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From his tunic, he retrieved and unfolded the handkerchief to reveal the ring. He could see the the lady was very pleased and to his surprise rewarded him with a horse along with the purse of gold. Its name was Tinwe she said, and Hithithil gladly accepted the animal. Tying the keg to Tinwe's back with the rope Hithithil went through the items it contained making sure all the important items were present. A dragons tooth, an ancient tome, a mysterious book, a rusty signet ring and finally a small diamond. Satisfied, Hithithil thanked the noble lady and made for the market to spend his reward.
From his tunic, he retrieved and unfolded the handkerchief to reveal the ring. He could see the the lady was very pleased and to his surprise rewarded him with a horse along with the purse of gold. Its name was Tinwe she said, and Hithithil gladly accepted the animal. Tying the keg to Tinwe's back with the rope Hithithil went through the items it contained making sure all the important items were present. A dragons tooth, an ancient tome, a mysterious book, a rusty signet ring and finally a small diamond. Satisfied, Hithithil thanked the noble lady and made for the market to spend his reward.
[[Category: Roleplay]]

Latest revision as of 15:22, 3 November 2008

Calling for an adventurer

When Ilya realized her Elemental Ring of Life was bruised and in great need of repairs, she spread a call among the peasantry, looking for someone who could repair such a rare item. Her scribe estimated the condition of the ring to be 43%, and it lowered even further before the adventurous commoner Hithithil answered her call and presented himself to her in Barad Gardor. It was July.

The meeting

Hithithil was lead through corridors every time deeper into the manor house, being inspected at every door. After a while, he was finally stopped in front of a large door, which the servant opened fully for him to pass. It was an internal garden, designed with bushes and flowers for appreciation, and the former baroness was sitting in the opposite end of it, rocking lightly in a chair. Hearing the sound of the door being opened, she gestured for a woman nearby to take the two packages in her lap, the two of which let out small sounds while they were taken away to the room behind her.

Hithithil had heard of the children born while Nazia was occupied, but it was surprising the audience would take place so close to them.

Ilya observed the commoner in front of her for a while, considering how to deal with him. With a sigh, the lady looked up to the sky, tinted in red from the sunset, and spoke, looking back at the man.

- You are Hithithil, right? - without waiting for an answer, she continued - I'm sorry for the scene you just presented, but being a mother is busier than I thought it would be... - Ilya blushed slightly and changed the subject - I need your services to repair a very important thing for me... and of course you'll be rewarded for that. First, however, let me know a little of yourself... let me see if it checks with your reputation, mister.

Hithithil cautiously ventured through the corridors before he was led through the portal to the gardens. He looked around in wonder and amazement as had never thought a place so tranquil could exist in an imposing walled manor. Hithithil knelt and bowed before the former baroness as she sat looking him over. She was radiant in the twilight as any new mother would be. When the question came, He nervously answered, "Of course, mi'Lady. I was raised by my mother in the foothills of Nazgorn. I had a normal childhood helping my mother harvest and sell the mountains bounty. Every now and then we would have monsters in the mountains and my mother and I hid. But now I no longer hide from them, with this assassins dagger I will rid the land of these beasts." Realizing he had unknowingly stood up during his little speech, Hithithil drops back to his knees in front of the noble lady. "I come before you offering my services at your request mi'Lady" Hithithil declared, as he stared at the grass before her feet waiting for a response.

The task proposed (and a new pair of travel boots)

Ilya suppressed a smile seeing the young man's excitement in killing monsters, and looked down, examining his face. He had some beautiful features to it, almost noble-like, but also traces of a life in the wilderness, like the burned hair and strong arms. Maybe just like the life she wanted her children to live in the mountains of Nazia... Shaking her head, the former baroness glanced at the adventurer's boots and thought, for a moment.

- You seem to be a good man, Hithithil, and your mother is certainly an interesting woman. - turning to her soldiers, she ordered - Big Joe, bring my shoemaker here, immediately. - Yes, my lady. - when the man had left, Ilya turned back to the man before her. - The service I need of you is to find someone to fix this.

With care, she took a handkerchief from her dress' pocket and unfolded it, to show him a beautiful ring.

The ring gleamed beautifully in the sunlight. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. Even with the tarnishes that marred its surface the fine craftsmanship shone through. Hithithil carefully accepted such a intricate item folded in the handkerchief. "Lady Ilya, I will take good care of this and bring it back as soon as I can." Hithithil replied with confidence. When the boots were ready Hithithil took his leave from the castle estate.

The restoration and devolution

The next few weeks Hithithil wandered the lands between Barad Falas and Tucha. He climbed every mountain and searched high and low for the wise old men to repair such a fine item. While they were not hard to find, those old men often asked for rare and mystical items in exchange, items he did not have, items that he needed to find. So that was how he spent those days, gathering trinkets on his travels over hills that dipped into valleys and across the vast plains. Occasionally he visited more populated centers by the water for the comforts of a warm bed. As the sun sailed across the sky each day as it did the day before, Hithithil accumulated more and more odds and ends. After much frustration and cursing of old men, his efforts had come to fruition. The ring was perfect as it was meant to be.

After a perilous journey, which included close encounters with undeads, monsters and a wounding by an undead champion, Hithithil had finally arrived outside the camp. Hithithil was quickly ushered into the back of Ilyas camp dragging his empty key (which was infact not empty but contained all his items and supplies) along with a rope.

In the back of her camp, Ilya received Hithithil. The ring was in much better condition that she'd have expected, and the 25 gold pieces they had arranged seemed now too little for such a piece of jewelry. She saw the boots were still good in the adventurer's feet, and considered how else could she pay him for the good work.

Calling her groom, she asked him to bring Tinwe, the dark, heavy horse Ilya had trained herself in the past months. He was still young, but was calm and worked hard. The white sparks all over his back was what gave him the name.

- Take him, Hithithil, for your good work. People might ask why you have a well-conformed young horse in your possession, so I'll have my scribe write you a letter with my appreciation of your services. You may sell it, or you may keep it.

From his tunic, he retrieved and unfolded the handkerchief to reveal the ring. He could see the the lady was very pleased and to his surprise rewarded him with a horse along with the purse of gold. Its name was Tinwe she said, and Hithithil gladly accepted the animal. Tying the keg to Tinwe's back with the rope Hithithil went through the items it contained making sure all the important items were present. A dragons tooth, an ancient tome, a mysterious book, a rusty signet ring and finally a small diamond. Satisfied, Hithithil thanked the noble lady and made for the market to spend his reward.