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title = '''Trickery from the Tribune'''|
title = '''Contradiciting statements?? AGAIN?'''|
article =Date: <i>November 2cd, 2006</i>
article =Date: <i>December 7th, 2006</i>

The Taselakian Tribune attempted to bad mouth the Ikalakian Times by saying that this glorious paper had stopped printing and was dead.  This was not the case, the editions have been in monthlu blocks, it just so happens that in October the news was delayed due to the editors job of rebuilding a damaged region and destroying looting partiesThe paper in once again on track and the editions are expected to be bigger and better then ever from now on.
Two heads are ussualy better then one.  This is the way of the world... with one acception it seems.  Only Taselak could run a paper where its many editors seem to plan condraticing statementsJust who are they trying to fool?  Perhaps the illiterate peasents?  We will probally not get an answer to that from the tribune, it seems they dont like to answer questions that make them look silly.

The Tribune then went on to report that this papers information was incorrect...
In there current paper there most active editor Dennis went on and on about a possible allaince between Toren and Taselak running high in the Taselak council after Ikalak apparent no show.  they then went on to say Ikalak was using them.
''Ikalak are using them.
The good news is that the powers that be in Toren by just be coming around to our point of view. In the high circles of Taselak, rumours are rife of a possible ceasefire between Toren and Taselak. If this should happen, it would bring about what we have hoped for for so long. An alliance between the underdogs against the big bad baddy, Ikalak.  (writtten by Dennis)''
Mischa former Queen of Taselak had a very different statement to make...
''Amazingly Toren have been able to complete two simultaneous TOs. How did they manage this feat do you ask? Why Ikalak let them of course! How else would Toren be able to do it? They had Ikalak run interference to Taselak while they completed the TOs. (wriiten by Mischa)''
Both these statements are clearly contradiciting each other therefor the Ikalakian times can see only three possbilities...
*Dennis the chief editor for the paper is lying and there for 90% of the paper in inaccurate.
*Mischa is lying in which case the very council of Taselak is lying to its own people.
*Both are lying in an attempt to gain a monor boost of morale before Toren overuns there regions while Ikalak harrases there armies.
So which is it Taselak....

''Now for the factual error. The Ikalakian Times insinuates that the use of magical weapons by Taselak caused the freak lightning storm that messed up the usual order of things. All the nobles who are capable of wielding these weapons are currently still in Endelee, and thus would not have been able to affect things in faraway Sandalak City''

However it seems The Tribune is trying to gain an upper hand in this newspaper wars by feeding blatant lies to its readers.  The Tribune claims that all nobles armed with this unique weapons wernt in Sandalak.  We know this to be a lie due to the fact the noble who started this quest was in Sandalak armed with one such weapon.  Valens the noble armed with two unique swords was seen in the battle and has been confirmed by fellow scribes.  It is even reported in the Taselak Tribune that he was wounded in the storm further supporting the Ikalakian Times claims of inexperianced sorcery.  This is clearly an act of deceit by the Tribune and we will be watching for any other slipups in the future.  The fact that Valens is an editor of the Tribune only makes these lies seem more suspicous.  Perhaps having several nobles as editors that produce contradictory articles is not the best way forward for a new paper such as the Tribune.

Revision as of 09:52, 7 December 2006

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png News from the glorious realm of Ikalak IkalakBanner.gif
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator and Editor: Kainaq Issue Number: 5
Three realms now remain, only one can be victorious, there can be only war.

Editorial note: Articles from other realms will be welcome, more information is available in the discussion section

Previous Editions

Ikalakian Times First Edition

Ikalakian Times Second Edition

Ikalakian Times Third Edition

Ikalakian Times Fourth Edition

= Sandalaks Return? =
Date: November 2cd, 2006

In an unprecidented act of treachoury and deceit Hvrek Lord of Dakan, stepped down from his lordship position abandoning his people before unscrupoulously gaining access to documents apparently giving him a lordship. Since none of his family have ever held any claim to Sandalak city these documents were clearly forged. However before anything could be done Hvrek succeeded Sandalak City in an attempt to form his own realm. Ibyp, Adrelhia and Unlib all alligned to Sandalak all followed his will. Ikalaks responce was immiediate uproar with many calling for blood and urging those from old Sandalak to stay loyal to the realm. Currently only two others have joined Hvreks mad quest for power - Valdemar and Eien. There lives are now forfeit along with Hvreks. However this is merely a delay, already Aldrelhia and Ibyp are being retaken and Sandalak is occupied by Ikalakian forces. This act will get Hvrek no where and i should he survive i doubt any will take him in for fear of him attempting this again. Truly he has become a doomed man. In less then 12 hours since there is already a 100 gold bounty on his head and infiltraitors are already after him. This man has no honour. Should he escape he should be killed on sight lest his influence grows to cause such damage to your realm.

Jair, judge if Ikalak eagily awaits his death and is not willing to wait for him to be captured and is moving on Hvreks position with the intent to duel him till one of them falls by the others blade.

= New Sandalak defeated! =
Date: November 2cd, 2006

Hvreks traitorous uprising has been crushed before it realy got going. Adrelhia and Ibyp are already under control and are once again part of the realm leaving New Sandalak cut in half. It is inevitable that Unlib and even the mighty city of Sandalak itself will fall back offically under Ikalakian control. The leader of this rebellion Hvrek was nearly killed by Moonglum II after a fatal duel left him fighting for his life at the hands of the newer noble. Clearly this Moonglum is has the same potential as his father, the former duke of Sandalak.

The Toren Herald
Date: November 19th, 2006

The Ikalakian Times welcomes the Toren Herald to the list of South-East Island papers. The editor wishes to congratulate them on spotting more lies and misinformation spread by the Tribune...

A headline in the Taselak Tribune proclaims that Toren is crippled. Unfortunately for their story, we Toren don't need a great leader proclaiming what to do every moment. We have an infallible military heirarchy. Congrats on not investigating your stories!

- Karibash the Great This statement apears very true when a Toren army combined with several Ikalakian nobles moved on Falens and preceaded to crush the Taselakian army stationed there yesterday. One would hope that this would be a lesson to both the Tribune and and the Taselakian army not to get that overconfident in the future.

Current politics
November 28th, 2006

Ikalak has undergone several changes of late. Now that Sandalak is back under Ikalak control there have been vast changes in the hierarchy system. This trend appears to of extended to all realms in every Island with Lords commanding entire armies. The actual political side of the white city has changed greatly as well. Carter was appointed priminister after Zack the Great was captured by new Sandalak. Zack has now left Ikalak in search of the traitor Hvrek, the Ikalakian Times wishes him luck in his quest for veangence. Carter has now stepped down declaring that his place was at the front lines and now a contest over votes has started between two Ikalakian nobles, Gilgamesh and Feanor. We should get the results by the first of December.

Taselaks position gets more and more desperate by the day. With three major losses in a row how long will it take to fully break whats left of Taselaks morale.

Contradiciting statements?? AGAIN?
Date: December 7th, 2006

Two heads are ussualy better then one. This is the way of the world... with one acception it seems. Only Taselak could run a paper where its many editors seem to plan condraticing statements. Just who are they trying to fool? Perhaps the illiterate peasents? We will probally not get an answer to that from the tribune, it seems they dont like to answer questions that make them look silly.

In there current paper there most active editor Dennis went on and on about a possible allaince between Toren and Taselak running high in the Taselak council after Ikalak apparent no show. they then went on to say Ikalak was using them.

Ikalak are using them.

The good news is that the powers that be in Toren by just be coming around to our point of view. In the high circles of Taselak, rumours are rife of a possible ceasefire between Toren and Taselak. If this should happen, it would bring about what we have hoped for for so long. An alliance between the underdogs against the big bad baddy, Ikalak. (writtten by Dennis)

Mischa former Queen of Taselak had a very different statement to make... Amazingly Toren have been able to complete two simultaneous TOs. How did they manage this feat do you ask? Why Ikalak let them of course! How else would Toren be able to do it? They had Ikalak run interference to Taselak while they completed the TOs. (wriiten by Mischa)

Both these statements are clearly contradiciting each other therefor the Ikalakian times can see only three possbilities...

  • Dennis the chief editor for the paper is lying and there for 90% of the paper in inaccurate.
  • Mischa is lying in which case the very council of Taselak is lying to its own people.
  • Both are lying in an attempt to gain a monor boost of morale before Toren overuns there regions while Ikalak harrases there armies.

So which is it Taselak....

Recent events on the South-East Island
November 28th, 2006

Huge battle in Lesthem - Taselak vs Toren - Toren victory

Huge battle in Figobar - Ikalak vs Taselak - Ikalak victory

Huge battle in Lesthem - Taselak vs Toren - Toren victory

Taselak takes Neralle

Toren takes Seggelin

Ikalak takes Fali and Rhic

Toren takes Dakan and Berakor

Taselak takes Seggelin

Ikalak takes Unlib

Ikalak reclaims Sandalak City

Adrelhia and Ibyp reclaimed by Ikalak

Battle in Sandalak - Ikalak vs Sandalak - Ikalak victory

Hvrek buys the dukedom Sandalak and begins his own realm.

Foreign views
Date: November 2cd, 2006

From an Toren Noble, The war seems to be going along fine. We are regaining regions lost, but some wonder where is Ikalak? They haven't done very much to help. We await you!

In responce to this question in the precious edition this question is simply answered, since the start of the new war we have been securing Sandalak however while we refitted the Taselak army slipped in through Gwohadda and begun looting Aldrehia. After we destroyed this force they attacked the city itself... and after that Hvrek begun his mad quest for power and we are still currently dealing with him and the other traitors.