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In the beginning there were two lovers. This couple loved each other with a fire stronger than any known to man. The woman was called Motom and the man was called Tamot, they worked hand in hand. Motom was the mother of the universe and she loved to create. Tamot was the destroyer, he broke the things Motom made, back into the blocks she used to create. They loved each other and they were happy, they walked hand in hand together through time.
'''The Seven'''

One day, after countless eons, Motom decided to make something secretly for Tamot. Something she thought would impress him, something very special. She made feelings. Until that day they only knew love for each other. As she was finished she made a gigantic ball of earth which she covered with water. She made a small piece of earth, that rose above the water. She called it Dwilight. She also made a large ball of fire which she placed high above in the air. Then she called Tamot and they looked at the giant ball of fire drop in the water at the horizon.
A religion found in the region of Rye in the Duchy of Springdale in the realm of Springdale by Borric of Tyr-Sog.  

As the ball of fire, Motom had called it sun, was away darkness was slowly covering the two lovers. Quickly Motom pulled out of nothing the small box she had made containing the gifts she made for Tamot. On the outside of the box seven figures where standing. As Tamot opened the box he was struck with surprise. He started to sense things inside of him. He was confused, as he looked into the eyes of his lover.

After the gift they both prepared to leave. Tamot wanted to destroy Dwilight, as it was his purpose in life. As he wanted to start, Motom begged him to stop. She felt sorry for what she had created. No longer should he destroy things she created, they would keep them all. She felt sorry for the things he destroyed. As Motom looked again at Dwilight Tamot felt angry. He felt an urge to do something, anything, as his purpose in life was stolen from him. He grabbed the box in which she had given him feelings and threw it towards Dwilight. Motom saw it falling and she raced after it. She caught it just before it would have shattered to pieces on the cold earth. Then something terrible happened.

Tamot had sneaked up behind her, holding a dagger in his hand. Next Tamot did something unspeakable, he stabbed his lover in the back, directly through her heart. Motom felt the pain, the first time and last time. She fell on the ground of Dwilight and with the last of her strength she turned around. She looked at Tamot and she said she forgave his actions. She was the one to blame. As Tamot looked at her he broke down and cried. He never felt so lonely, he killed his lover.
'''The book'''

As Tamot cried at the body of his lover, he suddenly had an idea. He would destroy Dwilight with his lover on it. He would destroy everything that could remind him of her and his guilt. As he flew through the sky, preparing to destroy everything, his tears where scattered through it. The tears slowly started to shine, they became the stars we know today.  
Some time ago Borric was visited by an old hermit. The hermit refused to give his name to Borric and one of Borric’s guards tried to remove him from the court. The guard was struck down with one blow, after which the old hermit walked towards Borric. Borric could smell the hermit before he even was half way the court. The smell could kill a man if he wanted. The hermit threw old book to Borric after he turned around. As he walked through the door he said that they would meet again.
Borric, first upset by the insulting appearance of the hermit, refused to look into the book. But after time his curiosity became to great and he looked into it. He could not read much of it, as if the words didn’t allow him to read them. After some time he could read the first pages which told him the tale of the beginning. In time more and more pages “let” him read them. Here is a collection of the stories he was able to recover.  

As Tamot turned around he looked at Dwilight. What he saw made him shiver with fear. The blood from his lover had reached the box in her hands. As he looked on the figures on the sides of the box started to stand up and they looked at him. He tried to destroy Dwilight, with the figures on it, but the tears he had cried had made him weaker. The seven figures, four females and three males, fought back and were able to defeat him. There names were:

[[/The Beginning|The Beginning]]
'''The Gods'''
The gods live in a city of the gods high in the sky. The city is split into seven parts. Each of the gods have there own place to life. More details can be found on this pages on which the gods are introduced. The gods each take a turn in watching the cage in which they imprisoned there father, Tamot.
[[/The Gods|The gods]] are:

- '''Gussalen, The Ice Lady ''' (Sea, Winter, Death) (female)
- '''Gussalen, The Ice Lady ''' (Sea, Winter, Death) (female)
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They had worked together and stopped Tamot from destroying Dwilight. They kept him, their father, on his knees as they looked at Motom, their mother. They felt anger, and wanted to slay him in retribution for their mothers death. Eleanor, however, spoke up saying that they could not kill him, that killing out of anger was wrong. So Brunhild suggested that they imprison him for all time. The oldest of them, Althalos agreed. They made a large jewel from the body of thier mother in which they imprisoned there father, Tamot. Next they placed him in the sky, forever to drift, looking down on the world he tried to destroy, even now he can be seen in the sky as a great red star.
'''The temples'''

Then they looked at the world their mother had created. Zantorian said that they should honour their mother, and so they did. They made every thing we know today, from man to birds to the fish in the sea, they made it all. As they looked upon the life of the world, they knew things were well, this is what she had intended. Dwilight would flourish and it would act as a great monument for their mother. They hid themselves, some in the sky, some in the earth, so they could keep watch over their father's prison. They would make sure he would never escape.
'''The followers'''

Revision as of 11:55, 21 July 2008

The Seven

A religion found in the region of Rye in the Duchy of Springdale in the realm of Springdale by Borric of Tyr-Sog.

The book

Some time ago Borric was visited by an old hermit. The hermit refused to give his name to Borric and one of Borric’s guards tried to remove him from the court. The guard was struck down with one blow, after which the old hermit walked towards Borric. Borric could smell the hermit before he even was half way the court. The smell could kill a man if he wanted. The hermit threw old book to Borric after he turned around. As he walked through the door he said that they would meet again. Borric, first upset by the insulting appearance of the hermit, refused to look into the book. But after time his curiosity became to great and he looked into it. He could not read much of it, as if the words didn’t allow him to read them. After some time he could read the first pages which told him the tale of the beginning. In time more and more pages “let” him read them. Here is a collection of the stories he was able to recover.

The Beginning

The Gods

The gods live in a city of the gods high in the sky. The city is split into seven parts. Each of the gods have there own place to life. More details can be found on this pages on which the gods are introduced. The gods each take a turn in watching the cage in which they imprisoned there father, Tamot.

The gods are:

- Gussalen, The Ice Lady (Sea, Winter, Death) (female)

- Brunhild, The Blacksmith (War, Trade, City-life, Fire) (female)

- Hadrian, The Messenger (Travel, Weather, Air) (male)

- Althalos, The Old Rock (Mountains, Farmers, Earth) (male)

- Zantorian, The Calm (Wilds, Forests, Animals) (male)

- Eleanor, The Balance (Judgment) (female)

- Rose, The Thief (Tricks, Jokes, Espionage) (female)

The temples

The followers