Talk:Pian en Luries

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Revision as of 13:49, 17 August 2008 by Danaris (talk | contribs) (→‎Climate)

New Discussion

Providing Pian en Luries with a medieval flavour: what, how, why. List below, please title each new idea.


Pian en Luries is located around the south of the map. Assuming that the world of Battlemaster has a similar inclination to Earth, then the south is generally warmer the other areas. In addition, coastal areas, especially those surrounding a sea, are fairly humid. The "Desert of Silhouettes" and the "Palm Sea" also give credence to the idea of a hot climate.

As such, we could consider Pian en Luries to have a warm, humid climate. With two deserts to the north and the south, one could expect the climate to remain as warm, but get progressively drier.

Given the lack of actual forest regions, there can't be an outright jungle. However, Orz and Poryatown do produce wood, and could be considered to have some substantially forested areas.

A hot and humid climate would have an impact on the clothing worn by the characters, however. How would this be accomodated? Any questions, comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

--RubyDragon 02:06, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

Seems like a good idea to me. Would certainly go a long way to starting give our realm more of a unique feel. A good start. Silverfire 02:14, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

A climate much like Spain's wouldn't be far wrong, then; perhaps slightly hotter even. In any case, Spain was a chivalrous place, so we can probably get some ideas for culture/clothing from its medieval version.--Hroppa 10:01, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

As I mentioned in the original IRC discussion, a climate like Egypt´s might be more appropriate IMO (we are, after all, surrounded by desert with some arable land). As for the wood, I wouldn´t try and RP a jungle (if there is one, it should be on the map) and Orz and Poryatown is a bit of a stretch. It might be better it assume that - at least in the case of Poryatown, which is a coastal city - it gets imported. As for clothing, maybe a local specialty could be silk clothing or similar? --The1exile 12:31, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

By my understanding, Egypt was arable only due to the yearly flooding of the Nile. Even if there were a river running through Pian en Luries, I think we're far too big and sprawling for it to be the sole source of life for our people. I would look more toward the southern US and Central America for inspiration, for they have much more variety in their biota. --Anaris 15:49, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

Courtly Ducal Conflicts

I like the idea of a medieval French culture focused around court intrigues. We've got the makings of a ducal power struggle (unless Dio and Alanna completely assert their rule after the rebellion, hehe), and this could revolve around the 3 cities. Struggles over region lords' allegiances would be commonplace, there'd be oneupmanship in the form of tournaments, and so on. Of course, right now most lords will join whoever can best fight off the monsters. --Hroppa 00:33, 20 July 2008 (CEST)

Old Discussion

The below occurred prior to Pian en Luries's establishment on Dwilight.



Though I suppose you can ooc ban your way to maintaining the french flavour, the second part of the idea is unworkable, because power struggles cannot be engineered. First, power struggles can only really be prolonged in underpopulated realms, where you have no choice but to keep your foes until the very end, even though you know they are plotting a rebellion. The second reason is that you simply can't "plan" these things ahead, as I don't think you are gonna pick every lord and pre-decide the ruler... If the ruler or the dukes aren't ambitious, you can't do anything about it. Also, the king appoints the dukes, so in the end, even if it did start right, it's not durable.

  • I actually like the idea for a french or arthurian style place with lots of tournaments added in. And have actually deleted to make room for two characters to come here. Marie Euphrasia le Fois and Philippe Daemon le Fois.


This one has much more merit. Pian en Luries starts in a pretty isolated stretch of land, with multiple sizeable cities left rogue around. As for the culture, well, you can't pre-decide that, it's all up to the players. The only way to plan a culture is to make sure you gather enough people who want that said culture and settle up there with them.

Just my thoughs. -Chénier 21:43, 14 January 2008 (CET)


Not to rain on the parade or anything, but from a cynical POV there isn't much out there that hasn't been done at least once before; if not in history, then in fiction. No matter what you come up with, it's likely someone's going to say "Hey, that's JUST like X" where X is either a fictional culture, a historical culture, a present culture or a proposed future culture (eg. transhumanism).

Personally, I plan on showing up for the time being (until Bannable's Dwilania idea gathers enough momentum) and RPing a semi-cultured northern hordesman noble with a pet wolverine (yes, it may get me banned, but I would figure more for the blatant link to badgers then people going "hey, no mutants!"). I think it'd be interesting to play such in a refined court like P&L is implied to be. -Baatarsaikhan 04:59, 15 January 2008 (CET)