Lux Family/Zaratin Anarion

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Zaratin Lux

Becoming of Age

CLASS Knight ZLux.jpg
AGE 22
Title Count of Tsamn
Unit Fengen Everwatch
Army Army of Fengen
Religion Eretzism
Guilds N/A
Realms served:
Former positions:
  • Knight of Drinilla
  • Knight of Panabuk
  • Rogue of the West
  • Marshal of the Order of Elegant Albatross
  • Knight of Port Raviel
  • Marshal of the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale
  • Knight of Paisly
Armies served:
  • Madinan Ducal Guards
  • Order of the Elegant Albatross
  • Order of the Mellifluous Nightingale
  • Republican Army
Units commanded:
  • Black Bows of Panabuk
  • Sentry of the the Nightingale
Zaratin Anarion Lux is the only son from House of Lux who stayed in Paisly after the family set their mansion in this Grand City on the continent of Dwilight. His heart drove him ever westwards. In the beginning of his knighthood he served Madina, but when independence was proclaimed in Paisly, he joined the newly formed Kingdom of Melodia, which was at the time refered to as "flowering". Proud to serve The Crown of Melodia, Monarch Albert de Blanc, he participated in every major undertaking of the realm. Zaratin's rise within the ranks was very fast, he soon became Marshal of the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale, never losing a single battle over the numerous monster hordes plaguing the area. When elite military Order of Elegant Albatross was founded, Zaratin had been chosen as a Marshal. However, the heart of the young Monarchy was tainted as the trecherous rebellion forces started their venomous intrigues in the Capital, and the Monarch too weak and too gullible to deal with them when the time was asking for it. A rebellious outbreak was so snide, and so well timed that it ripped through loyalist ranks, and taken the rule over the listless Monarchy. Zaratin stayed loyal and fought for the Monarch to the very end, when Albert de Blanc vanished and was lost in the midst of numerous plains of Maeotis. The life of the newly formed Republic was of short breath, but that tale does not belong here.

Usurping forces have forever banned Zaratin from Melodia. He did not care much, since his allegiance to the Monarch was fulfilled, and he did not hold any personal vendetta towards the newest rulers of Melodia, accept the contempt towards the treacherous way they had grabbed the throne, but he thought that was not worth dying for. Thus he became a Rogue of the West, having travelled all the way from Paisly to the City of Candiels by land, in the very South of Dwilight, seeking to settle in Madina again. Indeed a dangerous advanture it was; with only 16 men he managed to find ways through monster plagued regions of Dwilight, finally reaching Bol. In the region of Bol Zaratin was ambushed by beasts, but accompanied by Captain Osric, his loyal companion, and two more men, he reached the safety of Madina, finally entering the region of Lugagun, where he pledged his service to Sir Margel Somra, Baron of Panabuk. Shortly did he serve Madina, however, this realm was not meant for him. Chasing monsters from Bol to Panafau and back again did not satisfy his glory standars. Thus he resolved to travel even further, to a continent little known to man, to the coast of dreaded Beluaterra. There he joined the great realm of Enweil, finally meeting Daimons in battle.

His first close encounter with Daimons came in the midst of a raging siege of the City of Fengen, Capital of Enweil, as the ground shook, and Vesti Valitorre, the Daimon Lord, lead a massive Daimon army to the city walls. A three-day long siege was fierce, but the spirit of Enweil nobles could not be shattered nor broken, and finally the attack had been repelled. Enweil emerged victorious.

Short was the rest of Enweilans however. News of the North were grim, as Avalon, ally to Enweil, lay in grave danger. Their Capital, the fair city of Cteduul, was overrun by Daimon hordes, left to the mercy of inhuman beasts by their closest neighbours, Fwuvoghorians. However, many came to their aid, including the Army of Fengen. In the nick of time united armies gathered their forces on the plains in front of besieged city, and lead a terrible charge which completly broke the takeover. For many more days the battle raged mercilessly, but the survival of Avalon had been assured.

Greedy realm of Valhus was next. Rumours had it, these secretive nobles had dealings with Daimons. Only a small realm of Bara'Khur opposed them. Army of Fengen marched North, all the way to Wudenkin. They had a short rest in Dyomoque, capital of Bara'Khur, before a mighty strike on Wudenkin, which shattered the walls, and left the city ripe for the taking. Valhus army had previously been beaten in Vale, and their cowardly king escaped to the North. Fengen Everwatch had become veterans by that time, raining death upon enemies with ferocity and precision of the birds of prey. Never before did he have such a unit.

However, good things come to pass quickly. Rage of the Daimon Lord Prudence was great, and after destroying Plergoth, he unleashed his terrible minions on Riombara. Enweilans were there to help, but before they could unite with Riombarans, their army had been ambushed by Daimons, and thus, utterly defeated in the region of Cjelegy. Although literally shreded to pieces, Riombara endured the onslought, and survived the invasion after all. Then, after a long time Enweil had a period of peace, securing the regions, and solidifying defense in case of Daimon attacks, as well as dealing with some inner affairs. As a reward for his great courage and achievements in all the wars Enweil fought during that period, Zaratin was given the fair region of Tsamn to rule over. Many months did he then spend in his estate, clearing the region of minor monster threats, eagerly awaiting when Enweil shall call to war again.




Coming of Winter