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'''Roleplay from Julia'''<br>
'''Roleplay from Julia'''<br>
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm<br>
It is a sunny summer afternoon in the glorious City of Avamar. The soldiers, guarding the big iron gates of the City are moving back and front lazy, enjoying the warm weather, waiting for their replacements. It’s been so long from the last attack on the Avamar’s undefeatable walls!<br>
It is a sunny summer afternoon in the glorious City of Avamar. The soldiers, guarding the big iron gates of the City are moving back and front lazy, enjoying the warm weather, waiting for their replacements. It’s been so long from the last attack on the Avamar’s undefeatable walls!<br>

Revision as of 05:04, 18 September 2005

Roleplay from Julia
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm
It is a sunny summer afternoon in the glorious City of Avamar. The soldiers, guarding the big iron gates of the City are moving back and front lazy, enjoying the warm weather, waiting for their replacements. It’s been so long from the last attack on the Avamar’s undefeatable walls!

The relaxing atmosphere is suddenly broken by the hoof beats of a lightly armored horse, carrying a rider dressed casually. The rider’s unleashed long black hair are waving, reflecting the sunlight, while the khopesh she carries is clearly visible form distance.

Without stopping at the guarded gates, the rider enters the city.

“It is a woman!” The first guard says
“So what?” The reply of the second one comes
“ Don’t you think that we should stop her for some ‘body’ search?” the first one points out winking
“Hey! Here IS a good idea to spice up our boring day! Hey Lady stop!” The guard shouts!

The woman freezes at once. She turns slowly and gazes the guards with her cold-hazel eyes.

“Is there a problem man?” she almost spits out the last word

“Eeeerrr…no,no you may carry on my Lady” The first guard says bowing deeply.

The rider within a heartbeat has been disappeared…

“What the hell are you doing!” The second guards shouts
“Wasn’t YOUR idea to search her? Don’t you tell me that you, a Veteran of Sirion Wars, were afraid of her slim curved sword?”

“Are you totally insane?” The response comes at once from the terrified guard;
“Didn’t you recognized her? She is Lady Julia, the Amazon Princess, former Judge of Avamar and Dame of Sacrifice! So, in case that you don’t intend to sacrifice your head to her sword, I suggest you to shut your mouth up and forget this meeting!”

Lady Julia soon reaches the City Hall, former palace of Evylears, the Tyrant Elf that once ruled the place.

“I’m finally back, to my real home!” she whispers to herself and unsaddles her horse.

“My friends! Where are you all? I have return after a long trip to my birthplace! I had to visit the lands of my ancestors, the fields that once the great Amazon nation thrived…only to find the ruins of the ancient glory of my race. But I do not want any sad discussions! I am now back! Who is going to invite me for a drink –I have always my own wine with me- and tell me the news? I’ve already seen important changes and new nobles! Are we still kicking Doc’s arse?” Julia laughs widely as she enters the City Hall of the People.

Roleplay from Pipeta
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm
"Hi my dear friends" Lady Pipeta says to the trembling guards...

"Did you notice my dear sister passing by?"

"n-n-no...eeer...y-y-yes" the guards say

"Hm. I see. I guess I'll meet her at the City Hall then. Have a nice day gentlemen"

Roleplay from Philip
Surrounded by a sea of friendly faces Julia found herself assaulted by hugs, back pats, and kind words on all sides as old friends welcomed her back.

Suddenly a long shadow fell across the crowd, blocking the sunlight that had poured through the door. Squinting against the glare outlining the newcomer, Julia tried to make out who it was. She needn’t have bothered though, for as soon as the man took a step and the sound of scraping metal filled the hall she knew exactly who it was.

A hush fell over the gathering as Philip slowly approached, not by their choice, but because the normal screech of armour amplified by the echo of the hall drown out all other conversations.

Finally he stopped, though the noise continued to haunt the corridors for some time, and settled his gaze on the Amazonian.

He remained motionless for quite a while; studying her from head to toe. Finally he nodded once, and from his belt, pulled a curve knife, much like her sword.

“I believe this is yours,” said Philip, though between his helmet and the echo it barely sounded like him.

Accepting the knife Julia gave Philip an inquisitive look.

“You threw it at me last time I was sitting on the walls around your training grounds,” he explained, "I assume it was criticism for my running commentary while you trained."

An amused expression on her face she responded, “I was aiming for the tree actually; you were the one who decided to get in the way. Ruined my shot too if I recall.....”

Tilting his head to one side Philip thought of mentioning that he’d been sitting against the tree for quite some time before she decided to practice knife throwing, but decided against it.

Moving on he commented off handedly, “I trust you have kept in practice? Because if you recall, you still owe me a duel.”

Smirking Julia responded, “Actually I picked up more then a few tricks during my travels; you probably don’t even stand a chance anymore.”

“Really……. Well we shall see…..”

Turing to go Philip called out over his shoulder, “You shall find your home in good repair and the training grounds freshly sanded; put them to good use.”

Pausing at the door as if remembering some trivial thing he said, “Oh yes……. welcome back.”

Stepping through the door the light, blocked by his presence, shone back through, bathing the crowd.

Twirling her knife thoughtfully, while contemplating more target practice, Julia caught an unusual glint out of the corner of her eye as the light fell upon them. Intrigued she inspected her blade closely and discovered a chain wrapped around the handle ending with a teardrop, the symbol of Sacrifice, made of gold.

Holding up the amulet to better catch the light Julia reflected, “It is good to be home.”
Count of Montijo

Roleplay from Philip
Leaving the city hall Philip sees Pipeta approaching on a fast horse and waits for her to stop.

“So you have also returned to us I see. Know that Draco has left for a time, but I am sure that news of your return shall coax him back to us. If he were here, you would doubtlessly be the focus of his attention.”

Calling to her as she races off to the hall he says, “Don’t worry, though you’re sister might be getting most of the welcomes, but we’re just as happy that you’re here.”

Pondering to himself he says aloud, “Avamar city will certainly be more interesting now….”
Count of Montijo