Falasan Inquirer/Archive/marchbattle1: Difference between revisions

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<center><big><b>The Great Patriotic War</b></big></center><hr><br><center><b>First Battle of Menedor</b> (2nd of March)</center><br><table bgcolor=#000032><th>No.</th><th>Role</th><th>Unit</th><th>Commander</th><th>Realm</th><th>Unit</th><th>Formation</th><th>CS</th><tr><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Anacondas</td><td>Achton</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>35&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;550</td></tr><tr><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Axims Elites</td><td>Axim</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>32&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;524</td></tr><tr><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Desintegrator</td><td>Woodsman</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>19&nbsp;SF</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;650</td></tr><tr><td align=center>4</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Dondor Dragoons</td><td>Telmar</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;417</td></tr><tr><td align=center>5</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Emerald Broadswords</td><td>Jaden</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>51&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;577</td></tr><tr><td align=center>6</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Esse Quam Verde</td><td>Punda</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;185</td></tr><tr><td align=center>7</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Hsieh Family Gaurd</td><td>Chiver</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>10&nbsp;SF</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;372</td></tr><tr><td align=center>8</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Kyler's Killers</td><td>Kyler</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;475</td></tr><tr><td align=center>9</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Lacirith Knights</td><td>Logan</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;555</td></tr><tr><td align=center>10</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Loratil Knights</td><td>Mellow</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>11&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;146</td></tr><tr><td align=center>11</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Nightmare</td><td>Avoozl</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;244</td></tr><tr><td align=center>12</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Arrowhearts</td><td>Maladek</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>27&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;531</td></tr><tr><td align=center>13</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Dark Side</td><td>Shephard</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;631</td></tr><tr><td align=center>14</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Hounds of Hartwood</td><td>Rhisiart</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>29&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;453</td></tr><tr><td align=center>15</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Unknown warriors</td><td>doomsday</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;304</td></tr><tr><td align=center>16</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Wayward Swords</td><td>Cort</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;263</td></tr><tr><td align=center>17</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Balls Deep 2</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>38&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;609</td></tr><tr><td align=center>18</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Black Brook Guard</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>29&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;350</td></tr><tr><td align=center>19</td><td align=center>D</td><td>BoneCrushers</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>14&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;272</td></tr><tr><td align=center>20</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Chato Longbowmen(R4)</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>44&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;520</td></tr><tr><td align=center>21</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Dann's Smashing Horses</td><td>Dann</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>17&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;353</td></tr><tr><td align=center>22</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Human Shield Inf</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;274</td></tr><tr><td align=center>23</td><td align=center>D</td><td>In the eye</td><td>Kat</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;273</td></tr><tr><td align=center>24</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Leopards</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;462</td></tr><tr><td align=center>25</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Lions</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>33&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;532</td></tr><tr><td align=center>26</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Longbowmen</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>40&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;448</td></tr><tr><td align=center>27</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Menedor Phantoms</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;531</td></tr><tr><td align=center>28</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Nazgorn Infantry</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>39&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;451</td></tr><tr><td align=center>29</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes</td><td>Reilwin</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;547</td></tr><tr><td align=center>30</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Ronan's Raiders</td><td>Ronan</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>42&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;579</td></tr><tr><td align=center>31</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Tucha Infantry</td><td>DezNutz</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;357</td></tr><tr><td align=center>32</td><td align=center>D</td><td>WineDrinkers</td><td>Killer</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;443</td></tr></table><br>Total:<br>16 attackers (190 Inf, 104 Arch, 81 Cav, 29 SF)<br>16 defenders (297 Inf, 109 Arch, 93 Cav)<br>Total combat strengths: 6877 vs. 7001<br><br>The region owner Falasan and their allies defend.<br>The Eston troops attack because they are at war with Falasan.<br><br>Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.<br><FONT COLOR=#E0FFFF>The defenders take up positions inside the Motte and Bailey (2).</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FFDD11F">Achton</FONT>, Marshal of the Eston Counter Assault Force takes command of the attacker forces.<br>The attacker are set up in Infantry Charge formation.<br><br><center><FONT SIZE=-1>(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)</FONT></center><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 1</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(15-C)<br>9&nbsp;(25-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(30-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(35-I)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>5&nbsp;(51-I)<br>6&nbsp;(20-I)<br>7&nbsp;(10-S)<br>14&nbsp;(29-I)<br>15&nbsp;(25-I)<br>16&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(25-A)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(38-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(33-I)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br>27&nbsp;(34-C)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 127 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 91 hits.<br></FONT>Nightmare (11) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 87 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 158 hits.<br></FONT>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 220 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Tucha Infantry (31), scoring 92 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 219 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 120 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) leave their fortified positions and attack the enemy<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Lacirith Knights (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14), Anacondas (1), Esse Quam Verde (6), Unknown warriors (15), Emerald Broadswords (5) and Wayward Swords (16) advance towards the enemy.<br>BoneCrushers (19), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Black Brook Guard (18), Human Shield Inf (22), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24) and Lasten's Lions (25) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Tucha Infantry (31) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 244 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 311 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 362 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 113 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 179 hits.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) score 308 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 329 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 125 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 308, Defenders: 1136 (1663 before overkill)</b></FONT><br><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) take 520 hits (53 in close combat, 467 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 62 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Anacondas (1)  take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 23 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27)  take 1136 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 77 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 16 attackers, 30 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 2</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>4&nbsp;(15-C)<br>9&nbsp;(25-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(30-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(34-I)<br>5&nbsp;(50-I)<br>6&nbsp;(19-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>14&nbsp;(27-I)<br>15&nbsp;(24-I)<br>16&nbsp;(29-I)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">27&nbsp;(7-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(38-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>23&nbsp;(25-A)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(33-I)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(29-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 174 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 152 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) move closer to get better shots.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 132 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 186 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 123 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 63 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 89 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Lacirith Knights (9) charge into battle.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 6 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Balls Deep 2 (17), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Lasten's Leopards (24), Tucha Infantry (31), Lasten's Lions (25) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">12 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 259 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 120 hits.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4) score 461 hits.<br>Loratil Knights (10) score 109 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 94 hits.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) score 79 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 46 hits.<br>The Dark Side (13) score 1078 hits.<br>Lacirith Knights (9) score 948 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 296 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 164 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 402 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 79, Defenders: 592 (3977 before overkill)</b></FONT><br><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 63 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27)  take 592 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 33 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 152 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Lacirith Knights (9)  take 123 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 47 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 11 attackers, 10 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 3</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(34-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>5&nbsp;(50-I)<br>6&nbsp;(19-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>9&nbsp;(22-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(26-C)<br>14&nbsp;(26-I)<br>15&nbsp;(24-I)<br>16&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(37-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>23&nbsp;(25-A)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(32-I)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 19 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 177 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Nightmare (11) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 114 hits.<br></FONT>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 97 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Emerald Broadswords (5), scoring 262 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 134 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 128 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 203 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 247 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Loratil Knights (10), Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 6 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 63 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 361 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 121 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 281 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 331 hits.<br></FONT>BoneCrushers (19) score 83 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 90 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 126 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 203 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 145 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 309 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 63 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 270 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 265 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 315 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 237 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 195 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2404, Defenders: 1054</b></FONT><br><br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 568 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. 3 Eston banners fall.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 184 hits (135 in close combat, 49 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.<br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) take 130 hits (106 in close combat, 24 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 147 hits (118 in close combat, 29 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br></FONT>BoneCrushers (19)  take 76 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 459 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 460 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) take 91 hits (57 in close combat, 34 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 128 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br>In the eye (23)  take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 94 hits (43 in close combat, 51 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) take 689 hits (427 in close combat, 262 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Anacondas (1) take 542 hits (295 in close combat, 247 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 195 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 75 attackers, 24 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 4</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(23-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>5&nbsp;(34-I)<br>6&nbsp;(3-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>9&nbsp;(22-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(23-C)<br>15&nbsp;(12-I)<br>16&nbsp;(14-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(22-I)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(33-I)<br>18&nbsp;(27-I)<br>19&nbsp;(12-I)<br>22&nbsp;(22-I)<br>23&nbsp;(23-A)<br>24&nbsp;(32-I)<br>25&nbsp;(30-I)<br>28&nbsp;(37-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(25-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(24-I)<br>32&nbsp;(27-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 88 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 196 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) retreat from the close combat near them.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 180 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Longbowmen (26), scoring 90 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 103 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 3 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Emerald Broadswords (5) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">6 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 98 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 315 hits.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 222 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 169 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 209 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 258 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 283 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 113 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 277 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 178 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 212 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 153 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 89 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 22 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 334 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 56 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 73 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2289, Defenders: 772</b></FONT><br><br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 48 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5)  take 975 hits in close combat, which cause 22 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications. 2 siege engines are destroyed in the assault. 3 Eston banners fall.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 446 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Lacirith Knights (9)  take 180 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20)  take 96 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 196 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26)  take 45 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>In the eye (23)  take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Anacondas (1)  take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 185 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 210 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Cort (Knight of Meneriel) has been captured by Falasan forces.</FONT><br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 62 attackers, 22 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 5</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(17-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(18-C)<br>14&nbsp;(12-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(33-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(11-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(31-I)<br>25&nbsp;(29-I)<br>28&nbsp;(36-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(23-I)<br>32&nbsp;(26-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 156 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 162 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 258 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 315 hits.<br></FONT>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 26 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 132 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 194 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 137 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 92 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 2 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Lasten's Lions (25), BoneCrushers (19), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Nazgorn Infantry (28) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 312 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 93 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 317 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 302 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 266 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 171 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 307 hits.<br></FONT>WineDrinkers (32) score 192 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 87 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 139 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 115 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 54 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 949 (2238 before overkill), Defenders: 310</b></FONT><br><br>Lasten's Lions (25) take 116 hits (51 in close combat, 65 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 69 hits (30 in close combat, 39 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) take 43 hits (36 in close combat, 7 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 65 hits (32 in close combat, 33 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Anacondas (1) take 762 hits (670 in close combat, 92 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 79 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br></FONT>WineDrinkers (32)  take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 162 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 279 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One Eston banner is lost.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 194 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 31 attackers, 11 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 6</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(1-I)<br>4&nbsp;(8-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(14-C)<br>14&nbsp;(6-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(32-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(9-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(30-I)<br>25&nbsp;(27-I)<br>28&nbsp;(35-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(21-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(25-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 259 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 68 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 89 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 147 hits.<br></FONT>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 205 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 131 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 26 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 127 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There is one siege engine at the wall.</FONT><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">2 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 78 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 15 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 196 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 84 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 47 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 216 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 225 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 108 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 211 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 327 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 158 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 277 hits.<br></FONT><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 304 (2042 before overkill), Defenders: 93</b></FONT><br><br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 259 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 273 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. One Eston banner is lost.<br>Anacondas (1)  take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32) take 54 hits (22 in close combat, 32 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 7 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 65 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 37 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Reilwin (Knight of Chuca, Falasan) has been wounded.</FONT><br></FONT>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 131 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 17 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 7</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(5-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(7-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(31-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(29-I)<br>25&nbsp;(27-I)<br>28&nbsp;(35-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(20-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(24-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 100 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 95 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 16 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 269 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 211 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 174 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 166 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 129 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), WineDrinkers (32), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31) and BoneCrushers (19) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>The Dark Side (13)  take 100 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 24 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Loratil Knights (10)  take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 71 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 8</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(1-C)<br>10&nbsp;(7-C)<br>13&nbsp;(5-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(30-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(28-I)<br>25&nbsp;(26-I)<br>28&nbsp;(34-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(19-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(24-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 103 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 154 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 166 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 137 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 158 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 254 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 122 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 176 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) ride on, closing in on the enemy.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10) and The Dark Side (13) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Balls Deep 2 (17), BoneCrushers (19), Black Brook Guard (18) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT>Still riding up and down in front of the walls, Dondor Dragoons (4) give up and retreat.<br><br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  are shocked, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>Loratil Knights (10)  take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7)  take 158 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 103 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 64 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 9</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(1-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(29-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(28-I)<br>25&nbsp;(25-I)<br>28&nbsp;(33-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(18-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 230 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 129 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 155 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 155 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 212 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 227 hits.<br></FONT>Axims Elites (2) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 296 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 116 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.<br>Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Balls Deep 2 (17), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Lasten's Leopards (24), WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31), BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) and Black Brook Guard (18) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Loratil Knights (10) score 12 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 491 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 664 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 130 (1155 before overkill), Defenders: 12</b></FONT><br><br>Loratil Knights (10) take 631 hits (130 in close combat, 501 from archer fire), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 32 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 74 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 57 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Dann's Smashing Horses (21)  take 12 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 1 attackers, 6 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 10</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(28-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(27-I)<br>25&nbsp;(24-I)<br>28&nbsp;(31-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(17-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 147 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Desintegrator (3), scoring 96 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 272 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Axims Elites (2), scoring 126 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 222 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 228 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Nightmare (11), scoring 178 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 119 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>WineDrinkers (32) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>BoneCrushers (19) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Kyler's Killers (8) score 66 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 401 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) score 247 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 659 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) score 81 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) score 48 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1060, Defenders: 442</b></FONT><br><br>Kyler's Killers (8)  take 476 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) take 585 hits (194 in close combat, 391 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Dann (Knight of Galadia, Falasan) has been wounded.</FONT><br>Desintegrator (3) take 352 hits (256 in close combat, 96 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) take 845 hits (248 in close combat, 597 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties.<br>Axims Elites (2) take 330 hits (204 in close combat, 126 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.<br>Nightmare (11) take 302 hits (124 in close combat, 178 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 35 attackers, 39 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 11</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(24-A)<br>3&nbsp;(13-S)<br>8&nbsp;(17-A)<br>11&nbsp;(7-A)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">30&nbsp;(20-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(28-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>24&nbsp;(27-I)<br>25&nbsp;(24-I)<br>28&nbsp;(31-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(17-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(20-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 82 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 276 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 78 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 88 hits.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 257 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 100 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) score 358 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 329 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 214 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 220 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) score 115 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) score 62 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 68 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 285 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 138 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 218 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) score 135 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 272 hits.<br></FONT>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 190 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2291, Defenders: 670</b></FONT><br><br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 134 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>The Arrowhearts (12)  take 248 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Desintegrator (3)  take 694 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 327 hits (51 in close combat, 276 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Kyler's Killers (8)  take 668 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Nightmare (11)  take 513 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Avoozl (Knight of Barad Lacirith, Eston) has been wounded.</FONT><br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Axims Elites (2)  take 416 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Ronan's Raiders (30)  take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 54 attackers, 23 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 12</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(21-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(21-I)<br>18&nbsp;(24-I)<br>19&nbsp;(6-I)<br>22&nbsp;(16-I)<br>24&nbsp;(25-I)<br>25&nbsp;(23-I)<br>28&nbsp;(30-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(16-I)<br></FONT>30&nbsp;(19-C)<br>31&nbsp;(21-I)<br>32&nbsp;(20-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(20-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 50 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 268 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 115 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 93 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 244 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 211 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) score 91 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 205 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 45 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 244 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 197 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 258 hits.<br></FONT>Human Shield Inf (22) score 91 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 440 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 275 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 151 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 914 (2361 before overkill), Defenders: 91</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.</FONT><br><br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) take 1172 hits (914 in close combat, 258 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 268 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 21 attackers, 8 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><b><FONT COLOR=#E0FFFF>Defender Victory!</FONT></b><br><br>The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 15 %.<br>The battle does 27 % damage to the fortifications.
<center><big><b>The Great Patriotic War</b></big></center><hr><br><center><b>First Battle of Menedor</b> (2nd of March, 2007)</center><br><table bgcolor=#000032><th>No.</th><th>Role</th><th>Unit</th><th>Commander</th><th>Realm</th><th>Unit</th><th>Formation</th><th>CS</th><tr><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Anacondas</td><td>Achton</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>35&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;550</td></tr><tr><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Axims Elites</td><td>Axim</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>32&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;524</td></tr><tr><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Desintegrator</td><td>Woodsman</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>19&nbsp;SF</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;650</td></tr><tr><td align=center>4</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Dondor Dragoons</td><td>Telmar</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;417</td></tr><tr><td align=center>5</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Emerald Broadswords</td><td>Jaden</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>51&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;577</td></tr><tr><td align=center>6</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Esse Quam Verde</td><td>Punda</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;185</td></tr><tr><td align=center>7</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Hsieh Family Gaurd</td><td>Chiver</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>10&nbsp;SF</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;372</td></tr><tr><td align=center>8</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Kyler's Killers</td><td>Kyler</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;475</td></tr><tr><td align=center>9</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Lacirith Knights</td><td>Logan</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;555</td></tr><tr><td align=center>10</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Loratil Knights</td><td>Mellow</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>11&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;146</td></tr><tr><td align=center>11</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Nightmare</td><td>Avoozl</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;244</td></tr><tr><td align=center>12</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Arrowhearts</td><td>Maladek</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>27&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;531</td></tr><tr><td align=center>13</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Dark Side</td><td>Shephard</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;631</td></tr><tr><td align=center>14</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Hounds of Hartwood</td><td>Rhisiart</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>29&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;453</td></tr><tr><td align=center>15</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Unknown warriors</td><td>doomsday</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;304</td></tr><tr><td align=center>16</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Wayward Swords</td><td>Cort</td><td align=center>Eston</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;263</td></tr><tr><td align=center>17</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Balls Deep 2</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>38&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;609</td></tr><tr><td align=center>18</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Black Brook Guard</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>29&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;350</td></tr><tr><td align=center>19</td><td align=center>D</td><td>BoneCrushers</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>14&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;272</td></tr><tr><td align=center>20</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Chato Longbowmen(R4)</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>44&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;520</td></tr><tr><td align=center>21</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Dann's Smashing Horses</td><td>Dann</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>17&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;353</td></tr><tr><td align=center>22</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Human Shield Inf</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;274</td></tr><tr><td align=center>23</td><td align=center>D</td><td>In the eye</td><td>Kat</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;273</td></tr><tr><td align=center>24</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Leopards</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;462</td></tr><tr><td align=center>25</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Lions</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>33&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;532</td></tr><tr><td align=center>26</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lasten's Longbowmen</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>40&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;448</td></tr><tr><td align=center>27</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Menedor Phantoms</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;531</td></tr><tr><td align=center>28</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Nazgorn Infantry</td><td><i>(militia/guard unit)</i></td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>39&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;451</td></tr><tr><td align=center>29</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes</td><td>Reilwin</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;547</td></tr><tr><td align=center>30</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Ronan's Raiders</td><td>Ronan</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>42&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;579</td></tr><tr><td align=center>31</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Tucha Infantry</td><td>DezNutz</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;357</td></tr><tr><td align=center>32</td><td align=center>D</td><td>WineDrinkers</td><td>Killer</td><td align=center>Falasan</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;443</td></tr></table><br>Total:<br>16 attackers (190 Inf, 104 Arch, 81 Cav, 29 SF)<br>16 defenders (297 Inf, 109 Arch, 93 Cav)<br>Total combat strengths: 6877 vs. 7001<br><br>The region owner Falasan and their allies defend.<br>The Eston troops attack because they are at war with Falasan.<br><br>Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.<br><FONT COLOR=#E0FFFF>The defenders take up positions inside the Motte and Bailey (2).</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FFDD11F">Achton</FONT>, Marshal of the Eston Counter Assault Force takes command of the attacker forces.<br>The attacker are set up in Infantry Charge formation.<br><br><center><FONT SIZE=-1>(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)</FONT></center><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 1</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(15-C)<br>9&nbsp;(25-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(30-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(35-I)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>5&nbsp;(51-I)<br>6&nbsp;(20-I)<br>7&nbsp;(10-S)<br>14&nbsp;(29-I)<br>15&nbsp;(25-I)<br>16&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(25-A)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(30-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(38-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(33-I)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br>27&nbsp;(34-C)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 127 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 91 hits.<br></FONT>Nightmare (11) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 87 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 158 hits.<br></FONT>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 220 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Tucha Infantry (31), scoring 92 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 219 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 120 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) leave their fortified positions and attack the enemy<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Lacirith Knights (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14), Anacondas (1), Esse Quam Verde (6), Unknown warriors (15), Emerald Broadswords (5) and Wayward Swords (16) advance towards the enemy.<br>BoneCrushers (19), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Black Brook Guard (18), Human Shield Inf (22), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24) and Lasten's Lions (25) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Tucha Infantry (31) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 244 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 311 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 362 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 113 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 179 hits.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) score 308 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 329 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 125 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 308, Defenders: 1136 (1663 before overkill)</b></FONT><br><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) take 520 hits (53 in close combat, 467 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 62 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Anacondas (1)  take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 23 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27)  take 1136 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 77 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 16 attackers, 30 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 2</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>4&nbsp;(15-C)<br>9&nbsp;(25-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(30-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(34-I)<br>5&nbsp;(50-I)<br>6&nbsp;(19-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>14&nbsp;(27-I)<br>15&nbsp;(24-I)<br>16&nbsp;(29-I)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">27&nbsp;(7-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(38-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>23&nbsp;(25-A)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(33-I)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(29-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 174 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 152 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) move closer to get better shots.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 132 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 186 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 123 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 63 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 89 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Lacirith Knights (9) charge into battle.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 6 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Balls Deep 2 (17), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Lasten's Leopards (24), Tucha Infantry (31), Lasten's Lions (25) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">12 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 259 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 120 hits.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4) score 461 hits.<br>Loratil Knights (10) score 109 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 94 hits.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27) score 79 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 46 hits.<br>The Dark Side (13) score 1078 hits.<br>Lacirith Knights (9) score 948 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 296 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 164 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 402 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 79, Defenders: 592 (3977 before overkill)</b></FONT><br><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 63 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Menedor Phantoms (27)  take 592 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 33 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 152 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Lacirith Knights (9)  take 123 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 47 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 11 attackers, 10 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 3</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(34-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>5&nbsp;(50-I)<br>6&nbsp;(19-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>9&nbsp;(22-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(26-C)<br>14&nbsp;(26-I)<br>15&nbsp;(24-I)<br>16&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(37-I)<br>18&nbsp;(29-I)<br>19&nbsp;(14-I)<br>22&nbsp;(25-I)<br>23&nbsp;(25-A)<br>24&nbsp;(34-I)<br>25&nbsp;(32-I)<br>28&nbsp;(39-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(25-I)<br>32&nbsp;(28-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 19 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 177 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Nightmare (11) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 114 hits.<br></FONT>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 97 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Emerald Broadswords (5), scoring 262 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 134 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 128 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 203 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 247 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Loratil Knights (10), Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 6 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 63 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 361 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 121 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 281 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 331 hits.<br></FONT>BoneCrushers (19) score 83 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 90 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 126 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 203 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 145 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 309 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 63 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 270 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 265 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 315 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 237 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 195 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2404, Defenders: 1054</b></FONT><br><br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 568 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. 3 Eston banners fall.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 184 hits (135 in close combat, 49 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.<br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) take 130 hits (106 in close combat, 24 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 147 hits (118 in close combat, 29 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br></FONT>BoneCrushers (19)  take 76 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 459 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 460 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) take 91 hits (57 in close combat, 34 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 128 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br>In the eye (23)  take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 94 hits (43 in close combat, 51 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) take 689 hits (427 in close combat, 262 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Anacondas (1) take 542 hits (295 in close combat, 247 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 195 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 75 attackers, 24 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 4</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(23-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>5&nbsp;(34-I)<br>6&nbsp;(3-I)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>9&nbsp;(22-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(23-C)<br>15&nbsp;(12-I)<br>16&nbsp;(14-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(22-I)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(33-I)<br>18&nbsp;(27-I)<br>19&nbsp;(12-I)<br>22&nbsp;(22-I)<br>23&nbsp;(23-A)<br>24&nbsp;(32-I)<br>25&nbsp;(30-I)<br>28&nbsp;(37-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(25-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(24-I)<br>32&nbsp;(27-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(44-A)<br>26&nbsp;(40-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 88 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 196 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) retreat from the close combat near them.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 180 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Longbowmen (26), scoring 90 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 103 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 3 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Emerald Broadswords (5) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">6 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 98 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 315 hits.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 222 hits.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5) score 169 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 209 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 258 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 283 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 113 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 277 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 178 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 212 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 153 hits.<br>Unknown warriors (15) score 89 hits.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6) score 22 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 334 hits.<br>Wayward Swords (16) score 56 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 73 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2289, Defenders: 772</b></FONT><br><br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 48 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Emerald Broadswords (5)  take 975 hits in close combat, which cause 22 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications. 2 siege engines are destroyed in the assault. 3 Eston banners fall.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 446 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Lacirith Knights (9)  take 180 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20)  take 96 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 196 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26)  take 45 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>In the eye (23)  take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Anacondas (1)  take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Unknown warriors (15)  take 185 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br>Esse Quam Verde (6)  take 210 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Wayward Swords (16)  take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Cort (Knight of Meneriel) has been captured by Falasan forces.</FONT><br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 62 attackers, 22 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 5</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(17-I)<br>4&nbsp;(13-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(18-C)<br>14&nbsp;(12-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(33-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(11-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(31-I)<br>25&nbsp;(29-I)<br>28&nbsp;(36-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(23-I)<br>32&nbsp;(26-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 156 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 162 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 258 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 315 hits.<br></FONT>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 26 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 132 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 194 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 137 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 92 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There are 2 siege engines at the walls.</FONT><br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Lasten's Lions (25), BoneCrushers (19), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Nazgorn Infantry (28) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 312 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 93 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 317 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 302 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 266 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 171 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 307 hits.<br></FONT>WineDrinkers (32) score 192 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 87 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 139 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 115 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 54 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 949 (2238 before overkill), Defenders: 310</b></FONT><br><br>Lasten's Lions (25) take 116 hits (51 in close combat, 65 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 69 hits (30 in close combat, 39 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) take 43 hits (36 in close combat, 7 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 65 hits (32 in close combat, 33 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Anacondas (1) take 762 hits (670 in close combat, 92 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 79 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br></FONT>WineDrinkers (32)  take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 162 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 279 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One Eston banner is lost.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 194 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 31 attackers, 11 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 6</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(1-I)<br>4&nbsp;(8-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(14-C)<br>14&nbsp;(6-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(32-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(9-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(30-I)<br>25&nbsp;(27-I)<br>28&nbsp;(35-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(21-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(25-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 259 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 68 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 89 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 147 hits.<br></FONT>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 205 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 131 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 26 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 127 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">There is one siege engine at the wall.</FONT><br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">2 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 78 hits.<br>Anacondas (1) score 15 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 196 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 84 hits.<br>In the eye (23) score 47 hits.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 216 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 225 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 108 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 211 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 327 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 158 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 277 hits.<br></FONT><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 304 (2042 before overkill), Defenders: 93</b></FONT><br><br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>The Hounds of Hartwood (14)  take 259 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 273 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. One Eston banner is lost.<br>Anacondas (1)  take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32) take 54 hits (22 in close combat, 32 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 7 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 65 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 37 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Reilwin (Knight of Chuca, Falasan) has been wounded.</FONT><br></FONT>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 131 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 17 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 7</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(5-C)<br>10&nbsp;(11-C)<br>13&nbsp;(7-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(31-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(29-I)<br>25&nbsp;(27-I)<br>28&nbsp;(35-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(20-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(24-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 100 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 95 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 16 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 269 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 211 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 174 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 166 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 129 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.<br>The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), WineDrinkers (32), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31) and BoneCrushers (19) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>The Dark Side (13)  take 100 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 24 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Loratil Knights (10)  take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 71 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 8</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>7&nbsp;(1-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(1-C)<br>10&nbsp;(7-C)<br>13&nbsp;(5-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(30-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(28-I)<br>25&nbsp;(26-I)<br>28&nbsp;(34-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(19-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(24-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 103 hits.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 154 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 166 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 137 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 158 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 254 hits.<br></FONT>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 122 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 176 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) ride on, closing in on the enemy.<br>Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10) and The Dark Side (13) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Balls Deep 2 (17), BoneCrushers (19), Black Brook Guard (18) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT>Still riding up and down in front of the walls, Dondor Dragoons (4) give up and retreat.<br><br>Dondor Dragoons (4)  are shocked, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>Loratil Knights (10)  take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>Hsieh Family Gaurd (7)  take 158 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>The Dark Side (13)  take 103 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 64 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 9</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(1-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(29-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(28-I)<br>25&nbsp;(25-I)<br>28&nbsp;(33-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(18-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 230 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 129 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 155 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 155 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 212 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 227 hits.<br></FONT>Axims Elites (2) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 296 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 116 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.<br>Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Balls Deep 2 (17), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Lasten's Leopards (24), WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31), BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) and Black Brook Guard (18) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.<br></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Loratil Knights (10) score 12 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 491 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 664 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 130 (1155 before overkill), Defenders: 12</b></FONT><br><br>Loratil Knights (10) take 631 hits (130 in close combat, 501 from archer fire), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 32 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 74 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 57 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Dann's Smashing Horses (21)  take 12 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 1 attackers, 6 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 10</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(32-A)<br>3&nbsp;(19-S)<br>8&nbsp;(30-A)<br>11&nbsp;(15-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">21&nbsp;(17-C)<br>30&nbsp;(42-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(28-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>23&nbsp;(20-A)<br>24&nbsp;(27-I)<br>25&nbsp;(24-I)<br>28&nbsp;(31-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(17-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 147 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on Desintegrator (3), scoring 96 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 272 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Axims Elites (2), scoring 126 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 222 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 228 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Nightmare (11), scoring 178 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 119 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>WineDrinkers (32) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br></FONT>Nazgorn Infantry (28) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>BoneCrushers (19) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br>Lasten's Leopards (24) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Kyler's Killers (8) score 66 hits.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 401 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) score 247 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 659 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) score 81 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) score 48 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1060, Defenders: 442</b></FONT><br><br>Kyler's Killers (8)  take 476 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.<br>Dann's Smashing Horses (21) take 585 hits (194 in close combat, 391 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Dann (Knight of Galadia, Falasan) has been wounded.</FONT><br>Desintegrator (3) take 352 hits (256 in close combat, 96 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) take 845 hits (248 in close combat, 597 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties.<br>Axims Elites (2) take 330 hits (204 in close combat, 126 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.<br>Nightmare (11) take 302 hits (124 in close combat, 178 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 35 attackers, 39 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 11</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(27-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(24-A)<br>3&nbsp;(13-S)<br>8&nbsp;(17-A)<br>11&nbsp;(7-A)<br></FONT><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">30&nbsp;(20-C)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(28-I)<br>18&nbsp;(26-I)<br>19&nbsp;(8-I)<br>22&nbsp;(18-I)<br>24&nbsp;(27-I)<br>25&nbsp;(24-I)<br>28&nbsp;(31-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(17-I)<br></FONT>31&nbsp;(22-I)<br>32&nbsp;(23-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(20-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 82 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 276 hits.<br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 78 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 88 hits.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 257 hits.<br>Human Shield Inf (22) score 100 hits.<br>Desintegrator (3) score 358 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 329 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 214 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 220 hits.<br>Kyler's Killers (8) score 115 hits.<br>Nightmare (11) score 62 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 68 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 285 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 138 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 218 hits.<br>Axims Elites (2) score 135 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 272 hits.<br></FONT>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 190 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2291, Defenders: 670</b></FONT><br><br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 134 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>The Arrowhearts (12)  take 248 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>Human Shield Inf (22)  take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Desintegrator (3)  take 694 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) take 327 hits (51 in close combat, 276 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Kyler's Killers (8)  take 668 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Nightmare (11)  take 513 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><FONT COLOR="#00FFFFD">Avoozl (Knight of Barad Lacirith, Eston) has been wounded.</FONT><br>BoneCrushers (19)  take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Lasten's Lions (25)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Black Brook Guard (18)  take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Axims Elites (2)  take 416 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29)  take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br></FONT>Ronan's Raiders (30)  take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 54 attackers, 23 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Turn No. 12</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(21-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%"><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">17&nbsp;(21-I)<br>18&nbsp;(24-I)<br>19&nbsp;(6-I)<br>22&nbsp;(16-I)<br>24&nbsp;(25-I)<br>25&nbsp;(23-I)<br>28&nbsp;(30-I)<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>29&nbsp;(16-I)<br></FONT>30&nbsp;(19-C)<br>31&nbsp;(21-I)<br>32&nbsp;(20-I)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">23&nbsp;(20-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">20&nbsp;(39-A)<br>26&nbsp;(39-A)<br></FONT></td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td><td width="9%" bgcolor=#404040>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 50 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 268 hits.<br>Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 115 hits.<br>In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 93 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.<br><br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Close Combat:</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!</FONT><br>Lasten's Leopards (24) score 244 hits.<br>Tucha Infantry (31) score 211 hits.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) score 91 hits.<br>WineDrinkers (32) score 205 hits.<br>BoneCrushers (19) score 45 hits.<br>Lasten's Lions (25) score 244 hits.<br>Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 197 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F>Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 258 hits.<br></FONT>Human Shield Inf (22) score 91 hits.<br>Ronan's Raiders (30) score 440 hits.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17) score 275 hits.<br>Black Brook Guard (18) score 151 hits.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 914 (2361 before overkill), Defenders: 91</b></FONT><br><br><FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.</FONT><br><br>Lasten's Leopards (24)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Tucha Infantry (31)  take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br>The Arrowhearts (12) take 1172 hits (914 in close combat, 258 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>WineDrinkers (32)  take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Balls Deep 2 (17)  take 268 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11F><b>Total casualties: 21 attackers, 8 defenders</b></FONT><br><br><b><FONT COLOR=#E0FFFF>Defender Victory!</FONT></b><br><br>The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 15 %.<br>The battle does 27 % damage to the fortifications.

Latest revision as of 19:03, 18 May 2007

The Great Patriotic War

First Battle of Menedor (2nd of March, 2007)

1AAnacondasAchtonEston35 Infline  550
2AAxims ElitesAximEston32 Archline  524
3ADesintegratorWoodsmanEston19 SFline  650
4ADondor DragoonsTelmarEston15 Cavline  417
5AEmerald BroadswordsJadenEston51 Infline  577
6AEsse Quam VerdePundaEston20 Infline  185
7AHsieh Family GaurdChiverEston10 SFline  372
8AKyler's KillersKylerEston30 Archline  475
9ALacirith KnightsLoganEston25 Cavwedge  555
10ALoratil KnightsMellowEston11 Cavline  146
11ANightmareAvoozlEston15 Archline  244
12AThe ArrowheartsMaladekEston27 Archline  531
13AThe Dark SideShephardEston30 Cavwedge  631
14AThe Hounds of HartwoodRhisiartEston29 Infline  453
15AUnknown warriorsdoomsdayEston25 Infline  304
16AWayward SwordsCortEston30 Infline  263
17DBalls Deep 2(militia/guard unit)Falasan38 Infline  609
18DBlack Brook Guard(militia/guard unit)Falasan29 Infbox  350
19DBoneCrushers(militia/guard unit)Falasan14 Infbox  272
20DChato Longbowmen(R4)(militia/guard unit)Falasan44 Archline  520
21DDann's Smashing HorsesDannFalasan17 Cavwedge  353
22DHuman Shield Inf(militia/guard unit)Falasan25 Infline  274
23DIn the eyeKatFalasan25 Archline  273
24DLasten's Leopards(militia/guard unit)Falasan34 Infbox  462
25DLasten's Lions(militia/guard unit)Falasan33 Infbox  532
26DLasten's Longbowmen(militia/guard unit)Falasan40 Archline  448
27DMenedor Phantoms(militia/guard unit)Falasan34 Cavbox  531
28DNazgorn Infantry(militia/guard unit)Falasan39 Infline  451
29DReilwin's RattlesnakesReilwinFalasan30 Infline  547
30DRonan's RaidersRonanFalasan42 Cavwedge  579
31DTucha InfantryDezNutzFalasan25 Infbox  357
32DWineDrinkersKillerFalasan30 Infbox  443

16 attackers (190 Inf, 104 Arch, 81 Cav, 29 SF)
16 defenders (297 Inf, 109 Arch, 93 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 6877 vs. 7001

The region owner Falasan and their allies defend.
The Eston troops attack because they are at war with Falasan.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
The defenders take up positions inside the Motte and Bailey (2).
Achton, Marshal of the Eston Counter Assault Force takes command of the attacker forces.
The attacker are set up in Infantry Charge formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)

Turn No. 1

  4 (15-C)
9 (25-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (30-C)
2 (32-A)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
12 (27-A)
1 (35-I)
3 (19-S)
5 (51-I)
6 (20-I)
7 (10-S)
14 (29-I)
15 (25-I)
16 (30-I)
 23 (25-A)
29 (30-I)
31 (25-I)
32 (30-I)
17 (38-I)
18 (29-I)
19 (14-I)
20 (44-A)
22 (25-I)
24 (34-I)
25 (33-I)
26 (40-A)
27 (34-C)
28 (39-I)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.
In the eye (23) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 127 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 91 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 87 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 158 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 220 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Tucha Infantry (31), scoring 92 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 219 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 120 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Menedor Phantoms (27) leave their fortified positions and attack the enemy
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Lacirith Knights (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14), Anacondas (1), Esse Quam Verde (6), Unknown warriors (15), Emerald Broadswords (5) and Wayward Swords (16) advance towards the enemy.
BoneCrushers (19), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Black Brook Guard (18), Human Shield Inf (22), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24) and Lasten's Lions (25) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Tucha Infantry (31) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Close Combat:
9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 244 hits.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 311 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 362 hits.
Esse Quam Verde (6) score 113 hits.
Unknown warriors (15) score 179 hits.
Menedor Phantoms (27) score 308 hits.
Emerald Broadswords (5) score 329 hits.
Wayward Swords (16) score 125 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 308, Defenders: 1136 (1663 before overkill)

Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) take 520 hits (53 in close combat, 467 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 62 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Anacondas (1) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 23 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Esse Quam Verde (6) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Unknown warriors (15) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Menedor Phantoms (27) take 1136 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties.
Emerald Broadswords (5) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Wayward Swords (16) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
WineDrinkers (32) take 77 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Total casualties: 16 attackers, 30 defenders

Turn No. 2

   2 (32-A)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
12 (27-A)
3 (19-S)
4 (15-C)
9 (25-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (30-C)
1 (34-I)
5 (50-I)
6 (19-I)
7 (1-S)
14 (27-I)
15 (24-I)
16 (29-I)
27 (7-C)
17 (38-I)
18 (29-I)
19 (14-I)
22 (25-I)
23 (25-A)
24 (34-I)
25 (33-I)
28 (39-I)
29 (29-I)
31 (25-I)
32 (28-I)
20 (44-A)
26 (40-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 174 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 152 hits.
Nightmare (11) move closer to get better shots.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 132 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 186 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 123 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 63 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 89 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Lacirith Knights (9) charge into battle.
There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Balls Deep 2 (17), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Lasten's Leopards (24), Tucha Infantry (31), Lasten's Lions (25) and WineDrinkers (32) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Close Combat:
12 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 259 hits.
Wayward Swords (16) score 120 hits.
Dondor Dragoons (4) score 461 hits.
Loratil Knights (10) score 109 hits.
Esse Quam Verde (6) score 94 hits.
Menedor Phantoms (27) score 79 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) score 46 hits.
The Dark Side (13) score 1078 hits.
Lacirith Knights (9) score 948 hits.
Emerald Broadswords (5) score 296 hits.
Unknown warriors (15) score 164 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 402 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 79, Defenders: 592 (3977 before overkill)

The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Wayward Swords (16) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Dondor Dragoons (4) take 63 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Menedor Phantoms (27) take 592 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 33 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 152 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Lacirith Knights (9) take 123 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 47 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 11 attackers, 10 defenders

Turn No. 3

   2 (32-A)
8 (30-A)
12 (27-A)
3 (19-S)
11 (15-A)
1 (34-I)
4 (13-C)
5 (50-I)
6 (19-I)
7 (1-S)
9 (22-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (26-C)
14 (26-I)
15 (24-I)
16 (28-I)
17 (37-I)
18 (29-I)
19 (14-I)
22 (25-I)
23 (25-A)
24 (34-I)
25 (32-I)
28 (39-I)
29 (28-I)
31 (25-I)
32 (28-I)
20 (44-A)
26 (40-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 19 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 177 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 114 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 97 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Emerald Broadswords (5), scoring 262 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 134 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 128 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 203 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 247 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Loratil Knights (10), Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Emerald Broadswords (5) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Anacondas (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
9 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
Esse Quam Verde (6) score 63 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 361 hits.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 121 hits.
Lasten's Lions (25) score 281 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 331 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 83 hits.
Wayward Swords (16) score 90 hits.
Unknown warriors (15) score 126 hits.
Tucha Infantry (31) score 203 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 145 hits.
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 309 hits.
In the eye (23) score 63 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 270 hits.
Emerald Broadswords (5) score 265 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 315 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 237 hits.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 195 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2404, Defenders: 1054

Esse Quam Verde (6) take 568 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. 3 Eston banners fall.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 184 hits (135 in close combat, 49 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Human Shield Inf (22) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 130 hits (106 in close combat, 24 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 147 hits (118 in close combat, 29 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
BoneCrushers (19) take 76 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Wayward Swords (16) take 459 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
Unknown warriors (15) take 460 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Black Brook Guard (18) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 91 hits (57 in close combat, 34 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 128 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
In the eye (23) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 94 hits (43 in close combat, 51 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Emerald Broadswords (5) take 689 hits (427 in close combat, 262 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Anacondas (1) take 542 hits (295 in close combat, 247 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
WineDrinkers (32) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 195 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Total casualties: 75 attackers, 24 defenders

Turn No. 4

   2 (32-A)
8 (30-A)
12 (27-A)
3 (19-S)
11 (15-A)
1 (23-I)
4 (13-C)
5 (34-I)
6 (3-I)
7 (1-S)
9 (22-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (23-C)
15 (12-I)
16 (14-I)
14 (22-I)
17 (33-I)
18 (27-I)
19 (12-I)
22 (22-I)
23 (23-A)
24 (32-I)
25 (30-I)
28 (37-I)
29 (25-I)
31 (24-I)
32 (27-I)
20 (44-A)
26 (40-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 88 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 196 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) retreat from the close combat near them.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Lacirith Knights (9), scoring 180 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Longbowmen (26), scoring 90 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20), scoring 103 hits.
Axims Elites (2) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Kyler's Killers (8) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Lacirith Knights (9), The Dark Side (13), Dondor Dragoons (4) and Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
There are 3 siege engines at the walls.
Emerald Broadswords (5) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Unknown warriors (15) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Esse Quam Verde (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Wayward Swords (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:
4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
6 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 98 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 315 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 222 hits.
Emerald Broadswords (5) score 169 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 209 hits.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 258 hits.
Lasten's Lions (25) score 283 hits.
In the eye (23) score 113 hits.
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 277 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 178 hits.
Tucha Infantry (31) score 212 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 153 hits.
Unknown warriors (15) score 89 hits.
Esse Quam Verde (6) score 22 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 334 hits.
Wayward Swords (16) score 56 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 73 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2289, Defenders: 772

Human Shield Inf (22) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 48 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Emerald Broadswords (5) take 975 hits in close combat, which cause 22 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications. 2 siege engines are destroyed in the assault. 3 Eston banners fall.
WineDrinkers (32) take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 446 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Lacirith Knights (9) take 180 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) take 96 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 196 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) take 45 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
In the eye (23) take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Anacondas (1) take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Black Brook Guard (18) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Unknown warriors (15) take 185 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Esse Quam Verde (6) take 210 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Wayward Swords (16) take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Cort (Knight of Meneriel) has been captured by Falasan forces.
BoneCrushers (19) take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 62 attackers, 22 defenders

Turn No. 5

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
7 (1-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
1 (17-I)
4 (13-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (18-C)
14 (12-I)
17 (33-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (11-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (31-I)
25 (29-I)
28 (36-I)
29 (23-I)
31 (23-I)
32 (26-I)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 156 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 162 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 258 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 315 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 26 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 132 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 194 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 137 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on Anacondas (1), scoring 92 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Loratil Knights (10), The Dark Side (13) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
There are 2 siege engines at the walls.
Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Lasten's Lions (25), BoneCrushers (19), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Nazgorn Infantry (28) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Close Combat:
4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!
Lasten's Lions (25) score 312 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 93 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 317 hits.
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 302 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 266 hits.
Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 171 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 307 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 192 hits.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 87 hits.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 139 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 115 hits.
In the eye (23) score 54 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 949 (2238 before overkill), Defenders: 310

Lasten's Lions (25) take 116 hits (51 in close combat, 65 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
BoneCrushers (19) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 69 hits (30 in close combat, 39 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 43 hits (36 in close combat, 7 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 65 hits (32 in close combat, 33 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Anacondas (1) take 762 hits (670 in close combat, 92 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 79 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
WineDrinkers (32) take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 162 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 279 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One Eston banner is lost.
Dondor Dragoons (4) take 194 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Total casualties: 31 attackers, 11 defenders

Turn No. 6

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
7 (1-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
1 (1-I)
4 (8-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (14-C)
14 (6-I)
17 (32-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (9-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (30-I)
25 (27-I)
28 (35-I)
29 (21-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (25-I)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

Desintegrator (3) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 259 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 68 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 89 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 147 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 205 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 131 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 26 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 127 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
There is one siege engine at the wall.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Anacondas (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Close Combat:
4 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
2 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!
Tucha Infantry (31) score 193 hits.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) score 78 hits.
Anacondas (1) score 15 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 196 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 84 hits.
In the eye (23) score 47 hits.
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 216 hits.
Lasten's Lions (25) score 225 hits.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 108 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 211 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 327 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 158 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 277 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 304 (2042 before overkill), Defenders: 93

Tucha Infantry (31) take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
The Hounds of Hartwood (14) take 259 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The Dark Side (13) take 273 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. One Eston banner is lost.
Anacondas (1) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
WineDrinkers (32) take 54 hits (22 in close combat, 32 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
BoneCrushers (19) take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 7 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 65 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 37 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Reilwin (Knight of Chuca, Falasan) has been wounded.
Dondor Dragoons (4) take 131 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Total casualties: 17 attackers, 5 defenders

Turn No. 7

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
7 (1-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
4 (5-C)
10 (11-C)
13 (7-C)
17 (31-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (8-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (29-I)
25 (27-I)
28 (35-I)
29 (20-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (24-I)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 100 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 95 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 16 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 269 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 211 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 174 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Dondor Dragoons (4), scoring 166 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 218 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 129 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Ronan's Raiders (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
The Dark Side (13), Loratil Knights (10) and Dondor Dragoons (4) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Black Brook Guard (18), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), WineDrinkers (32), Balls Deep 2 (17), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31) and BoneCrushers (19) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 100 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 24 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Loratil Knights (10) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 71 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Dondor Dragoons (4) take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders

Turn No. 8

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
7 (1-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
4 (1-C)
10 (7-C)
13 (5-C)
17 (30-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (8-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (28-I)
25 (26-I)
28 (34-I)
29 (19-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (24-I)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)
 21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)

In the eye (23) fire on The Dark Side (13), scoring 103 hits.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) move closer to get better shots.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 154 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 166 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 137 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Hsieh Family Gaurd (7), scoring 158 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 254 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 122 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on WineDrinkers (32), scoring 176 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Dondor Dragoons (4), Loratil Knights (10) and The Dark Side (13) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Leopards (24), Lasten's Lions (25), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), Balls Deep 2 (17), BoneCrushers (19), Black Brook Guard (18) and Tucha Infantry (31) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Still riding up and down in front of the walls, Dondor Dragoons (4) give up and retreat.

Dondor Dragoons (4) are shocked, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Loratil Knights (10) take 166 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Hsieh Family Gaurd (7) take 158 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
WineDrinkers (32) take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Dark Side (13) take 103 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 64 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 5 defenders

Turn No. 9

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
10 (1-C)
17 (29-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (8-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (28-I)
25 (25-I)
28 (33-I)
29 (18-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (23-I)
20 (39-A)
21 (17-C)
26 (39-A)
30 (42-C)

Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 230 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 129 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 155 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Lasten's Lions (25), scoring 155 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Lasten's Leopards (24), scoring 212 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29), scoring 227 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Nazgorn Infantry (28), scoring 296 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on Loratil Knights (10), scoring 116 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.
Loratil Knights (10) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Balls Deep 2 (17), Nazgorn Infantry (28), Lasten's Leopards (24), WineDrinkers (32), Lasten's Lions (25), Tucha Infantry (31), BoneCrushers (19), Human Shield Inf (22), Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) and Black Brook Guard (18) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Close Combat:
3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!
Loratil Knights (10) score 12 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 491 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) score 664 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 130 (1155 before overkill), Defenders: 12

Loratil Knights (10) take 631 hits (130 in close combat, 501 from archer fire), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 32 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 74 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Lasten's Leopards (24) take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 57 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) take 12 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Total casualties: 1 attackers, 6 defenders

Turn No. 10

   12 (27-A)
2 (32-A)
3 (19-S)
8 (30-A)
11 (15-A)
21 (17-C)
30 (42-C)
17 (28-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (8-I)
22 (18-I)
23 (20-A)
24 (27-I)
25 (24-I)
28 (31-I)
29 (17-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (23-I)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)

Kyler's Killers (8) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 147 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on Desintegrator (3), scoring 96 hits.
Desintegrator (3) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 272 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on Axims Elites (2), scoring 126 hits.
Axims Elites (2) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 222 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Ronan's Raiders (30), scoring 228 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on Nightmare (11), scoring 178 hits.
Nightmare (11) fire on Dann's Smashing Horses (21), scoring 119 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) and Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.
Balls Deep 2 (17) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
WineDrinkers (32) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Tucha Infantry (31) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
BoneCrushers (19) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Lasten's Lions (25) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Human Shield Inf (22) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Black Brook Guard (18) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Lasten's Leopards (24) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.

Close Combat:
3 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
Kyler's Killers (8) score 66 hits.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) score 401 hits.
Desintegrator (3) score 247 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) score 659 hits.
Axims Elites (2) score 81 hits.
Nightmare (11) score 48 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1060, Defenders: 442

Kyler's Killers (8) take 476 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.
Dann's Smashing Horses (21) take 585 hits (194 in close combat, 391 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Dann (Knight of Galadia, Falasan) has been wounded.
Desintegrator (3) take 352 hits (256 in close combat, 96 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.
Ronan's Raiders (30) take 845 hits (248 in close combat, 597 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties.
Axims Elites (2) take 330 hits (204 in close combat, 126 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Nightmare (11) take 302 hits (124 in close combat, 178 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Total casualties: 35 attackers, 39 defenders

Turn No. 11

   12 (27-A)
2 (24-A)
3 (13-S)
8 (17-A)
11 (7-A)
30 (20-C)
17 (28-I)
18 (26-I)
19 (8-I)
22 (18-I)
24 (27-I)
25 (24-I)
28 (31-I)
29 (17-I)
31 (22-I)
32 (23-I)
23 (20-A)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)

Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 82 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 276 hits.
Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 78 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 88 hits.

Close Combat:
5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eston banners are visible in the melee.
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 257 hits.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 100 hits.
Desintegrator (3) score 358 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 329 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 214 hits.
Tucha Infantry (31) score 220 hits.
Kyler's Killers (8) score 115 hits.
Nightmare (11) score 62 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 68 hits.
Lasten's Lions (25) score 285 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 138 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 218 hits.
Axims Elites (2) score 135 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 272 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) score 190 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2291, Defenders: 670

Lasten's Leopards (24) take 134 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
The Arrowhearts (12) take 248 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Human Shield Inf (22) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Desintegrator (3) take 694 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 327 hits (51 in close combat, 276 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties.
WineDrinkers (32) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Kyler's Killers (8) take 668 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Nightmare (11) take 513 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Avoozl (Knight of Barad Lacirith, Eston) has been wounded.
BoneCrushers (19) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lasten's Lions (25) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Black Brook Guard (18) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Axims Elites (2) take 416 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Ronan's Raiders (30) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 54 attackers, 23 defenders

Turn No. 12

   12 (21-A)
17 (21-I)
18 (24-I)
19 (6-I)
22 (16-I)
24 (25-I)
25 (23-I)
28 (30-I)
29 (16-I)
30 (19-C)
31 (21-I)
32 (20-I)
 23 (20-A)
20 (39-A)
26 (39-A)

Lasten's Longbowmen (26) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 50 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) fire on Balls Deep 2 (17), scoring 268 hits.
Chato Longbowmen(R4) (20) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 115 hits.
In the eye (23) fire on The Arrowhearts (12), scoring 93 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) charge forward.

Close Combat:
5 Falasan banners are visible in the melee.
The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill!
Lasten's Leopards (24) score 244 hits.
Tucha Infantry (31) score 211 hits.
The Arrowhearts (12) score 91 hits.
WineDrinkers (32) score 205 hits.
BoneCrushers (19) score 45 hits.
Lasten's Lions (25) score 244 hits.
Nazgorn Infantry (28) score 197 hits.
Reilwin's Rattlesnakes (29) score 258 hits.
Human Shield Inf (22) score 91 hits.
Ronan's Raiders (30) score 440 hits.
Balls Deep 2 (17) score 275 hits.
Black Brook Guard (18) score 151 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 914 (2361 before overkill), Defenders: 91

The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Lasten's Leopards (24) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Tucha Infantry (31) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.
The Arrowhearts (12) take 1172 hits (914 in close combat, 258 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out.
WineDrinkers (32) take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Balls Deep 2 (17) take 268 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Total casualties: 21 attackers, 8 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 15 %.
The battle does 27 % damage to the fortifications.