Dwilight Daily/2009/May: Difference between revisions

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m (DD Religion of Triunism Founded)
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|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
|month = May
|day = 5
|year = 2009
|title = Religion of Triunism Founded
|article = A new religion was founded today in the townsland of [[Chesland]] by Lady Metis Highland. The new religion is named [[Triunism]]. Lady Metis sent the following message upon the founding:<br><br>
|Sender=Metis Highland
|Recipients=all nobles of Terran
|Content=First Letter to Terran,<br><br>
Noble brothers and sister of Terran, I give you peace and greetings. Long have we together lived through times of peace and war, bounty and famine, unity and separation. We are a family bound in blood and to each other. This is what makes us unique; this is what makes us important on Dwilight. It is this importance that led me here to perform my task and it is this importance that allowed me to succeed.<br><br>I come to you today as your sister and as a messenger. I do not come empty handed to this meeting of our hearts, I come with the light of knowledge. I came to this land when she was still virgin and the blood of our forbearers stained the fields red. I was young then but I had a passion. I was commanded by the will of my lords to serve a young knight turned king Rev Athins. I followed him as I would my Lords, to the very place we stand today. It was here we tried to forge to destinies in one, but the fates were not so accommodating. Creatures of chaos rose from the mountains and the fields to deny us our destiny. We tried to prevent their ascent into our holy city but we were defeated. The last I saw was Rev climbing the stairs to the throne room with the fury of hell licking at his feet.<br><br>Long was my sleep, I saw things of wonder and glory. Thousands of stars flashed with a thousand suns of brilliance and were suddenly swallowed by entities of unknowable blackness. Through all of this I traveled with my Lords, the Triune. They guided me and taught of the world through each of their eyes, filling me with an impossible knowledge. I cried at the feet of the brass golem, madness taking me. The Triune looked down at me, deciding that my mission was not yet complete. So they sent me back to this world to spread the knowledge I gained to my brothers and sisters. And then I awoke and found myself with you.<br><br>My mission in Terran is to spread the word of the Triune to all of you, whether you take it into your hearts or not is not my concern, I only wish to give you contrast on the background of life. That is what Triunism is, a study of how life contradicts and contrasts itself. I am not going to try to tell you how I can save your eternal souls if you just follow me, that goes against what I teach. I am not going to drill you with doctrine and ritual, only with a message and goal from my lords to you.<br><br>Mortazo wishes to profess that life is dangerous and chaotic. In order for life to be protected a Leviathan must rule over man to keep the evil out. Through law and order rested in one individual we are made safe from the anarchists and revolutionaries. The more men that power is rested in the more possibility there is for dissent and disloyalty. If an idea challenges the established order it is evil, only by standing still can we remain safe. By giving your will to the Leviathan you assure your own safety.<br><br>Blacklight wishes to profess that life is full of tyrants and power mongers. Free will and choice are the guarantied rights of all in the verse. Only by questioning and destroying authority are we safe from powers grasp. In Anarchy we must live, the ultimate form of freedom and expression. Never stand still always question and challenge, even if it destroys you.
Wurdiz wishes to profess to you that life is not black and white, but built on compromise. Absolute authority and absolute chaos only lead to damnation and death. By balancing the two we learn to live the way Space and Time envisioned us to. If we do not compromise in life and learn to accept each other’s differences, we are doomed to live apart and afraid for our own lives.<br><br>This is all I have to say to you today brothers and sisters. I thank you for lending me your ears and your hearts. The message I bring you I believe is fundamental in order to live a full life. If we adhere to a single idea we become like a blade of grass in the fields of Chesland. Would it not be better to blaze in the night like the light of the Sun?<br><br>Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
|Title=Priestess of Triunism
|author = Brance Indirik<br>Duke of Libidizedd
|realm = Astrum
|month = May
|month = May

Revision as of 15:38, 5 May 2009

Religion of Triunism Founded May 5, 2009
A new religion was founded today in the townsland of Chesland by Lady Metis Highland. The new religion is named Triunism. Lady Metis sent the following message upon the founding:

Letter from Metis Highland
Message sent to all nobles of Terran
First Letter to Terran,

Noble brothers and sister of Terran, I give you peace and greetings. Long have we together lived through times of peace and war, bounty and famine, unity and separation. We are a family bound in blood and to each other. This is what makes us unique; this is what makes us important on Dwilight. It is this importance that led me here to perform my task and it is this importance that allowed me to succeed.

I come to you today as your sister and as a messenger. I do not come empty handed to this meeting of our hearts, I come with the light of knowledge. I came to this land when she was still virgin and the blood of our forbearers stained the fields red. I was young then but I had a passion. I was commanded by the will of my lords to serve a young knight turned king Rev Athins. I followed him as I would my Lords, to the very place we stand today. It was here we tried to forge to destinies in one, but the fates were not so accommodating. Creatures of chaos rose from the mountains and the fields to deny us our destiny. We tried to prevent their ascent into our holy city but we were defeated. The last I saw was Rev climbing the stairs to the throne room with the fury of hell licking at his feet.

Long was my sleep, I saw things of wonder and glory. Thousands of stars flashed with a thousand suns of brilliance and were suddenly swallowed by entities of unknowable blackness. Through all of this I traveled with my Lords, the Triune. They guided me and taught of the world through each of their eyes, filling me with an impossible knowledge. I cried at the feet of the brass golem, madness taking me. The Triune looked down at me, deciding that my mission was not yet complete. So they sent me back to this world to spread the knowledge I gained to my brothers and sisters. And then I awoke and found myself with you.

My mission in Terran is to spread the word of the Triune to all of you, whether you take it into your hearts or not is not my concern, I only wish to give you contrast on the background of life. That is what Triunism is, a study of how life contradicts and contrasts itself. I am not going to try to tell you how I can save your eternal souls if you just follow me, that goes against what I teach. I am not going to drill you with doctrine and ritual, only with a message and goal from my lords to you.

Mortazo wishes to profess that life is dangerous and chaotic. In order for life to be protected a Leviathan must rule over man to keep the evil out. Through law and order rested in one individual we are made safe from the anarchists and revolutionaries. The more men that power is rested in the more possibility there is for dissent and disloyalty. If an idea challenges the established order it is evil, only by standing still can we remain safe. By giving your will to the Leviathan you assure your own safety.

Blacklight wishes to profess that life is full of tyrants and power mongers. Free will and choice are the guarantied rights of all in the verse. Only by questioning and destroying authority are we safe from powers grasp. In Anarchy we must live, the ultimate form of freedom and expression. Never stand still always question and challenge, even if it destroys you.

Wurdiz wishes to profess to you that life is not black and white, but built on compromise. Absolute authority and absolute chaos only lead to damnation and death. By balancing the two we learn to live the way Space and Time envisioned us to. If we do not compromise in life and learn to accept each other’s differences, we are doomed to live apart and afraid for our own lives.

This is all I have to say to you today brothers and sisters. I thank you for lending me your ears and your hearts. The message I bring you I believe is fundamental in order to live a full life. If we adhere to a single idea we become like a blade of grass in the fields of Chesland. Would it not be better to blaze in the night like the light of the Sun?

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
Metis Highland (Priestess of Triunism)
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
The Decline of Virovene May 4, 2009
Earlier today the troubled realm of Virovene established a new colony in the stronghold of Storms Keep. This marks another step in the decline of the realm of Virovene that began many weeks ago with the death of Kaiser Cato. Following his death, the realm quickly lost the new kaiser that replaced Kaiser Cato. Over the course of the next few weeks the regions of Virovene slowly began switching allegiance to Morek. And just today the region of Croton outright rebelled against Virovene and declared independence. This leaves Virovene with only their capital, the city of Muspelheim. With the formation of the new colony, rumoured to be named Thulsoma, the former High Inquisitor of Virovene has left, along with a few other nobles form Virovene. Surely Virovene can not stand much longer. They have a slowly decreasing number of nobles, they are reduced to one city, unable to produce food to feed itself, and with no prospect for expansion since they are completely surrounded by the overwhelming strength of Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd