Mt. Black Nastrond

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The Mountains of Mt. Black Nastrond
Region Map
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Controlled by the Realm of [[part of::Virovene]]
Duchy Muspelheim
Local Lord Baron Raimond Metsamees
Knights Sianon Eldrake
Troop Centers Men of the Mountain
Region Information
Type of Region Mountains
Location River
Weather North Shore
Population (Last Census) 1198
Gold Production 227 gold
Food Production 25 bushels

The people are a hardy folk who export large amounts of quarried stone and rare metals to the rest of Virovene. They are also renowned for their masonry and carving. All major architecture in this part of the world has been worked on by at least one Nastrondian mason.

The region was also the first line of defense against the northern rogues. It stood firm for many generations. Since the expansion into the north it is no longer a barrier, but the sacrifice of many upon its slopes shall never be forgotten. It's position is still key in defense though as a choke point to Nifelhold from the north and west and a mountainous land.