Unit Naming Guide: Difference between revisions

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*Mounted Archers
*Mounted Archers

===[[Special Forces]]/[[Mixed Infantry]]===
===[[Special Forces]]/[[Mixed Infantry]]===

Revision as of 09:49, 13 July 2006

Having difficulties coming up with a good name for your unit? Look no further.

Equipment Quality

Equipment quality is what I use to determine the basic type of unit. For example, Infantry with 50 or above EQ is something I would consider "Heavy Infantry," while anything below 35-40 would be more "Light Infantry."

Generally, "Heavy" and "Light" refer to the amount, and type, of armour. Light units might not have any armour, heavy units might be wearing full Maximilian plate.

Equipment quality isn't just the difference between a rusted spear and a spear - it's also the difference between a spear and a pike, or a spear and a halberd.

Infantry with high equipment quality might benefit from the following terms. They can also apply to lower quality units; this is only a rough guide for inspiration.

Infantry (High EQ)

  • Hoplites
  • Men-at-Arms
  • Swordsmen
  • Pikemen
  • Billmen
  • Halberdiers
  • Longswordsmen
  • Broadswordsmen
  • Phalangists
  • Huscarls

Infantry (Low EQ)

  • Footmen
  • Velites
  • Peltasts
  • Skirmishers
  • Borderers
  • Axemen
  • Axe Throwers
  • Irregulars
  • Clubmen
  • Spearmen
  • Berserkers


  • Slingers
  • Dartmen
  • Shortbowmen
  • Stone Throwers
  • Peltasts
  • Skirmishers
  • Bowmen
  • Crossbowmen
  • Arbalestiers
  • Longbowmen


  • Horsemen
  • Knights
  • Riders
  • Dragoons
  • Cossacks
  • Men-at-Arms
  • Heavy Cavalry
  • Light Cavalry
  • Household Cavalry
  • Charioteers/Chariotry
  • Cataphracts/Cataphractoi
  • Mamluks
  • Rangers
  • Mounted Archers
  • Lancers
  • Jousters
  • Uhlans

Special Forces/Mixed Infantry

  • Elites
  • Veterans
  • Sacred Band
  • Artillerymen
  • Siege Specialists
  • Engineers
  • Antesignani
  • Auxillia
  • Jannisaries
  • Marines
  • Mounted Infantrymen
  • Naptha Throwers
  • Petardiers
  • Grenadiers
  • Trabanter Guard
  • Sappers

Training Quality

Similarly, training quality goes a long way to describing the unit. For example, a training level of 50 or above might describe a typical Briton's longbow skills after training most of his adult life. Anything below 35, on the other hand, might describe militia, a part-time fighter whose training is limited to tavern brawls and chopping off a pumpkin from a scarecrow every few months.

Highly trained units might benefit from the following terms.

  • Guard(s)
  • Elite(s)
  • Legionnaires
  • Myrmidons
  • Veterans
  • Champions
  • Men-at-arms
  • Immortals

Whereas units with lesser training might have these terms in their names.

  • Militia
  • Townsmen
  • Villagers
  • Soldiers
  • Warriors
  • Fighters
  • Mercenaries
  • Brawlers
  • Guards
  • Garrison
  • Levy
  • Constables


Some random tips to add roleplaying flavor to your unit names.

  • Avoid names that include l33tness. Please.
  • Avoid non-character symbols, like %, ^, ~ and brackets.
  • Capitalize Consistently (i.e, avoid "red Dragons of northhelm")
  • Look at the region where the troops you're recruiting come from. Think about what it'd be like to come from that region as a common soldier. Are you rural huntsmen with leather and furs, or cityfolk with mass-produced short swords and uniform green cape?
  • Look at mythology, especially beasts and monsters (i.e, Jarl's Chimera)
  • A prominent colour helps, and would be on your banner too (i.e Red Guards)
  • Words like "Vengeance," "Fury," "Wrath" work well (i.e Dragon Fury)
  • Words that describe the weapon used by your unit also work nicely: Arrows, Blades, (i.e Swords of Swatholm)
  • For the average egotistical noble knight, your own name is perfectly suited to your unit: (i.e Bob's Fighting Fury)
  • Particularly in the Far East, you'll be expected to RP your character's interactions with your unit; inventing a named Sergeant, Captain or Squire goes a long way.
  • Using the same name for the same kind of unit over and over is okay, though sometimes dull, since it establishes your unit's battlefield recognition - kind of like marketing, only with enemy soldiers running away from you when you're infamous. (Or laughing at you if you're not?)
  • Using Roman Numerals in the name of your unit. This works especially well when you use the same name over to establish a reputation for your unit or when you have a archaic-esque name (for example, Mulus Ambulat XVII)