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For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda
For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda
==UBA Events==
As mentioned earlier, below are all the correspondences that occurred between me and Perdan from the start that led to the UBA and I have also included all
opinions that the members of this assembly contributed during these events. order is from oldest to latest.
Request from Katsuyori (17 days, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients)
Greetings Rulers,
First of all, I will introduce myself as I'm sure most of you have not heard of me before. I am the newly elected Chancellor of Fontan to represent Fontan here after our previous Chancellor Gregor is reported to be unresponsive due to unknown reasons.
As Lord Gregor is currently still in Itorunt lands, and his convoy are in the process of bringing him back into Fontanese lands, I humbly request no harm comes to his convoy and his safe passage is assured. That being said, Fontan's armies will not march out to meet up with the convoy and I would require your assistance in the matter.
Your cooperation and understanding in this matter is very much appreciated.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (17 days, 11 hours ago)
Gregor will be safe if he comes through Perdan. Do you know which way he will be returning? I am considering on sending an escort for him.
And congratulations on your election. =)
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Letter from Katsuyori (17 days, 10 hours ago)
(Personal message to Evangeline)
Greeting Queen Evangeline,
The last reports that the messengers brought back mention that they were heading to Al Arab. We do not have any idea where his convoy will be passing through at the moment from there on.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (17 days, 9 hours ago)
Thankyou Chancellor Katsuyori, I will keep an eye out for him then.
On a private note, if its not too much trouble, could you please let me know if his condition improves or worsens.
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Letter from Katsuyori (17 days, 2 hours ago)
(Personal message to Evangeline)
Greetings Queen Evangeline,
Will keep you updated once we get any news from the convoy.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Katsuyori (15 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to: Evangeline
Greetings Queen Evangeline,
Just some little update on the situation. We still have not hear from the convoy, but news of the convoy sighted in Al Arab reached our lands as the city was besieged by some rogue forces this morning.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (15 days, 22 hours ago)
Thankyou Chancellor Katsuyori... I have seen the convoy in Al Arab also. Its quite frustrating that his servants aren't more attentive as to informing you of his condition.
I have to admit, I have heard some rumours in the south that suggest he might be faking the illness. I can't help but hope it might be true, but if he is I will want to stab him myself for causing all this worry. ;)
Thankyou again for keeping me informed, I do appreciate it.
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Ruler stepped down (8 days, 5 hours ago)
Evangeline has stepped down from her position as ruler of Perdan. She has given the following reason:
It takes more honour and courage to not jealously guard your privileges and powers, but to share them and to allow other people the experience and privilege of responsibility. After 8 years as Queen of Perdan, it is someone else's turn.
Letter from Katsuyori (8 days, 5 hours ago)
(Personal message to Evangeline)
Greetings Lady Evangeline,
Although we have not worked together for a very long time, I do enjoy my time while working with you and I wish you best of luck in your future undertakings.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (8 days, 5 hours ago)
Thankyou very much Chancellor Katsuyori, I appreciate your kind words. It would have been nice if we had gotten to know each other better. Every Fontan Chancellor during my time of rulership have been the absolute pillar of respect, I appreciate the diversity of Fontan and its wonderful strengths as the only true democracy.
I have had some word directly from Gregor, but I believe my infiltrator that has been watching him has started to annoy Pontifex Barzelli. Hah, but what can you do? Infiltrators, wonderfully loyal yet wonderfully cheeky also.
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients)
I see lot of familiar faces.
I hope we will have interesting discussions.
Please do not hesitate to pass from Perdan City if you are nearby.
Ale is very good, and we can accompany it with a good discussion about politics.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients)
I know that you normally would prefer the beautiful Evangeline than my ugly old face, and i apologize for it :)
At least i did let you to enjoy and appreciate Queen Evangeline's beauty for a whole year.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 7 hours ago)
Greetings Chancellor Katsuyori
First of all, congratulations on your election, it is not easy to get elected in a democracy and especially in a traditionally strong on like Fontan with so many old famous members.
I write to you to thank you as I did lady Lilith, for the food Fontan sells to Perdan in good prices.
I look forward in good relations between our realms, and wish you to enjoy your rulership.
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (7 days, 6 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
Thank you. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your election to lead Perdan.
I only managed to work for a short while with Queen Evangeline in the past and I hope we can work together more in time to come.
For the food, we would also like to thank you for being a loyal customer to bolster Fontan's economy.
And I'm sure while I will not be able to enjoy and appreciate Queen Evangeline's beauty, I would be able to appreciate your wisdom and knowledge.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Katsuyori (7 days ago)
(Personal message to Evangeline)
Greetings Lady Evangeline,
I hope all is well for you so far. I would also like to thank you for the update on the situation regarding Lord Gregor. We should be able to be in contact with him soon I hope.
On another note, while going through some archive records left by the previous administrators serving Lord Gregor during his chancellorship there were some records mentioning of a union between our two peoples during your last visit to Krimml after the war.
Out of curiosity, I tried to ask around mainly the servants who were still around during your last visit in Krimml, but could only get bits and pieces, nothing concrete. Perhaps you may be able to enlighten me further. Do not worry if you can't, I'm just curious that's all.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (6 days, 23 hours ago)
Chancellor Katsuyori,
It is a pleasure to hear from you again.
Gregor and I did have desires to end the hostilities between our realms and bring them gradually closer in friendship. The union we planned however was never followed through with, I'm not sure exactly why it didn't happen.
When Lady Lilith raised relations with Caligus, we had some discussion on perhaps improving the friendship between our realms once again.
I suppose because of the bitterness that existed between our realms, we have always been very cautious of raising relations too quickly. But old hostilities have become old, I really don't think Fontan and Perdan have any reason for animosity between one another anymore. I would support you fully if you wanted to reopen the possibility of a union between our people and strengthen our growing friendship.
I really hope Gregor's situation is improving, I will admit I have wanted to visit with him and check for myself. However, I won't believe my friend Lucian was responsible for his condition, Phantom was surely not working for Itorunt. I have questioned the other Itorunt infiltrators, whom I have worked closely with before, since I was enraged that the Chancellor was attacked. They have verified that Phantom reported that he simply felt the urge to attack of his own accord.
Anyway, if there is any extra information you need, don't hesitate to let me know,
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Letter from Nightmare (6 days, 10 hours ago)
Evangeline spoke highly of you and in an impressive good way about Fontan in general. She was not only our Queen, who knows the diplomatic behavior of all realms, not only my advisor, but also a very good and honest friend who I trust.
I think it is time that we leave the past behind us and we start looking at each other with a friendly attitude, and mean it through our actions (and not only our words). Fontan has made steps towards that direction, by supplying food to Perdan.
I would like to take a step towards this direction too.
I propose a deal. We both know that one of the reasons why military operations are locked in both realms is the fear that when one realm starts operations at a place, the other realm might come and catch the other unguarded, and attack them getting advantage of the situation.
I say that we make an agreement to avoid this. I am ready to sign an agreement that will state that both Fontan and Perdan won't get advantage of such a situation. i.e. We won't try to get advantage of a situation where you will be uncovered, and I expect the same from you too.
I also trust that both our realms won't go to attack any realm that is truly military inferior (in size), and will have the honour and the courage to pick a worthy, strong and capable opponent.
I am ready to talk towards that area, and find ways that we can act without the fear of past relations hunting us.
ooc: I am bored having to fight Fontan so soon again, sometimes i feel like we are the only realms in EC, and we fight because we have noone else to fight :)
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (6 days, 8 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Lady Evangeline for both your faith and trust in Fontan and myself.
I have reviewed your initial agreement and I think we can work from there. However barring any further details which both our sides have to work out together, I cannot officially promise you anything at this juncture as the agreement itself will have to be ratified by the realm since it may have certain implications that Fontan need to address based on our current relationship with our allies.
However, on a personal note, I would be honoured to finish what Lady Evangeline and Lord Gregor envisioned in the past thus completing the union of our two peoples.
On the subject of attacking much smaller realms, I can assure you as long as I am able to, I will ensure that Fontan will not start a first strike against any realm that is truly military inferior in size.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (6 days, 8 hours ago)
Thanks for the quick reply.
Have a nice day.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (5 days, 8 hours ago)
Message sent to: Nightmare
Greetings King Nightmare,
Regarding the agreement on our unguarded border, I thought through it and although my realm is somehow half split to form an alliance with yours, I am currently considering a verbal understanding from both realms about the non agreession would serve us better at this point. Kindly allow me to exaplain the details in general.
* Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.
* Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
* There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.
This is roughly what I have at the moment so you may want to see if it can be further expanded. Regarding the offical standing or the need for an official agreement, do highlight to me if there is a need for one.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
Regarding point 1, I don't have a problem adding Nascot into the treaty, which means the Nascot/Evora/Viseu border will be included too.
As for point 2, at this point in time, I don't see a need for it at the moment. If something of that nature does require such assistance, then Perdan or Fontan can discuss it further.
I am still pretty inexperience in all these agreement kind of things, perhaps you could asisst to draft out the formal copy of the agreement and we can seal it off as soon as possible.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Tal (6 days, 8 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (81 recipients)
I think that in that case we should upgrade our relations to Alliance, to show that we have this level of trust that doesn't require us to vigilantly guard our borders from the other.
And in so far as attacking militarily inferior realms, we might reply that so long as those inferior realms don't make any aggressive moves against us or our allies, we can guarantee noninterference.
Tal ConDoin
Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment
Report from Katsuyori (6 days, 8 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (22 recipients)
(OOC: The following is purely IC so don't go OOC.)
A messenger from Perdan has arrived, carrying a message from the newly crowned King Nightmare himself. In response to the goodwill we have shown to them, they are currently offering us a deal to end the locked military operations both realms have up till now.
The purpose of the deal is to ensure that Perdan and Fontan can pursue their own interest without fear of leaving our borders open for possible incursion by each other. In short, we agree not to take advantage of each other while they other is away so we can safely leave our Perdan/Fontan border unguarded if we find it necessary. However he didn't mention the right of passage granted by either realm to allow other realms to do that. That will have to be discovered in further discussions.
Aside from the deal, he also mentioned that he trust both our realms would not attack any realm that is truly military inferior (in size) and instead have the honour and courage to pick a worthy, strong and capable opponent (in his own words).
I have replied to him stating that I'm ready to listen to more details and have not promised anything concrete as I am unsure what exactly is included in the "deal" and our obligations towards it plus the implications it may cause based on our current relationship with our allies.
Thoughts and input on the matter is appreciated.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Abigail (6 days, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (22 recipients)
I concur with Tal. Perdan used to be our foe, but they've always been honest and worthy in all their dealings with us. I'd gladly welcome an alliance with them.
Abigail Captain
Marchioness of Negev
Roleplay from Mikhail (6 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients)
I personally wouldn't approve of an alliance with Perdan, even today their treachery against us in our war against Caligus is fresh in my mind, in their negotiations with Klaus they were incredibly deceitful and they did a great dishonour to our realm and to the memory of one of our finest Chancellors and their disgraceful intervention into our war with Caligus nearly cost us the very existence of our realm.
Perhaps times have changed, but the lessons of the past have taught me that Perdan is not worthy of Fontan's trust.
Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)
Roleplay from Rogal Dorn (5 days, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients)
I find myself in agreement with Sir Mikhail that an alliance with Perdan would not be in our best interest, though for very different reasons.
I am too young to experience the events Sir Mikhail described but from the tournaments that I have attended, I find that Perdanese nobles are distrustful of us, few had kind words for us. Perdanese nobles are still sour over the losses they suffered fighting us in the last war.
No doubt, relationship between our realms have improved since but it has not improved enough to warrant an alliance.
I say, have a truce with Perdan and let them prove that they are worthy of our trust - in goes both ways, it is also a time for us to gain their trust. A truce that will see peace, prosperity and security in our bordering regions!
A true alliance can only be forged when we can trust each other and put the pass behind us. We should not forge an alliance with Perdan simply because it is convenient or simply for security reasons - alliances can only be forged with trust - something that our realm lacks for each other.
Rogal Dorn Primarchs
Count of Greatbridge
Report from Katsuyori (5 days, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients)
Based on what is possibly going to break out in the south, I think at this juncture, it'll be better if we maintain the agreement without having any form of official alliance. I've replied to King Nightmare on the terms of the agreement as per below.
* Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.
* Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
* There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Tal (5 days, 17 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients)
I say, have a truce with Perdan and let them prove that they are worthy of our trust - in goes both ways, it is also a time for us to gain their trust. A truce that will see peace, prosperity and security in our bordering regions!
Thats the thing, if we make an alliance with them, i for one believe they will hold to it. If we just make a 'truce' it would be easier for them to find a way around it.
Tal ConDoin
Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment
Letter from Nightmare (5 days, 7 hours ago)
I am very happy to agree to such a deal.
My comments:
1. I would like to also add the Nascot region, as a locked region for battles.
2. I would also be ok to add another condition, so for you to be fully calm about your allies safety.
If an ally that Perdan/Fontan is having a war with, remains with only its capital and one rural region then the agreement is void, and Fontan/Perdan can help.
I do not press for No2, i just put it because i thought you would want it.
We have a mens agreement, when the formal copy of the agreement will be ready (will you prepare it or I?), it will be on paper too wit my signature. Till then you have my word.
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
Regarding point 1, I don't have a problem adding Nascot into the treaty, which means the Nascot/Evora/Viseu border will be included too.
As for point 2, at this point in time, I don't see a need for it at the moment. If something of that nature does require such assistance, then Perdan or Fontan can discuss it further.
I am still pretty inexperience in all these agreement kind of things, perhaps you could asisst to draft out the formal copy of the agreement and we can seal it off as soon as possible.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 23 hours ago)
I forgot to justify the reason why i think that a document should exist mentioning our agreement. Due to your political system, and the elections procedure every month, different leaders may arise to power that may have no agreement about our deal.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
Yes, I took that into consideration when I first wrote to you in the event you see a need for it to ensure both realms can keep their promises and a written document will be undisputable in any case.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 23 hours ago)
These are the final draft of the agreed terms between the Democracy of Fontan and the Kingdom of Perdan.
Unguarded Borders Agreement
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.
4. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
5. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
6. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Nascot and Evora and Viseu respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.
For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo
For Democracy of Fontan:
I have signed the document. Your signature will complete our agreement, and it will be ready to pass the ratification procedure by the Council of Fontan. When the agreement is ratified, it will be valid no matter the Chancellor or the King of our realms.
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
I went through the agreement, and I realized it didn't have any effective timing involved. May I suggest the following:-
7. Perdan and Fontan can void this agreement by giving 14 days notice in advance prior to the date this agreement is voided.
I think that would serve both our realms better in the event someone down the road decides to play around with the legalities and take advantage of this missing point.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
14 days is like not signing it.
What difference would it make me if i have a realm attacking me and in 14 days i have fontan also attacking me?
we need bigger reassurances.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
Perhaps something along the lines of the following?
7. This agreement will always be in effect and cannot be voided as long as both Fontan and Perdan are engaged in any wars within the last 14 days.
Would that be better?
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
It should be Perdan or Fontan, not and.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
I'd say we put a timeframe that this agreement is valid and after that it will need to be discussed within a week and decide if we will prolong it.
8. The above agreement is valid for 6 months. After the end of the agreement both realms will get in discussions and decide within a week if they will prolong the agreement.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
I'm fine with that. Perhaps the time frame for discussion should also be included inside like, "Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry." to ensure we have sufficient time for preparations otherwise one party may drag the other out.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
both fontan and perdan is not ok. because it could be that peradn or fontan end its war and that way based on that term it can attack.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
whatever term you prefer.
do you want me to send you a draft a i imagine it?
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings KIng Nightmare,
Please do. Thank you.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo
For Democracy of Fontan:
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo
For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda
I will submit this to the realm for ratification and once ratified on both sides, we'll add the date to the agreement.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
Thank you.
I will be expecting news from you when the agreement is ratified.
best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago)
I am waiting for the agreement to be ratified by the senate of perdan.
i will inform you when this happens.
Best Regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Report from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients)
The following is the finalized and signed version of the agreement with Perdan regarding the border treaty.
I will submit it for ratification from the realm and once ratified, the effective date will be added and it will be in effect.
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo
For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Request from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (78 recipients)
Greetings Nobles of Fontan,
A new agreement between Fontan and Perdan has been established and is currently up in the referendum for ratification. For the details please read the referendum. For why and how it became so, request to be part of the Assembly if you have spent over 30 days in realm and would like to be part of it.
Once ratified the agreement will take effect immediately with an effective date added into the agreement.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 17 hours ago)
One senate member of mine pointed out something very true.
We should make it clear that Perdan will not allow our allies to attack Fontan through the Bescanon/Nascot border, but we obviously cannot enforce not allowing our allies to attack them through the Evora/Viseu border. The inverse goes for Fontan, too, of course.
I will try to rephrase some terms that way so it is realistic.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 17 hours ago)
there are 3 possible wordings for term 2:
1. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border. (took the evora, viseu, nacot part off as it is unrealistically difficult to control movements in regions that you do not border)
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
3. Fontan and Perdan agree that they will not provide passage to any realm to attack.
we are discussing right now which sounds better.
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 17 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
I prefer option 2 as attempts to uphold the spirit as a whole. How one control their allies/federated allies can also be by choice. Or if they can't control their allies, they can choose to dissolve the alliance while still maintaining the spirit of the agreement.
For realistic purposes option 1 serves its purpose since the other border is not really in control of Perdan or Fontan. Option 3, I feel is way too generalized and may give wrong ideas to other realms who happen to come across it.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 11 hours ago)
Greetings Chancellor,
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
I did put your selection for the term 2.
I believe that in the next few hrs the agreement will get ratified by Perdan Senate.
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Lorrie Furion (4 days, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)
Well, I will state that having a NAP with Perdan is likely advantageous to both sides, and could enhance further friendly dealings with Perdan. The UBA will cut our hostile borders by half. Perdan won't be allowing raiding parties through their lands. We can maximise our forces for the eventual attack down south, with no worries to look at our western borders with Perdan. Meaning either our rebellious brethen or those allies who have harbored assassins amongst them.
That is if we are not looking west of course, and since our north and east are allies, we shouldnt have any problems.
Lorrie Furion Archbane (Knight of Commonyr)
Report from Katsuyori (4 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)
A little amendment on point 2 of the UBA as per below. It basically makes it much more explicit so both sides are very clear of its contents.
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 20 hours ago)
Greetings Chancellor,
I am happy to announce to you that the treaty as we agreed, was ratified by the Perdan Senate.
When your senate/council ratifies the treaty send me the copy with the date on it.
Best regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 20 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
The referendum to ratify the UBA is already running and will complete 2 days from now. Once ratified it I will send you the ratified copy with the date.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 20 hours ago)
Thank you.
What are your predictions? Will it get ratified?
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Basilius (3 days, 16 hours ago)
Might I suggest the following ammendment:
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
Changes: This should apply to any forces that are hostile passing through the others realm. The way it is worded now, a realm at peace with Perdan that is at war with Fontan could still pass through the said borders.
Basilius Decimus
Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Morshes, Marshal of the 1st Expeditionary Army
Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
The general feeling towards this agreement is positive so far. I believe it will be ratified then the sun rises tomorrow.
One of my council members pointed out to me that point 2 of the agreement doesn't involve any realms currently at peace. Do you think it'll be necessary to include it?
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 7 hours ago)
ok, include it. (not that it does a great difference, but why not?)
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago)
(Personal message to Nightmare)
Greetings King Nightmare,
I'll amend mine from my side so you don't need to send another copy over.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 7 hours ago)
Chancellor Katsuyori,
Great, thanks.
Best Regards,
Sir Nightmare Aroo
King of Perdan
Report from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (78 recipients)
A further amendment to remove a loophole on peace related realms, thanks to Minister Basilius for pointing it out. Perdan is aware and have amended accordingly. The UBA have also been ratified by the Royal Senate of Perdan.
Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)
1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies or realms at peace with Perdan or Fontan using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated, allied or realms at peace with Perdan to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan will not give passage to federated, allied or realm at peace with Fontan to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Mikhail (3 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
With the possibility of conflict between Perdan and Ibladesh, I think it would be unwise to sign any agreement that ties our hand behind our back with Perdan and I feel that it aids them far more than it aids us.
I admit that I am mostly ignorant to other lords feelings about Ibladesh, but the Ibladesh I knew under Lady Sorcha was always kind and gracious to Fontan and I would rather lend a helping hand to them against Perdan any day than indirectly help Perdan in a conflict against Ibladesh by giving them assurances and helping them secure their flank so that they may wage war without reservation. I feel not only does it aid Perdan, but it also impedes the strategic options not only of Fontan but of her friends and allies.
Maybe I am alone in my reservations on this UBA, but I would greatly appreciate the counsel of my friends on this assembly on this matter.
Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)
Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 5 hours ago)
(Personal message to Evangeline)
Greetings Lady Evangeline,
Apologize for not contacting you earlier as I am mostly tied up with all the diplomatic dealings lately.
I would like to thank you for your trust and faith you have in Fontan and myself and as you are aware, the UBA, I hope will be a first step towards the union that wasn't fulfilled in the past.
Also I would like to take this opportunity to apologize that I am not able to do more to further improve the relationship between Perdan and Fontan at this point in time, as a portion of the nobles in Fontan are still very skeptical of this agreement.
In any case, it was a pleasure working with you and I hope to meet you in person in future when situation allows.
Katsuyori Takeda
Chancellor of Fontan
Letter from Evangeline (3 days, 4 hours ago)
Chancellor Katsuyori,
I feel very privileged that you find the time to write to me. My King keeps me informed of your dealings, so you don't have to keep me updated, although I do enjoy your personal letters.
The road to friendship can be long, and small steps are the way to go. As I said to Gregor, the scariest thing of change is usually the transitional time in between, like jumping between cliff tops. I am happy with the UBA, and as Lady of Bescanon you have my word that it will be adhered to with every breath I take.
I hope Gregor's condition has improved?
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Shadow Knights
Letter from Rogal Dorn (3 days, 4 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
Sir Mikhail,
I think Perdan and Ibladesh has gone beyond possible conflict. Times have change and Lady Sorcha is no longer the head of state in Ibladesh - even if she were, I do not know her or the things they did in the pass except from history books.
As for the UBA, I am in favor of it because once that agreement is in effect, Fontan would have rid herself of the last hostile border, less militias means more gold for the people or Troyes. So we do benefit, maybe not as much as Perdan as you see but regardless we did gain something.
I am against the act of backstabbing anyone or help anyone backstab someone. I was the first to leave the Negev/An-Najaf blockade when we were starving the peasants in Fontan City because it was not a chivalric act. I was the first to bring siege engines to Fontan City and second to scale the walls when we were up against the heavily fortified stronghold of LoF. Point, always count on me to fight honorable battles (however stupid and impossible that battle is) and always do not count on me to commit cowardly acts of dishonor (however advantageous that battle is).
Rogal Dorn Primarchs
Count of Greatbridge
Letter from Mikhail (3 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
Lord Rogal Dorn,
I thank you for your counsel and I appreciate you giving another view on this matter. Personally I do not feel that abandoning the negotiations for UBA or as far as supporting Ibladesh would amount to a backstabbing, but something that is in our long term interest. As you have stated, Perdan gains more from this agreement than we do and I feel that by signing such an agreement we would only be indirectly aiding Perdan in a conflict against Ibladesh, which I do feel the consequences of such an agreement would constitute a dishonourable action on our part.
Once again I profess that I am not an expert on the current geo-political situation as it has been a long time since I had experience in such matters, but I see that a resurgent Perdan who may wage a successful campaign against Ibladesh would be far more threatening to our long term interests on this continent than LoF would ever be. If this statement has any sort of truth to it, then I do not see how any benefit of security we may gain from this outweighs the benefits that Perdan may realize from it down the track if it is able to put more of its military strength into offense than defence because of us.
Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)
Letter from Rogal Dorn (3 days, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
Sir Mikhail,
Thank you too for sharing your thoughts. Actually, I am under the impression that Ibladesh is one of the wealthiest realm on EC - on par with Fontan. The city of Ibladesh itself is a magnificent sight to behold. They are in every way a match for Perdan - I mean they cant outright lose.
I never thought that Ibladesh could lose to Perdan in an extended war. Let us not forget their federated allies Itorunt and Yssaria. If their federation holds true, I think Perdan is in for a rough journey. Yssaria could attack from the East while Itorunt can reinforce Ibladesh from the South.
Once the borders are secured, we can also concentrate on forming NC.
Rogal Dorn Primarchs
Count of Greatbridge
Letter from Mikhail (3 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
Lord Rogal Dorn,
I thank you for your prompt reply and hopefully what will be a most engaging discussion.
I agree with your points that Ibladesh is a strong realm and that it has strong allies. However this does not mean that Perdan would lose in a conflict because they are from a weaker position, in my time on this continent I have seen Fontan come from similar positions before to be victorious against in many ways statistically stronger enemies because of the quality of its men and their fighting ability. One thing my time here has taught me is that statistics alone never fully determine a course of a war.
I guess my next point of argument would be that even though the odds seemed stacked against them why make it any easier for Perdan to succeed? many things can change in 6 months that is for sure and I feel that by signing this agreement we would only make it easier for them to be able to fight against Ibladesh and her allies. There is the argument of aiding in the formation of New Coimbra and if this did become our priority considering that if Ibladesh and Perdan do go to war New Coimbra would not be at great risk because Perdan would be far too engaged in battle to be able to divert some of its forces to wage territorial expansion our way.
I have always believed that we should not limit ourselves and our strategic options by treaty ever unless it is absolutely necessary, that is if only the very life of fair Fontan is in jeopardy. Taking into consideration the positives and negatives, I do not believe that there is strong enough reason to sign such an agreement and limit our strategic options for an entire 6 month period.
Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)
Letter from Rogal Dorn (2 days, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
Sir Mikhail,
From historic records, in the previous war, Ibladesh dealt privately with Perdan, acquire some regions and left Fontan to dry by pulling out. They had their chance to deal with Perdan - with our fullest support. They were bribed (or they blackmail Perdan I am not sure) and today they are facing the very consequences of their pass deeds.
The only thing that stood against Perdan was the Lions under the leadership of Duke Sulliven, the than Minister of Defense Lord Teshup resigned in disgust. Some one even made a comment about Ibladesh back than I think - unfortunately the historian failed to mention the name of the speaker, "With allies like these, who need enemies."
If they lose as a richer realm with more allies, I would not feel sorry for them. Maybe than, Perdan and Fontan could settle the argument of who is stronger in a one to one battle. I honestly look forward to that day. Alas, the last point make no sense politically, only a warrior's desire.
Still not as brave as Lord Sulliven who constantly look for Daimons to battle in EC though but I am trying to get there.
Rogal Dorn Primarchs
Count of Greatbridge
Letter from Helos (2 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients)
I say we support Perdan and the Treaty. Use this to our advantage. We have been trying to cause a weaking of the southern federation and this could be it. This will also keep us from being the "front line" in a war between the north and the south if we support Perdan.
Helos Helron (Knight of Westmoor)
Referendum Results (2 days, 4 hours ago)
The referendum "Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)" has ended. Here is the final tally:
* 30 votes for yes
* 13 votes for no
* 2 abstentions
* 21 votes were not cast
The winning choice therefore is yes, with 30 votes. A simple majority was required, i.e. 1 votes.

Revision as of 02:55, 3 November 2007

Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

  1. The UBA is effective from October 30, 2007 until April 30, 2008 between the Kingdom of Perdan and Democracy of Fontan.
  2. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.
  3. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies or realms at peace with Perdan or Fontan using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated, allied or realms at peace with Perdan to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan will not give passage to federated, allied or realm at peace with Fontan to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.
  4. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.
  5. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry which is April 17, 2008.


For Kingdom of Perdan: King Nightmare Aroo

For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda

UBA Events


As mentioned earlier, below are all the correspondences that occurred between me and Perdan from the start that led to the UBA and I have also included all

opinions that the members of this assembly contributed during these events. order is from oldest to latest.

Request from Katsuyori (17 days, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients) Greetings Rulers,

First of all, I will introduce myself as I'm sure most of you have not heard of me before. I am the newly elected Chancellor of Fontan to represent Fontan here after our previous Chancellor Gregor is reported to be unresponsive due to unknown reasons.

As Lord Gregor is currently still in Itorunt lands, and his convoy are in the process of bringing him back into Fontanese lands, I humbly request no harm comes to his convoy and his safe passage is assured. That being said, Fontan's armies will not march out to meet up with the convoy and I would require your assistance in the matter.

Your cooperation and understanding in this matter is very much appreciated.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (17 days, 11 hours ago) Gregor will be safe if he comes through Perdan. Do you know which way he will be returning? I am considering on sending an escort for him.

And congratulations on your election. =)

Lady Evangeline Uceek Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Letter from Katsuyori (17 days, 10 hours ago) (Personal message to Evangeline) Greeting Queen Evangeline,

The last reports that the messengers brought back mention that they were heading to Al Arab. We do not have any idea where his convoy will be passing through at the moment from there on.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (17 days, 9 hours ago) Thankyou Chancellor Katsuyori, I will keep an eye out for him then.

On a private note, if its not too much trouble, could you please let me know if his condition improves or worsens.

Lady Evangeline Uceek Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Letter from Katsuyori (17 days, 2 hours ago) (Personal message to Evangeline) Greetings Queen Evangeline,

Will keep you updated once we get any news from the convoy.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Katsuyori (15 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to: Evangeline Greetings Queen Evangeline,

Just some little update on the situation. We still have not hear from the convoy, but news of the convoy sighted in Al Arab reached our lands as the city was besieged by some rogue forces this morning.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (15 days, 22 hours ago) Thankyou Chancellor Katsuyori... I have seen the convoy in Al Arab also. Its quite frustrating that his servants aren't more attentive as to informing you of his condition.

I have to admit, I have heard some rumours in the south that suggest he might be faking the illness. I can't help but hope it might be true, but if he is I will want to stab him myself for causing all this worry. ;)

Thankyou again for keeping me informed, I do appreciate it.

Lady Evangeline Uceek Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Ruler stepped down (8 days, 5 hours ago) Evangeline has stepped down from her position as ruler of Perdan. She has given the following reason: It takes more honour and courage to not jealously guard your privileges and powers, but to share them and to allow other people the experience and privilege of responsibility. After 8 years as Queen of Perdan, it is someone else's turn.

Letter from Katsuyori (8 days, 5 hours ago) (Personal message to Evangeline) Greetings Lady Evangeline,

Although we have not worked together for a very long time, I do enjoy my time while working with you and I wish you best of luck in your future undertakings.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (8 days, 5 hours ago) Thankyou very much Chancellor Katsuyori, I appreciate your kind words. It would have been nice if we had gotten to know each other better. Every Fontan Chancellor during my time of rulership have been the absolute pillar of respect, I appreciate the diversity of Fontan and its wonderful strengths as the only true democracy.

I have had some word directly from Gregor, but I believe my infiltrator that has been watching him has started to annoy Pontifex Barzelli. Hah, but what can you do? Infiltrators, wonderfully loyal yet wonderfully cheeky also.

Lady Evangeline Uceek Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients) Greetings

I see lot of familiar faces. I hope we will have interesting discussions.

Please do not hesitate to pass from Perdan City if you are nearby. Ale is very good, and we can accompany it with a good discussion about politics.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients) I know that you normally would prefer the beautiful Evangeline than my ugly old face, and i apologize for it :)

At least i did let you to enjoy and appreciate Queen Evangeline's beauty for a whole year.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Nightmare (7 days, 7 hours ago) Greetings Chancellor Katsuyori

First of all, congratulations on your election, it is not easy to get elected in a democracy and especially in a traditionally strong on like Fontan with so many old famous members.

I write to you to thank you as I did lady Lilith, for the food Fontan sells to Perdan in good prices.

I look forward in good relations between our realms, and wish you to enjoy your rulership.

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (7 days, 6 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

Thank you. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your election to lead Perdan.

I only managed to work for a short while with Queen Evangeline in the past and I hope we can work together more in time to come.

For the food, we would also like to thank you for being a loyal customer to bolster Fontan's economy.

And I'm sure while I will not be able to enjoy and appreciate Queen Evangeline's beauty, I would be able to appreciate your wisdom and knowledge.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Katsuyori (7 days ago) (Personal message to Evangeline) Greetings Lady Evangeline,

I hope all is well for you so far. I would also like to thank you for the update on the situation regarding Lord Gregor. We should be able to be in contact with him soon I hope.

On another note, while going through some archive records left by the previous administrators serving Lord Gregor during his chancellorship there were some records mentioning of a union between our two peoples during your last visit to Krimml after the war.

Out of curiosity, I tried to ask around mainly the servants who were still around during your last visit in Krimml, but could only get bits and pieces, nothing concrete. Perhaps you may be able to enlighten me further. Do not worry if you can't, I'm just curious that's all.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (6 days, 23 hours ago) Chancellor Katsuyori,

It is a pleasure to hear from you again.

Gregor and I did have desires to end the hostilities between our realms and bring them gradually closer in friendship. The union we planned however was never followed through with, I'm not sure exactly why it didn't happen.

When Lady Lilith raised relations with Caligus, we had some discussion on perhaps improving the friendship between our realms once again.

I suppose because of the bitterness that existed between our realms, we have always been very cautious of raising relations too quickly. But old hostilities have become old, I really don't think Fontan and Perdan have any reason for animosity between one another anymore. I would support you fully if you wanted to reopen the possibility of a union between our people and strengthen our growing friendship.

I really hope Gregor's situation is improving, I will admit I have wanted to visit with him and check for myself. However, I won't believe my friend Lucian was responsible for his condition, Phantom was surely not working for Itorunt. I have questioned the other Itorunt infiltrators, whom I have worked closely with before, since I was enraged that the Chancellor was attacked. They have verified that Phantom reported that he simply felt the urge to attack of his own accord.

Anyway, if there is any extra information you need, don't hesitate to let me know,

Lady Evangeline Uceek Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Letter from Nightmare (6 days, 10 hours ago) Chancellor

Evangeline spoke highly of you and in an impressive good way about Fontan in general. She was not only our Queen, who knows the diplomatic behavior of all realms, not only my advisor, but also a very good and honest friend who I trust.

I think it is time that we leave the past behind us and we start looking at each other with a friendly attitude, and mean it through our actions (and not only our words). Fontan has made steps towards that direction, by supplying food to Perdan.

I would like to take a step towards this direction too.

I propose a deal. We both know that one of the reasons why military operations are locked in both realms is the fear that when one realm starts operations at a place, the other realm might come and catch the other unguarded, and attack them getting advantage of the situation.

I say that we make an agreement to avoid this. I am ready to sign an agreement that will state that both Fontan and Perdan won't get advantage of such a situation. i.e. We won't try to get advantage of a situation where you will be uncovered, and I expect the same from you too.

I also trust that both our realms won't go to attack any realm that is truly military inferior (in size), and will have the honour and the courage to pick a worthy, strong and capable opponent.

I am ready to talk towards that area, and find ways that we can act without the fear of past relations hunting us.

ooc: I am bored having to fight Fontan so soon again, sometimes i feel like we are the only realms in EC, and we fight because we have noone else to fight :)

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (6 days, 8 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Lady Evangeline for both your faith and trust in Fontan and myself.

I have reviewed your initial agreement and I think we can work from there. However barring any further details which both our sides have to work out together, I cannot officially promise you anything at this juncture as the agreement itself will have to be ratified by the realm since it may have certain implications that Fontan need to address based on our current relationship with our allies.

However, on a personal note, I would be honoured to finish what Lady Evangeline and Lord Gregor envisioned in the past thus completing the union of our two peoples.

On the subject of attacking much smaller realms, I can assure you as long as I am able to, I will ensure that Fontan will not start a first strike against any realm that is truly military inferior in size.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (6 days, 8 hours ago) Chancellor

Thanks for the quick reply. Have a nice day.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (5 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to: Nightmare Greetings King Nightmare,

Regarding the agreement on our unguarded border, I thought through it and although my realm is somehow half split to form an alliance with yours, I am currently considering a verbal understanding from both realms about the non agreession would serve us better at this point. Kindly allow me to exaplain the details in general.

  • Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.
  • Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
  • There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.

This is roughly what I have at the moment so you may want to see if it can be further expanded. Regarding the offical standing or the need for an official agreement, do highlight to me if there is a need for one.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

Regarding point 1, I don't have a problem adding Nascot into the treaty, which means the Nascot/Evora/Viseu border will be included too.

As for point 2, at this point in time, I don't see a need for it at the moment. If something of that nature does require such assistance, then Perdan or Fontan can discuss it further.

I am still pretty inexperience in all these agreement kind of things, perhaps you could asisst to draft out the formal copy of the agreement and we can seal it off as soon as possible.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Tal (6 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (81 recipients) I think that in that case we should upgrade our relations to Alliance, to show that we have this level of trust that doesn't require us to vigilantly guard our borders from the other.

And in so far as attacking militarily inferior realms, we might reply that so long as those inferior realms don't make any aggressive moves against us or our allies, we can guarantee noninterference.

Tal ConDoin Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment

Report from Katsuyori (6 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (22 recipients) (OOC: The following is purely IC so don't go OOC.)


A messenger from Perdan has arrived, carrying a message from the newly crowned King Nightmare himself. In response to the goodwill we have shown to them, they are currently offering us a deal to end the locked military operations both realms have up till now.

The purpose of the deal is to ensure that Perdan and Fontan can pursue their own interest without fear of leaving our borders open for possible incursion by each other. In short, we agree not to take advantage of each other while they other is away so we can safely leave our Perdan/Fontan border unguarded if we find it necessary. However he didn't mention the right of passage granted by either realm to allow other realms to do that. That will have to be discovered in further discussions.

Aside from the deal, he also mentioned that he trust both our realms would not attack any realm that is truly military inferior (in size) and instead have the honour and courage to pick a worthy, strong and capable opponent (in his own words).

I have replied to him stating that I'm ready to listen to more details and have not promised anything concrete as I am unsure what exactly is included in the "deal" and our obligations towards it plus the implications it may cause based on our current relationship with our allies.

Thoughts and input on the matter is appreciated.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Abigail (6 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (22 recipients) I concur with Tal. Perdan used to be our foe, but they've always been honest and worthy in all their dealings with us. I'd gladly welcome an alliance with them.

Abigail Captain Marchioness of Negev

Roleplay from Mikhail (6 days ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients) I personally wouldn't approve of an alliance with Perdan, even today their treachery against us in our war against Caligus is fresh in my mind, in their negotiations with Klaus they were incredibly deceitful and they did a great dishonour to our realm and to the memory of one of our finest Chancellors and their disgraceful intervention into our war with Caligus nearly cost us the very existence of our realm.

Perhaps times have changed, but the lessons of the past have taught me that Perdan is not worthy of Fontan's trust.


Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)

Roleplay from Rogal Dorn (5 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients) I find myself in agreement with Sir Mikhail that an alliance with Perdan would not be in our best interest, though for very different reasons.

I am too young to experience the events Sir Mikhail described but from the tournaments that I have attended, I find that Perdanese nobles are distrustful of us, few had kind words for us. Perdanese nobles are still sour over the losses they suffered fighting us in the last war.

No doubt, relationship between our realms have improved since but it has not improved enough to warrant an alliance.

I say, have a truce with Perdan and let them prove that they are worthy of our trust - in goes both ways, it is also a time for us to gain their trust. A truce that will see peace, prosperity and security in our bordering regions!

A true alliance can only be forged when we can trust each other and put the pass behind us. We should not forge an alliance with Perdan simply because it is convenient or simply for security reasons - alliances can only be forged with trust - something that our realm lacks for each other.

Rogal Dorn Primarchs Count of Greatbridge

Report from Katsuyori (5 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients) Greetings,

Based on what is possibly going to break out in the south, I think at this juncture, it'll be better if we maintain the agreement without having any form of official alliance. I've replied to King Nightmare on the terms of the agreement as per below.

  • Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.
  • Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.
  • There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Tal (5 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients) I say, have a truce with Perdan and let them prove that they are worthy of our trust - in goes both ways, it is also a time for us to gain their trust. A truce that will see peace, prosperity and security in our bordering regions!

Thats the thing, if we make an alliance with them, i for one believe they will hold to it. If we just make a 'truce' it would be easier for them to find a way around it.

Tal ConDoin Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment

Letter from Nightmare (5 days, 7 hours ago) Chancellor

I am very happy to agree to such a deal.

My comments:

1. I would like to also add the Nascot region, as a locked region for battles.

2. I would also be ok to add another condition, so for you to be fully calm about your allies safety.

If an ally that Perdan/Fontan is having a war with, remains with only its capital and one rural region then the agreement is void, and Fontan/Perdan can help.

I do not press for No2, i just put it because i thought you would want it.

We have a mens agreement, when the formal copy of the agreement will be ready (will you prepare it or I?), it will be on paper too wit my signature. Till then you have my word.

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

Regarding point 1, I don't have a problem adding Nascot into the treaty, which means the Nascot/Evora/Viseu border will be included too.

As for point 2, at this point in time, I don't see a need for it at the moment. If something of that nature does require such assistance, then Perdan or Fontan can discuss it further.

I am still pretty inexperience in all these agreement kind of things, perhaps you could asisst to draft out the formal copy of the agreement and we can seal it off as soon as possible.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 23 hours ago) Chancellor

I forgot to justify the reason why i think that a document should exist mentioning our agreement. Due to your political system, and the elections procedure every month, different leaders may arise to power that may have no agreement about our deal.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 23 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

Yes, I took that into consideration when I first wrote to you in the event you see a need for it to ensure both realms can keep their promises and a written document will be undisputable in any case.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 23 hours ago) Chancellor,

These are the final draft of the agreed terms between the Democracy of Fontan and the Kingdom of Perdan.

Unguarded Borders Agreement

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border.

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon and Troyes respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.

4. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

5. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.

6. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Nascot and Evora and Viseu respectively as this is an agreement of trust and faith.


For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo

For Democracy of Fontan:

I have signed the document. Your signature will complete our agreement, and it will be ready to pass the ratification procedure by the Council of Fontan. When the agreement is ratified, it will be valid no matter the Chancellor or the King of our realms.

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

I went through the agreement, and I realized it didn't have any effective timing involved. May I suggest the following:-

7. Perdan and Fontan can void this agreement by giving 14 days notice in advance prior to the date this agreement is voided.

I think that would serve both our realms better in the event someone down the road decides to play around with the legalities and take advantage of this missing point.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) 14 days is like not signing it. What difference would it make me if i have a realm attacking me and in 14 days i have fontan also attacking me?

we need bigger reassurances.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

Perhaps something along the lines of the following?

7. This agreement will always be in effect and cannot be voided as long as both Fontan and Perdan are engaged in any wars within the last 14 days.

Would that be better?


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

It should be Perdan or Fontan, not and.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) I'd say we put a timeframe that this agreement is valid and after that it will need to be discussed within a week and decide if we will prolong it.


8. The above agreement is valid for 6 months. After the end of the agreement both realms will get in discussions and decide within a week if they will prolong the agreement.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

I'm fine with that. Perhaps the time frame for discussion should also be included inside like, "Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry." to ensure we have sufficient time for preparations otherwise one party may drag the other out.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) both fontan and perdan is not ok. because it could be that peradn or fontan end its war and that way based on that term it can attack.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) whatever term you prefer.

do you want me to send you a draft a i imagine it?

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings KIng Nightmare,

Please do. Thank you.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.


For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo

For Democracy of Fontan:

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.


For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo

For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda

I will submit this to the realm for ratification and once ratified on both sides, we'll add the date to the agreement.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) Chancellor

Thank you. I will be expecting news from you when the agreement is ratified.

best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 22 hours ago) Chancellor

I am waiting for the agreement to be ratified by the senate of perdan. i will inform you when this happens.

Best Regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Report from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (23 recipients) Greetings,

The following is the finalized and signed version of the agreement with Perdan regarding the border treaty.

I will submit it for ratification from the realm and once ratified, the effective date will be added and it will be in effect.


Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescannon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border, or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu, that may directly/indirectly cause harm to either realm.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescannon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement have to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.


For Perdan Kingdom: King Nightmare Aroo

For Democracy of Fontan: Chancellor Katsuyori Takeda

Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Request from Katsuyori (4 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (78 recipients) Greetings Nobles of Fontan,

A new agreement between Fontan and Perdan has been established and is currently up in the referendum for ratification. For the details please read the referendum. For why and how it became so, request to be part of the Assembly if you have spent over 30 days in realm and would like to be part of it.

Once ratified the agreement will take effect immediately with an effective date added into the agreement.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 17 hours ago) One senate member of mine pointed out something very true. We should make it clear that Perdan will not allow our allies to attack Fontan through the Bescanon/Nascot border, but we obviously cannot enforce not allowing our allies to attack them through the Evora/Viseu border. The inverse goes for Fontan, too, of course.

I will try to rephrase some terms that way so it is realistic.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 17 hours ago) there are 3 possible wordings for term 2:

1. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border. (took the evora, viseu, nacot part off as it is unrealistically difficult to control movements in regions that you do not border)

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescannon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.

3. Fontan and Perdan agree that they will not provide passage to any realm to attack.

we are discussing right now which sounds better.

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (4 days, 17 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

I prefer option 2 as attempts to uphold the spirit as a whole. How one control their allies/federated allies can also be by choice. Or if they can't control their allies, they can choose to dissolve the alliance while still maintaining the spirit of the agreement.

For realistic purposes option 1 serves its purpose since the other border is not really in control of Perdan or Fontan. Option 3, I feel is way too generalized and may give wrong ideas to other realms who happen to come across it.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (4 days, 11 hours ago) Greetings Chancellor,

Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.

I did put your selection for the term 2. I believe that in the next few hrs the agreement will get ratified by Perdan Senate.

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Lorrie Furion (4 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients) Well, I will state that having a NAP with Perdan is likely advantageous to both sides, and could enhance further friendly dealings with Perdan. The UBA will cut our hostile borders by half. Perdan won't be allowing raiding parties through their lands. We can maximise our forces for the eventual attack down south, with no worries to look at our western borders with Perdan. Meaning either our rebellious brethen or those allies who have harbored assassins amongst them.

That is if we are not looking west of course, and since our north and east are allies, we shouldnt have any problems.

Lorrie Furion Archbane (Knight of Commonyr)

Report from Katsuyori (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients) A little amendment on point 2 of the UBA as per below. It basically makes it much more explicit so both sides are very clear of its contents.

Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.

Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 20 hours ago) Greetings Chancellor,

I am happy to announce to you that the treaty as we agreed, was ratified by the Perdan Senate.

When your senate/council ratifies the treaty send me the copy with the date on it.

Best regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 20 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

The referendum to ratify the UBA is already running and will complete 2 days from now. Once ratified it I will send you the ratified copy with the date.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 20 hours ago) Thank you.

What are your predictions? Will it get ratified?

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Basilius (3 days, 16 hours ago)


Might I suggest the following ammendment:

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan won't give passage to federated or allied realms to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.

Changes: This should apply to any forces that are hostile passing through the others realm. The way it is worded now, a realm at peace with Perdan that is at war with Fontan could still pass through the said borders.

Basilius Decimus Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Morshes, Marshal of the 1st Expeditionary Army

Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

The general feeling towards this agreement is positive so far. I believe it will be ratified then the sun rises tomorrow.

One of my council members pointed out to me that point 2 of the agreement doesn't involve any realms currently at peace. Do you think it'll be necessary to include it?


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 7 hours ago) ok, include it. (not that it does a great difference, but why not?)

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago) (Personal message to Nightmare) Greetings King Nightmare,

I'll amend mine from my side so you don't need to send another copy over.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Nightmare (3 days, 7 hours ago) Chancellor Katsuyori,

Great, thanks.

Best Regards,

Sir Nightmare Aroo King of Perdan

Report from Katsuyori (3 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (78 recipients) Greetings,

A further amendment to remove a loophole on peace related realms, thanks to Minister Basilius for pointing it out. Perdan is aware and have amended accordingly. The UBA have also been ratified by the Royal Senate of Perdan.

Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)

1. Perdan and Fontan agree not to take any aggressive military actions against the other using the Bescanon/Troyes border, and/or the regions of Nascot, Evora and/or Viseu.

(Updated clause)2. Perdan and Fontan also agree not to allow any act of aggression performed by their allies/federated allies or realms at peace with Perdan or Fontan using Bescanon/Troyes border. In addition Perdan will not give passage to federated, allied or realms at peace with Perdan to attack Fontan via Nascot, and Fontan will not give passage to federated, allied or realm at peace with Fontan to attack Perdan via Evora or Viseu.

3. There is no limit to the number of troops Perdan and Fontan decides to station in Bescanon, Nascot and Troyes, Evora and Viseu respectively.

4. The Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) is valid for 6 months. Renewal of the agreement has to be done 14 days prior to the agreement's expiry.

Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Mikhail (3 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Friends,

With the possibility of conflict between Perdan and Ibladesh, I think it would be unwise to sign any agreement that ties our hand behind our back with Perdan and I feel that it aids them far more than it aids us.

I admit that I am mostly ignorant to other lords feelings about Ibladesh, but the Ibladesh I knew under Lady Sorcha was always kind and gracious to Fontan and I would rather lend a helping hand to them against Perdan any day than indirectly help Perdan in a conflict against Ibladesh by giving them assurances and helping them secure their flank so that they may wage war without reservation. I feel not only does it aid Perdan, but it also impedes the strategic options not only of Fontan but of her friends and allies.

Maybe I am alone in my reservations on this UBA, but I would greatly appreciate the counsel of my friends on this assembly on this matter.


Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)

Letter from Katsuyori (3 days, 5 hours ago) (Personal message to Evangeline) Greetings Lady Evangeline,

Apologize for not contacting you earlier as I am mostly tied up with all the diplomatic dealings lately.

I would like to thank you for your trust and faith you have in Fontan and myself and as you are aware, the UBA, I hope will be a first step towards the union that wasn't fulfilled in the past.

Also I would like to take this opportunity to apologize that I am not able to do more to further improve the relationship between Perdan and Fontan at this point in time, as a portion of the nobles in Fontan are still very skeptical of this agreement.

In any case, it was a pleasure working with you and I hope to meet you in person in future when situation allows.


Katsuyori Takeda Chancellor of Fontan

Letter from Evangeline (3 days, 4 hours ago) Chancellor Katsuyori,

I feel very privileged that you find the time to write to me. My King keeps me informed of your dealings, so you don't have to keep me updated, although I do enjoy your personal letters.

The road to friendship can be long, and small steps are the way to go. As I said to Gregor, the scariest thing of change is usually the transitional time in between, like jumping between cliff tops. I am happy with the UBA, and as Lady of Bescanon you have my word that it will be adhered to with every breath I take.

I hope Gregor's condition has improved?


Lady Evangeline Uceek Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Letter from Rogal Dorn (3 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Sir Mikhail, I think Perdan and Ibladesh has gone beyond possible conflict. Times have change and Lady Sorcha is no longer the head of state in Ibladesh - even if she were, I do not know her or the things they did in the pass except from history books.

As for the UBA, I am in favor of it because once that agreement is in effect, Fontan would have rid herself of the last hostile border, less militias means more gold for the people or Troyes. So we do benefit, maybe not as much as Perdan as you see but regardless we did gain something.

I am against the act of backstabbing anyone or help anyone backstab someone. I was the first to leave the Negev/An-Najaf blockade when we were starving the peasants in Fontan City because it was not a chivalric act. I was the first to bring siege engines to Fontan City and second to scale the walls when we were up against the heavily fortified stronghold of LoF. Point, always count on me to fight honorable battles (however stupid and impossible that battle is) and always do not count on me to commit cowardly acts of dishonor (however advantageous that battle is).

Rogal Dorn Primarchs Count of Greatbridge

Letter from Mikhail (3 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Lord Rogal Dorn,

I thank you for your counsel and I appreciate you giving another view on this matter. Personally I do not feel that abandoning the negotiations for UBA or as far as supporting Ibladesh would amount to a backstabbing, but something that is in our long term interest. As you have stated, Perdan gains more from this agreement than we do and I feel that by signing such an agreement we would only be indirectly aiding Perdan in a conflict against Ibladesh, which I do feel the consequences of such an agreement would constitute a dishonourable action on our part.

Once again I profess that I am not an expert on the current geo-political situation as it has been a long time since I had experience in such matters, but I see that a resurgent Perdan who may wage a successful campaign against Ibladesh would be far more threatening to our long term interests on this continent than LoF would ever be. If this statement has any sort of truth to it, then I do not see how any benefit of security we may gain from this outweighs the benefits that Perdan may realize from it down the track if it is able to put more of its military strength into offense than defence because of us.


Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)

Letter from Rogal Dorn (3 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Sir Mikhail, Thank you too for sharing your thoughts. Actually, I am under the impression that Ibladesh is one of the wealthiest realm on EC - on par with Fontan. The city of Ibladesh itself is a magnificent sight to behold. They are in every way a match for Perdan - I mean they cant outright lose.

I never thought that Ibladesh could lose to Perdan in an extended war. Let us not forget their federated allies Itorunt and Yssaria. If their federation holds true, I think Perdan is in for a rough journey. Yssaria could attack from the East while Itorunt can reinforce Ibladesh from the South.

Once the borders are secured, we can also concentrate on forming NC.

Rogal Dorn Primarchs Count of Greatbridge

Letter from Mikhail (3 days ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Lord Rogal Dorn,

I thank you for your prompt reply and hopefully what will be a most engaging discussion.

I agree with your points that Ibladesh is a strong realm and that it has strong allies. However this does not mean that Perdan would lose in a conflict because they are from a weaker position, in my time on this continent I have seen Fontan come from similar positions before to be victorious against in many ways statistically stronger enemies because of the quality of its men and their fighting ability. One thing my time here has taught me is that statistics alone never fully determine a course of a war.

I guess my next point of argument would be that even though the odds seemed stacked against them why make it any easier for Perdan to succeed? many things can change in 6 months that is for sure and I feel that by signing this agreement we would only make it easier for them to be able to fight against Ibladesh and her allies. There is the argument of aiding in the formation of New Coimbra and if this did become our priority considering that if Ibladesh and Perdan do go to war New Coimbra would not be at great risk because Perdan would be far too engaged in battle to be able to divert some of its forces to wage territorial expansion our way.

I have always believed that we should not limit ourselves and our strategic options by treaty ever unless it is absolutely necessary, that is if only the very life of fair Fontan is in jeopardy. Taking into consideration the positives and negatives, I do not believe that there is strong enough reason to sign such an agreement and limit our strategic options for an entire 6 month period.


Mikhail Romanova (Knight of Morshes)

Letter from Rogal Dorn (2 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) Sir Mikhail, From historic records, in the previous war, Ibladesh dealt privately with Perdan, acquire some regions and left Fontan to dry by pulling out. They had their chance to deal with Perdan - with our fullest support. They were bribed (or they blackmail Perdan I am not sure) and today they are facing the very consequences of their pass deeds.

The only thing that stood against Perdan was the Lions under the leadership of Duke Sulliven, the than Minister of Defense Lord Teshup resigned in disgust. Some one even made a comment about Ibladesh back than I think - unfortunately the historian failed to mention the name of the speaker, "With allies like these, who need enemies."

If they lose as a richer realm with more allies, I would not feel sorry for them. Maybe than, Perdan and Fontan could settle the argument of who is stronger in a one to one battle. I honestly look forward to that day. Alas, the last point make no sense politically, only a warrior's desire.

Still not as brave as Lord Sulliven who constantly look for Daimons to battle in EC though but I am trying to get there.

Rogal Dorn Primarchs Count of Greatbridge

Letter from Helos (2 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Fontan Assembly" (25 recipients) I say we support Perdan and the Treaty. Use this to our advantage. We have been trying to cause a weaking of the southern federation and this could be it. This will also keep us from being the "front line" in a war between the north and the south if we support Perdan.

Helos Helron (Knight of Westmoor)

Referendum Results (2 days, 4 hours ago) The referendum "Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA)" has ended. Here is the final tally:

  • 30 votes for yes
  • 13 votes for no
  • 2 abstentions
  • 21 votes were not cast

The winning choice therefore is yes, with 30 votes. A simple majority was required, i.e. 1 votes.