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article =Current Grand Imperatrix Alanna Anaris is the most popular of the various choices that have presented themselves during the first official election of the island. Of course, her choices in the past may haunt her decision to run, as she has several critics attempting to poke holes in her words.|}}
article =Current Grand Imperatrix Alanna Anaris is the most popular of the various choices that have presented themselves during the first official election of the island. Of course, her choices in the past may haunt her decision to run, as she has several critics attempting to poke holes in her words.|}}

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title =Opening Words|
title =Opening Words|
article ="Nobles of Pian en Luries, today our King, Kaennji Shenron, has abdicated the throne.
article ="Nobles of Pian en Luries, today our King, Kaennji Shenron, has abdicated the throne.
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I stand before you as one who has fought for this kingdom in every way, and I ask only that you support me, and let me fight for Pian en Luries all the harder, and with the greater resources that I will have, as its Queen." -- Alanna Anaris|}}
I stand before you as one who has fought for this kingdom in every way, and I ask only that you support me, and let me fight for Pian en Luries all the harder, and with the greater resources that I will have, as its Queen." -- Alanna Anaris|}}
{{Template:News major fullpage|
title =The Support|
article ="Nobles of Pian en Luries,
We stand now at a vast crossroads. One that will guide us into the future to growth, power, and honor....or into the tomes of history as failure.
We have a chance..now..to choose. Each of us now holds the future of it all in our hands. Our choice must be one of wisdom..one that looks past the human nature that drives us to desire personal power and prestige.
If we choose the wrong path today, other realms will grow in our stead, and the lands that would be ours will slip from our grasp never to be eaisly gained again.
So we must confirm a ruler...to lift from among peers unto the dias of power...so that our own will grow as well.
If it were any other time...any other way...I would look towards all who wish to seek the throne. But it is not.
Of all in the realm, we have one of noble birth who has already been leading in part. Already seen as worthy to hold positions which require the leadership, skill, bravery, and honor to carry us into a bright future....a future that holds the noble birth peoples of Pian en Luries in value as we should be....above the lesser nobles of other realms.
The right path... if chosen... leads us to highest honors.
There is only one here today that I am certain can lead us to and down this path. Only one, who while no more noble then all, is already primed and pruned to the strong responsibility of rule.
Already her diplomatics have been in play and she is known...Even now her leadership and councel guides out steps at home and to war.
Yes.. Only Lady Alanna Anaris.. Only She can put our feet on the path.. Only she is ready to take the throne, without missing a heartbeat in strugle for it.
I have seen before situations of this size. We can not afford to loose the momentum of politics and efforts that have begun, while we wait for another to learn the ropes. The independant lands around us sit in waiting...and with them sits our wealth to be!
Let us not delay... let us support Lady Alanna Anaris as ruler so that we can go and collect that which is ours for the taking... Let us stand beside her and build our nation from foundation to the Heavens!
Stand forth, and cast for Lady Alanna Anaris..." --Valdrix Hendrix|}}

Revision as of 15:17, 10 March 2008

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Special #1
Previous Issue Mar. 06 - Mar. 11 Next Issue
Previous Page Page Two of Four Next Page
Alanna Anaris, Grand Imperatrix turned Queen?
Current Grand Imperatrix Alanna Anaris is the most popular of the various choices that have presented themselves during the first official election of the island. Of course, her choices in the past may haunt her decision to run, as she has several critics attempting to poke holes in her words.
Opening Words
"Nobles of Pian en Luries, today our King, Kaennji Shenron, has abdicated the throne.

This is a sad day for us all, of course, but we must use this as an opportunity to move forward. I ask you all to consider me as a fitting replacement: as Queen of Pian en Luries.

I have demonstrated some of my capabilities to you as your Grand Imperatrix, and I hope that you all know that I hold the good of this Kingdom, as a whole, as paramount. As Queen, I will take Pian en Luries and raise it to new heights of glory, both in its military might and in its cultural splendour.

I stand before you as one who has fought for this kingdom in every way, and I ask only that you support me, and let me fight for Pian en Luries all the harder, and with the greater resources that I will have, as its Queen." -- Alanna Anaris

The Support
"Nobles of Pian en Luries,

We stand now at a vast crossroads. One that will guide us into the future to growth, power, and honor....or into the tomes of history as failure.

We have a chance..now..to choose. Each of us now holds the future of it all in our hands. Our choice must be one of wisdom..one that looks past the human nature that drives us to desire personal power and prestige.

If we choose the wrong path today, other realms will grow in our stead, and the lands that would be ours will slip from our grasp never to be eaisly gained again.

So we must confirm a ruler...to lift from among peers unto the dias of power...so that our own will grow as well.

If it were any other time...any other way...I would look towards all who wish to seek the throne. But it is not.

Of all in the realm, we have one of noble birth who has already been leading in part. Already seen as worthy to hold positions which require the leadership, skill, bravery, and honor to carry us into a bright future....a future that holds the noble birth peoples of Pian en Luries in value as we should be....above the lesser nobles of other realms.

The right path... if chosen... leads us to highest honors.

There is only one here today that I am certain can lead us to and down this path. Only one, who while no more noble then all, is already primed and pruned to the strong responsibility of rule.

Already her diplomatics have been in play and she is known...Even now her leadership and councel guides out steps at home and to war.

Yes.. Only Lady Alanna Anaris.. Only She can put our feet on the path.. Only she is ready to take the throne, without missing a heartbeat in strugle for it.

I have seen before situations of this size. We can not afford to loose the momentum of politics and efforts that have begun, while we wait for another to learn the ropes. The independant lands around us sit in waiting...and with them sits our wealth to be!

Let us not delay... let us support Lady Alanna Anaris as ruler so that we can go and collect that which is ours for the taking... Let us stand beside her and build our nation from foundation to the Heavens!

Stand forth, and cast for Lady Alanna Anaris..." --Valdrix Hendrix