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Latest revision as of 17:06, 6 November 2008

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: September 1st, 2007

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

Overgrown Rodent trounces Eston
September 19th, 2007

Reports are coming in that the Rabbit hordes of Falasan have broken through Estonite defences and have even taken Amdor!!! The fortifications of Amdor present a special threat to Eston as their entire eastern front becomes vulnerable to raids and invasions. All attempts to retake this vital region have ended in failure. We will update you on any upcoming news.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Hangman, Duke of Stargard.
September 11th, 2007

Hangman Perkele has been installed the new Duke of Stargard two days ago by Dictator Lister. Already hard at work repairing the damage Redspan mismanagement has inflicted on the city, Hangman and the Army has stabilized the region and calmed the population. Despite this, it will be a long time before the peasants recover.

Elinda, former Duchess of Stargard, is currently vacationing in the Colonies. I am sure she sends her regards and congratulations to her replacement.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

The view from Redspan
September 6th, 2007

I have taken to the streets here in Stargard to find out what people think. Here is my interview of Dielo Filador, Arch Priest of RedSpan:

1. What do you think brought Redspan to this juncture?

Dielo Filador: A wide variety of things brought us here. The actions that I and others made as King of Redspan is one of them. Carelian secession from the federation is one of them. Spiritmonger's secession from Abington is one of them. General inflexibility is probably the biggest, though.

2. Do you think the war was worth it?

Dielo Filador: We weren't given much of a choice in the matter.

3. If you were king, would you do anything differently?

Dielo Filador: Of course I would have. King Shamus and I are not the same man, and we both have different strengths that affect the way we handle situations.

4. What do you think of the defection of Carelia against you?

Dielo Filador: Kronos did what he felt was best for his realm. Fundamentally, that's all one can ask of a ruler. Was it what I would have done? No. I was King when it happened, and I didn't hide my disappointment, which really didn't help anything. Ultimately, I understand Carelia's decision to leave the federation. I do not, however, understand the Tara-Carelia alliance so shortly after Carelia wanted to re-awaken the war between the federations.

5. What should Redspan do now?

Dielo Filador: What can we do? We have two split regions with a takeover running in our capital. We have next to no income. Our only ally capable of helping us just had a rebellion. There is no bargaining power left, except maybe to lift a few bans on Taran infiltrators (or ex-infiltrators). Short of our enemies giving up, there is little left for Redspan except the dignity of fighting to the last man.

6. What personally are your future plans?

Dielo Filador: Well, Redspan's all I've ever known, but I'm not old enough to retire yet. There's been a lot of talk here about some new world that explorers are looking at now, that could provide a decent home for a number of us, should we choose to go there. I am also lucky enough to have friends in enough places around here that I'll definitely be able to find somewhere to call home again.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Stargard Liberated!
September 8th, 2007

Well it's finally over. Stargard was officially liberated around forty minutes ago and already many peasants have taken to the street to rejoice the new government.

Admittedly, some of the more loyal RS peasants rose up against us during the takeover, and I still hear the odd scream of panic as my troops find another filthy goat worshiper to shave and bathe; but otherwise the overall feeling in Stargard is joy.

In fact the party is raging so loud in the streets, now I can barely hear myself think. I must leave you already; the delicious smell of goat is making me drool all over my writing so to prevent further damage to my article I must leave you for the party.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

The view from Tara
September 6th, 2007

I have taken to the streets here in Stargard to find out what people think. Here is my interview of Xeon the Shadow, Count of Jagla:

1. What do you think of Stargard and its smell?

Xeon the Shadow: I just love this place... Roasted goats three times a day... Too bad the local population is decreasing rapidly because of this diet. Smell? What smell? Xeon fixes his home-made gas mask. Is there any?

2. Do you think the war was worth it?

Xeon the Shadow: Believe me a war is always worth to fight. Try to live a few months without one and you will start killing your friends out of boredom... Personally i liked the previous war with Redspan... Huge armies fighting over Meldeen... Too bad everything that is left of Redspan now is a bunch of dirty peasants...

3. If you were Dictator, would you do anything differently?

Xeon the Shadow: Oh, yes! I would!!! I would ban all the reporters from my realm and would write the history as I please... Wait, can I write... Damn... So I'll need at least one after all... Too bad that by the time I become a dictator there would be no enemies left to kill - Lister is doing his job really well :)

4. What do you think of the refugees infesting the city?

Xeon the Shadow: Refugees... i thought they lived here... Though I must say that the local peasantry are really annoying. Can't they understand that a bar of soap won't kill them...

5. What should Tara do now?

Xeon the Shadow: Once we TO Stargard we'll have more than enough work to do to return this city to its former glory... And it takes more time to rebuild than to destroy.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Desperate Goats take Desperate Actions.
September 6th, 2007

The progressing cleansing of Stargard is driving its inhabitants to hope and the future free of goats and filth. However, not all share this view. During the past few days, a rising tide to duels have issued forth from Redspan Nobles living in the streets of this city. Stripped of their army, their lands and soon their capital, these poor souls seek death as a means of redemption. Already, a duel between Ceng Kwee (Knight of Andurus) and Dabug Habap (Knight of Stargard) have led to serious wounds for both. There are also reports that AJ von Krondor, High Marshal of RedSpan has challenged James Atkinson General of Tara, Marshal of the Grand Taran Army of Foda to a death duel.

We must resist the urge to slay these sad souls. Our religion, The Order, compels us to save them, liberate them from the pathetic condition Da Way has led them. the manxy watty, Executor of Tara, Count of Tandsu has therefore banned all duels. Once again, the Nobles of Tara must sacrifice for the greeater good.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

The Rise and Fall of a realm called Redspan
September 2nd, 2007

The end of Redspan has officially begun today as Tara begins the annexation of her capital, Stargard. Though previous attempts at liberation have failed in the past, there is now little that can stop this following the liberation of Sullenport a few days ago. Once Stargard falls, the Goat Realm will have no place for a capital and no home at all.

Born in fury and dying in ignominy, few expected Redspan to end this way. No glorious last stand. No noble death. The once proud realm who held off most of the continent several times against impossible odds now dies alone, abandoned by her friends and scorned by her enemies. Where are the warriors of yore and legend? Have they all become flowers, every one? Certainly none can recognize the pitiful resistance seen during this war as resembling the acts of a competent army. Certain people believe that Da Goat religion has sapped the vitality of Redspan. If so, all efforts must be done to end such a scourge from infecting Tara as well.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Tara Times welcomes Rojo
September 2nd, 2007

Our paper welcomes back Rojo, one of our best reporters. Rojo has been instrumental in reviving the Tara Times and has now become an active participant in our paper following his journey of spiritual renewal. We are lucky to have him back.

Written by Jose dela Cruz