Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/April: Difference between revisions

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He turns, bowing. "Where the realm will lose a Pavus, I will ensure another comes, be it a cousin or a brother or family even more distant. The Pavus family owes fealty to you and this realm. Always." He walks away, back straight with his shoulders back.
He turns, bowing. "Where the realm will lose a Pavus, I will ensure another comes, be it a cousin or a brother or family even more distant. The Pavus family owes fealty to you and this realm. Always." He walks away, back straight with his shoulders back.
== 3rd April ==
=== Autumn Day -- [[Poryatu]] ===
==== Giovanni ====
Spitting out his broken teeth in Hvergelmir, Ranger Giovanni grins despite losing many of his teeths. His face has been hammered by monsters and undead so many times now that he gets used to it. Gripping his left hand on knife and his right hand on dagger, he looks like any seasoned adventurer seeking fame and glory. Noone know how much motivated he is or for what reason he fights on tenaciously against fate. Perhaps he is destined to die on unmarked grave. Perhaps he will be remember for who he is.
Panting as Ranger Giovanni makes another escape from close death in another monster hunt, he recollects his belongings. One more Book need to be collected and he would be able to hunt down even the strongest monsters on the lands.
Bandaging his left ear, he groans slightly in pain. There is a long slash of monster claw, his latest scar addition. After his left ear is bandaged, he turns to look at his left foot which is bleeding. He smiles slightly thinking of his Ranger badge as he bandages his left foot which is missing two fingers. He remembers well how he loses his foot fingers. He remembers telling the undead champion off whether the champion wants a piece of him, and this is what he gets.
Walking limply to the tavern, he ties up two smaller knives around both his ankles. These knives help him in many close fights, these are his close friends against the threat to the lands. He would use them before long.
Arriving at the tavern, he nods at the tavern keeper as he orders a mug of ale. Suddenly a sword is drawn against his back.
"Do not look back. Give me your money" a stranger speaks quietly enough for him to hear.
With a lightning reflex that betrays his current condition, Ranger Giovanni puts down his left hand knife and his right hand dagger on table. No sooner he withdraws his knives from his ankles, the would-be robber fall down and breaths his last. The tavern folk nods in respect of Giovanni swordsmanship skill, a few patrons bow their hats in appreciation and none dare to challenge him. He returns to his drinking.

Revision as of 11:06, 3 April 2018

1st April

Summer Evening -- Poryatu

Kaguya Fujiwara

"Twenty-five hours before we make landfall in Port Nebel, milady."

"Thank you, Alfreid."

With no further orders forthcoming, the captain-butler lingered a few moments on deck beside his liege. Normally there would be a multitude of minutae of keep Alfreid occupied as Kaguya and her retainers went about their duties within the Empire, but stuck aboard a ship on a days-long journey across the ocean... not so.

It made him slightly uncomfortable.

"The ocean is beautiful at this hour, is it not, Alfreid?"

"I suppose it is, milady."

"See, my captain, how the light of the waning sun casts such vibrant colours upon the waters. Feel the breeze on your face. Taste its salt-laden chill upon your lips as day recedes, and dusk draws near."

"Most poetic, milady."

Alfreid shifted imperceptibly, ever so slightly betraying his growing agitation.

"I was rather occupied at thought about our landing protocols, milady."

"Ah," Kaguya turned to face him, her serene countenance replaced with seriousness, though the twinkle in her eyes suggested some amusement. "Always about work."

The Fujiwara heiress gestured in the direction of the cabin, and the two made to return below-decks.

"So, my ever-comprehensive retainer, what do you propose that I shall wear when I am to present myself before the King of D'Hara?"

Alfreid knew that she was humoring him, but smiled slightly nonetheless as the conversation steered towards more familiar waters, at least where he was concerned.

"I was thinking something in blue, or perhaps indigo, milady. Colours that honour the royal arms of D'Hara will surely not go awry with our hosts."

"Very well."

The duo arrived outside Kaguya's accommodations.

"Twenty-five hours, did you say, Alfreid?"

"Approximately, milady."

"You shall bring me parchment and some ink. I must write to our honoured hosts in advance of my arrival."

"Of course, milady."

Dorian Pavus

For a moment, Dorian saw nothing. Nothing in his sight, vision shrouded. It was not the first time had this come to him. And just as quick as it came, it left his eyesight, or rather, lack thereof. He knew the signs, he had read about them. At the young age of 22, could he really allow himself to be subjected to his fate? Though, what choice did Dorian have? He had already tried everything - prayer, medicine, just outright waiting and hoping the situation would improve on its own. But it was not. It was becoming more frequent, lasting for longer. His eyes were becoming commonly red, the pain, the discomfort, the blurred vision. There was only one way this was going to end - blindness.

Aldrakar Renodin

Strolling around the University

Outside, standing vigil around the University grounds were the men of the Renodian Elite. Finely trimmed bushes lined the pathways and crisp looking trees dwarfed the men as either looked suspiciously a lot like the other. Straight backed, regal and unapproachable.

Within the University grounds itself walked Aldrakar. Inspecting the place, conversing with key staff members and generally making up his mind on how well the place had been planned out. So far, he was rather pleased and it showed. He moved about the place with a cheerful demeanor and wore a bright smile upon his lips.

An Audience

Followed by one of his most trusted servants, Dorian walks slowly out to find Emperor Renodin. "My Emperor," he bows. "I thank you for offering me time. Somewhere more private would be fitting. My quarters?" ~Dorian Pavus

Seeing the young man appear before him Aldrakar allowed his lips to form a welcoming smile. In response to the bow he pursed them a little and his hand started to rise in objection but only slightly and he never finished the gesture as Dorian had already finished the bow. "You have quarters at the University sir Dorian?" Aldrkar smirked. "No, that won't do. We're not flirtatious lovers and your, quarters, won't do." Speaking the words Aldrakar began to move away and towards one of the gazebo's offering views of the surrounding water. Passing under a large peach tree Aldrakar failed to glance back to see if Dorian actually followed and rather continued speaking. "What is it that is of such grave personal importance? That you'd have to speak to me in person."

As he had hoped the gazebo was abandoned by people but rich in shelter and privacy. Even without walls it stood far enough away that while they might be spotted by passers by, their words shouldn't be audible from that distance. Taking a seat, Aldrakar visibly relaxed and fixed his gaze on Dorian.

Dorian Pavus

Seeing the young man appear before him Aldrakar allowed his lips to form a welcoming smile. In response to the bow he pursed them a little and his hand started to rise in objection but only slightly and he never finished the gesture as Dorian had already finished the bow. "You have quarters at the University sir Dorian?" Aldrkar smirked. "No, that won't do. We're not flirtatious lovers and your, quarters, won't do." Speaking the words Aldrakar began to move away and towards one of the gazebo's offering views of the surrounding water. Passing under a large peach tree Aldrakar failed to glance back to see if Dorian actually followed and rather continued speaking. "What is it that is of such grave personal importance? That you'd have to speak to me in person."

As he had hoped the gazebo was abandoned by people but rich in shelter and privacy. Even without walls it stood far enough away that while they might be spotted by passers by, their words shouldn't be audible from that distance. Taking a seat, Aldrakar visibly relaxed and fixed his gaze on Dorian.

"No doubt you are right, my Emperor," Dorian nods, following Aldrakar past the tree, and into the gazebo, leaving his servant behind. He sits opposite Aldrakar, taking a breath before speaking aloud: "I am afflicted with something incurable. Blindness. My father faced it, as did his, and I hoped it a coincidence, but now it appears hereditary. Prayers have gone unanswered, medicine has had little effect, and my studies become much more difficult with my sight. I have taken to my servant reading for me, for I can hardly do so myself. I seek your guidance before I speak to the world, or even have such a thing even written." He stands, leaning against the wall and peering out to the university grounds. He looks down to see the Summer flora, before turning his sight back to Aldrakar.

"What do you suggest I do?"

Emyhr le Craint

With the moon high in the sky, the faint sounds of revelries emits from the camp as the men of the Vanguard enjoy a restful evening in preparation for the upcoming battle. As is custom with the House of Le Craint, Emyhr can be seen fraternizing with the remaining warriors around a fire with a drink in hand.

"My Father used to tell me of the stories of his days leading this very vanguard, before we had risen to these ranks, of fights against the monsters. His face always filled with pride whenever he talked about the accomplishments of his generation."

The men looked intensely at Emyhr as he told the story, for many of the men are second generation vanguards and had most certainly heard the same story from their fathers. But they were more interested to hear it from the perspective of their respected commander.

"One specific time comes to mind, with an incident around an ambush within a forest. Where my father's second in command had come up with an ingenious plan to disguise scarecrows as knights and place them within a clearing. Of course, this lead to an astounding ambush with no casualties. But the funniest part came from the three particular warriors during the attack."

With this, the men's interest peaked, with silence across their faces waiting for the answer.

"Of course to make an enticing target, they needed the clothes for the scarecrows. These three men had volunteered to use their clothes, this led to the distracting moment of the naked men charging at the monsters once the ambush was sprung."

Resounding laughter erupted from the men gathered, with particularly embarrassing looked from a certain young warrior who had heard the story, but from his fathers perspective excluding the naked charge. Emyhr seeing this, approached the man, passed him another mug of ale, and gave a hearty grin which cheered the man up.

The conversation continued for some time until Emyhr stood up, wished his men a good rest in preparation for the expedition tomorrow. As he approached his tent, the feeling of nervousness grew stronger for this would be his first major event without his father. But he knew that he should honor his fathers memory. And with that notion, he entered his tent to rest for tomorrow would be a long and exciting day.

Aldrakar Renodin

Question from the Blind

I have taken to my servant reading for me, for I can hardly do so myself. I seek your guidance before I speak to the world, or even have such a thing even written." He stands, leaning against the wall and peering out to the university grounds. He looks down to see the Summer flora, before turning his sight back to Aldrakar.

"What do you suggest I do?" ~Dorian Pavus

The mellow feeling that had grown over the course of the day waned as Aldrakar took in the words from the young Noble across from him. Leaning back against the structure of the gazebo Aldrakar licked his lips before responding. "Some men lose fingers in battle." The delivery rather matter-of-factly. His eyes sought those of the young man. "Others lose a limb." A near imperceptible shrug. "I've seen ears torn from heads and eyes plucked from sockets both by the hands of other men and by beasts." He shifted his weight and pointed a shoulder at the youth as his head aligned with said shoulder. "Did they despair? Sure they did." A thin line of a mouth and raised eyebrows were offered. "They also kept going. Life is never fair and often cruel. If we are gambling men we must play the hand that is dealt Dorian."

Aldrakar watched the man in front of him. Observing as the words sank in and what they did to him.

Dorian Pavus

The mellow feeling that had grown over the course of the day waned as Aldrakar took in the words from the young Noble across from him. Leaning back against the structure of the gazebo Aldrakar licked his lips before responding. "Some men lose fingers in battle." The delivery rather matter-of-factly. His eyes sought those of the young man. "Others lose a limb." A near imperceptible shrug. "I've seen ears torn from heads and eyes plucked from sockets both by the hands of other men and by beasts." He shifted his weight and pointed a shoulder at the youth as his head aligned with said shoulder. "Did they despair? Sure they did." A thin line of a mouth and raised eyebrows were offered. "They also kept going. Life is never fair and often cruel. If we are gambling men we must play the hand that is dealt Dorian."

Aldrakar watched the man in front of him. Observing as the words sank in and what they did to him.

Dorian waits a moment in silent ponder, before opening his mouth to reply. "But rid the soldier of his sword-arm, and what fate awaits him? The eyes are the doorway to the world. The way that I must study with no ability to do so. To lose a finger or an ear or a tongue or even an arm or leg wold be bearable. I would perhaps even choose all of those over blindness. I have faced my despair, and I have accepted it. There will be no counter." he sighs, closing his eyes momentarily. "What is a soldier without his sword? A lord without his land? An empire without its emperor? Equally, I am the scholar without eyes. A lost sheep that cannot return to the flock. Nor is there another flock to go to. The gambling man will always play the hand he is dealt - but when the wager will affect those beyond just him is all too many ways, is the situation not different? He cannot raise, he cannot call. He cannot check, and he lives the bluff. All that is left to fold. My mentor always taught me that studying board games and card games was useful in the life of the warrior. My sister is a 'mistress of war', and I am to be blind in my early twenties."

He looks down, before slowly looking back up to Aldrakar. "If there is a way to play this hand, I do not think I can do it alone. I would like to, but perhaps it is the hand that should not be played? Perhaps the cards do not align with the game I am playing."

2nd April

Summer Day -- Poryatu

Aldrakar Renodin

The Emperor's Words

He looks down, before slowly looking back up to Aldrakar. "If there is a way to play this hand, I do not think I can do it alone. I would like to, but perhaps it is the hand that should not be played? Perhaps the cards do not align with the game I am playing." ~Dorian Pavus

Straightening his back Aldrakar could do nothing to prevent the slightest of frowns to mark his facial features. "Melodramatic" A word whispered ever so softly. His deep blue eyes locked with the orbs belonging to Dorian. A new found rigidity seeping into his posture. "Do not debase yourself with pathetic mewling. Not a season ago you proclaimed yourself a prophet." The look he cast the boy man was withering. "You are a Highborn. If you want to wallow in the black pools of pity join the ranks of our neighbors. You will have a spine and you will behave accordingly." An arm stood poised to lance a viciously accusing finger right through Dorian's chest. "Stolen of Sight, Sound and Sanity you still stand a mountain among the pebbles of the world. Rid yourself of this self pity and adapt. Do you understand?" If Dorian was a sandcastle, the ocean of words was thrown at him relentlessly.

Dorian Pavus

Straightening his back Aldrakar could do nothing to prevent the slightest of frowns to mark his facial features. "Melodramatic" A word whispered ever so softly. His deep blue eyes locked with the orbs belonging to Dorian. A new found rigidity seeping into his posture. "Do not debase yourself with pathetic mewling. Not a season ago you proclaimed yourself a prophet." The look he cast the boy man was withering. "You are a Highborn. If you want to wallow in the black pools of pity join the ranks of our neighbors. You will have a spine and you will behave accordingly." An arm stood poised to lance a viciously accusing finger right through Dorian's chest. "Stolen of Sight, Sound and Sanity you still stand a mountain among the pebbles of the world. Rid yourself of this self pity and adapt. Do you understand?" If Dorian was a sandcastle, the ocean of words was thrown at him relentlessly.

"I know now what I must do," said Dorian, in a sincere and passionate tone. "A Hero dies a hero's death, and I must plan accordingly a journey to the west. First, however, I need to write my life's works. Create a legacy where the Hero Dorian, he of religious truth, will be immortalised. The ultimate adaption." he pauses a long moment, a smile finally coming to his face. "This is not the burden I once thought it was. It is perhaps the greatest gift that I have been offered since becoming a knight of Luria Nova. I finally understand the words of the sacred texts" he pulls out a copy from his pocket, gazing at the paper disappointed. "I cannot read to remind myself, but it speaks of immortality. This is it. Weave your own story. The power of life and death is my own." He sighs with great relief, the great boulder resting upon him gone. "Do you think I am mad? I think not." he answers his own question, without giving Aldrakar a chance to reply. "I am rid of pity and have adapted. Unless this is not what you meant?" he flexes, proud of himself once more.

Aldrakar Renodin


"Do you think I am mad? I think not." he answers his own question, without giving Aldrakar a chance to reply. "I am rid of pity and have adapted. Unless this is not what you meant?" he flexes, proud of himself once more. -Dorian Pavus

As the words flowed from the young man Aldrakar listened calmly. "Each man makes his own mark. You decide what that will be for you and how you give it shape." A slow nod followed. "You're not mad Dorian, simply trying to find purpose. Make sure whatever it is you settle upon is truly what you want. Go now. And let the world know who Dorian Pavus truly is."

With that Aldrakar relaxed again, allowing a gentle breeze to play with his golden hair. Allowing the young man to depart first.

Dorian Pavus

As the words flowed from the young man Aldrakar listened calmly. "Each man makes his own mark. You decide what that will be for you and how you give it shape." A slow nod followed. "You're not mad Dorian, simply trying to find purpose. Make sure whatever it is you settle upon is truly what you want. Go now. And let the world know who Dorian Pavus truly is."

With that Aldrakar relaxed again, allowing a gentle breeze to play with his golden hair. Allowing the young man to depart first.

"I..." for a moment, Dorian seemed lost for words. A first for him, by all means. "Thank you, Emperor. I see with clarity unrivalled by my own vision now. This is exactly what I needed. I fear I will not see your face again after this. Perhaps I will. I will write up my life's works and send them to you. It will be you who decides what happens to them." he stands, preparing to leave. "Whether they will be published and endorsed by perhaps the greatest emperor - two times - Luria will have, or the urban legend of the outskirts. For now, I have a job to do. As I am sure you do also, Emperor. It has been the greatest honour of all to serve."

He turns, bowing. "Where the realm will lose a Pavus, I will ensure another comes, be it a cousin or a brother or family even more distant. The Pavus family owes fealty to you and this realm. Always." He walks away, back straight with his shoulders back.

3rd April

Autumn Day -- Poryatu


Spitting out his broken teeth in Hvergelmir, Ranger Giovanni grins despite losing many of his teeths. His face has been hammered by monsters and undead so many times now that he gets used to it. Gripping his left hand on knife and his right hand on dagger, he looks like any seasoned adventurer seeking fame and glory. Noone know how much motivated he is or for what reason he fights on tenaciously against fate. Perhaps he is destined to die on unmarked grave. Perhaps he will be remember for who he is.

Panting as Ranger Giovanni makes another escape from close death in another monster hunt, he recollects his belongings. One more Book need to be collected and he would be able to hunt down even the strongest monsters on the lands.

Bandaging his left ear, he groans slightly in pain. There is a long slash of monster claw, his latest scar addition. After his left ear is bandaged, he turns to look at his left foot which is bleeding. He smiles slightly thinking of his Ranger badge as he bandages his left foot which is missing two fingers. He remembers well how he loses his foot fingers. He remembers telling the undead champion off whether the champion wants a piece of him, and this is what he gets.

Walking limply to the tavern, he ties up two smaller knives around both his ankles. These knives help him in many close fights, these are his close friends against the threat to the lands. He would use them before long.

Arriving at the tavern, he nods at the tavern keeper as he orders a mug of ale. Suddenly a sword is drawn against his back.

"Do not look back. Give me your money" a stranger speaks quietly enough for him to hear.

With a lightning reflex that betrays his current condition, Ranger Giovanni puts down his left hand knife and his right hand dagger on table. No sooner he withdraws his knives from his ankles, the would-be robber fall down and breaths his last. The tavern folk nods in respect of Giovanni swordsmanship skill, a few patrons bow their hats in appreciation and none dare to challenge him. He returns to his drinking.