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Revision as of 19:12, 18 October 2005

Previous: Chapter IV

Chapter V

“What is it like up there?  I heard so many wonderful things about the outside. The skies  they light up like autumn leaves. And the floor is covered in emerald-green threads that covers the world wherever you go. And the people who live there, it’s as if the world were to kiss your heart and make you feel warm inside Is it truly like that?”

Hades had seen earth before but he holds onto a memory as faint as his eye color.

Hephaestus was thinking of Ares and how he really was treated up on earth. He felt sorry for Hades.

“Oh, eh.. Earth? Awwe, it’s not all what you might think it to be.” Hephaestus realizes that he was living in the underworld all his life and somewhere, in that dark crummy place, he felt at home.

“Then what is it like? I must know”

Hephaestus thinks and quickly comes up with something to say. “Well It’s something completely unimaginable compared to your world It’s very hard to describe”

“Then I must see for my own eyes Somehow”

“What do you mean? You, the ruler of the underworld, could surely take a vacation for a short while. What’s the problem?”

“No Without a god to rule this place it will cease to exist and people would live forever.”

Hephaestus thinks briefly and says, “What if I guard the underworld while you are gone?”

Hades’ heart rises and then he asks, “But who would want to live in this wretched place? A man from earth couldn’t possibly find this his home.”

“Yes, I know. But everyone should have a chance to see my world.” Hephaestus frankly wanted to be as far away from Ares and the other gods as he could.

In a soft voice Hades speaks almost to himself. “Up there I could be with her Ok, I will let you rule the underworld for now.”

Hephaestus and Hades agree to let Hephaestus rule the underworld in exchange for Hades to see the world above. Hades for the first, real time experiences the world above him. The first thing Hades does is find Persephone. He arrives at the door of Persephone’s house and knocks on the door. Demeter answers the door and greets him with a cruel look upon her face.

“Hades Persephone is mine now! We had an agreement.” With that, Demeter slams the door in Hades’ face. Though he was rejected, Hades still snuck in the house to visit his lover.

Hermes is seen flying through the clouds. He reaches the kingdom of Zeus with vital information. He had seen Hephaestus on the other side of Styx while guiding a soul to the underworld and he found it his duty to tell Zeus. “Zeus I come bearing vital news!”

“What is it my messenger?”

“The man who cured you of your headache years past, the man who fits us with the best of armor, the man with-”

“What is it then??”

“Hephaestus is dead!”

“Is this another one of your tricks, Hermes?”

“No sir, I saw him on the other side of Styx.”

Zeus thinks for a moment. “I shall trust you my son. We must inform the rest of the gods about this.”

Zeus calls for a meeting. All but Demeter and Persephone go. He tells the gods what has happened to Hephaestus. Zeus decides, along with the rest of the gods, that they must get him back. Ares suggests in sympathy, “We must send our bravest heroes to go save him. Let us send Hercules.”

“No.” Says Hermes. “We can’t risk a mortal. I’ll go. I have been there countless times before”

Apollo intervenes, “I think I can solve this peacefully and risk free. Let me deal with this problem.”

All the other gods didn’t really want to deal with it themselves. After all, it was just Hephaestus and they would have rather liked to get on with their lives. So they agree to let Apollo deal with the problem. He was the only one who at least respected Hephaestus. To solve the problem, Apollo sent a pytheia to talk to mother earth for the answer. He did this to see if he could trust this pytheia. For the pytheia to meet mother earth, the pyteia had to build a temple to earth, off in the wilderness. Two weeks later the pytheia returns with a scepter. This scepter is used to bring the dead back to life. The pytheia spoke to Apollo, telling him the way to use it is to touch the dead body with the scepter and the soul would return. But to no avail, Apollo could not find the body so he waited.

Previous: Chapter VI