McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/gifts: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''

Well...Sitting in Oligarch wasn't <i>all</i> bad. It gave him time to work on a bit of art...As much of a clotheshorse as he was, his mother had rolled her eyes and suggested that if he wanted such things, he should make them himself. To her astonishment, he'd readily agreed to do so if she taught him how, and since then most of his clothing he'd designed and made the first version of personally. And now that he had Kaylan's measurements...He rather thought she'd enjoy a gown from him...
He hummed off-key as he cut, compared fabrics, tried them out on a model he'd made to the specifications of Kaylan's body, and sketched possibilities...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan stepped out of her tent and out of habit immediately lifted her hood. She wasn’t very familiar with the town, but she desperately needed to do something to keep her mind busy, therefore a walk would do her good. Usually, she found it extremely easy to just go on with her day, there wasn’t enough time to do everything and only realize it was done when her eyes could no longer remain open.
Now, all she could think of was how long her days were and how each minute seemed to crawl at a snail’s pace. Every letter she read seemed to hold no meaning, orders were just done out of rote, and her meals…Well she couldn’t remember the last time she had been able to eat one full meal before her appetite just vanished.
It was simple she missed Malcolm.  She would have done anything to hear his voice, instead of replaying the memory of his dulcet tones. To look into his eyes and see the fire reflected back at her. Mostly, at night when she lay down to sleep, she just longed to feel his mouth on hers complete with the sensation of his fingers trailing across her skin.
Stop it, you’re making it worse! She shook her head, and focused on the market around her. She noticed a merchant with several fabrics and approached him. He gave her an oily smile and rubbed both of his hands together. “You will not find the finest silks in all of the lands,” he began pitching his line and she lowered her hood to get a better look.
His eyes flashed with recognition but it was gone so quickly she thought she imagined it.  She was still being too guarded. She listened on as he continued to point out several colors and textures, and her gaze wandered to the end of his table where she noticed a multitude of bottles, varying in colors and shapes. “What are those?” she asked pointing and he bobbed his head with a pleased expression.
“Those are extremely rare oils, my Lady. They come from the far reaches of the land, and are pressed from the most exceptional ingredients, for example this one,” he held up the bottle and grinned. The bottle fit his palm, the liquid was clear emerald in color and contained small beads she couldn’t recognize. “This one is said to cool one’s skin and regenerate vitality.”
She managed to look a bit impressed but not at the bottle he was holding. Her gaze had been drawn to another which seemed to still have a small coating of dust over it. This one had an allure of magnificence filled with clear crimson liquid.  “And that one?” she questioned curiously. “Ahhh a rare gem this one.” He picked it up and removed the dust, to reveal a crystalline appearance. “It contains the very fires of passion,” he said pointing to the swimming beads. “One simple drop of this oil and your lover’s entire body will burn with desire. It will awaken his senses and make him completely vulnerable to only you.  Even after only one single use he will never forget your touch my Lady.”
Kaylan’s eyebrow lifted at his claim and she had to stop herself from laughing. “That is quite powerful indeed,” she smiled with amusement, “but nothing can hold that effect,” she chuckled and began to walk away. “My Lady, did I mention it also contains the strongest of flavors…” he continued desperately. “Strawberries,” he called out the last slyly and she paused in mid-step.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
It was good to be doing something more useful again...The first gown had been simple, and finished fairly quickly...Which was good, as the gold had come in for more militia. He'd marched off to Krimml as instructed, dropped the archers, and had turned back for Oligarch when...Wait...Was that Kaylan's banner flying above the castle? It was...Malcolm grinned. Good thing he'd took the gown with him for a colour-matching against a few potential frills...
While the servants prepared for the move, he paid off one of the messenger boys to take him to the room she'd taken in Krimml...And was a bit surprised to find the boy leading him out to a tent. A large tent, yes, but still...
The boy hustled over to whisper to the guard at the tent flap, who announced Malcolm. He waited with an easy grin, holding the package with the gown (sheer, glittering silver-green to match the theme of his other gift, and very clinging...But with weakened seams along the thighs so she could tear them at need to fight) in one curled arm.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan had just arrived when someone entered her tent, clearing his throat. She looked in his direction and he bowed. “Sir Malcolm Bedwyr wishes to speak with…” before he even had time to finish, her face broke into a smile and she walked to the entrance. She took a deep breath and pushed the flap back. Her eyes found him immediately and she couldn’t help the shiver down her spine. He was truly there, and she seemed suddenly mute. Her eyes lingered over his form and a lopsided grin transformed her smile. She wanted to move but her feet seemed rooted to the ground. Plus there were so many eyes around her, it simply wouldn’t do to have her jumping with excitement like a little girl but he did have a way of making her forget herself.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm smiled, and bowed.
"Greetings milady...I received word that you were here, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you...I trust I find you well?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Was that her heart hammering in her chest? She tried to ignore the pounding in her ears and flashed white teeth. “You do Sir Malcolm,” she nodded and looked behind her. Reopening the flap, she entered the tent, "please" she indicated for him to enter. Seeing the boy there she waved her hand in the other direction. “Out,” she ordered and he complied quickly. The moment he left, she grinned and stood before Malcolm, "I believe you promised me something."
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm grinned broadly, and tossed the parcel onto her camp chair.
"As you will, Milady..."
He strode forward, closing the gap between them, and tangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her against him and kissing her fiercely...Yes...This was...oh...What he'd been missing...Could feel her hands running up his back, gripping hard...Feel...her body move against his...He gave a low growl as the kiss lengthened and he picked her up...Feeling her legs wrap around his he strode toward where he'd seen the cot before...gods...And launched them both onto it...moving his mouth down to sink his teeth lightly into the sweet swell of her throat...
"Missed you..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“I’ve…” she sighed at the sensation of his lips over her neck. She brought him up and let her lips trail over the side of his face to his ear,” missed you too,” she whispered and nibbled on his earlobe. He let out a deep rumble and she grinned. “I won’t be satisfied until you know how much,” her warm breath tickled his ear and he leaned into her seeking more, “for your sake I hope you’re done your work for the day.” 
He looked back with a bit of surprise and then his smile grew bigger. At his expression she laughed and bit her lower lip and this time the smoldering gaze she gave him was, genuine.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Later...Malcolm turned a little and nuzzled Kaylan as they lay together under the sheets.
"Mmm...Yes, just as good as I remembered...Actually, a little better, methinks...Helps when you aren't hungover..."
He winked and laughed as she glared and smacked him.
"Pax, pax! I even have a peace offering to give you...Ooh, and since you are ever-so-conveniently lacking in clothing..."
He got up, and grinned at Kaylan's yelp as he took the sheets with him. She looked damn good with her hair disheveled, and her breasts heaving and glistening...He paused to admire her for a long moment, just breathing and drinking her in...Could see as she realized what he was doing, and the smile that lit her eyes was just amazing...He had to shake his head to break the spell, and grinned as he tossed her the package.
"Naked, Kaylan? Think of the scandal! Clothe thyself, woman!"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Blushing appropriately, she caught the package and her musical laughter filled the tent. “I cannot help it when all you do is look at me and before I know it my clothes disappear,” she grinned playfully and he returned the expression. She opened the package slowly, indulging in the moment. So many gifts he had given her so far and she was still lacking in that department. She looked up and noticed the waiting expression on his face, mixed with a touch excitement. Watching him watch her was enough to bring the smile back to her face.
The package was opened at last and she let out a small gasp and her hand came up to cover her mouth.  Her blue eyes shone, reflecting the glistening of the fabric and she picked it up. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed and stood up, holding the gown over her body. She examined it and her eyes moistened. “Malcolm, I absolutely love it, but I am not deserving of so many gifts,” she finally expressed timidly. 
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
His grin softened into a sweet smile.
"Of course you are, sweet one. You think <i>I</i> of all people would be getting romantically entangled with someone who wasn't? I assure you, you did not misjudge me by much at our first meeting. But I want to see how it fits you...I did the work myself, you know. Have to see if I had your measurements right..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She was surprised at that and her face displayed it. “Yourself?” she repeated and he nodded with an accomplished expression. “You are a man of many talents Malcolm,” she grinned as she looked at the gown again, this time almost with disbelief. Turning around, she began to slip the gown on.  “Which makes me wonder…” she mused, “what else are you hiding from me?” She was extremely pleased, it fit perfectly and she turned around to show him.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm drew in a sharp breath as he saw her in the gown...Gods, she was lovely...And took a long moment before responding...
"Well...I can tell a tale or joke with the best of them...Although my tongue is best suited for...Other pursuits..."
He winked, and licked his lips slowly...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“I have to agree with you there,” she winked and twirled once, watching his eyes hoping for the desired effect. It worked and he was completely spellbound by her. Approaching him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his chin, slowly working her way up to his mouth. Her lips wrapped around his and she stood on the tip of her toes to look into his blue eyes. “I’m afraid, I don’t have anything as unique as this,” her voice turned soft and she brought her hands up to the back of his neck and into his hair. “I meant to thank you for the way you took care of me, last.” She meant the hangover and he quickly caught on.
Taking his hand, she walked him back to the cot and lightly pushed him making him lay back into it. She took the moment to remove the gown, laying it on the chair, and approached him again. On her way, she picked up a small red bottle and set it on the ground. She removed the sheet covering him, and slowly opened the container, letting a small amount of oil drip onto her hands. “I do need to return the favor,” she kissed him, smiled and slowly ran her hands over his chest. The liquid instantly warmed as her fingers began to glide over his muscles and he sighed.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm nearly gasped as he felt her hands move over his body. Before, he'd been so focused on his performance for her that while he'd enjoyed...He hadn't completely relaxed...And now that he was...the old hypersensitivity kicked in...Gods...couldn't even think...
And then the scent reached him, and his eyes rolled up. Oh my gods...that...what...was...
He was completely lost in unbelievable sensations, and the time that followed was pure feeling with no thoughts at all...His body turned into a quivering mass of trembling skin and muscle...As her hands stretched over him and her body slipped onto his as part of that wondrous massage...
Eventually...he couldn't take anymore...and passed out completely, drifting into the darkness while Kaylan wrapped him close again...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan had continued to massage Malcolm even after he had drifted off. She could see by his reactions he was still subconsciously enjoying her touch. She was incredibly impressed by the oil, and made note to get more before leaving for Oligarch. When she was done, she slipped beneath the sheet and cuddled beside him. Even in sleep his hand reached over to possessively pull her to him. He inhaled and kissed her neck. “You smell so good,” he mumbled sleepily and she lifted her hand to his chest as her hand continued small circular motions until she fell asleep.
The next morning, they woke early shared a small breakfast and talked of a few matters, only to realize the little time they had before they parted ways. She thanked him for the gown again complete with a long passionate kiss adding how she wished to display it for him, at a special occasion if one presented itself again.
Wanting to walk with him, she brought her black steed along holding the reins, and listened as he told her where he was headed and what his plans were. He made a few jests and she gave a light laugh but for some reason found it so hard to keep smiling.
He could see she was growing silent the closer they came and he finally stopped. Taking her arms, he made her look at him and lifted her chin. “Kaylan… smile,” he beseeched her and she forced herself giving him a weak smile and his eyes softened. “I don’t want you to go,” she admitted and wrapped her arms around him. He ran his hands into her hair, “neither do I…” Cradling her face with his hands he gave her a light kiss. “But we will see each other again it’s only a question of time.”
She gave a weak nod and averted her gaze, argh she was going to become all weepy and she refused to let him see her in that state again. “You’re right,” she swallowed the large lump in her throat. He leaned in and they shared one last kiss, before he pulled away and she closed her eyes at the lingering sensation.
“Be safe,” she said and her steed approached, as if understanding the exchange and pressed his nose into her back, making her move towards him. “Kennocha,” she warned and her horse whinnied lighty, in response.
Grinning, he bowed with a flourish, “my Lady.” With that he vaulted onto his horse and he was off. She watched a few moments until he disappeared and jumped on Kennocha’s back, heading to the market.
When she arrived, she noticed the man from the previous day and prepared herself to slide off her steed when she noticed two large men speaking with him, giving him money. Her horses nickered at her indecision and he turned at the sound, his eyes growing rounder. He nodded in her direction, pointed, and the two large men turned to look. She was instantly alerted and instead of sliding off, she slapped Kennocha’s rump hard, making him buck and Kaylan desperately grabbed his mane, tightening her knees and her horse ran off in the opposite direction. Holding on tightly, she held her breath and looked over her shoulder until she turned a corner, now out of view. She never stopped and simply ran on with fear. She would eventually meet her men, since they had left earlier that morning.
It wasn’t until she did, she finally let go of Kennocha’s mane and flexed her cramped fingers. She let out a relieved breath and tried to pretend it didn’t happen, only every few minutes she found herself looking over her shoulder. It was going to be a long road now…

Latest revision as of 00:23, 31 May 2014

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Well...Sitting in Oligarch wasn't all bad. It gave him time to work on a bit of art...As much of a clotheshorse as he was, his mother had rolled her eyes and suggested that if he wanted such things, he should make them himself. To her astonishment, he'd readily agreed to do so if she taught him how, and since then most of his clothing he'd designed and made the first version of personally. And now that he had Kaylan's measurements...He rather thought she'd enjoy a gown from him...

He hummed off-key as he cut, compared fabrics, tried them out on a model he'd made to the specifications of Kaylan's body, and sketched possibilities...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan stepped out of her tent and out of habit immediately lifted her hood. She wasn’t very familiar with the town, but she desperately needed to do something to keep her mind busy, therefore a walk would do her good. Usually, she found it extremely easy to just go on with her day, there wasn’t enough time to do everything and only realize it was done when her eyes could no longer remain open.

Now, all she could think of was how long her days were and how each minute seemed to crawl at a snail’s pace. Every letter she read seemed to hold no meaning, orders were just done out of rote, and her meals…Well she couldn’t remember the last time she had been able to eat one full meal before her appetite just vanished.

It was simple she missed Malcolm. She would have done anything to hear his voice, instead of replaying the memory of his dulcet tones. To look into his eyes and see the fire reflected back at her. Mostly, at night when she lay down to sleep, she just longed to feel his mouth on hers complete with the sensation of his fingers trailing across her skin.

Stop it, you’re making it worse! She shook her head, and focused on the market around her. She noticed a merchant with several fabrics and approached him. He gave her an oily smile and rubbed both of his hands together. “You will not find the finest silks in all of the lands,” he began pitching his line and she lowered her hood to get a better look.

His eyes flashed with recognition but it was gone so quickly she thought she imagined it. She was still being too guarded. She listened on as he continued to point out several colors and textures, and her gaze wandered to the end of his table where she noticed a multitude of bottles, varying in colors and shapes. “What are those?” she asked pointing and he bobbed his head with a pleased expression.

“Those are extremely rare oils, my Lady. They come from the far reaches of the land, and are pressed from the most exceptional ingredients, for example this one,” he held up the bottle and grinned. The bottle fit his palm, the liquid was clear emerald in color and contained small beads she couldn’t recognize. “This one is said to cool one’s skin and regenerate vitality.”

She managed to look a bit impressed but not at the bottle he was holding. Her gaze had been drawn to another which seemed to still have a small coating of dust over it. This one had an allure of magnificence filled with clear crimson liquid. “And that one?” she questioned curiously. “Ahhh a rare gem this one.” He picked it up and removed the dust, to reveal a crystalline appearance. “It contains the very fires of passion,” he said pointing to the swimming beads. “One simple drop of this oil and your lover’s entire body will burn with desire. It will awaken his senses and make him completely vulnerable to only you. Even after only one single use he will never forget your touch my Lady.”

Kaylan’s eyebrow lifted at his claim and she had to stop herself from laughing. “That is quite powerful indeed,” she smiled with amusement, “but nothing can hold that effect,” she chuckled and began to walk away. “My Lady, did I mention it also contains the strongest of flavors…” he continued desperately. “Strawberries,” he called out the last slyly and she paused in mid-step.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

It was good to be doing something more useful again...The first gown had been simple, and finished fairly quickly...Which was good, as the gold had come in for more militia. He'd marched off to Krimml as instructed, dropped the archers, and had turned back for Oligarch when...Wait...Was that Kaylan's banner flying above the castle? It was...Malcolm grinned. Good thing he'd took the gown with him for a colour-matching against a few potential frills...

While the servants prepared for the move, he paid off one of the messenger boys to take him to the room she'd taken in Krimml...And was a bit surprised to find the boy leading him out to a tent. A large tent, yes, but still...

The boy hustled over to whisper to the guard at the tent flap, who announced Malcolm. He waited with an easy grin, holding the package with the gown (sheer, glittering silver-green to match the theme of his other gift, and very clinging...But with weakened seams along the thighs so she could tear them at need to fight) in one curled arm.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan had just arrived when someone entered her tent, clearing his throat. She looked in his direction and he bowed. “Sir Malcolm Bedwyr wishes to speak with…” before he even had time to finish, her face broke into a smile and she walked to the entrance. She took a deep breath and pushed the flap back. Her eyes found him immediately and she couldn’t help the shiver down her spine. He was truly there, and she seemed suddenly mute. Her eyes lingered over his form and a lopsided grin transformed her smile. She wanted to move but her feet seemed rooted to the ground. Plus there were so many eyes around her, it simply wouldn’t do to have her jumping with excitement like a little girl but he did have a way of making her forget herself.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm smiled, and bowed.

"Greetings milady...I received word that you were here, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you...I trust I find you well?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Was that her heart hammering in her chest? She tried to ignore the pounding in her ears and flashed white teeth. “You do Sir Malcolm,” she nodded and looked behind her. Reopening the flap, she entered the tent, "please" she indicated for him to enter. Seeing the boy there she waved her hand in the other direction. “Out,” she ordered and he complied quickly. The moment he left, she grinned and stood before Malcolm, "I believe you promised me something."

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm grinned broadly, and tossed the parcel onto her camp chair.

"As you will, Milady..."

He strode forward, closing the gap between them, and tangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her against him and kissing her fiercely...Yes...This was...oh...What he'd been missing...Could feel her hands running up his back, gripping hard...Feel...her body move against his...He gave a low growl as the kiss lengthened and he picked her up...Feeling her legs wrap around his he strode toward where he'd seen the cot before...gods...And launched them both onto it...moving his mouth down to sink his teeth lightly into the sweet swell of her throat...

"Missed you..."

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“I’ve…” she sighed at the sensation of his lips over her neck. She brought him up and let her lips trail over the side of his face to his ear,” missed you too,” she whispered and nibbled on his earlobe. He let out a deep rumble and she grinned. “I won’t be satisfied until you know how much,” her warm breath tickled his ear and he leaned into her seeking more, “for your sake I hope you’re done your work for the day.”

He looked back with a bit of surprise and then his smile grew bigger. At his expression she laughed and bit her lower lip and this time the smoldering gaze she gave him was, genuine.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Later...Malcolm turned a little and nuzzled Kaylan as they lay together under the sheets.

"Mmm...Yes, just as good as I remembered...Actually, a little better, methinks...Helps when you aren't hungover..."

He winked and laughed as she glared and smacked him.

"Pax, pax! I even have a peace offering to give you...Ooh, and since you are ever-so-conveniently lacking in clothing..."

He got up, and grinned at Kaylan's yelp as he took the sheets with him. She looked damn good with her hair disheveled, and her breasts heaving and glistening...He paused to admire her for a long moment, just breathing and drinking her in...Could see as she realized what he was doing, and the smile that lit her eyes was just amazing...He had to shake his head to break the spell, and grinned as he tossed her the package.

"Naked, Kaylan? Think of the scandal! Clothe thyself, woman!"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Blushing appropriately, she caught the package and her musical laughter filled the tent. “I cannot help it when all you do is look at me and before I know it my clothes disappear,” she grinned playfully and he returned the expression. She opened the package slowly, indulging in the moment. So many gifts he had given her so far and she was still lacking in that department. She looked up and noticed the waiting expression on his face, mixed with a touch excitement. Watching him watch her was enough to bring the smile back to her face.

The package was opened at last and she let out a small gasp and her hand came up to cover her mouth. Her blue eyes shone, reflecting the glistening of the fabric and she picked it up. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed and stood up, holding the gown over her body. She examined it and her eyes moistened. “Malcolm, I absolutely love it, but I am not deserving of so many gifts,” she finally expressed timidly.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

His grin softened into a sweet smile.

"Of course you are, sweet one. You think I of all people would be getting romantically entangled with someone who wasn't? I assure you, you did not misjudge me by much at our first meeting. But I want to see how it fits you...I did the work myself, you know. Have to see if I had your measurements right..."

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She was surprised at that and her face displayed it. “Yourself?” she repeated and he nodded with an accomplished expression. “You are a man of many talents Malcolm,” she grinned as she looked at the gown again, this time almost with disbelief. Turning around, she began to slip the gown on. “Which makes me wonder…” she mused, “what else are you hiding from me?” She was extremely pleased, it fit perfectly and she turned around to show him.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm drew in a sharp breath as he saw her in the gown...Gods, she was lovely...And took a long moment before responding...

"Well...I can tell a tale or joke with the best of them...Although my tongue is best suited for...Other pursuits..."

He winked, and licked his lips slowly...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“I have to agree with you there,” she winked and twirled once, watching his eyes hoping for the desired effect. It worked and he was completely spellbound by her. Approaching him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his chin, slowly working her way up to his mouth. Her lips wrapped around his and she stood on the tip of her toes to look into his blue eyes. “I’m afraid, I don’t have anything as unique as this,” her voice turned soft and she brought her hands up to the back of his neck and into his hair. “I meant to thank you for the way you took care of me, last.” She meant the hangover and he quickly caught on.

Taking his hand, she walked him back to the cot and lightly pushed him making him lay back into it. She took the moment to remove the gown, laying it on the chair, and approached him again. On her way, she picked up a small red bottle and set it on the ground. She removed the sheet covering him, and slowly opened the container, letting a small amount of oil drip onto her hands. “I do need to return the favor,” she kissed him, smiled and slowly ran her hands over his chest. The liquid instantly warmed as her fingers began to glide over his muscles and he sighed.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm nearly gasped as he felt her hands move over his body. Before, he'd been so focused on his performance for her that while he'd enjoyed...He hadn't completely relaxed...And now that he was...the old hypersensitivity kicked in...Gods...couldn't even think...

And then the scent reached him, and his eyes rolled up. Oh my gods...that...what...was...

He was completely lost in unbelievable sensations, and the time that followed was pure feeling with no thoughts at all...His body turned into a quivering mass of trembling skin and muscle...As her hands stretched over him and her body slipped onto his as part of that wondrous massage...

Eventually...he couldn't take anymore...and passed out completely, drifting into the darkness while Kaylan wrapped him close again...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan had continued to massage Malcolm even after he had drifted off. She could see by his reactions he was still subconsciously enjoying her touch. She was incredibly impressed by the oil, and made note to get more before leaving for Oligarch. When she was done, she slipped beneath the sheet and cuddled beside him. Even in sleep his hand reached over to possessively pull her to him. He inhaled and kissed her neck. “You smell so good,” he mumbled sleepily and she lifted her hand to his chest as her hand continued small circular motions until she fell asleep.

The next morning, they woke early shared a small breakfast and talked of a few matters, only to realize the little time they had before they parted ways. She thanked him for the gown again complete with a long passionate kiss adding how she wished to display it for him, at a special occasion if one presented itself again.

Wanting to walk with him, she brought her black steed along holding the reins, and listened as he told her where he was headed and what his plans were. He made a few jests and she gave a light laugh but for some reason found it so hard to keep smiling.

He could see she was growing silent the closer they came and he finally stopped. Taking her arms, he made her look at him and lifted her chin. “Kaylan… smile,” he beseeched her and she forced herself giving him a weak smile and his eyes softened. “I don’t want you to go,” she admitted and wrapped her arms around him. He ran his hands into her hair, “neither do I…” Cradling her face with his hands he gave her a light kiss. “But we will see each other again it’s only a question of time.”

She gave a weak nod and averted her gaze, argh she was going to become all weepy and she refused to let him see her in that state again. “You’re right,” she swallowed the large lump in her throat. He leaned in and they shared one last kiss, before he pulled away and she closed her eyes at the lingering sensation.

“Be safe,” she said and her steed approached, as if understanding the exchange and pressed his nose into her back, making her move towards him. “Kennocha,” she warned and her horse whinnied lighty, in response.

Grinning, he bowed with a flourish, “my Lady.” With that he vaulted onto his horse and he was off. She watched a few moments until he disappeared and jumped on Kennocha’s back, heading to the market.

When she arrived, she noticed the man from the previous day and prepared herself to slide off her steed when she noticed two large men speaking with him, giving him money. Her horses nickered at her indecision and he turned at the sound, his eyes growing rounder. He nodded in her direction, pointed, and the two large men turned to look. She was instantly alerted and instead of sliding off, she slapped Kennocha’s rump hard, making him buck and Kaylan desperately grabbed his mane, tightening her knees and her horse ran off in the opposite direction. Holding on tightly, she held her breath and looked over her shoulder until she turned a corner, now out of view. She never stopped and simply ran on with fear. She would eventually meet her men, since they had left earlier that morning.

It wasn’t until she did, she finally let go of Kennocha’s mane and flexed her cramped fingers. She let out a relieved breath and tried to pretend it didn’t happen, only every few minutes she found herself looking over her shoulder. It was going to be a long road now…