Madina (Realm)/Part2: Difference between revisions

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After searching through the Night, you finally find a suitable place to stay; you pay a few silver in advance and immediately go to sleep.

The next day you wake up from the noise that is generated outside of the building. You hear the sounds of the market life and fishermen who are setting sail from the docks


When you get dressed and go outside, you quickly spot your friend from yesterday coming out of the tavern. The man looks exactly the same, and it appears he didn't take the time to change his filthy clothes or stop drinking. He clearly spent the entire night playing a game of Joker.

Aye Ye 'ol rat! did ye find a good place to spend the night? I bet ya did! So 'ave you enjoyed the city of Madina till now? Is there anything else I can help ya with? There is still much to know!

You now observe your friend more closely; you notice the mug of ale in his hand and a lamp in his other. You ask him what the lamp is for after accepting his offer to teach you some more about this place

Lamp? Ah Yes the lamp!

The Guide looks up in the sky

We won't be needin this anymore do we! Another good reason for spendin the night in the Tavern!

The man throws the lamp away while laughing his bollocks off. When he's finished, he starts walking towards the city center.

Follow me, my friend 'n I will tell ya about how this place was built by only a few of us.

The Establishment of Madina

Before any of us managed to get in contact with the outside world, we worked very hard to repair our ship and to build houses for our men to sleep in. We got wood from a small nearby forest, the wood we found was perfect, not to heavy and not to weak. We lived off coconuts and fish, and only after many weeks of hard work did we manage to send a small group of our men out to sea in search of a possible merchant sea route. Of course we knew it would be hard and dangerous, but we had no choice. We had to find someone.

And eventually, after months of eating coconuts and fish, the brave sailors returned; they found a sea route! It appeared that a trading island was only a few months sailing away which was close to one of the big known continents.

And so, many strange folks, mostly merchants or privateers joined us in our task to colonize these fertile lands and build a true city able to be governed by us, the people. In this time we have grown from nothing to a great city state, housing all kinds of workshops, goods, and entertainment. A place to be truly proud of!

The Town Square

After a while you enter an area which looks like a town sqaure, but all you see is a few stone buildings and a wooden galow or two in front of it. You point at the gallows and ask your companion about the laws of Madina.

Laws?! HAHA, don't drink too much of that stuff will ye? There is no such thing as Laws in this lands; you respect each other and each others rights. Our rights are very simple, everyone is free to live how they wish and be treated equally by the rest of us. If ye have to settle anything, you settle it publicly in your own way, 'n only when things get out of hand will our leaders react.

There are a couple more of those rights, and there are also rules of trading 'o course, but there is nothing what you call 'Enforced Laws' in this land.

Your friend has seemingly enjoyed your comment and continues to ramble on for quite a while about several incidents and examples of how things were 'settled' down here. You shiver at the details and patiently wait for him to finish his story. When he's finished, you ask him about Abbot and the other leaders of the realm.

That is a story for another time me friend; I have to get some sleep. Ye'll never know what happens when ye never visit your bed!!

Ow and another important thing, if you wish to stay here for longer then you walk right into that building over there where you can sign in for temporary citizenship of Madina. There you can also meet with some of our leaders. Abbot left the Tavern early; he must be there by now.

See ya in the mornin!

The man stumbles off, and when you see him disappear into the dirty streets of Madina, you ask yourself what to do next.
You have two options available: you can walk into the town hall and look for some more information or you can start scheduling your departure back home.
What do you do?
A. You visit the Town Hall
B. You Schedule your Departure

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