Chénier Family/Jean-Olivier: Difference between revisions

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|name=Jean-Olivier Chénier
|name=Jean-Olivier Chénier
|image=Black Knight01.jpg
|image=Black Knight01.jpg
|status=Serious Wound
|realm=Republic of Fwuvoghor
|realm=Republic of Fwuvoghor
|titles=Arch Priest of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Count of Villriil
|titles=King of Republic of Fwuvoghor
|weight=210 lb
|weight=210 lb
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*Knight of Villriil
*Knight of Villriil
*Arch Priest of Republic of Fwuvoghor
*Arch Priest of Republic of Fwuvoghor
*Count of Villriil
*Earl of Villriil

=={{c|purple|Noteworthy Messages}}==
=={{c|purple|Noteworthy Messages}}==

Revision as of 03:49, 8 November 2007

Jean-Olivier Chénier
Black Knight01.jpg
Status: Serious Wound
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Republic of Fwuvoghor
Titles Held: King of Republic of Fwuvoghor
Class: Hero
Honor: 47
Prestige: 22
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210 lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown

The fiercest and oldest of the sons of Alexandre Chénier. He is quick to insult, and quite prideful. After being banished from Fronen, for whom he thought he would die, he has totaly lost his mind and all respect for other living things. Since then, his stay in Outer Tilog molded him character in a grim fashion, and he has earned a reputation for emotional unstability among the nobles of Beluaterra. He is known to be antipathic, strict, cruel, sadistic, as well as a tendency to grow wild ambitions when left unguided by a charismatic leader. Arch Priest of Fwuvoghor, he is feared by some, loathed by many, yet he excercises his role unchalenged. (17 years old)

He carries his prided claymore which he had had forged in Outer Tilog, such a long time ago, even though he was forced to have it repaired with some local metals over time. His heavy armour can be seen to be made up from various sources, the initial armor he had brought from the grim city has fallen mostly apart, and the pieces lost or damaged have been replaced. Even though he would not like to admit it, the place affected him more than it would seem, and he still caries the mark on his body.



  • Knight of Shiverwood
  • Knight of Vur Hagin
  • Knight of Astin
  • Knight of Outer Tilog
  • Knight of Villriil
  • Arch Priest of Republic of Fwuvoghor
  • Earl of Villriil

Noteworthy Messages

Messages to Outer Tilog, during the Third Invasion of Beluaterra

Request from Jean-Olivier Chénier
Message sent to Nobles of Outer Tilog
Sirs and Ladies of Outer Tilog,

Long has it been since I set foot in that city, but it must have been fate which brought me there, as it now seems more important than ever. You have no doubt heard of the situation here on Beluaterra, but I suppose you have not had acces to much information.

Creatures from the netherworld, the daimons, have recently managed to fight off the Necromancer's Servants with the Monster Hordes. With the inability of the humans to hold off the daimonic forces on our world, they have managed to use the undeads' precious portal in Mio Dupaki in order to capture The One, ruler of the undead, in order to control the unliving hordes. The One, he is the Necromancer. To us who have lived in Outer Tilog, he is the King.

It has been revealed to me that the Lich King is held and being controled by the Daimon High Guard, somewhere in the Netherworld. We have attempted to use the portals on Beluaterra, but with little luck, and inhuman menaces keep us too busy to dedicate any more efforts. That is why I write to you this letter.

Outer Tilog, the time of leasure is over! With time, you have let yourselves degenerate into a mockery of a realm. Reform, arm yourselves! You must secure the Arak Castle! There lies our best hope of liberating the King! There lies our best hope to stop this daimonic cancer!

Rakaarox. Long have you "prepared" your realm for war. This is no war for pleasure or looting, there is no more time for pretending. Meet with minister Broken and the marshals, you must make an army worthy of the Lich King! Yukiko, I am certain with Pharmakeus' help you can "convince" your serfs to dedicate more of their wealth to the cause then before. If there's one thing Outer Tilog has right, it's how to handle the peasentry. Enough time has been wasted already. This is not a fight for Beluaterra, this is a struggle for humanity!
Jean-Olivier Chénier (Arch Priest of Fwuvoghor)

Report from Jean-Olivier Chénier
Message sent to Nobles of Outer Tilog

After inquiring the Summoner about the means of liberating the Lich King to aid us in our battles, he has taught me that he is he who they have been calling "The One", he who controls the undead hordes. He has now been captured by the deamonic High Guard and is being used for their ends.

The undead, at the start, seeked certain items of power in order to protect him. They failed to acquire these. However, I am certain that in the Arak Castle lies more powerful and mysterious items, and one of them atleast should be able to assist us in slaying his captors. There might even be portals which humans can use, or a means of allowing humans to use them.

No doubt, however, that the place has not illuded the attention of the daimons... I would not be surprised if monsters or daimons were already posted there, or if they would arrive shortly. They must not be allowed to pillage the site, an army must be gathered to secure it.
Jean-Olivier Chénier (Arch Priest of Fwuvoghor)

Blasphemy vs Hemaism

Roleplay from Jean-Olivier Chénier
Message sent to All Judges and Rulers of Beluaterra
Behold, Beluaterra, your god has arrived and has taken the body of one of yours. A long time have watched the events unfold on this earth from my domain. Since the very beginning weakness and heresy have bred on these lands, causing much suffering and destruction to my loyal followers.

The barrier between the worlds was allowed to be breached by minor beings of power. When their damage has been sufficient, I have interfered. From the mouth of flames I have sent to you one of my minions, who took the name and shape of a character you would recognise. As time passes, I will send more of my minions to impose my will unto this world.

For some, I am known as Hemaglobe, who has taken this mortal as my host so that I may occupy this world without overwhelming it's weak fabrics. I am also known by other names, in various forms. I am a diety, here to bring this world under the power of the Primal.
Jean-Olivier Chénier (Arch Priest of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Count of Villriil)

Power Struggle in Fwuvoghor

Stripped of all titles!
Felmoure Enstance, King of Republic of Fwuvoghor has stripped you of all rank and titles, accusing you of being an imposter, a simple commoner falsely claiming noble blood. Here is the reason he gave for his accusations:

I hate to say this, but it seems my suspicions were true. Jean-Olivier is a peasant. His manners have long been a disgrace to our realm, but nobles can behave badly, so we all thought he had a reason. That is until this day, the day he spat in my face yet again, and threatened me, a crippled King, to a duel till the death.

Jean-Olivier, you are no noble by the standards of Fwuvoghor.

Your titles are hereby revoked, and from what I know of you, I am certain you will hire assassins to do your dirty work for you.
JeanOlivier Chénier (Noble) meets his challenger Felmoure Enstance, King of Republic of Fwuvoghor for the agreed duel till surrender.

Felmoure has decided to use the 'defensive' strategy while JeanOlivier has choosen the 'trick moves' strategy, giving JeanOlivier the advantage.

After a series of blows, Felmoure surrenders to his clearly superior enemy.