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Norland website[1]

For the most up to date information on Norland, check out the Norland News!

Greetings Traveler, if you buy me a beer you might get to know something you never ever heared of before...

Well thanks.

Have you ever heard of Norland? No never? Well you will...

Norland is a realm in the very north of Atamara. Only the regions of the Barony of Makar are further north than this home of the Vikings, and might even not be there for long anymore... Yes, Traveller ...Vikings! Tall muscule-bound men with blond hair and big beards - funny helmets.

Very impressive.

they stood up against the Barony of Makar some days ago. They already captured Uforth and turned it into their region.

The realm was birthed from the Realm of Hasland. It has since rebelled against Hasland and has made a name for itself. The noble Vikings of Norland wiped the Hasland name from the Map. Well they had allies, the Barony and Tuchanon I think.... - but I am old and forget a lot.

By now they have a lot of allies. Eston and Minas Ithiel for example. But in the war against the Barony there are also the Ash Sea Islands and the Cagilan Empire as well as Southasland.

Before that there were a long period of peace, getting those axes out of shape... But they are pretty much in shape now!! After splitting the first Makary heads they really got back to there most important tasks. Drinking, fighting and enyoing life as much as possible.

The old men laughs out loud and holds his stomach

Sorry traveller, but I just had to think about Krypton the Bold - the actual ruler - fighting in this pink dress. But you only laugh until its your head splitted by his impressive and unforgiving axe.

By now they have a very strong group of nobles up there. They helped their allies to defeat Tuchanon II some month ago and a lot of Tuchanon II leaders were attracted by the nobleness of this folk. So a lot of them joined Norland.

If you get there you can speak out really without fear. They respect honour and anyone who is willing to step up and make suggestions - as long as it is for the good of the realm and not for the personal fame or to do some kind of politics.

Yes, yes

the old man is nodding to him self

They are noble and tough. And they expect everyone else to be. A real paradoxon of discipline and wildness, those guys.... I guess as long as you prove that you are willing, they will treat you with far more respect than any other folk in Atamara.

As I mentioned before, the ruler of that republic is Krypton the Bold a former General. Blood Bath was the famous General up there for quite a while, but evil witchcraft has taken him away from us all... So that a really young guy - Sir Raud - became General. He is a kind of Greenhorn for a General but I think that his ideas are great. He seems to be really wise for his age. Anyway I am a simple man... who am I that I will judge on nobles?

After taking a huge sipp of his beer he continous

If you get there you should step by. Especially the ale is great....and the squirrel - they even have a order for that- and those warriors are definitly a must see. If you think honour is more than a word they will like you and you will like them.

The old man is lifting his beer for a toast. Some people - which you recognize have carefully listen - in the tavern, as well as the noble warrior join him:


Recent events (2005):

Norland's involvement in the war between Falasan and Tara

Norland aided Falasan in their war against Tara and her allies. Results of this war were:

- Nazgorn (Taran region) was given to Falasan

- Tarasac and Sauvia (Taran regions) were given to Darka to allow them to repair their equipment and cash bonds

- Drachenwald took over Galadia and Alaise when the regions went rogue as a result of Falasan's war exhaustion

The campaigns against Tuchanon III (officially Southasland)

Norland sent an army to help Falasan and Minas Ithil defeat Southasland. The campaign had been postponed several times due to the war between Tara and Ash Sea Islands, in which the Eastern Alliance pushed the agressors back several times. The attack was successfull, but the siege had to be lifted, because once again, Ash Sea Islands needed help. Norland did not participate in the second campaign (due to the war against Eston), which resulted in the takeover of Tucha by Falasan and the destruction of Southasland.

The war against Eston

"Hail, Warriors and Nobles of Norland! Now is a most crucial time in Norland, where the loyal and dedicated shall be known. WE ARE AT WAR WITH ESTON! History has proven that, above all realms on Atamara, indeed above all realms I have ever seen, Norland is THE most dedicated, cunning and coordinated military force. We have not the resources of others, yet we, through careful planning and a trust in one another that is literally unknown in this world, have achieved all our goals. There is but ONE shining goal yet to attain.

It is our burden, nay our DESTINY to be a lynch-pin in the great war-machine that will free all Atamara from the brutal oppression of the NA. So I task you all, as I have been tasked. Take this burden, this birthright. It is yours, Norland. Embrace it. Embrace your place in history. For when our task is done, all the world and all history will know your names. Immortality is ours, my brothers. Sieze it!"

- Krypton the Bold, Prime Minister of Norland

So far Norland has taken control of Ashmoor and Moramroth, and managed to break Eston's takeover attempt in Moramroth.

Darkan and Talerian soldiers have been seen on Eston soil, helping defend Eston against two small realms whose combined size is still smaller than Eston. Both Darka and Talerium have participated in offensive actions against Norland's army and both have entered our lands (but only lands that previously belonged to Eston).

"Eston just threw her honour away... and we're about to gain it for ourselves."

Later on Eston had managed to get both Ashmoor and Moramroth back from Norland with the help of Darka and Talerium. Once the borders were back to 'status quo' the foreign armies left, leaving mighty Eston having to fight its own war against the two viking realms. With Eston's allies gone, Norland successfully annexed Ashmoor with the help of the Barony of Makar and a few days later the people of Moramroth decided to rebel against their realm and join Norland instead. In the meantime Eston armies attacked Wispen (the only region of BoM they have borders with) and looted it.

It does not seem like the war will end any time soon...

After I came back from the 9-day search for the Gummy Yeti King in Moramroth, Norland took over Elost too. I know little about the circumstances, but I haven't heard anything extraordinary apart from that "Griff smells like coconut and cotton candy" (Gandor) for a change :) In the fights that followed Norland invaded Amdor and Belegrond, but soon lost it due to domestic problems and overstretched supply-lines.

After an invasion by Eston forces into deep behind Norland's borders a counter-attack had been issued, in which the northern vikings overtook Fiddleford after a head-on assault against the walls of the local fortifications. In the following days the front-lines changed again. Eston successfully overtook Moramroth, cutting down a big region from Norland. At the same time the viking armies first marched into Saradic, then they moved to Hawthrone, the Estonite capitol. Hawthorne was looted, Saradic overtaken, but the region changed hands once again as Eston's armies arrived back from Moramroth. Seems like both parties have offensive tactics in mind for the future...

The war seems to have shifted to the regions surrounding Moramroth and Moramroth itself. As viking armies marched up the hills they've been greated by yeti's who were the heart of the local opposition. They soon succeeded in overthrowing the Estonite officials and declared independence. Under a friandly takeover Moramroth returned to Norland again. It was around this time that (for the first time since Ordieth's death in Tuchanon III) another infiltrator of Norland had been executed. In memory of Bantu Jr.'s sacrifice the former Baron of Moramroth came to agreement with the locals that they should be called bantus from this day onwards. Soon after this agreement Estonite armies suddenly attacked Moramroth from Barad Riel and brutally took the region back for themselves.

(2006) Quite some time had passed since my last entry. Since then, Moramroth had been taken back, and the front lines seem to be stable. Graybeard, a fromer Estonite troopleader, who later decided to join our viking ranks, had been executed by Arch Priestess willy. At the same time Talerian armies arrived to Hawthorne to once again help Eston fight back the once tiny viking realms of the north. So far it seems that no other realm has the will or the resources to force the Talerian armies out of Eston. We do hope, however, that once the wars in the south are settled, someone will come to Eston's aid, because we're going to kick their butts behind the Hawthorne-Barad Lacirith line so hard that they won't know what hit them... ehm, sorry emotional outburst. What I meant to say ofcourse is that we hope to see Minas Ithil on our side once the wars in the south are over :)

With the support of Talerian armies Eston broke through the Fiddleford defensive line and took the region and Ashmoor over. During this time Norland leadership realised that there's a spy in the realm. They messaged all the nobles of Norland that if the spy is caught (s)he'll face his/her worst nightmare... Guenwhyvar defected to Eston just a few hours after this announcement, but Eston was still informed of our every move. Soon the spy was identified as Pixie, a relatively new noble to Norland. This discovery had remained a secret, but after several attempts at his life, it had to come out to the open, and a ban was spoken on him. Pixie joined Eston a day later... While the chase after Pixie was being organised, the Talerian ermies withdrew and Eston was once again left alone. The Norland army marched into Ashmoor (while most of the Eston army was refitting in Hawthorne) and successfully took the region back.

Minas Ithil entered the war!!! That's right, after receiving Elost from Norland our ally to the south-east marched into Eston lands while the viking army launched a successfull attack against Fiddleford. In the meantime Talerian armies are marching towards Norland through Eston's land. (edited by Peny Estrall, the new realm mentor and historian)

Realm hobby : drawing comic strips

During summer 2005, King Krypton the Bold, told to everyone that he was drawing a comic strips for our realm. Nobody knew what was a comic strips, so he explained everything about it to his fellow vikings. In fact, he his the inventor of the comic strips ! But before he shows to the realm, his first comic strip, a few vikings tried to draw...

The first : Krash Mossy comic strip

Please add character name and a link to the draw here.