Urian Family

From BattleMaster Wiki


The crest of the Urian family from a tunic

The Urian family was a very unremarkable noble family for long years. The battles in the family torn it into three parts and nearly destroyed it. The three brothers, Balthazar, Marcus and Thomas fought for five years. When the family was so weak that even a rouge attack could destroy it Balthazar, the son of the main branch, wrote a pact. He talked with the Marcus and Thomas and united the family by the pact. They have made a new crest that shows the unity of the family. The line shows the main branch. The brown-orange half circle shows the branch of Marcus and the blue-green half circle shows the branch of Thomas. The fangs show the fights of the past.

The (partial) family tree of the Urian family

                                      |                      |              |        |    |             
                                   Isabel-----Walter      Arthur---Rose   Donald  William Helen------James
      (the fifth son of a northern noble family)           _______|__                           (from an unknown noble family)    
                    ____________|________                 |         |                 ___________|_____________________
                    |      |             |        Alice---Joseph   Oliver             |          |                     |
                Eleanor Isolde  Ellyn----Leonard      __|__________________        Charles     Nicholas----Isolde    Donald                          
                              _______|___             |                    |            ________________|_________________
                              |          |         Frederich----Margaret Henry          |        |       |               |                                  
                 Beatrix----Walter    Gregory                 |                     Arthur    Benedict Henry---Helen  Arabella                              
                         ___|___                 Elisa----Balthazar                                         |
                         |      |         _______________|____________________                      Ann----Marcus
             Maria----Thomas  Cedric      |       |         |        |        |        
                                        James  Rannien  Nathaniel  Vursa     Marcus

Walter, James and their descendants are not blood relatives of the Urians. Although they are using the Urian name to gain the Urian estate. The Urian family has many other relatives, because all women in the Urian family has or had husband.

Troop leaders

There are some members who left the family for a troop leader carrier.
Their names and ranks are the following:
Rannien Knight of Nifelhold
Nathaniel Knight of Ser'quea
Vursa Knight of Zonasa
You can read more about them on their pages.