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The Claim-System will be used to choose the new region lord. Only a noble with a claim on the region can be chosen to become it's new region lord. The Senate will choose the capablest noble to become the new region lord. Therefore a referendum doesn't need to be used. If the Senate consider all the nobles with a claim on the region incompetent, they are allowed to choose an other noble to become region lord of the region. The Claim-System will also be used by a region taken over from the enemy.  
The Claim-System will be used to choose the new region lord. Only a noble with a claim on the region can be chosen to become it's new region lord. The Senate will choose the capablest noble to become the new region lord. Therefore a referendum doesn't need to be used. If the Senate consider all the nobles with a claim on the region incompetent, they are allowed to choose an other noble to become region lord of the region. The Claim-System will also be used by a region taken over from the enemy.  
===== Duchy Contribution =====
===== Duchy Contribution =====
Region Lords and Dukes should send 33% of their tax share to the Duchy. The Dukes should sent 100% of the Duchy taxes towards the realms treasure. The Quaestor will distribute the gold again among the nobles. The region lord and Dukes are free to to fill in whereto the remaining percentage of the regions taxes will go to. This would mean that every noble has an income from which region he may be. And the region Lords and Duke should keep that in the back of their heads when they make the decision which percentage of the regions income a noble will receive.
Region Lords and Dukes should send 33% of their tax share to the Duchy. The Dukes should sent 100% of the Duchy taxes towards the realms treasure. The Quaestor will distribute the gold again among the nobles. The region lord and Dukes are free to to fill in whereto the remaining percentage of the regions taxes will go to. This would mean that every noble has an income from which region he may be. And the region Lords and Duke should keep that in the back of their heads when they make the decision which percentage of the regions income a noble will receive.<br>
=== Enlod's Religion ===
Times have changed and after the path of [[Adgharhin Way|Adgharhin]] that the peasants used to follow under the rule of [[Arcachon]], [[Sartania]] came. [[Sartania]] came with a new religion for the peasants, [[The Church of Sartan]]. Sartan is the Empire's only God, and He's the only true God. Nobody is allowed to fund a new religion, and no priest from an other religion is allowed to priest on our lands. Together with [[Sartania]] we spread the word of Sartan.<br>
=== Code of Nobility ===
What ever the situation may be, a noble should be civil to every other noble (including the enemy). You are a noble, so act like one. And everyone should be addressed with their title, or with 'sir/lady' or something in that direction. If you don't keep your messages civil, and doesn't act like a noble, then the Senate can request fines our discuss with the Imperator about a loss of position. Orders are also included, but of course, they need to by short and direct. And it's not needed to use titles in orders. But orders shouldn't be humiliating or dishonoured in any way. Also the orders should be kept civil.

Revision as of 13:24, 5 June 2008

The Constitution of The Empire of Enlod

A constitution for a new Empire! Based in the Far East.
A realm who will believe in the only true god, Sartan!

Ruler: Imperator
General: Magister Militum
Judge: Iudex
Banker: Quaestor

Government System

The Empire of Enlod is a realm, based on the old Roman Empire. The realm will be ruled as a Tyranny and that would mean that the Imperator will have the same abilities as a Tyrant. This government system has been chosen to prevent problem we faced in the Sartania (the realm who created us). No one will stand above the constitution, not even the Imperator. And the constitution has been created to divide the power of the Imperator among the nobles. To make everyone as pleased as they would be in Sartania or an other realm, only there will be no monthly election.

The Senate

The Senate is a council of Dukes and region lords with as leader, the Duke of the Capital city, also known as the Princeps Senatus. It's the parliament of The Empire of Enlod. It is an important organ of our realm. And if we talk about the Senate, then we talk about only the region lords Dukes. The government members are added to the message group of the Senate as well, because they are important to discuss with about the internal and international affairs of our realm. The government members have the same rights as the senators, but they are not invited to vote on any referendums.

The rights of the Senators
  • The right to interrogate; they are allowed to ask everything concerning a position towards the keeper of the position. And the keeper will have to answer every question, but he can protest against a question if he finds the question misleading or not concerning his position. In this case, we have to answer the other questions, and the Iudex will decide if he has to answer the question where he protested against or not. If the Iudex will be interrogated, he can also protest, but then it's up to the Princeps Senatus to decide if he has to answer the questions.
  • The right of amendment and initiative; they are allowed to change the constitution or to make a new law for the constitution. The Senate will have to vote about it before this change or new law will become active. Concerning changing the constitution, the Imperator is the only one who can initiate a legal referendum. It will require the two-third majority to pass this referendum.
  • The right to issue a motion of distrust; they can ask every keeper of which position it may be, to step down. A motion of distrusted need to be supported with good arguments. If so, then the Princeps Senatus will have to initiate a new referendum. It will require the two-third majority to pass this referendum. Who received the motion and lost the referendum will have to step down from his position. If he refuses to step down, than the Imperator will have to remove him personally from his position.

Government positions

There are four government position and every position has it's own special tasks. The Imperator is allowed to withdraw them from their position when they do not fulfil their task. The Senate has the right to issue a motion of distrust, with an majority of two-third of the senators they can also vote against a government position to get him from his position. When the Imperator doesn't fulfil his task, and when he refuses to step down, your only option to get him from his position is to start a rebellion, but this is not approved by the constitution and a failed rebellion will end up with banishments!


The Imperator will have to take care of the international and internal affairs. He will have to obey the constitution so as everyone else. Referendums by the Senate will be heard, and the Imperator should fulfil the wishes/demands of these referendums. The Imperator is the only one with a veto, and that would allowed him to ignore decisions of the Senate or their referendums. The Imperator's word is law, and should be obeyed. So as the Imperator should listen to the Senate in most situations. And besides that, the Imperator should be thorough and perfect. And that's why he can't be openly pointed on the faults he may make, but that should happen within the Senate. This include public protests against the decisions of the Imperator as well. It will be considered as humiliation of the Imperator and will be punished with a fine.
The Imperator will be the Duke of Enlod as well, since Enlod is one of the most important region with the most important history for the existence of The Empire of Enlod. Therefore the Imperator will be the Duke of Enlod, even if the Empire gained new cities, and even when Enlod will lose it's title as capital of our Empire. And when there will come a new Imperator, he should appoint himself to the position of Duke of Enlod.

Magister Militum

The Magister Militum, known as 'Master of the army' is the general of the Empire. He have to take care of all the military matters. He will have to cooperated with the marshal(s) for a good operating army. The orders of the Magister Militum and those of the marshals should be obeyed, otherwise you will receive a fine. The Magister Militum has to be sure his armies will show discipline. But even if the Magister Militum has command over the armies, he still stand below the Imperator within the military chain of command. The Imperator, Magister Militum, Iudex, marshals and second-in-commands together will form a military council, the 'Bellicus Consilium'.


The Iudex will ensure order is kept within the realm. He may fine or ban nobles and enforce the laws of the Realm. Realm laws are subject to the Constitution, which is the basis for a just realm. All the government members and Senators can request a punishment, but the Iudex will have the last says about what the punishment will be. Any violation of this Constitution will result in a ban or fine, as determined by the Iudex. He will ensure this Constitution and the realm laws are followed by every noble.
The Iudex is also responsible for the dungeons of the Empire. Foreign prisoners will be treated with respect, but gold may be taken from enemy prisoners. Caught infiltrators will be banished, and banished infiltrator will be deported. Torture and execution are not approved by the Empire, and will only be used with permission of the Imperator, against those who try to assassinate government members or Senators.


The Quaestor must monitor the food reserves of the realm and will ensure every region has enough food to prevent starvation. Federated realms will have the first opportunity to purchase any surplus food. The Quaestor will also distribute the gold sent to the realm among the nobles. The government member will receive as much for holding their position as each noble on average. Government members with a Duchy under their command so as the Imperator will not receive any gold for the government position they keep.


Government member are not allowed to become region lords, because every region should stay within the command of a Duchy. And we also don't want to reduce the amount Senators. So therefore a government member will not be appointed as region lord, but they can become Duke of a city. If a region lord will be chosen by the Senate to become a government member, he shall first have to step down from his Lordship before the Imperator is will appoint him to his new duty.
If a government position is empty, the Imperator will appoint himself to the empty position. In the mean while, the Imperator will initiate a new referendum. A representative referendum, wherefore the senators will be invited to vote on. Every noble is allowed to speak up if he wants the position and he's free to add his name on the list of nobles to choose. It will require the simple majority to pass this referendum.

Dukes and regional Lords

If a Duke or region lord doesn't fulfil his task he will be removed from his position, by the Duke or Imperator. A new Duke will be chosen trough a representative referendum, wherefore the senators will be invited to vote on. Every noble is allowed to speak up if he wants the position and he's free to add his name on the list of nobles to choose. It will require the simple majority to pass this referendum. If it's concerning the dukeship of Enlod, then the Imperator will have to appoint himself to the position, whoever the Imperator may be. The Dukeship of Enlod will always be obtained by the Imperator.

The Claim-System

The Claim-System will be used to choose the new region lord. Only a noble with a claim on the region can be chosen to become it's new region lord. The Senate will choose the capablest noble to become the new region lord. Therefore a referendum doesn't need to be used. If the Senate consider all the nobles with a claim on the region incompetent, they are allowed to choose an other noble to become region lord of the region. The Claim-System will also be used by a region taken over from the enemy.

Duchy Contribution

Region Lords and Dukes should send 33% of their tax share to the Duchy. The Dukes should sent 100% of the Duchy taxes towards the realms treasure. The Quaestor will distribute the gold again among the nobles. The region lord and Dukes are free to to fill in whereto the remaining percentage of the regions taxes will go to. This would mean that every noble has an income from which region he may be. And the region Lords and Duke should keep that in the back of their heads when they make the decision which percentage of the regions income a noble will receive.

Enlod's Religion

Times have changed and after the path of Adgharhin that the peasants used to follow under the rule of Arcachon, Sartania came. Sartania came with a new religion for the peasants, The Church of Sartan. Sartan is the Empire's only God, and He's the only true God. Nobody is allowed to fund a new religion, and no priest from an other religion is allowed to priest on our lands. Together with Sartania we spread the word of Sartan.

Code of Nobility

What ever the situation may be, a noble should be civil to every other noble (including the enemy). You are a noble, so act like one. And everyone should be addressed with their title, or with 'sir/lady' or something in that direction. If you don't keep your messages civil, and doesn't act like a noble, then the Senate can request fines our discuss with the Imperator about a loss of position. Orders are also included, but of course, they need to by short and direct. And it's not needed to use titles in orders. But orders shouldn't be humiliating or dishonoured in any way. Also the orders should be kept civil.