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[[Melhed History/Chapter 1|Chapter 1]]

[[Melhed History/Chapter 12|Chapter 12]]

Revision as of 08:55, 7 September 2005

an Exaggerated History of Melhed

Welcome! I'm Jason.

The realm of Melhed, on Beluaterra, has an extremely interesting history. More accurately, there are about three months of its history wherein a lot of cool stuff happened. Now I've decided to share the exciting story with whoever wishes to hear it.

However, this is not simply a brief recounting of facts. This is a full-blown, possibly short-novel length work which it will undoubtedly take me some time to complete. The story is told from the points of view of Aemon and Rhaella, characters played by me who were present and had a hand in most of the events. I'm really embarking on a horrible endeavor here, but I think the results will be pleasant. I have to give credit to some folks in Norland, on Atamara; some poor innocent people asked me about my family history, not expecting it to spin out of control into a gigantic project which will ultimately destroy my life and reduce me to a broken shell of a man. They got a taste of what's to come in an abbreviated, low-budget form. I hope some of them read this and enjoy it.


Well the conversion from tiki to wiki (whatever that means) is interesting; I have not yet bothered to learn the intricacies of the wiki editing system and I don't care to right now. I'll get the two chapters up here and worry about making everything sexy later.

-Jason, September 7, 2005

Blah blah finished early again. It seems every time I've almost got one of these complete and I go to bed, I get back up and finish it before I finally sleep. I think it's cool how this worked out, having completed Chapter 1 and Chapter 12 first; they're basically bookends to the story of the Reign of Rubeus the Mad King. I guess Chapters 1-12 could be considered Part One. Enjoy.

-Jason, August 28, 2005


Chapter 1

Chapter 12


The bare events of this story are true and really happened, insofar as anything on an online game can be considered "real". However, some facts surrounding the events are undoubtedly changed, due to necessity or pilot error. Also, as the title implies, this story is a symphony in embellishment. This is where the disclaimer part comes in; certain characters, who were of course controlled by real people, are portrayed in a negative light, sometimes extremely so. I do not intend to change the names of these characters, however so as not to damage the reputations of the players I make this statement: The reality reflected in this story is meant to be the reality as seen by my characters of Aemon and Rhaella at the time. Thus this story is told from an extremely biased point of view and only represents one side. Just try to keep this in mind; to the bad guys of this story, Aemon and Rhaella were most definitely villains themselves.

Past updates.

WELL, obviously I haven't been doing much with this for awhile, but I haven't abandoned it entirely. Despite quitting this game I haven't exactly lost interest in writing this; but most of the time if I'm writing I've got things I'd rather write than fan fiction. What I have abandoned is putting these chapters up in chronological order. Perhaps reading the chapters out of sequence will make the story more interesting, since you'll have to fit the pieces together yourself until the gaps are filled. I sat down and wrote the second half of Chapter 12 today, I'll probably have that finished in a day or two and then I'll put it up here.

-Jason, August 28, 2005

I have been slowly working on the second chapter, but it's a lot more difficult to write than the first. There are a lot of things to consider and isn't fitting well with my writing style. I'm unable to give a prediction on when I'll finish it, but in the meantime I've been working on later chapters; so the overall project shouldn't be slowed down too much by my writer's block- you just won't get to read it until I finish chapter 2. Yeap.

-Jason, May 11 2005

Well, I completed the first chapter ahead of schedule, so here it is. Not much to say except, enjoy.

-Jason, April 10 2005

The first chapter is very close to completion, I expect to have it up here in less than a week. It may be up within a day or two, but I make no promises. At about 3/4 completion it weighs in at almost 1800 words, just to let you know what you're getting into if you decide to read it. I have absolutely no idea how many chapters this will eventually encompass; right now my outline contains 55 "events"- the first chapter covers the first one. I seriously don't want to write 55 chapters, and I intend for most of them to be shorter than the first; but if the story demands 55 2000-word chapters, then that's what I'll give it. Now perhaps you understand the soul-crushing nature of this awful idea.

-Jason, April 10 2005