family are: