East Island News/East Island Chronicle/Chapter1: Difference between revisions

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(Updated Three I's, War start between Ubent and Ibladesh, and Fontan Sirion war.)
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'''Events up north at the same time as the rise of Ubent’s Golden age'''
'''Events up north at the same time as the rise of Ubent’s Golden age'''
Sirion’s First golden age'''

Early in history Fontan and Sirion were bitter enemies.  Fontan and Sirion fought a savage war between Avamar and Karbala.  In the end Sirion's legendary cavalry overcame the Fontanese who were forced to surrender before they suffered territorial loss.
Early in history Fontan and Sirion were bitter enemies.  Fontan and Sirion fought a savage war between Avamar and Karbala.  In the end Sirion's legendary cavalry overcame the Fontanese who were forced to surrender before they suffered territorial loss.
'''Sirion’s First golden age'''

Sirion in the north had become a vast land and just as big as Sirion.  Doc the infamous ruler of Sirion at the time decided to break Sirion into three nations.  West Sirion was created using Avamar city as a basis and stretched northwards.  East Sirion was created also to the east lands of Sirion.  This nation never really had history of its own and simply fought with Sirion when necessary the last was Sirion itself located in centralized lands of Sirion.
Sirion in the north had become a vast land and just as big as Sirion.  Doc the infamous ruler of Sirion at the time decided to break Sirion into three nations.  West Sirion was created using Avamar city as a basis and stretched northwards.  East Sirion was created also to the east lands of Sirion.  This nation never really had history of its own and simply fought with Sirion when necessary the last was Sirion itself located in centralized lands of Sirion.

Revision as of 15:56, 17 August 2011

The Original Realms

Little is known about the first years on the East Continent. After the creation of the continent the following nations arose.

Itorunt – Based in Itorunt City

Ibladesh – Based in Ibladesh city

Isadril – Based in Isadril city

Ubent – Based in Castle Ubent

Perdan – Based in Perdan city

Caligus – Based in Domus

Oligarch – Based in Oligarch city

Rancangua – Based in Oroya

Coimbra – Based in Krimml

Fontan – Based in Fontan city

Sirion – Based in Sirion city

Nations spawned new nobles and expanded their territory. Grabbing whatever they could. Sirion immediately became powerful holding an advantageous position with fortified lands.

First realm to Die – November 2001

The first casualty. The realms of Ibladesh, Itrount and Isadril had agreed to merge into a super-power in the south to rival Perdanese and Caligan power. However, the Gods (GM) made it known that peaceful mergers of realms was not to be. Thusly war broke out between Caligus and Isadril vs Ibladesh Itrount Coimbra. Isadril was the first realm in the East Continent to be no more. After a long brutal war nearing the end of 2001 Itorunt and Ibladesh breached the walls of Isadril turning the land rogue. Coimbra made many impressive gains during the war and claimed Akesh Temple.

The city of Isadril went through a long period where it was believed to be unconquerable. The peasants simply refused to subject to anyones rule (OOC : No brutal takeover was in place at the time and all hostiles failed)

During this time Ubent began to war Perdan engaging in daring cat and mouse raids west of Aix.

Ubents Golden Age “Age of the Iron Throne” Approximately Jan 2001 – December 2002

Soon after war in the south continued Ubent continued its war against Perdan. Ubent was far from the small realm that they were remembered to be at the end. Led by benevolent dictator Burning Hawk they expanded from AzZarqa (now known as dayr and Zawr) up to Partora and Meuse and down towards Xavax, Hamadan and Mashhad. In what is largely viewed as the worst political decision to ever befall a realm. Gregor Relak then Chancellor of Ibladesh and Duke of the capital led a surprise attack on Castle Ubent hoping to capture the city and knock Ubent out of any future conflict. The attack failed for various reasons and Ubent and Perdan allied with one another against Ibladesh and Itrount. The cities of Aix and Al Arab almost fell under Ubents control at certain points during the war. It was roughly at this time that food no longer became plentiful. Caligus who had pledged to remain neutral in the war, abruptly began to refuse to sell Ibladesh food it desperately required. Ibladeshian cities starved and thousands perished severely weakening the giant realm. Coimbran influence has long been suspected in this policy reversal by Caligus.

Ubent engaged with Itorunt and Ibladesh made a cunning tactical move and sent an army to Isadril and finally was able to conquer it expanding its borders. Ubent had become a superpower on the east continent. Ubent however hit its point where it simply couldn’t expand any further and thus they couldn’t progress into Itorunt territory further. Also there were pressing matters up north (see Sirions first golden age) and they were needed there.

In a surprise maneuver, Ubent massed enough troops in Isadril to perform a takeover. Following a massive, but failed, attack on the city of Isadril, it was spun off from Ubent as a nation itself, under the name Fallangard. The purpose for this was to create a nation closer to the front lines with Itorunt. Fallangard could then carry on the war with Itorunt more easily, and leave Ubent free to turn north and join in the fight against Sirion.

Ubent therefore decided to restructure itself, creating Fallanguard in the south based again in Isadril. The purpose for this was to create a nation closer to the front lines with Itorunt. Fallangard could then carry on the war with Itorunt more easily, and leave Ubent free to turn north and join in the fight against Sirion.

It also gave away various territories to allies. It is believed that Partora and Meuse were given back to Perdan who had lost them previously. Ibladesh receive AzZarqa and Clermont in a peace settlement that forced Gregor Relak from the isle. The new nation of Fallanguard received various regions (likely being IgnoTota in them). Caligus received Mashhad and Hamadan. This made Ubent likely by all its direct neighbours (being Fallanguard, Ibladesh, Caligus and Perdan at the time) After restructuring, Burning Hawk dictator of Ubentstepped down and the people of Ubent elected Bethe as the new ruler.

The Southern Alliance created – January 2003

Soon after a southern alliance was formed between the realms of Perdan, Caligus, Ubent and Fallanguard. Ubent then marched north with armies of the southern alliance.

Events up north at the same time as the rise of Ubent’s Golden age

Early in history Fontan and Sirion were bitter enemies. Fontan and Sirion fought a savage war between Avamar and Karbala. In the end Sirion's legendary cavalry overcame the Fontanese who were forced to surrender before they suffered territorial loss.

Sirion’s First golden age

Sirion in the north had become a vast land and just as big as Sirion. Doc the infamous ruler of Sirion at the time decided to break Sirion into three nations. West Sirion was created using Avamar city as a basis and stretched northwards. East Sirion was created also to the east lands of Sirion. This nation never really had history of its own and simply fought with Sirion when necessary the last was Sirion itself located in centralized lands of Sirion.

Doc’s plan was to conquer the world. Creating East and West Sirion would simply allow all three nations to work together and grow. Coincidently during the creation of these nations Eleador also spawned during the creation of east and west Sirion. It formed in the lands north of West Sirion (north west of Sirion itself) in the lands of Ustimbar and Rollbar at the time. Being a new realm with no immediate friend Eleador decided to side with the nation of Sirion marching with their armies.

War in the north – Sirion, East Sirion, West Sirion, Rancangua and Eleador vrs Oligarch and Omsk

Sirion then set its sights on their major threat in the north being Oligarch. Oligarch had one ally Omsk. Omsk was based in Ashforth and stretched to Kazan and northern regions of Obando and Dale.

War broke out brutally. Oligarch and Omsk fought hard in the northern regions of Obando and Dale. However, Oligarch and Omsk held out remarkably against the forces but slowly Sirion, Rancangua and Eleador gained ground expanding into Omsk territory. Omsk eventually fell losing the last region of Ashforth to Eleador.

With her one ally gone, Oligarch started fighting all the nations they sought help from Perdan.the large military dictatorship, that was presently neutral. It is believed pressure was put on the Sirionite alliance to back off Oligarch. An answer soon came when Oligarch lost their capital city taken over by West Sirion, and had been reduced to 4 regions.

(Meets up with events of the southern alliance being formed)

End of Chapter 1