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==New beginnings==
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair all nobles of Shattered Vales
Rania arrived in Creasur on foot. Her journey from Reeds would have been a nightmare for anyone after she was captured by Daimons of the Netherworld. For 7 days she'd waited, rocking back and forth, arms cradled protectively over her pregnant stomach as her ears were assaulted by the screams of noblemen being tortured...or worse.
Prison Grapevine (3 days, 2 hours ago) A fellow prisoner has yelled the following words through the dungeon: Screw all you Daimonic bastards!
His screams had been the worst...
Her escape had not been easy, but even Daimons make mistakes. Her banishment from Nothoi meant she could not return there, and her pregnancy kept her from pursuing Valhael Mayhem, her sister's murderer, to Spearhold. No, she would go south where her family had friends and a home.
Through some effort, she'd managed to convince a petty scribe send letters of introduction for her, lacking as she was in pens, parchment, and couriers. Now she sat on the porch outside the Cracked Stone, a cheap inn just within the city walls where rented room, contemplating her failures, and her future...
Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (24 days, 16 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales (Disclaimer: Reply to JeVondair's RP)
Kethan walked slowly down the walls, a little tired after nearly half a day of attentive surveillance of the surrounding lands. Most of the time, his eyes wandered off to Ypsilanti, the land that he was bound to protect as per his oath and holding of his estate. It made him sick that it was now suffering the wrath of the Daimons, which even being so weak that they could hardly wound a soldier, were found in such overwhelming numbers that it was impossible to defeat them by sheer force. He caressed the few parchments that he kept right under his robes, kept in scroll holders to better protect them. He had thought many times to release their magic on the darkspawn creatures, but he had not been told to do so, and thus he kept them still sealed. Soon, he promised himself. Soon enough.
It was then when he saw the Cracked Stone, and memories of earlier times started flooding his mind to the point that he almost missed the woman sitting outside. Almost.
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (24 days, 15 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales As she had been noticed, so to did Rania notice the young scout returning from his duties. Her eyes narrowed as she studied him, wrapping her arms over her pregnancy protectively. This one wasn't a mere scout, but a nobleman, she could see it in his bearing.
She nodded cordially, but made no effort to get up from her rocking chair. Her skin was dusky as a sunset, and her hair was such a deep brown it was almost black. Unlike most of her kin, however, she eschewed the intricate braids denoting clan and rank, preferring instead to let her tresses fall freely. Despite age and her pregnancy, there was not a gram of fat on her. Her wiry frame exuded a certain solidness, though little of it was exposed in her evening robes. Instead of the high cheek bones and a rounded chin framing dark, almondine eyes, Rania's new face had the bone structure of a Nothoian with the coloring of a sandborn. Her eyes were round now, still dark, but with a solid ring of gold outlining the iris. A feature as unsettling as it was enchanting.
She looked very different from her twin sister Mavia. At least she did NOW, anyway, after what she'd gone through in Nothoi...A familiar rage welled up inside her at the thought, but she swiftly quelled it as she watched the young man.
Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (22 days, 21 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Well, now that was an intriguing woman. He was not really sure about her possible origin, as he could recognize several distinct features in her facial and corporal frame. He did not know why, but it almost seemed... unnatural. He could not neglect her eyes, and his steps were less wide and confident as he slightly changed his course to meet the strange woman. Was she pregnant, by any chance? Who was she, and what was she doing here?
Unaware of her sudden burst of rage and her efforts to quell it, he made a simple nod, and observed her for a second more before speaking to her, a hidden note of inquisitiveness and caution in his voice.
- "Excuse me, miss, but I have not been able to resist my curiosity since I spotted you from the walls. I am Kethan D'Espana, Knight of Ypsilanti and a loyal nobleman of the Empire of the Shattered Vales . May I know your name?"
"I am Rania Eastersand JeVondair, formerly of Nothoi and Luria Nova, blood of the Desert of Silhouettes in D'Hara and lately a guest of the Netherworld's prisons." She extended her hand for him to kiss, but did not get up. She was indeed pregnant, although her clothing hid just how far along she might be."
"To find a D'Espana here is...a great fortune to me, especially now while I am so..."she looked down at her belly, " vulnerable." She allowed some of the sadness and rage that stormed within her to inflect her voice. At a glance it was clear that Rania was accustomed to an active lifestyle. And though know weapons were visible on her person, the calluses on her could only have belonged to a warrior of great skill. He brushed his lips past her knuckles in the courtly manner he'd grown up learning as she composed herself and continued.
"I knew your sire, Sir. Lord Ghaundan of D'Hara, who has long been the foremost ally of my family. It is a great relief to meet one of his own blood so far away from home.
Kethan listened, but his mind whirled. He had known Rania's purpose on this continent, to avenge the death of her sister Mavia who had been his Imperatrix before the fall of the Fourth Vale. He had known that the two were twins, but Rania's face was different, and her eyes even more so. There was something...otherworldy about them...and her. He quickly looked aside lest he be scolded for staring...
Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (20 days, 14 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales
Kethan listened, but his mind whirled. He had known Rania's purpose on this continent, to avenge the death of her sister Mavia who had been his Imperatrix before the fall of the Fourth Vale. He had known that the two were twins, but Rania's face was different, and her eyes even more so. There was something... otherworldy about them... and her. He quickly looked aside lest he be scolded for staring...
Had she said that she had been a guest to the Netherworld's prison? Perhaps some of the evil magic of the godforsaken place had tainted her. He allowed himself yet another quick and discrete look to her swollen belly, trying to no avail to estimate how much time had gone by since she became pregnant. Perhaps... the baby... could have been... He slowly shook his head in disbelief. Better not to think about that, at least not now.
"My dearest and most sincere condolences for the loss of your sister, Imperatrix Mavia Eastersand JeVondair." - he said in a low, quiet tone. - "She was the first in sheltering and welcoming us when we fleed to Ete City searching for refuge and a home. I am indeed far away from home, as you are. Perhaps in a better time and place we can get each other updated on our whys and hows. But for now..." - he suddenly kneeled in front of her, taking her hand again in a completely courteous gesture - "...please let me honour the memory of my father, Lord Ghaundan D'Espana of D'Hara. I vow to protect you in this time of need and vulnerability until you release me of this oath or your husband comes to takeover his duty, which I temporarily accept as mine as per the strong bond between our families."
He knew she would not like it, a woman of action as she obviously was being protected by a complete stranger, but he also hoped that she would act in the interest of her baby and accept it for the time being. She was right: she was too vulnerable now, and this was not a proper time to show any weakness at all. So there he stood, his hazel eyes respectfully searching hers, waiting for her answer.
Rania, who had long ago mastered her facial expressions, nevertheless allowed her surprise to show. She was a woman who rarely smiled, but the corners of her mouth ticked up and might have blossomed further if not for what happened next...
"Yes-" she said, reaching out to grip his hand. "-I-" but her expression suddenly changed from pleased to pained as she snatched her hand back, doubling over and groaning as she wrapped her arms around her pregnant form. After a moment, the cramps must have subsided. Although her breathing was ragged, she was able to lift her eyes again...those strange, strange eyes. She smiled and started to open her mouth as though to offer an explanation or apology that would never come. Kethan, looking right at her face, watched as her the gold ringing her irises flared, suddenly expanding to encompass both of her eyes fully like orbs of sunlight before seeming to role up and back. Rania fainted. Her body going limp as she fell.
Kethan, with all the speed of youth, caught her as she fell. The Inn's clientel, along with the innkeeper, rushed on to the porch, their alarm clearly surprising Kethan whose expression asked the question before his mouth could.
"We saw a bright flash, milord..." The innkeeper stammered. "Aye" said one of the patrons, "We all did!"
It was at that moment that Kethan realized he hadn't imagined what he'd seen. Looking around, he saw onlookers clear across the street gazing around with the same confused look the innkeeper had. Many had seen the golden light. And in his arms he held the comatose source...
But it wasn't the time to think and meditate, but to act. Empowering himself with his nobility, he fiercely looked to everyone surrounding him with his hazel eyes, as if challenging them to dare to question his orders. Fortunately enough, they knew better than to confront an armed nobleman that could have his soldiers just at the other side of the corner. Real good news for Kethan and Rania, as he had ordered them to wait for him at the Margrave's palace.
Promptly barking a couple orders, a few lads that were present at the inn were very soon running in front of Kethan, opening him the way to carry Rania to the palace and the healers that were inside. Some very tiring minutes later, an exhausted Kethan arrived to his destination, still carrying the young lady and sweating buckets because of the effort. The lads had already alerted the palace guard, and a few of them were waiting just at the entrance of the palace. His face completely red, he shouted with his last tiny bits of breath:
- Take me to the physician right now! And dispatch a courier to Margrave Rythan Songslayer, and tell him that her Dame Rania Eastersand JeVondair is... is... in trouble! Don't look at me like that, do what I've ordered you, and do it NOW!
Notably shocked and confused, the captain of the palace guard swiftly dispatched a courier to his Margrave and one of his soldiers to guide Kethan to the physician's ward. He was not going to leave her in the hands of a random nobody, so he rushed after the guard to put her in expert hands as soon as humanly possible. A breathless prayer to the Armored Gods echoed as they made their way, Kethan too worried and tired to think about the previous incident for now.
==Lord's Quarters Estate - Home of Margrave Rythan==
Magic in the Air  (just in)
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
Rania stirs, but does not wake, her pregnant form shifting on the bed Kethan laid her upon. But even that slight  movement is a drastic change from the stillness that fell upon her in the inn. Muscle groups tense, sweat beads her brow, but she does not wake.
Roleplay from Rythan Songslayer  (12 days, 19 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Shattered Vales
Unsettling times had befallen Creasur of late, beyond that of the unrelenting tide of Netherworld fowl.
Concern grew over the strange magical aura, for Rythan new its power, not long past had all his bones been broken and he had been left for dead by one of those beasts... They had to be stopped.
He grew worried for Rania who lay still in her chambers, very pregnant, very.
Word spread that in unexplanably large number of births had occured in Creasur which seemed unprobably due to the near starvation that haunted the lands... perhaps these new children were a blessing from some unknown source? Is Rania's unborn child a part of this?
Who knows... but as Rythan looked out of his chamber window he saw another magical scroll be cast and light up the night sky...
Strange times indeed... but this is surely the beginning not the end...
Population Boom in Creasur  (1 hour, 55 minutes ago)
Your seneschal brings you word of an inexplicable population boom in Creasur. 1003 babies have apparently been born recently.
Magic in the Air  (1 hour, 55 minutes ago)
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
==Light from Night==
==Light from Night==
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair  (3 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair  (3 hours, 30 minutes ago)

Revision as of 19:12, 21 July 2017

Stheno - Daughter of Rania.jpeg

New beginnings

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair all nobles of Shattered Vales

Rania arrived in Creasur on foot. Her journey from Reeds would have been a nightmare for anyone after she was captured by Daimons of the Netherworld. For 7 days she'd waited, rocking back and forth, arms cradled protectively over her pregnant stomach as her ears were assaulted by the screams of noblemen being tortured...or worse. Prison Grapevine (3 days, 2 hours ago) A fellow prisoner has yelled the following words through the dungeon: Screw all you Daimonic bastards! His screams had been the worst... Her escape had not been easy, but even Daimons make mistakes. Her banishment from Nothoi meant she could not return there, and her pregnancy kept her from pursuing Valhael Mayhem, her sister's murderer, to Spearhold. No, she would go south where her family had friends and a home. Through some effort, she'd managed to convince a petty scribe send letters of introduction for her, lacking as she was in pens, parchment, and couriers. Now she sat on the porch outside the Cracked Stone, a cheap inn just within the city walls where rented room, contemplating her failures, and her future... Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (24 days, 16 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales (Disclaimer: Reply to JeVondair's RP) Kethan walked slowly down the walls, a little tired after nearly half a day of attentive surveillance of the surrounding lands. Most of the time, his eyes wandered off to Ypsilanti, the land that he was bound to protect as per his oath and holding of his estate. It made him sick that it was now suffering the wrath of the Daimons, which even being so weak that they could hardly wound a soldier, were found in such overwhelming numbers that it was impossible to defeat them by sheer force. He caressed the few parchments that he kept right under his robes, kept in scroll holders to better protect them. He had thought many times to release their magic on the darkspawn creatures, but he had not been told to do so, and thus he kept them still sealed. Soon, he promised himself. Soon enough. It was then when he saw the Cracked Stone, and memories of earlier times started flooding his mind to the point that he almost missed the woman sitting outside. Almost.

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (24 days, 15 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales As she had been noticed, so to did Rania notice the young scout returning from his duties. Her eyes narrowed as she studied him, wrapping her arms over her pregnancy protectively. This one wasn't a mere scout, but a nobleman, she could see it in his bearing.

She nodded cordially, but made no effort to get up from her rocking chair. Her skin was dusky as a sunset, and her hair was such a deep brown it was almost black. Unlike most of her kin, however, she eschewed the intricate braids denoting clan and rank, preferring instead to let her tresses fall freely. Despite age and her pregnancy, there was not a gram of fat on her. Her wiry frame exuded a certain solidness, though little of it was exposed in her evening robes. Instead of the high cheek bones and a rounded chin framing dark, almondine eyes, Rania's new face had the bone structure of a Nothoian with the coloring of a sandborn. Her eyes were round now, still dark, but with a solid ring of gold outlining the iris. A feature as unsettling as it was enchanting. She looked very different from her twin sister Mavia. At least she did NOW, anyway, after what she'd gone through in Nothoi...A familiar rage welled up inside her at the thought, but she swiftly quelled it as she watched the young man. Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (22 days, 21 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Well, now that was an intriguing woman. He was not really sure about her possible origin, as he could recognize several distinct features in her facial and corporal frame. He did not know why, but it almost seemed... unnatural. He could not neglect her eyes, and his steps were less wide and confident as he slightly changed his course to meet the strange woman. Was she pregnant, by any chance? Who was she, and what was she doing here? Unaware of her sudden burst of rage and her efforts to quell it, he made a simple nod, and observed her for a second more before speaking to her, a hidden note of inquisitiveness and caution in his voice. - "Excuse me, miss, but I have not been able to resist my curiosity since I spotted you from the walls. I am Kethan D'Espana, Knight of Ypsilanti and a loyal nobleman of the Empire of the Shattered Vales . May I know your name?"

"I am Rania Eastersand JeVondair, formerly of Nothoi and Luria Nova, blood of the Desert of Silhouettes in D'Hara and lately a guest of the Netherworld's prisons." She extended her hand for him to kiss, but did not get up. She was indeed pregnant, although her clothing hid just how far along she might be." "To find a D'Espana here is...a great fortune to me, especially now while I am so..."she looked down at her belly, " vulnerable." She allowed some of the sadness and rage that stormed within her to inflect her voice. At a glance it was clear that Rania was accustomed to an active lifestyle. And though know weapons were visible on her person, the calluses on her could only have belonged to a warrior of great skill. He brushed his lips past her knuckles in the courtly manner he'd grown up learning as she composed herself and continued. "I knew your sire, Sir. Lord Ghaundan of D'Hara, who has long been the foremost ally of my family. It is a great relief to meet one of his own blood so far away from home. Kethan listened, but his mind whirled. He had known Rania's purpose on this continent, to avenge the death of her sister Mavia who had been his Imperatrix before the fall of the Fourth Vale. He had known that the two were twins, but Rania's face was different, and her eyes even more so. There was something...otherworldy about them...and her. He quickly looked aside lest he be scolded for staring...

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (20 days, 14 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Kethan listened, but his mind whirled. He had known Rania's purpose on this continent, to avenge the death of her sister Mavia who had been his Imperatrix before the fall of the Fourth Vale. He had known that the two were twins, but Rania's face was different, and her eyes even more so. There was something... otherworldy about them... and her. He quickly looked aside lest he be scolded for staring... Had she said that she had been a guest to the Netherworld's prison? Perhaps some of the evil magic of the godforsaken place had tainted her. He allowed himself yet another quick and discrete look to her swollen belly, trying to no avail to estimate how much time had gone by since she became pregnant. Perhaps... the baby... could have been... He slowly shook his head in disbelief. Better not to think about that, at least not now. "My dearest and most sincere condolences for the loss of your sister, Imperatrix Mavia Eastersand JeVondair." - he said in a low, quiet tone. - "She was the first in sheltering and welcoming us when we fleed to Ete City searching for refuge and a home. I am indeed far away from home, as you are. Perhaps in a better time and place we can get each other updated on our whys and hows. But for now..." - he suddenly kneeled in front of her, taking her hand again in a completely courteous gesture - "...please let me honour the memory of my father, Lord Ghaundan D'Espana of D'Hara. I vow to protect you in this time of need and vulnerability until you release me of this oath or your husband comes to takeover his duty, which I temporarily accept as mine as per the strong bond between our families."

He knew she would not like it, a woman of action as she obviously was being protected by a complete stranger, but he also hoped that she would act in the interest of her baby and accept it for the time being. She was right: she was too vulnerable now, and this was not a proper time to show any weakness at all. So there he stood, his hazel eyes respectfully searching hers, waiting for her answer. Rania, who had long ago mastered her facial expressions, nevertheless allowed her surprise to show. She was a woman who rarely smiled, but the corners of her mouth ticked up and might have blossomed further if not for what happened next...

"Yes-" she said, reaching out to grip his hand. "-I-" but her expression suddenly changed from pleased to pained as she snatched her hand back, doubling over and groaning as she wrapped her arms around her pregnant form. After a moment, the cramps must have subsided. Although her breathing was ragged, she was able to lift her eyes again...those strange, strange eyes. She smiled and started to open her mouth as though to offer an explanation or apology that would never come. Kethan, looking right at her face, watched as her the gold ringing her irises flared, suddenly expanding to encompass both of her eyes fully like orbs of sunlight before seeming to role up and back. Rania fainted. Her body going limp as she fell. Kethan, with all the speed of youth, caught her as she fell. The Inn's clientel, along with the innkeeper, rushed on to the porch, their alarm clearly surprising Kethan whose expression asked the question before his mouth could.

"We saw a bright flash, milord..." The innkeeper stammered. "Aye" said one of the patrons, "We all did!" It was at that moment that Kethan realized he hadn't imagined what he'd seen. Looking around, he saw onlookers clear across the street gazing around with the same confused look the innkeeper had. Many had seen the golden light. And in his arms he held the comatose source...

But it wasn't the time to think and meditate, but to act. Empowering himself with his nobility, he fiercely looked to everyone surrounding him with his hazel eyes, as if challenging them to dare to question his orders. Fortunately enough, they knew better than to confront an armed nobleman that could have his soldiers just at the other side of the corner. Real good news for Kethan and Rania, as he had ordered them to wait for him at the Margrave's palace. Promptly barking a couple orders, a few lads that were present at the inn were very soon running in front of Kethan, opening him the way to carry Rania to the palace and the healers that were inside. Some very tiring minutes later, an exhausted Kethan arrived to his destination, still carrying the young lady and sweating buckets because of the effort. The lads had already alerted the palace guard, and a few of them were waiting just at the entrance of the palace. His face completely red, he shouted with his last tiny bits of breath: - Take me to the physician right now! And dispatch a courier to Margrave Rythan Songslayer, and tell him that her Dame Rania Eastersand JeVondair is... is... in trouble! Don't look at me like that, do what I've ordered you, and do it NOW!

Notably shocked and confused, the captain of the palace guard swiftly dispatched a courier to his Margrave and one of his soldiers to guide Kethan to the physician's ward. He was not going to leave her in the hands of a random nobody, so he rushed after the guard to put her in expert hands as soon as humanly possible. A breathless prayer to the Armored Gods echoed as they made their way, Kethan too worried and tired to think about the previous incident for now.

Lord's Quarters Estate - Home of Margrave Rythan

Magic in the Air (just in) The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Rania stirs, but does not wake, her pregnant form shifting on the bed Kethan laid her upon. But even that slight movement is a drastic change from the stillness that fell upon her in the inn. Muscle groups tense, sweat beads her brow, but she does not wake.

Roleplay from Rythan Songslayer (12 days, 19 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Unsettling times had befallen Creasur of late, beyond that of the unrelenting tide of Netherworld fowl.

Concern grew over the strange magical aura, for Rythan new its power, not long past had all his bones been broken and he had been left for dead by one of those beasts... They had to be stopped.

He grew worried for Rania who lay still in her chambers, very pregnant, very.

Word spread that in unexplanably large number of births had occured in Creasur which seemed unprobably due to the near starvation that haunted the lands... perhaps these new children were a blessing from some unknown source? Is Rania's unborn child a part of this?

Who knows... but as Rythan looked out of his chamber window he saw another magical scroll be cast and light up the night sky...

Strange times indeed... but this is surely the beginning not the end...

Population Boom in Creasur (1 hour, 55 minutes ago) Your seneschal brings you word of an inexplicable population boom in Creasur. 1003 babies have apparently been born recently.

Magic in the Air (1 hour, 55 minutes ago) The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Light from Night

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (3 hours, 30 minutes ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales

A week had past with Rania lying, unmoving, in Lord Rythan's manor. A pair of midwives, themselves a mother and daughter, kept a steady watch over her, worried that her pregnancy might be in danger. Every so often, someone would peak in and check on her. Nurses changed her sheets and bathed her. Healers came and went, flustered. Sir Kethan would stop by every once and a while when his duties allowed, but for the most part the insensate mother-to-be was left alone.

It was during the younger midwife's shift that Rania went into labor.

The nights had been quiet since Aletha and her demons had left Creasur; it was wildly known that the daimons had been steadily loosing their power. Some even whispered of an end to the invasion. In her absence, the Empress and most of her men-at-arms had also left the city walls to recapture lost territory. The city was emptier than it had been in months. Most of the castle had gone to bed. Unbeknownst to the people of the Shattered Vale, Aletha lay dying beneath the walls of Reeds. And it was in that rare silence that Rania stirred.

It was just a tremor at first, the younger midwife, Pella, dozing at Rania's bedside, was not even roused to wakefulness until the dame's low moaning rose in pitch and vigor. Pella gazed about sleepily, accustomed to Rania's silence. Her bewilderment did not last for long, however, and she determined in short order that although Rania herself still slept, her child had awakened in her womb. "IT'S HAPPENING!" She yelled to summon help as she grasped Rania's hand. Pella looked at Rania, whose expression fluctuated with pain, and wondered briefly what dream or fever could keep a mother from missing the birth of her own child.

A full day passed as Rania's child struggled without the help of it's mother. Rania looked exhausted, her sheets soaked with sweat, and STILL she had not awakened. The staff were little better, and weighed down by helplessness. Pella's mother Escaba, the senior midwife in Creasur, had arrived within hours and stayed throughout. "There is nothing we can do but wait," She'd said heavily. "If we cut, we'll loose the mother, sure as sunrise. If we try to force the child, it will get stuck without the mother to push."

"But mother," Pella interjected, "if we do nothing for too long, the infant is at risk of choking itself with it's own cord."

"I know, child, I know." Escaba patted her daughters hand, clearly worried. Even she had never seen anything quite like this.

And then the ground shook.

It was a gentle thing at first. Barely perceptible. Not unlike how Rania had slipped into labor. On the other side of the world, a wrath like the Hammer of a fiery titan split the South Island asunder. Thousands were suffering, dying, screaming. And in the moment of their greatest suffering, as know one in Creasur could possibly know, Rania screamed with them. Blazing into wakefulness and in a world of pain. Her mouth was dry, her throat was hoarse. She was weak and clammy and hot all at once. As if sensing it's mother's wakefulness, the child seemed to redouble its efforts to be brought into the world. Hands grasped at Rania's wrists, pinning her down. She fought, weakly, but relentlessly.


She didn't know who was speaking, and there was a sort of animal terror in her otherworldly black/gold eyes as they darted about.

"Push, Dame Rania!"

Rania focused on Escaba. The senior midwife's voice was calm, but commanding. She was a stranger to Rania, however, who did not seem to know where she was or what was happening.

"Breath, Dame Rania! Your baby is wanting to be born! Calm!"

But Rania was not listening. She was already withdrawing back into herself, back into the dream. Reaching for the Deep Song that had become the core of her since the day she'd died.


She heard her name and new she was close, in her mind, she hummed in tune with the Song, following it to its source, away from the world again.

"Mamma-" Pella yelled as Rania's eyes rolled back into her head. "We're loosing her again!"

"The baby's too far...If she goes out, it will be stuck. If that happens..."

The song roared through her, filling her up again with light, gold and warm and sweet as sunlight. "Go now. Bring them all to me. Share the Song"

"Hold her down, Pella," Escaba commanded. The daughter obeyed, securing Rania as best she could.

"Wake up, Dame Rania!" Escaba slapped her.

The Song fades, the Light grows brighter.

"Wake up!" <SLAP>

You will show them, prepare the way for me.

"WAKE-!" <SLAP!>

Bring me into your world.

"UP!" <SLAP!>


On the other side of the world, a great KABOOM ripped the South Island apart. In that instant, in the guest room of Creasur's Manor, Pella and her mother Escaba were thrown from Rania's bed by a force they could neither see nor explain. Every candle went out and their heads cracked against the walls of the room. For the briefest instant, Pella's vision went gold, and she could not tell if it was from the impact or an actual source of light before she lost consciousness. Both women crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

In the sudden darkness of the guesthouse, the squalls of a newborn baby rang out...

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (3 days, 13 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Kethan was tired. He had spent the last week going between Ypsilanti and Creasur, studying his scrolls and books and visiting Rania in the sparse moments that his duties allowed himself to leave his region. That woman... He slowly shook his head, considering for a while if he had done well in swearing to become his protector. He technically had only stated that he would protect her until the father arrived or the baby was born, but even he could not delude himself: if the father did not arrive after the baby's birth, he would be forced per the ties between the D'Espanas and the JeVondairs to become the guardian of mother and son alike. A woman with a child would not last long if left alone in such a hostile environment as Beluaterra had become. Besides, lacking a fatherly reference would mark a definite tough childhood for the kid. No, he would have to step in and, at the very least, become his tutor and keeper.

But still... What about Rania's strange relationship with magic? He had began investigating about similar circumstances, and even though he had not found much yet, he knew he was on the right track. The way she reacted to even the slightest touch of ambiental magic was no doubt out of this world, as he had discreetely checked in one of his visits. And he hadn't even talked about it with his dear Ravyn. Would she be angered once she learnt that he was going to protect a different woman, or would she understand that he had no other choice, given Rania's situation and both of their relative's friendship? He hoped it was the second one, but he knew there was no other way around it, He had to tell her, but not before confirming that Rania's baby was coming out well and alive. Yes, that was it. No point in raising an uncomfortable discussion if it was all going to fade away, right?

He slightly nodded to himself, spurring his horse to travel the last few miles before reaching Creasur. He had received very worrying news about a really weird event in her delivery, something about flashing lights and a couple of midwives badly hurt after being thrown around by an invisible force. Well, that was something he had to see by himself. And the baby, he concluded. Besides, there was a certain special forces unit from Jaekind that he had every intention to check on...


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (12 hours, 36 minutes ago) Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (20 days, 23 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Ehrich and his elite guardians arrived purposefully in Creasur. The Earl wore a basic green and black hooded tunic, in keeping with the rest of his men. The elite guard and their master scattered to many different tasks. Books seemed a prized resource in many of these errands, other tasks were less clearly deciphered and as the family seat, Creasur was home to networks of friends and associates that could readily be seen but kept a keen watch too. Any showing an interest in the arcane were noted and given their masters' calling card.

The guardians' sergeant made passing enquiries about the increased activity in the stables, cavalry being something of a rarity in the Vales. At one market stall a lone member of the Guardians stood and negotiated with an antique trader for a crystal prism. "Unenhanced, light might often fall only onto the dirt," the trader gestured, "But if viewed through such a mystic prism, the colours of magic might be seen! And what mysteries might be seen through it by the full moon on a sacred eve?" A few coins saw the object acquired, "Often times what happens by sacred moonlight is better left unseen," was the customer's only reply.

Before all tasks could be completed, a horn sounded long and shrill and all the guardians made ready to depart instead. A few books and supplies were gathered and sent to the earl's baggage train, a small but busy entourage. Amongst that entourage light only briefly landed on a young retainer who was kept otherwise carefully secured in the earl's personal retinue. The briefly glimpsed girl was blonde and unusually pale, she seemed somewhat averse to the sunlight and pulling up her own hood she was ushered away to shelter. Before long the retinue was back on its way out of the city again. Only a good while later did one figure ride out alone to catch them up having lingered for some unseen purpose.


Letter from Kethan D'Espana (19 days, 16 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) My arcane peer,

Please forgive my late reply, I have been busy preparing everything for our meeting so as to not leave any gaps in the security ring I have designed around Stheno. I am now ready to receive you, you just have to travel to Creasur's palace and make yourself announced to the garrisoned sentinels there. They will escort you to Stheno's chamber, though you will be halted there by her private guards. Worry not, for I will be waiting for you right there to ease their worries and get you through.

See you soon, my dear friend. Kethan D'Espana Baron of Ypsilanti


Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (19 days, 15 hours ago) Returning to Creasur again, Ehric followed the directions from his recent letter and presented himself to Kethan's sentinel guards. He travelled light but after some thought had brought some small gifts, a fine spun silk shawl and an illustrated folio of Ambrose's fables.

Meetings with Arcane master Kethan were always welcome and not without warmth, but there was always a sense of gravity to the proceedings so Ehric prepared himself.


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (19 days, 15 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) As soon as Ehrich arrived to Creasur's palace he was swiftly escorted to the interior, where after quite a few turns, ups and downs he was guided to Stheno's antechamber. Before it were a couple of relatively lightly armoured guards, though they did not fool Ehrich for more than three seconds: the smell of sulphur, ammonia, ethanol and several distinct oils glued to their skin and hair was an immediate telltale of their status as either arcane students or alchemist scholars. He had seen a few more guards dressed in simlar fashion in his way here, so it looked like a prospective intruder would have a hard time managing to reach the young girl.

And there was of course Kethan, heavily covered and wearing gloves and a hood with him, as he always did when he was in a public place where he could be easily seen by anyone. However, once Ehrich approached he partially uncovered his face, milky eyes searching for Ehrich's face and a sincere smile in his face.

"Ehrich! Here you are at last! I have waited so long for this, I am so thrilled to have you finally meet my distinguished protegee!"

Feeling Ehrich's confusion for the unexpected informal greeting, Kethan rapidly tried to calm himself, though a rather uncommon sparkle in his eyes betrayed his apparently calmed face. The guards stood still, though maybe an attentive eye could distinguish the tension in their faces as they both tried to remain still.

"Please excuse my former outburst, Lord Ehrich, emotion blurred my mind for a second. You are finally arrived, but... Are you sure you are ready to witness the prodigy of Lady Rania's offspring?"


Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (19 days, 14 hours ago) The carefully assembled layers of protectors along with his friend's uncharacteristic enthusiasm contributed to a feeling of suspense, but Ehric was resolved to make this awaited meeting so he followed his friend attentively. "My friend, I am glad to be in your trust and am keen to meet young Stheno. The friendship I afford you I will seek to extend to her, and I will aid you in your guardianship in any way I can. Lead on friend."


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (19 days, 3 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) Kethan's gaze intensified with Ehrich's answer, and he did not lose another second before ordering the guards to move out of the way and open the door for them. The two men entered the large room, disproportionately big for a kid like Stheno was. However, as Kethan quickly informed Ehrich, Stheno was not often allowed to leave her room, much less her heavily patrolled wing of the palace. There were far too many interests put in her to allow the girl more freedom, something she had stoically accepted years ago. Besides, being her mother so far away and Kethan so busy, she spent most of her time between palace servants and the minor nobility that Kethan trusted to keep her company, so it was quite exceptional for her to meet new faces, not to speak such a high-ranked realm official as Ehrich.

Once they crossed the doors, a somewhat confusing panorama surrounded Ehrich. Stheno's governess, always attentive to the kid (and doubly more so when she received adult male visitors) stared at him with a mixture of respect and distrust. Kethan's presence soon comforted her enough to leave the two men be, and she took a seat on a fluffy armchair near the door where she could keep watch over almost the entire space. Most of the room was devoid of furniture, though carpets and tapestry covered the entirety of the floor and a good part of the walls. Countless items, some of which could be identified as some sort of toys, laid in various places of the room, forming curious patterns in occasions that a trained mind such as Ehrich's would easily be able to recognize.

And there was, of course, Stheno herself. The girl had stopped whatever she was doing right after hearing the door opening, and she was now intensely staring at the newcomer. There was something deeply disturbing about her eyes, but she moved quickly enough that Ehrich had no time to focus and identify the source of his discomfort. A subtlest hint of a smile proved she had seen Kethan, but she instantly turned serious again as she approached Ehrich. While she was closing in, Kethan took a few steps back and prepared to enjoy the scene as he suppressed his laughter and removed both hood and gloves from his hands. He had taken care not to inform Ehrich on what would he find, so the surprise would remain. Now this was going to be fun!

The girl was relatively small and remarkably slim, possibly around 10 years old. Her dusky features bore a strong resemblance of her mother, and all her movements showed her inner strenght and intensity. Once she reached Ehrich, she started poking, grabbing and playing around with everything and anything he was carrying that she found interesting, apparently oblivious to any personal property or space concerns. She also took her time to revise and touch any remarkable physical attributes that Ehrich had, including but not limited to hands, nose, ears and hair.

It was only when Stheno started scanning Ehrich's face that he could get a full view of her eyes, instantly understanding the reason for his previous unrest. Stheno's sclera were completely black, not showing any trace of white in the entirety of her eyes. Looking directly at those eyes was similar to a direct look to the Abyss, and only when she blinked was the trance state broken and the viewer able to see her as a pretty curious albeit quiet child again.

Kethan gave Stheno and Ehrich plenty of time to enjoy their first interaction. He simply leaned against the wall and let them be, recreating himself in his friend's astonishment and his own memories of his own first encounter with Stheno. She was a truly special girl, that was undeniable, and he was dying to know what did Ehrich think about what he was just experiencing.


Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (18 days, 21 hours ago) Ehric attempted to tolerate the close inspection with good humour, only occasionally acting to try and redirect interest if it was unduly drawn to the deep pockets and pouches that an aspiring arcane scholar tends to accumulate. When Stheno began pulling at the silk shawl gift, Ehric attempted to playfully unravel it before letting it go. Before curiosity discovered it, Ehric also decided to hand over the illustrated story he had brought, a fable about an ancient wanderer who spoke and was friends with the creatures of the forest and adventures they went upon including crewing a ship alone on the high seas. Ehric occasionally spoke gently describing some feats depicted, like how the sparrowhawk unfurled the main-sail in rough seas aided by a nimble badger.

Inspection of his own person was generally less interesting, with him being fairly nondescript in appearance, plain if somewhat gaunt. He was mindful he seemed likely a rare guest so indulged his tied back hair being pulled at. Some interest was peaked when Stheno's curiosity went from his ink and chemical stained fingers, to further up his badly scarred arm where daimonic forces had fairly recently inflicted a grievous and lingering injury of twisted black scarring. The inspection of course gave opportunity to examine the young girl in turn, with her beguiling black eyes and curious nature. Ehric was keen if able, to tease a reply from one of his gentle comments or queries, and he was otherwise interested in observing any small signs of her patience, inquisitiveness and general character. When Ehric ceased being a fresh source of interest he stepped back a little and was keen to also see how the ward was with her guardian, Lord Kethan. Thus he waited upon Lord Kethan to conclude the meeting before leaving with a respectful bow to the young lady and her matron, sensing already his friend's many imminent questions about the remarkable encounter.


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (18 days, 10 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) Stheno listened attentively to Ehrich's descriptions of the illustrated story, her ever-flowing attention suddenly focused on the story and Ehrich's words. She did not say a word, though, but very rarely had Kethan heard her make any sort of sound with her mouth. He was almost convinced she was not mute, but quite simply did not see the need to speak as everyone else around her did. If curiosity was her number one defining quality, quietness was definitely the second one, with an energetic spirit and indomitable will coming quite close in the third spot. Kethan also knew just how intelligent could she be when she desired to put her full attention to something, and he had his experience teaching her to read, write and some arcane basics as proof. That was something he would discuss with Ehrich later, though.

Once Stheno was done with Ehrich, she paid a similar treatment to Kethan, albeit focusing less on his physical features, which she knew well enough, and more on his personal belongings. He always tried to give her a little something everytime he came to visit, so he handed her a little wooden structure that could be assambled and disassembled repeteadly, trying to appease with it her inspection of his self. It partially worked, and soon she was on the other side of the room, working on the puzzle.

"Let's leave now, Lord Ehrich, or we might get trapped here until she is hungry enough to let us free, if only to have her meal!"

Ehrich bowed to the young lady and her matron, while Kethan just gave them a quick glance and a grateful nod. Once the doors closed behind them, he guided Ehrich to a relatively small and cozy room nearby, which Kethan had used in the past both as his own office when he did not want to leave the palace for a while and as a private living room for meetings such as this one. He invited Ehrich in, asked for a few basic foods and beverages and closed the door once the servants had left in the table everything they had been asked to bring. Taking a deep breath, he poured himself a glass of wine, inviting Ehrich to take whatever he wanted at his own leisure, and sat comfortably in one of the armchairs close to the window. He let his friend some time to take a seat and anything he might want from the table, then looked at him and asked the question that he had been wanting to address him since the very beginning.

"So, my friend? What do you think of Stheno?"


Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (18 days, 7 hours ago) "Remarkable my friend, nothing short of remarkable," answered Ehrich, "the child is clearly of potent and extraordinary nature, and yet bestowed with the curious flaws that beset and define the youth of our humanity. Forgive the pretention of my words, but I do find these such momentous tidings; balanced between hope and concern, where such matters can escalate out of control. We live in such times that tending toward secrecy in supernatural matters be wise, yet somehow it seems important still to anchor the child with the "humanity" in its greater sense, of our community. How best to still introduce visitors and learnings to ground the young lady amongst us is a quandary you have thought on longer and deeper than I, but know I stand now with you in my own way as friend and supporter however I can. I perceive a power, innocence and weight of destiny together which may require the most careful vigilance. I find myself wondering what if any correspondence or guidance you have had from the Lady Rania since her most dramatic departure? My own support and protection I offer you however I can from henceforth in this matter." Thus spoke Earl Ehric at length, before falling to quiet, wondering if he had exceeded himself trying to express such profound concerns.


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (17 days, 10 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) Kethan nodded solemnly while listening to Ehrich's words.

"You speak wisely, Ehrich, that for sure. I had indeed considered before that perhaps the isolation I have chosen for Stheno might backfire sooner than later, but I have been tending to her education and protection mostly by myself for the last few years, especially since Lady Rania left us. I am just following the mostly isolationist regime her mother employed for her entire life, though I do think such isolationism was only partly due to Lady Rania's decision. However, I am absent from Creasur most of the time. How could I keep watch over the visitors she receives? What if they bring harm in their intentions, what if Stheno suffers any harm from my choice to open this area of the palace to anyone? I am not sure I would be able to look at myself on a mirror should the worst come to happen. It is hard enough now, I do not need more reasons to feel concerned about."

He looked at Ehrich directly, his pale and emaciated face suddenly showing signs of relief.

"But that is exactly why you are here now. I did not have anyone I could completely trust on between the high nobility when I took charge of Stheno. Now, I do have someone I would trust without a second of hesitation: you, my friend."

Kethan made a short dramatic pause, taking a few seconds to smell and take a sip of his glass of wine.

"I want you to join me in tutoring and keeping watch over Stheno. You are an educated man, and versed in the arts of the arcane as well. You can contribute to prepare Stheno for the weight of destiny you have also felt, while at the same time conserving her innocence and giving her a chance to claim her power for herself as she becomes aware of her place in the world. You can cover my absences and faults as her mentor, and even better: you can offer her a new perspective of life, and even death, that will give her the tools she needs to lead her own life for the next five or six decades."

He made another dramatic pause, scanning Ehrich with his weak off-white eyes to see how was he taking his proposal.

"In short: I want you to become Stheno's side tutor and protector, and should anything happen to me, I want you to take a central part in her life and become her new official mentor, at least until Lady Rania returns or otherwise makes you known that your services are no longer required. Because she left me no guide nor instructions when she left, my dearest friend, and the few times I have spoken to her never has been Stheno mentioned in our correspondence." - he looked at Ehrich with a hint of tiredness and fatigue in his eyes - "Everything I have done, I have done it for her and for Stheno, always lacking the experience to take the best option for her. I have never been a father, Ehrich, and neither I have had the best example on my own. I just hope you can do it better than I from now on. That is, if you do want to accept this heavy burden I am now offering you."


Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz (17 days, 2 hours ago) "My friend I shall be pleased to assist you in these things. Be assured my words were no criticism, nor was it my intention to diminish the unique nature of the challenge the wardship you have inherited brings." Ehric replied to his friend, toasting the endeavour with a glass of the fine wine that was being favoured. "I see well your meaning that most careful protection must come first, but do think allowing some degree of engagement with the wider world will feed Stheno's education and prepare her a little better for the world when needs must she finally engage with it more fully. I was not minded to opening her to more adult company yet, but wondered if being taught occasionally with a few other carefully selected children might benefit her. And whether at some point with our protective custody working together we might even consider taking the young lady on a short journey so she might see a little more of the world? My governance of the city of Iato could give us a secure destination where a similar protected chamber might be recreated. I simply share ideas for now, but will be glad to assist as you say in a supporting role particularly when absences are unavoidable.

By way of company I am reminded happier memories of my own childhood came sharing it with my brothers, where much learning of life came too. In absence of siblings it might be helpful for a few close friendships be encouraged. Originally as a possible strategy I had taken an orphan girl of Stheno's age and fair complexion into my own retinue should a decoy prove valuable if we had ever needed to covertly move the young ward. While such a move might bring the orphan some risk in the future, I deemed raising her in a lord's retinue might give her greater chances than as a war orphan, and over the months have found the girl a diligent and good natured servant. Perhaps if her employ was offered to Stheno's matron/governess it might allow the girls to become acquainted and perhaps share some tutoring at times, while also bringing close to hand one that could serve as decoy if need arose? Likewise if you have no relatives of your own you have in mind, one of my brothers has a number of children the younger of which are often seeking a place in court where they might gain an education and again this might be a more guarded way of introducing Stheno to a little vetted company.

As you are no doubt aware, unfortunately we are being called to the road on campaign again, and you may have matters of your own to attend to, but be assured I will return and assist tutoring/guardianship when ever you desire and hope to be able to help you share the imperfect burden you have been shouldering. Farewell for now old friend."


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (13 days, 11 hours ago) (Personal message to Ehrich Weisz) Oh, how pleasant was to hear some direct, honest and actually helpful proposal, not to mention the accurate analysis itself. Being a true lord of the Vales, pretty much nobody dared to speak frankly to him, which in turn resulted to diminishing chances of receiving a different point of view to be enriched with. Kethan easily understood all the points that Ehrich had made, for they very much reflected his own chain of thoughts for the last few years, since receiving Rania's request to take care of Stheno to this very same moment. He listened to everything his good friend said and proposed attentively, nodding and accompanying him all the way down to the palace's main hall while giving his own input.

"Thank you so much, Ehrich, I truly needed this meeting. Very well then, it is high time we prepare Stheno's approach to real life. Please do start preparing that chamber in Iato, it might prove useful both as the next step in Stheno's teachings and an emergency shelter should anything happen to Creasur, be it a Daimonic invasion or even Nothoi reclaiming the city for themselves. I'd also ask you to start preparing that orphan girl you are speaking about, I like the idea of introducing her to Stheno both as company and emergency decoy should the worst start to happen. I will leave to yourself the choice of whether or not to start the instruction of one or a few of your young nephews and nieces to become Stheno's future companions, as you will likely know them better than I do. I have no family in Beluaterra, at least not that I know of, so that might be the best course of action for now. I will also ask a few acquaintances here and there, just in case they also have proper relatives that could become Stheno's retinue."

He stopped right before entering the main hall, where Ehrich would obviously be able to find the exit by himself. There both of them parted ways, Ehrich leaving for the next campaign and Kethan to pick up a few things he had left in the palace before doing the same. The meeting was over, but dear Armored Gods had it been helpful. He called for Ehrich's attention one last time before he left the palace definitely.

"Lord Ehrich! Just one last thing: I am going to instruct Stheno's guards to let you enter freely, or at least as freely as her governess will let you. Please do come in whenever you are in Creasur, even if I am not there myself. Especially then, in fact. Stheno might not speak much, but I do know she has enjoyed your company. Farewell, my friend. See you in the battlefield."


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (21 days, 8 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian and his men had settled in to the manse he had occupied in Creasur. Vahanian sat in his study, his chair was a high backed wooden chair, oddly enough a wolf's head had been carved into the end of each of the arm rests. It was oddly fitting. The Direwolf being the long standing symbol of the Blint family. Vahanian felt refreshed, he'd had time to sleep in a soft bed off the ground. Eat a hot meal and take a long bath.

He had trimmed his beard and combed his hair. His hair hung to about his shoulders, he tied a portion of it back with a crimson ribbon. (OOC imagine Qui-Gon Jinn's hairstyle only shorter..) His beard, like his hair, was almost entirely grey. The brown having mostly faded. His eyes, however remained a sharp hazel. Though they were a bit sunken in and show signs of his age. He was old, but he was still strong and capable. Living in the Northern Tundra for most of his life, he had developed a tough skin, and a will made of iron.

Vahanian sat back, took a sip of tea and picked up his dagger from the desk. He started to peel an orange, the citrus fruit being one of his few pleasures. He ate the slices he cut and tossed the rind into the fire. The citrus aroma started to fill the air and he closed his eyes. He stood as there was a knock at his door, "Enter." He commanded. His captain, Andre entered, a military man to the core. Andre was usually found on the parade grounds overseeing drills and training of Vahanian's soldiers.

Vahanian washed his hands in a basin by the window as he spoke to Andre. "You checked and made sure there were no servants or anyone else nearby when you entered?" Andre nodded. "Aye mi'lord. I swept this floor of the manse twice, checking every inch. There is not a soul but us here. Nothing we say will ever leave this room." Vahanian nodded. "Good."

"Top drawer of the desk, there is a note. It was left with me when we were ambushed by the Daimons on the journey here." Andre went over and read the note on it were two words. "Find Stheno". Andre read it and committed the name to memory and then burned the note.

"Who is this person?" He asked. Vahanian turned to face him. "I don't know. But I want you to use Lyndis for this." Andre snorted. "She was my brother's daughter. She was trained by my nephew in the infiltrator's ways. She is discreet." Andre did not hide his malcontent. "She is a bastard child, born of a commoner and your brother."

Vahanian's temper flared and subsided in an instant. He had always been good at mastering his emotions. "Andre. Do as I command. Tell the girl if she does this task I will reward her. Her request for being made a legitimate heir to the Blint name will be granted. She will be allowed all the rights and titles therein earned as a Blint."

Andre did not protest. He had been given an order and he would follow it. "Yes Mi'lord. She will find Stheno."


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (21 days, 5 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Maybe Vahanian and Andre did not know yet who was Stheno nor where to find her, but that information was certainly an easy one to find, at least for someone that could reasonably move around and ask the right questions to the right ears. Some good ten years had gone on since that day, where Lady Rania's offspring had come to the world surrounde dby such circumstances that none of those present in Creasur at the time would have managed to forget the event.

That was something someone as skilled as Lyndis would find in no time at all. However, should she grease some palms here and there, especially those belonging to wealthy traders and minor noblemen, she would also learn that the young lady had a mentor and a protector, someone who occasionally dropped by at Creasur to check on Stheno and give her a few private lessons. Only the lady's governess knew most of the details and contents of such lessons, but should Lyndis be extraordinarily cunning and skilled she would be able to decipher that only a handful were actually regular lessons of history, geography, reading and writing.

The mentor's identity was, however, no secret to those working at the palace: Kethan D'Espana, Baron of Ypsilanti and an arcane freak, always entering and leaving the palace covered in heavy clothes. Rumours had it he had suffered some disfigurements and illnesses from his magical research, but not many had come close enough to him to be able to check whether rumours were right or wrong.

There was also a last piece of information that Lyndis might be able to get, should she be able to find and seduce one of the overtalkative guards of one of the secondary accesses to the palace. A particularly strong bond seemed to have been stablished between the Earl of Iato and the Baron of Ypsilanti, a bond based on mutual respect and collaboration to study the arts of the arcane. Perhaps the Earl knew something about Stheno and Kethan, perhaps he did not, but it was maybe interesting enough to follow that line in the future.

Or maybe it was not.


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (20 days, 10 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian stood on one of the balcony's of his manse, his cloak flapped in the wind as he oversaw the training of his soldiers. They were all battle hardened capable men, but that didn't mean he wanted them getting slow or sloppy. His hands clasped behind his back, he stood in a comfortable warriors stance, feet about shoulder width apart and he was firmly planted.

Andre approached and cleared his throat. "Speak." Vahanian commanded. He had closed his eyes and tilted his head upwards a bit, letting the night sky wash over his face. Andre had a faint tone of irritation in his voice. "My Lord, Lyndis has.." Vahanian cut him off and said "Yes. I know. She has completed her task." Vahanian turned and saw the slight look of bewilderment on Andre's face. Vahanian chuckled and said, "Come. Let us hear her report."

Vahanian and Andre entered Vahanian's office, he took his seat behind the desk and Andre stood by the door. A few moments later Lyndis entered. She bowed her head respectfully to Vahnian and shot a hateful glance at Andre. She was about to start her report when Andre said "You should kneel to your betters." Vahnian did not take his eyes of Lyndis but did say "Andre..." In a tone that was clearly meant to communicate for him to stop talking. Lyndis ignored him, stepped forward even more, disregarding Andre entirely. A rage came over Andre, he grabbed her arm and was about to kick her to the floor when she pushed him back and had drawn a dagger. "Touch me again and I'll use your balls for dice and your sack for a coin purse." She spat at him. Vahanian stood, swiftly and walked over to the two of them. He pulled them apart and said to Andre. "You will not speak unless I ask you to. You will stand there. You will do nothing. Do not cough. Do not sneeze. Do nothing but blink and breathe. Understood?" Vahanian didn't wait for a response, he knew his orders would be obeyed. He turned to Lyndis. "Do anything like that ever again and I will execute you my self. Learn your place in the world girl. You have not been formally recognized as a Blint. You are a bastard of my brother and I can have you killed as easily as I could a calf. Do you understand me?" She shrugged him off and glared at him.

Vahanian moved faster than either of them thought was possible for a man his age. He swept her legs from under her and grabbed her throat while she was mid air. She slammed into the ground with a loud thud, driving the air from her lungs. He knelt beside her, his hand still on her throat. "I asked you a question. You will respond to me and you will obey me. I am the one thing in this world that is keeping you alive. If that is no longer your desire I will let Andre drive his sword through your heart. Believe me that is something he would cherish doing. Do you want to live?" Lyndis nodded her head yes. "Good. Then you will obey." Vahanian released her and returned to his seat. Lyndis laid there for a moment letting the rage and anger drain from her. Vahanian poured himself a cup of tea and watched her stand as he sipped it.

"What of the girl?" He asked. Lyndis responded "I have the name of her mentor. Kethan D'Espana." Vahanian nodded and said. "Good. Continue your investigation. Report back with any findings. Don't kill anyone and don't get killed." Lyndis bowed her head and left.

"Andre, invite Lord Kethan for dinner." Andre bowed and left as well. Vahanian finished his tea and closed his eyes. "Like children they are..." He thought to himself.


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (19 days, 16 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Lord Vahanian's invitation for dinner took Kethan quite by surprise, especially being so busy as he was right now preparing everything for a certain event he had been wishing a long time to happen. He read the letter at least a dozen times before finally understanding that he would have to engage in a direct, close quarters and most likely one-on-one social interaction with this newcomer nobleman to the Vales.

Oh well, so much for keeping low profile and avoiding feastings and public events. He let out a deep, long sigh before actually calling for his personal steward.

"Ernald, please answer Lord Vahanian's invitation and tell him that I accept his gentle offer. Once that is done, prepare my cosmetics for the occasion, I think I might need some of them."

The middle-aged man nodded and left to do his master's bidding. Kethan absent-mindedly touched his cheeks while he thought of the many possible disastrous outcomes of the meeting, his mood worsening for moments.

"I might need some of it? I just hope my reserves are not depleted after this unexpected surprise." - he mumbled.


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (19 days, 9 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian had received Lord Kethan's messenger and had been informed that Kethan had accepted the invitation. He nodded, not showing any sense of approval or disapproval. His steward was a nervous man, but a capable one. He started talking fast when he was nervous, which he usually was. "I will see to the preparations my lord you have nothing to worry about I will take care of everything we will have the finest silverware and dishes and goblets brought out I will have the cooks slaughter a goat and calf for the main course we should have a soup as well and perhaps a light salad." Vahanian turned and stared at the man until he stopped talking.

"Calm yourself. We are not trying to impress, this is not a content of who has the longest cock. This is a simple meal between two men who I hope will become friends. You will not prepare anything to grandiose. We will have a soup, you will have the cooks slaughter one goat, one chicken, and prepare a fish. I know not what our guest likes to eat so we will have options. Prepare a summer salad, I want fruit on the salad. Prepare a barrel of mead, and a bottle of wine. Andre will handle the spirits should we need it. I will have tea."

The steward nodded and rushed to complete his task. Vahanian turned to Andre, "I want the men we traveled here with stationed inside the manse. The new recruits can take the wall posts. You are not to be heavily armed, but you may carry either a dagger or sword. No Lance. Also, make sure all of the men have washed and eaten before our guest arrives. They can gamble when not on duty but no drinking. They will be given what remains of the barrel of mead when our guest has left." Andre nodded, "Do you expect trouble my lord?" Vahanian turned away and said "Always. Now go. I will wash and await our guest."

Several hours later when all preparations had been made, Vahanian stood on the balcony of his study, toying with the dagger he used to peel his beloved oranges. He had washed and trimmed his beard. He was dressed in a dark grey tunic with his house sigil, A direwolf with broken chains on its ankles howling at the moon, emblazoned on the tunic in gold. His trousers were black and his boots were dark brown leather. He wore a leather belt with his orange peeling dagger's scabbard on his hip and another dagger tucked against his back. He had his hair pulled back as he liked to with a crimson ribbon. He noticed Lord Kethan's arrival and watched the man and his retainers ride through the gates of Vahanian's manse. Vahanian turned and went to greet his guest.


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (19 days, 2 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Kethan rode his courser into Vahanian's manse, ten of his Daimon Hunters escorting him by foot as his honour guard and Ernald riding a rouncey right beside him, ready to support his master should he require his services in any shape or form. Ernald and him left the horses to Vahanian's servants, and he indicated with a gesture and a few words to Gernar, his captain, that the soldiers were to wait for him wherever Vahanian's captain indicated them, as their purpose was to guard him on his way to and from the meeting, not during it.

He was wearing a relatively fine dark green tunic, not very different from Vahanian's one, though manufactured with more comfort and durability in mind than pure looks or appearance. The or rampant dragon over the azure and argent coat of arms of the D'Espana's spoke of his D'Haran origins, though he had good reasons not to remember fondly his father or his grand-father. Dark brown trousers and leather boots completed his attire, and he had a heavy-looking long ornamental dagger hanging from his hips. He had been a hero for so long now that he just felt naked without a weapon, and he hoped Vahanian would understand that. A large green hood was covering his head when he entered the structure, though he removed it after a second of hesitation once he descended from his horse. He decided to keep his brown silk gloves on, at least until he was alone with Vahanian or he made some sort of comment about them.

Once he removed his hood, dark hair waved free, now hanging a little over his shoulders due to his current busyness. He had taken care to have his beard shaved off, and his face looked remarkably smooth and soft for a battle-hardened warrior past his thirties. He had taken a bath, though he still smelled funny from the perfume used to cover his everyday scent, rich in laboratory compounds and arcane ingredients. However, even though he had dye covering his hoary hair, cosmetics cloaking his unnaturally pale facial skin and gloves hiding his similarly pale hands, what he could not hide were his off-white pupils and ever-growing cataracts, and his eyes nervously scanned the area while waiting for his host and trying to avoid direct eye contact with any of his servants.

"Very well, Ernald." - he said. - "The moment of truth has come. Let's see how good are my disguise skills."


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (14 days, 9 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian's eyes drank in the features of Kethan almost instantly. His practiced eye looked over the Lord standing before him and judged him immediately. He noticed the cosmetics that covered the man's skin, though the purpose was something Vahanian had not yet ascertained. He noticed the gloves, an unusual choice but many reasons raced through Vahanian's mind. He pushed all of them to the side in his mind, he noticed the perfume that masked the man's natural scent, also an odd choice Vahanian thought. In an instant Vahanian had sized Kethan as a formidable mind, capable warrior, and odd person in general.

Vahanian stepped forward, bowed his head respectfully, making note of Kethan's position and title as a lord and said "My Lord, you honor me with your acceptance of my invitation. My captain will see to your men, and provide them food and water if they wish. If you would be so kind as to follow me, we can proceed into my study. We have much to discuss." Vahanian led Kethan through his Manse, and into his study, he offered the man a chair and "It appears we know some of the same people, my Lord... May I offer you a drink? Wine? Ale? A spirit?"


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (13 days, 10 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales When Vahanian approached him, Kethan noticed the short albeit careful scrutiny that the man in front of him was performing. He tried to do the same, but discovered to his dismay just how much had his vision blurred in the last few months. He could easily see Vahanian's overall figure and distinguish the different colours that made up his attire, but he barely could tell apart the many details needed to make a quick judgement of the man currently in front of him. Everything he could get out of this first interaction was the palpable respect his servants had to their master, that he felt immediately when all of them straightened the second he stepped in the room, and the exquisite manners of his host. He returned a slight bow after Vahanian's greeting, indicating with a quick gesture to his steward that he was not going to need him. You better remain here and make sure my Daimon Hunters behave properly, said the glance he directed at him. Ernald immediately understood, and left his master in Vahanian's company, focusing on Kethan's escort instead. Not that it was really necessary, as they all were extremely veteran and disciplined soldiers, but an extra eye or two were never going to hurt.

Kethan followed Vahanian to his study, where he took the seat he was offered and nodded to Vahanian's invitation.

"I am no longer a picky eater or drinker, over a decade in Beluaterra tempers any man's needs for luxury sooner than later. Some fresh and light-bodied wine would be perfect, but I will take anything you have in its place, especially if it makes your favourite preference."

Kethan waited until he was served his drink and any remaining servants left them alone, then looked directly at Vahanian, curiosity gleaming strongly even through his cataracts.

"You should know that it had been years since the last time I received such an invitation for a private dinner, Sir Vahanian. You have mentioned a mutual acquaintance of us... May I know who are we talking about, if you would be so gentle?"


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (10 days, 16 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian stood behind his desk, he traced the ring of his tea cup with his finger and finally he sat down and stared back at Kethan. He immediately liked the man. He was intelligent, polite, and experienced in many walks of life. Vahanian leaned back in his chair and said "If you will indulge me, I would tell you a story first." At Kethan's polite nod of affirmation Vahanian took a sip of his tea, and launched into his tale.

"I have two siblings. My younger sister, has long since passed from this world, far before her time. My older brother and she were very close to one another. He has not forgiven me for missing the funeral.. I was otherwise pre-occupied in Dwilight.. Since then my brother, Leatho, has traveled the world, employing his services as a very skilled and dangerous infiltrator. For a while I was furious with his choice of career, thinking it ignoble and dishonorable. Since then I have learned that it is a necessary and in some cases an incredibly useful evil that some must take the mantle of." Vahanian paused took a sip of tea and continued

"Something you should know Lord Kethan, trust is something not easily won from a Blint. My brother in particular. I have only ever seen him give his undying loyalty to four people outside of our family. One of them is in all likelihood dead. For him to write me and say that he owes his life and loyalty to the JeVondair family, and that if I ever can provide aide to that family that I should do so at once. Is no small thing. My brother has sworn a blood oath to a JeVondair in a far away land. An oath I fully intend to uphold until my last breath leaves my body and I forever depart the mortal world. So to answer your question Lord Kethan, I am here because I and every living member of my family owes it to the JeVondair's to protect and serve them in any way possible. Our mutual acquaintance is of course, Lady Rania Eastersand."

Vahanian paused again. "I must ask Lord Kethan. In what capacity do you know and serve the JeVondair family?"


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (2 days, 2 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Kethan's satisfied gesture of mixed surprise and fulfilled expectations could easily be seen through his makeup the second Vahanian pronounced the word "JeVondair". He waited politely for Vahanian to finish and ask him the obvious question, though his sudden relaxation spoke volumes about his expectations and regained self-confidence now he knew the reason of his host's invitation. He sincerely nodded at the infiltrator part, and could not help but empathise with Vahanian between sip and sip of his glass when he told him of his difficult family situation. A complicated family picture was one of the most defining qualities of the D'Espanas.

He let out a soft chuckle after Vahanian's question. He then took a deep breath, tilting his head to the sides for a couple times before answering, which he did after a long sip.

"Ah, the JeVondairs. Such a remarkable family, yes they are. Wherever you go in this wide and wild world, you will find it surprisingly hard to reach a place where their name has not left a dent, either in history or in the minds and hearts of the locals, nobility and commoners alike. And as for Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair..."

He took another small sip, careful enough to not let it ruin his makeup, his face and body language indicating that he was very carefully selecting which words to use.

"I would not say that I serve the JeVondair family, though it is true that I am also bond to Lady Rania by means of a promise I made to her, now many years ago. She came to us, to the Empire of the Shattered Vales, all by herself. Alone, Sir Vahanian, though in the end it turned out that she was not as lonely as we all thought."

Kethan tapped his fingers in Vahanian's desk, still unsure about just how much should he tell his host. However, he believed that Vahanian had been honest when he spoke about his oath, and an extra ally in this matter was something he could definitely use. Besides, he had to admit that he was enjoying Vahanian's company in a way that he had experienced very seldom in the last few years. He wanted to believe his host, and there was only a way he could do so to start talking with freedom.

"Sir Vahanian, you say you are oathbounded to the JeVondair family, and that both you and the rest of your family will strive to protect and serve the JeVondairs in any way you can. Would you be willing to repeat that oath before myself and with the Armored Gods of Mankind as our witnesses?" - he added another sentence after a very brief pause, even before Vahanian could answer his question - "Do weigh your answer carefully, Sir Vahanian. I would truly hate it for you to repeat your oath without really meaning it, and if you cannot do it in good faith perhaps it would be better that you told me so directly. It would be far easier for us both."


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (1 day, 14 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales For the first time since their meeting, Vahanian turned away from his guest and faced the fire that was crackling in the hearth. When Kethan asked him to repeat his oath to him, rage flashed across his eyes and face. It was, in a way, a question against his honor to ask him to repeat an oath already made. Vahanian valued his honor above most other things. He took a breath, and then controlled the anger, locking it away for a time when it would benefit him to use.

He turned to face Kethan and said "Lord Kethan.." Vahanian paused, picking his words carefully. "I hope you fully understand the gravity of your request. What you are asking, could very likely get me killed. Now I do not fear death, it accomplishes nothing to fear what we cannot change. However, I would like to live a little longer, there is still much I need to accomplish." Vahanian took a sip of his tea. He placed his tea cup on the desk and walked out from behind it. "My Brother owes his life to a JeVondair and my family owes a debt to the JeVondair's. I will reaffirm my oath before you." He paused, closed his eyes, took a breath and said,

"I Vahanian of House Blint, Commander of the Iron Legion, due offer my oath of fealty to Lady Rania of House JeVondair, I vow to defend her, protect her kin, aide her allies, and destroy her foes. I vow my sword, service, and life to her until my death, or until a time that Lady Rania sees fit to release me from my oath. This I swear before gods and man."

He opened his eyes and turned to look at Kethan and said "My Lord, I hope you do not take this personally, in fact I wish us to become great friends and allies. However, should my death come as a result of the oath I just gave before you, I can promise that my brother, his son, and my children will come for you and your family. The Blint family may not be well known, or widely regarded. But we are patient, and we do not forget." Vahanian looked into his guest's eyes before saying. "Please also understand that I do not make threats idly. In fact I very much detest threats, they make a man look weak." Vahanian took another sip of tea and said "Shall we eat?"


Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana (1 day, 13 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Kethan gave some time to his host to recover his composure. He knew that it was likely that he felt offended by his request, but there was no other way around this issue. Far too many things were at stake, and he was not going to compromise his oath to Lady Rania if Vahanian was not willing to do the same. However, it turned out that the man agreed to Kethan's terms. He listened to his words with solemnity all over his face, respect growing in his eyes as Vahanian went over his oath. When he let out his final threat, Kethan nodded just once.

"You have accepted my request, Sir Vahanian, and I am obliged to accept your terms in return. I would however not pay much attention to my family..." - Kethan's voice suddenly hardened with sarcasm, immediately conveying a long-held and deeply ingrained resentment - "...for I even doubt they remember I was sent to this barren land now so many years ago. And about me, if everything keeps being the way it is now, I may linger in this world for even less than you do."

He looked away for a second, trying to recompose himself much like Vahanian had done just a few minutes ago. After some five or ten seconds. he looked to his host once again, the storm inside subdued by Vahanian's offer.

"Indeed. I think I can trust you, Sir Vahanian, so this time it will be me who will answer your questions, either while we eat or after dessert, whichever you prefer. I would however ask that when the time comes we are left alone, just as we are now. Some of the answers to your questions will undoubtedly be meant only for your ears."


Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (1 day, 12 hours ago) message to all nobles of Shattered Vales Vahanian's respect for Kethan grew by the second. He called for a servant to bring them the food that had been prepared. The meal consisted of a salad, some roasted duck, a bit of lightly salted fish, and some dark red wine, served alongside a platter of fruit and cheese.

After the spread had been laid before them, Vahanian poured his guest some more wine, and himself some tea. The servant had left and they were once again alone. Vahanian carved the duck with practiced ease, laying a generous portion on a platter for his guest, followed by a bit of the fish and some of the salad. He prepared a plate for himself and sat opposite Kethan.

Both men ate for a few moments in silence, enjoying the taste of the meal while it was still warm. No doubt the conversation they were about to have would last for quite a while. After a few moments of eating and trivial conversation, Vahanian placed his fork down, wiped the corners of his mouth on a napkin, took a long sip of tea and asked. "Lord Kethan, as you can imagine I have many questions, that broach many subjects. A few are. Who is Stheno? What is the political climate like in the Vale? How surrounded by enemies are we really? Who are our allies? Who is the wolf queen? And most of all.. What do you need me to do?"