Fontan (Realm)/Treaties/Confederation: Difference between revisions

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(As ratified and signed March 1st, 2007)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:35, 13 February 2009

Articles of Confederation


These Articles of Confederation, established in the friendship and mutual trust, between the Free Peoples of Fontan, and the Republic of Sirion constitute an eternal bond, whicha can never be broken. Providing for their common defense, and protecting their peaceful existence, the Articles of Confederation ordain the relationship between the nobilities of these two great realms.

Section 1 – Membership

Membership within the Confederation must be entered into voluntarily by duly elected ruler of a realm, and can only be held by realms as a whole. New members entering into the Confederation must receive a unanimous affirmation vote.

Section 2 – Common Defense

Members of the Confederation pledge their armies to the mutual defense of the federation’s boarders. Should a realm declare war on a member realm, all other member realms shall declare and prosecute war on and against the offending realm until all Confederation member realms can negotiate a uniform peace with the offending realm.

Section 3 – Prosperity of the Lands

In order to maintain the prosperity of all the lands of the member realms, food and other supplies shall be preferentially traded between members at a mutually agreed upon price not to exceed the global average.

Section 4 – Salvation of the Soul

Religions practiced and otherwise tolerated within member realms must without exception cause no harm to the Confederation, and its lands and peoples. Priests of practiced or tolerated religions shall be free to preach, but are limited to persecuting heretics only of outside religions not practice or otherwise tolerated within member realms. Priests found violating these provisions shall be cast out of all member realms.

Section 5 – Lawlessness and Rebellions

Member realms shall actively and vigorously prevent lawlessness and chaos within their nobility. Should a member realm become aware of a rebellion plot in another member realm, all information shall be passed along to representatives of the said government. In the unfortunate event that a rebellion is successfully held, and a member realm’s government is overthrown, remaining members of the Confederation shall actively work to assist the deposed government in re-establishing itself by any and all means.

Section 6 – Endangering the Peace

Prior to any overtly hostile acts against a non-Confederate realm, a Confederation member realm must first seek the advice and consent of its fellow members.