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Those who have dedicated themselves in service to the people and to the spread of the teachings of the Ways of the Adgharhin. They are the celebrants at the temples, the providers of weddings and  the soothssayers. They generally hold a general knowledge of all of the Orders and use these skills to better serve the people of Arcachon.
Those who have dedicated themselves in service to the people and to the spread of the teachings of the Ways of the Adgharhin. They are the celebrants at the temples, the providers of weddings and  the soothssayers. They generally hold a general knowledge of all of the Orders and use these skills to better serve the people of Arcachon.
===The Monastic Orders===
===The Monastic Orders===
The monastic orders are housed within the halls of learning. They are the training centers of the [Adgharhin_Priesthood|Priesthood]
The monastic orders are housed within the halls of learning. They are the training centers of the [[Adgharhin_Priesthood|Priesthood]]
====Order of the Hearth====
====Order of the Hearth====
The members of this order pride themselves their research and study of methods and practices of trade and industry. Advances in the trades, such as milling, tanning and brewing on the Island have all benefitted by the knowledge of this order. It is also their duty to assist the Clergy in the celebration of holidays.
The members of this order pride themselves their research and study of methods and practices of trade and industry. Advances in the trades, such as milling, tanning and brewing on the Island have all benefitted by the knowledge of this order. It is also their duty to assist the Clergy in the celebration of holidays.

Revision as of 22:55, 29 April 2006



The people of Arcachon have historically been animistic in their religious practices. Legend tells of a foreigner from the west who brought with him books wisdom. These books were in a strange language, but were filled with pictures and diagrams. Their material covered a range of topics from farming, to tanning, to tax laws, and so the Arcachon people had begun to adopt the early qualities of civilization without knowing it. The religion of Arcachon is complex, but is concerned mainly with achieving balance in the world through thought, speech, and action. Night and day, masculine and feminine, good and evil - everything has its place. That is not to say that the religion of Arcachon is dark or fatalistic; quite the contrary, followers believe that Nature is inherently good. It is merely the acceptance that darkness cannot be completely extinguished (and in some cases must be embraced) that gives the religion of Arcachon its unique insight.

The Adgharhin Priesthood itself was rediscovered as the result of the research begun by Malus and Arcturus Solari. In a time of great need, and sensing the impending downfall of the Clan of Arcachon to corruption and decay, the brothers pland a coup of the current clan chief, Wiglaf.

After the successful rebellion, Arcturus, stepping in for the ailing Malus, introduced his findings of the Gods of the Way to the warlords of the Dark Island. Dormondt Lankmere lended his energy to the task of researching and completing the picture of the religion and it's practices

The Adgharhin Priesthood is the result of these findings and the continued research into the dark and faded history of the Island of Arcachon. As more information began to make itself available, a woman named Lechis from a coastal village made herself known to Dormondt and the Council of Arcachon, and started to illuminate the Way of the Old Ones to them.

Slowly and with great care, the older and more isolated inhabitants of the island began to emerge from hiding and offer their support to the new govornment in hopes that their faith would outlive them. This did not, however, come without cost.

Lechis revealed herself to be the old High Priestess of the Adgharhin, walker of the Way of the Old Ones. She vowed the support of the people of Arcachon, and provide insight into the Way to the nobles of the island, provided she was to teach them personally, and advising from behind the Pontifex.


The Levels of the Priesthood

Founder and Protector of the Way

An honourary title granted to the one who provides for the physical needs as well as the protection of the Priesthood. While it appears that the founder has power, he is nothing but the puppet of Lechis and the old walkers of the Way of Adgharhin.

Grand High Priest/ess

The Grand High Priest or Priestess is the active and recognised leader of the Adgharhin Priesthood. Until reciently this title coincided with the Pontifex of Arcachon, as the figurehead and teacher of the faith. As of this moment, however, political upheaval within the borders of the Isle have caused this position to be vacant. Lechis is filling in until such a time as a new candidate shows themselves. There may come a time when, as the religion of the Way spreads, that the Grand High Priest/ess may be of another Realm, but time will tell.

The Grand High Priest/ess will take the reins of the Priesthood once Lechis passes on and will become the final decision maker in matters of spiritual practice. While everyday matters of operations are often handled by the Illuminated Ones, events that effect the overall structure and vision of the Way are diferred to the Grand High Priest/ess.

Illuminated Ones

The Illuminated ones are the leadership council of the Priesthood. There are currently three. They provide expertise in their given roles, while also serving as the main decision making body for the members of the Priesthood and walkers of the Way. They are expected to handle day-to-day operations of the Priesthood, involving the High Priest/ess when needs arise, or if the decisions have an impact upon the direction of the Way.

Hand of the Hearth

The Hand of the Hearth oversees the religious practices of the Way as well as being the head of the Order of the Hearth. Dedicated to Omorthion, the Hand of the Hearth ensures that Holidays are observed and sacrifices are followed.

Hand of the Blade

The Hand of the Blade provides expertise in matters of military significance. As head of the Order of the Blade, he ensures that the Warbands of the Arcachon have the blessings of the Gods in their endeavours.

Hand of the Shadows

The Hand of Shadows takes pride in understanding the ways of finances and darker diplomacy, working in ways that many fear to use. THey use these abilities to assure influence in the halls of govornment as well as making sure the populace, as well as the priesthood is well fed and funded. As head of the Order of Shadows, he oversees actions of a group that can be seen as courtiers and bankers as well as, when the need arises, secret police and enforcers.

The Clergy

Those who have dedicated themselves in service to the people and to the spread of the teachings of the Ways of the Adgharhin. They are the celebrants at the temples, the providers of weddings and the soothssayers. They generally hold a general knowledge of all of the Orders and use these skills to better serve the people of Arcachon.

The Monastic Orders

The monastic orders are housed within the halls of learning. They are the training centers of the Priesthood

Order of the Hearth

The members of this order pride themselves their research and study of methods and practices of trade and industry. Advances in the trades, such as milling, tanning and brewing on the Island have all benefitted by the knowledge of this order. It is also their duty to assist the Clergy in the celebration of holidays.

Order of the Blade

The members of this order are those that study the history and technology of combat. Soldiers are often a superstitious lot, so it is not uncommon to find a member of this order amongst a warband or other unit of soldiers, making sacrifices to the Old Ones in hopes that it will sway the tide of an upcoming battle.

Fearless and often seen as touched by the gods, members of this order often run in front of the shield wall, taunting the enemy, trying to get them to break formation. or charge out of rage, creating an opening in the defenses of the enemy.

A diary entry from a noble in the Army of Arcachon illustrates their role quite well, highlighting the strange path that these monks walk:

As the Army of Arcachon travelled through the mainland, I watched as
the monks of the Order of the Blade underwent a startling transformation.
Upon landing upon the mainland, they dropped their monks robes and their
hair became unkempt and dirty. They braided feathers into their hair. They
split up and integrated into the units of the various nobles. Once there
they atarted accepting requests for prayers and preparing small sacrifices
to the ancestors and the Gods.

As they moved out with their units, these monks started to take on the aspects
of madmen, talking to the Gods and to spirits, forseeing the future and searching
out animals which became their clothing. One such monk, Meghan, a very beautiful
Sister of the Blade who had taken my unit as her charge, became fierce and terrible,
howling at night and seeing visions of the soon-to-be slain.

They ate only the animals they killed, supplimented by herbs steeped as tea and the
portion of mead that the soldiers were rationed.

Order of Shadows

Where the other orders look after the affairs of industry for the common folk as well as providing for the welfare of the fighting classes, The Order of Shadows finds it's home within the walls of nobility.

Holidays and observances go a long way to make the common folk comfortable but Nobles often feel that they are above such things. Money and influence, justice and honour, however are never taken for granted. The Order of Shadows makes sure that the nobility remember that the Gods are aware of them as well...

Dedicant to the Adgharhin

The Dedicants to the Adgharhin are those whom have proven to be bound to the traditions of the way, but have not chosen a monastic order to devote themselves to.

Candidates and Inductees


One who has undergone the initiation ceremony but has not made the effort to dedicate themselves to further study and responsibility. Generally, it is expected that they will spend some time with the current Priesthood and help to further it's aims.


Neophytes are those who have listed themselves upon the Roles of Membership within the Priesthood. They are considered amongst the Priesthood and after due deliberation, they are either asked to continue and undertake the initiation ceremony or they are asked to walk another path.

The Walkers of the Way

Dormondt Lankmere - Protector of the Way
Akasha - Hand of the Shadows
Elerik Taim - Hand of the Blade

The Active Priesthood

Vite - Monk of the Blade
Anulith - Initiate
Viator - Initiate
Nicholas - Initiate
Riverwind - Neophyte

Past Members of the Priesthood

Malus Solari - Neophyte

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