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'''Marle, Aenil of Stoicism'''
'''Marle, Aenil of Stoicism'''
Duchess Edara is a firey and passionate young woman; seemingly the opposite of stoicism. But true stoicism is not the pursuit of emotional emptiness, but remaining calm and rational in even the most dire situations
It's not easy to remain calm while facing overwhelming odds with nothing but a stick of metal and a block of wood by your side, but time and time again Duchess Edara has shown both clearness of mind and thought through the toughest times.

'''Harmony, Aenil of Honour'''
'''Harmony, Aenil of Honour'''

One might look upon our little Duchess and think that she had only the honour granted by the accident of birth and position. And those who thought that...would miss the finer meanings of honour: nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness.* No one who has spent more than a moment in my cousin’s company could fail to see her shining, generous spirit. When presented with an opportunity to give or to care or to be accepting...she never hesitates, never weighs her options. For Edara, there is only every one love. And this is what she gives to Jenred...and what she gives to us all.
One might look upon our little Duchess and think that she had only the honour granted by the accident of birth and position. And those who thought that...would miss the finer meanings of honour: nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness.* No one who has spent more than a moment in my cousin’s company could fail to see her shining, generous spirit. When presented with an opportunity to give or to care or to be accepting...she never hesitates, never weighs her options. For Edara, there is only every one love. And this is what she gives to Jenred...and what she gives to us all.

Latest revision as of 22:23, 15 August 2008

Part One

The most important guests will be seated in front of a raised stage (outside). Although you will have a better idea of attendance than myself, I believe that we can be certain that Dukes and Royalty will be present, and they aill of course be given the best view. Guards will have to be stationed around the area, of course; we cannot risk the safety of such noble personages. Should you require additional troops, my cousin Euran has already said that he would be honoured to provide his Huscarls for this duty. Surrounding the seating area will be the lesser nobles, courtiers, entourages and so on, who are entitled to a decent view.

Now, I was wondering what your attitude might be to commoners? The nobles present will be a crowd enough, but given that you two are of both great rank and well loved by the common folk we must be prepared for the fact that many peasants will want to see the ceremony. Given that you wish it to be held outside as well, keeping such a mass at bay might prove difficult. It might be easier simply to keep the great unwashed out of Nocaneb's castle grounds all together. That said, with enough soldiers we could probably arrange for a crowd to be kept at a distance within the grounds, without causing discomfort in the great nobles. The risk is of course that they would overwhelm the guards.

So, onto the ceremony itself! I was thinking of enlisting some of the children of the local nobility to do a song and dance to start the celebration. It would set the mood well. If you have any particular favourite songs, they could be sung; otherwise there's a selection of excellent joyful hyms that could be used. After the children, I will make a short speech and properly welcome the guests (although no doubt you will both already have done so at the start of the tournament). At this point you should both enter seperately; the manner of this is entirely up to each of you (although as the King and Queen-to-be I suggest you make an entrance!), but it seems only proper that the bride enters first.

Then comes the traditional cautioning upon the solemnity of marriage, and how sacred a bond it is. You will be asked if you are both entirely sure that you wish to be married (and I hope there will be no suprises!) before the more sacred element of your marriage begins. For this we need water from the Holy Spring in Sasat; it would be an expression of devotion for you both to collect it personally - the spring is a very good place for personal contemplation - but I am sure that the Aenil would understand if two busy personages such as yourselves did not have the time, in which cqse I could arrange for the holy water to be fetched.

To commence the Ceremony of Twin Ships I shall bless a large amphora of the holy water, before tipping it down a wooden half pipe that leads off to the Temple. You will each launch a minitature single masted sailing ship down the chute, while I speak the words of the ceremony. It is a deep and moving thing, the ships representing your individual lives on the stormy spiritual sea. The three of us will then lead the nobles to the temple, singing hymns. If peasants have been in attendance they will not (and certainly should not) be able to see the next, most sacred, part of your marriage. I shall arrange a distraction, entertainment of some kind.

Part Two

Inside the temple, as the guests are seated, your two ships will be sailing around grooves cut in the walls of the temple. They will eventually converge from around the back of the temple and sweep down into a central stone bowl. At this point the candles will go out and a choir will commence singing. Eventually this will become a simple ritual plainchant, over which I will speak the ancient words of the Ceremony of the Night. There will then be a period of silent reflection before the Ceremony of the Light begins; this involves select persons (you should select a few each, I shall fill up the rest with clergy) who have gathered around each of you dressed in the ceremonial robes of the Aenil. They will light candles one by one, and speak their part, before lighting candles in the rest of the temple.

Normally we would remain inside the church for the next part, but since I understand that you would like to exchange your vows in the sunlight, we will proceed out into the open air once more.

Part Three

The Ceremony of Vows; essentially the simplest part, but also the most important one. You each exchange your well thought out vows, and swear them to each other in the sight of the Aenil and myself and the nobles gathered together. Often gifts, of various kinds depending on which village you see the ceremony performed at, are exchanged at this stage. It is your choice how you wish this to run. The most important part is that you both realise that countless Aenil, attracted by the people gathered there and the solemn and heartfelt emotions they feel, are there to witness the binding of your marriage.

With the most serious part of the occasion out of the way, the celebrations can then begin. I shall conduct the Ceremony of the Single Ship, where you remove the sails from your single ships and put them in a slightly larger boat. This is born aloft by your selected dressed up as Aenil. Then I have no doubt that you will be swamped by well wishers, and that any semblance of order will immediately vanish.

Aerywyn, Aenil of Wisdom

He stood tall and straight as a spear, an air of mischief to his expression contrasting with the sedate green coat and graceful, well cut attire he wore. His dark brown hair, normally long , was cut short and his beard was trimmed for the occasion, presenting an astoundingly different man than normal as he addressed the crowd.

“… and then the fires had burnt their fury across the land, leaving nought but ashes and lost hope in their wake. We were reborn in those fires, although many amongst our people were but children when blood and glory reigned.”

At this point the speaker pauses, putting a hand to his mouth whilst his mind lingers on the memories of the past. Momentarily his vision changes from the inward to see the crowd seated in the hall, a soft transition visible to those attentive in his blue eyes. He smiles warmly at the couple, and turns back to the congregation.

“Of all those who embraced the wilderness and made it their own, we are here to laud two of ours; our brightest, our favoured. For Jenred, I have but two things to say of his wisdom; that of his acumen in managing the affairs of Arcaea through fear and hunger, and of his choice in such a good woman, gifted with love and laughter unquenchable by even the coldest winter night.”

He stops, then chest rising with pride and honour walks over to the couple. First Aerywyn takes Jenred’s hand in his, a firm clasp, and then to Edara he takes her hand and bows, done gracefully by the lord.

Arlian, Aenil of Stoicism

"Lord Jenred is often known for his hot temper and fierce words. But despite these fiery indicators, his stoicism in the face of adversity cannot be denied. When faced with a crisis, such as the attack on the Inn, or the kidnapping of Lady Harmony, his instant response is to restore order, plan, and execute an effective response. Only after the crisis has been resolved does he give in to his emotions. Such stoicism is to be much admired in a man."

Goffrey, Aenil of Honour

At the end of the day, a man is only as good as two things, his word, and his ability to keep his word. With regards to King Jenred Bedwyr, there is maybe one other person whom I trust more, and that man happens to have the advantage of being related to me.

During the height of Arcaea’s war with seemingly the entirety of the north Jenred was the man who gave hope back to our realm. He was the one who united a country, shattered by war and famine, and rebuilt to what it is today.

From the best of times to the worst of times, Jenred and Edara have been together through it all, and never once did either of them cease in their purist of a happy life together. Today, is the culmination of all their hard work, and I for one couldn’t be happier.

Madelena, Aenil of Wisdom

"The Aenil have watched over you, guiding you on the path to Wisdom. Duchess Edara, from the moment we first met you have instilled in me an infinite sense of wisdom. I could name specific instances, for there are many, but I prefer instead to show the world how this gift you have from the Aenil covers a multitude of situations. You know when to speak and when to remain silent. You know when to be stern and when to lightly tease others from solemnity into mirth. You quickly read a person’s countenance and fully understand the essence of another. You know when to wait and when to act quickly. You know when to say yes and when to say no. Indeed M’Lady, you are the source of true feminine wisdom in this land and I am blessed to know you for it."

Marle, Aenil of Stoicism

Duchess Edara is a firey and passionate young woman; seemingly the opposite of stoicism. But true stoicism is not the pursuit of emotional emptiness, but remaining calm and rational in even the most dire situations

It's not easy to remain calm while facing overwhelming odds with nothing but a stick of metal and a block of wood by your side, but time and time again Duchess Edara has shown both clearness of mind and thought through the toughest times.

Harmony, Aenil of Honour

One might look upon our little Duchess and think that she had only the honour granted by the accident of birth and position. And those who thought that...would miss the finer meanings of honour: nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness.* No one who has spent more than a moment in my cousin’s company could fail to see her shining, generous spirit. When presented with an opportunity to give or to care or to be accepting...she never hesitates, never weighs her options. For Edara, there is only every one love. And this is what she gives to Jenred...and what she gives to us all.