Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/2020/August: Difference between revisions

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==== Subsidy Received ====
==== Subsidy Received ====
As the Grand Panetier of the Luria Nova, you earn 178 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.
As the Grand Panetier of the Luria Nova, you earn 178 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.
=== Summer Evening - Poryatu ===
; Huge Battle Fought
: Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Outer Giask:
: (rogue) vs. Luria Nova
:Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 180 men
Defender Victory!
==== Huge Battle Fought  ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Storms End:
; Avernus vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 220 men vs. 170 men
: Defender Victory!

Revision as of 00:17, 28 August 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st August

Autumn Evening - Askileon

Bruce Wilde

It was a warm autumn night, the sun had since long left its place in the heaven, leaving a field of sparkly stars behind it on the now pitch-black sky. On a open field next to the road that leads to Shinnen, dozens of red pointy tents stood pitched in neatly rows, lit up by the torches and braziers located around the camp. Little to no wind was present, making the banners and pennants hang limp, or sway ever so weakly in the occasional breeze. The soldiers of the camp paid it no mind as they scurried around to do their business, whether it was cleaning up after dinner service, inspecting the equipment, drinking some beer or engage in friendly gambling.

In the middle of the camp, stood the largest tent of the bunch. The interior of the tent consisted of simple furniture; a wooden bed, four simple dining chairs with a matching table, as well as a sturdy cushioned chair with a heavy desk in the corner of the tent.

The desk was full of various papers and documents such as letters, scout reports, and maps. On top of one map rested a steel helmet with a nose-guard, encircled with a thick golden band similar in shape and design to that of a ducal crown, faintly reflecting the light that came from the candle that stood next to the helmet. Next to the desk, Duke Bruce sat on the cushioned chair, slowly caressing a black and white ring on his left hand as he stared at the candle's dancing light as in deep thought, but with an empty mind. The peace was soon disturbed as Ilona, a gruff woman serving as the captain of Bruce's unit made her presence known. She was of average height, but the way she carried herself made her look slightly taller. Bruce had his back to her when she entered, but he paid little attention to his captain. At least that is how it looked like, but at this point Ilona knew that that was not the case.

"Your Grace," she started. "we are almost ready to settle in for the night. The guard shifts has been established, and we have restocked our provisions. We will able to get a couple of hours of rest before we rendezvous with Earl Leonid Castillo, and possibly Imperial Marshal Wassgandr Felsenbach, before we head for battle. Do you want me to have your wake-up call and breakfast arranged as usual?"

Without looking up, Bruce grunted affirmatively, and dismissed his captain with a simple wave. Ilona bowed respectfully before leaving her liege's tent, although Bruce did not see it, nor could he if he wanted without having to lean. Bruce soon found himself staring into the candlelight again, thinking about the Luria Nova of today, and the Luria Nova of tomorrow.

4th August

Autumn Evening - Outer Giask

Ciarghuala Dubhaine

The people seem to enjoy your story, and you manage to raise their spirits. Morale rises by 18 % to 92 %.
Your story also causes the citizens to become more patriotic.

7th August

Autumn Day - Outer Giask


Monsters have been seen in the region of Grodno.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

New Statue

A new statue has been dedicated to Kiran Mir-Ashtan within The Gate district (Giask) by Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach.

Autumn Evening - Outer Giask

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Vakreno Heaps:

Zuma Coalition vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 170 men
Attacker Victory!

8th August

Autumn Day - Outer Giask

New Marshal Announced

The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new marshal: Knight Durk Spartan. He replaces Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach.

Autumn Evening - Outer Giask

Durk Spartan

With a bit of a sigh, Durk marched his soldiers back into Outer Giask. He had been playing the smart man's game of not wasting his resources... However, that led to him only watching as the wicked beasts got torn to shreds by Oskar's special forces. Although Durk was alive and his men well, he felt more akin to a corpse, missing the battles of uncertainty he had not so long ago thrived ( and almost died ) for.

To make the matter worse... Sol was crumbling under its own weight... How could he take revenge on Sol, if there was no Sol?! Perhaps he'd hunt down that Luke guy and vent a little frustration of him instead...

His thoughts churned as they entered the Townsland, but they quickly grew silent as Giask became more visible in the distance. Durk clutched his pocket containing Wassgandr's letter, he felt a pit in his stomach, and his feet began driving him towards Giask, unable to turn course. Durk took about 5 steps before a strong hand grabbed his cloak and yanked him with the force of a bull.

"KUH', Was the only sound that Durk could make, the air leaving his lungs as his feet left the floor and his back met an even stronger hand.

"Where do you think you're going, good Durk?", Came a woman's voice. "L-Lupe! Uh.. I was looking for.." Durk was cut off by an enormous finger being pressed to his lip. "Good Durk, Your men are right here." Durk felt the hand on his back tense... "You wouldn't leave your men again, would you?"

Durk gulped and shook his head. "Good... Marshal Durk"

Durk blinked... "Oh no..."

9th August

Autumn Day - Cadier

Ciarghuala Dubhaine

Your men take 155 gold worth of money and valuables from the people of Cadier and the local tax office.
Your men take 50 bushels of food from the people of Cadier and the local granaries, and send it to your home region of Poryatu.
84 peasants are killed in the process.

10th August

Autumn Day - Cadier

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Dizeddo:

Astrum vs. Tol Goldora
Estimated strengths: 2040 men vs. 540 men
The Golden Host (Tol Goldora), sponsored by Stratarch Svari Storme, were led into battle by Marshal Willard Itausson.
Navarch Solomon Greybrook is spotted wearing the Scorching Pendant.
Navarch Solomon Greybrook is spotted reading from the Twice-Blessed Canon.
Navarch Solomon Greybrook is spotted wearing the Cruel Breastplate.
Baroness Mina Mejor is spotted wielding the Long-Lost Guard.
Defender Victory!

12th August

Autumn Day - Grodno

Monthly Fee Paid

  • Your rank of Ruler in "Imperial War Council" has to pay a monthly fee of 10 gold. Your balance with this secret society has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now -70 gold.
  • Your rank of Highborn Ranger in "Royal Rangers" has to pay a monthly fee of 20 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 242 gold.
  • Your rank of Lurian Hall Ruler in "The Great Halls of Luria" has to pay a monthly fee of 50 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 250 gold.
  • Your rank of Foreign Observer in "Solaran Diet" has to pay a monthly fee of 200 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 220 gold.

Monthly Grant Received

  • Your rank of Dean of Economics in "University of Dwilight" is due for a monthly grant of 20 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 1825 gold.
  • Your rank of Fuchsritter in "Ordo Volpes" is due for a monthly grant of 50 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 1505 gold.
  • Your rank of Friend of Goldora in "Gylded Bank" is due for a monthly grant of 10 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 804 gold.

Foreign Leave

Katrina Dragul, Chancellor of Arnor, Duchess of Noatun, Margravine of Aegir's Deep, Priestess of Sanguis Astroism was seriously wounded by an assassin.

13th August

Autumn Day - Grodno

Subsidy Received

As the Grand Panetier of the Luria Nova, you earn 152 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

Taxes Received

As the Suzerain Queen of the Luria Nova, you earn 363 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

16th August

Winter Day - Grodno

A New Season

The season has turned and it is now Winter.

Winter Evening - Grodno

Durk Spartan

As the walls of Outer Giask became healthier, so did Durk's mental state. He had been pacing back and forth relentlessly due to the constant barrage of monsters that both Cadier and Grodno were being slammed with. His nails were chewed to the flesh, his shadowy face had red claw marks glaring out, with eve his robe growing dirty and abused. If any monsters emerged in Orz, Durk might have plucked out his own eyes to spare himself the torture of reading their numbers and strength. Fortunately, the divine had found Durk's behind properly whipped, and would grant him a moment of reprieve... But only for a moment, he was sure, being careful to look over his should periodically, even in his own tent.

Through all that, somehow the loss of soldiers within the army tallied less than 15. Durk's healers had worked overtime and a half to ensure every man who'd been slashed, kicked, and stomped were wrapped up well enough to at least wobble towards the beasts the next day... making his own casualties about 8 or 9 of that 15. He was practically sending his men to die... Durk decided to reflect on that in the coming days.

"Lupe... Did I do good?", Asked Durk as he stared at a beast's corpse. "Nay, Sir... You did average.", returned the mountain of muscle.

Durk turned away from the corpse, hiding a tear... He gazed in the direction of Outer Giask with Wassgandr's words still pounding in his head.

"Then we should go home, so that I may reflect on my incompetence."

He hoped his allies would forgive him... The days were growing colder, and the roads were becoming harsher, the end of his term could not come any sooner... and if not that, at least he would have a warm blanket to cry in.

17th August

Winter Day - Grodno

Provisions Reduced

There is starvation in Grodno, so your men are forced to feed on their provisions, reducing them to 80%.

Winter Evening - Grodno

Alliance Forged

The realms of D'Hara and Westgard have joined into an alliance.

WINTER (1 of 21)

Total production: 51 bushels/day
Total consumption: 345 bushels/day
Total net: 294 bushel daily deficit
Total storage: 16932 bushels
The realm will run out of food in 57 days without extra imports.

The collecting parties did a good job and we enter Winter close to 3,000 bushels better off than I feared - the difference between a comfortable year and a tough one. Santoo, Outer Giask and Shinnen are all going to need food shipments as soon as I make it back to civilisation but apart from that the realm looks well set to weather the Winter.

18th August

Winter Day - Sulorte

Unique Item Deteriorating

Your Emerald-Studded Lance has been accumulating wear and tear, and is now at only 15% of its original condition. You should get it repaired very soon!


Monsters have been seen in the region of Sulorte.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

20th August

Summer Day - Shinnen

Subsidy Received

As the Grand Panetier of the Luria Nova, you earn 133 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Taxes Received

As the Suzerain Queen of the Luria Nova, you earn 318 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

21st August

Summer Evening - Shinnen


(rogue) has taken control of Elets. The region used to belong to Tol Goldora.

22nd August

Summer Day - Shinnen

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Masatodon:

(rogue) vs. Zuma Coalition
Estimated strengths: 120 men vs. 170 men
Defender Victory!

Ciarghuala Dubhaine - Shinnen

As you search around Shinnen, you find a total of 3 volunteers for your unit.
Equipment is quickly found, but the new recruits reduce your units training and cohesion a little.

Summer Evening - Shinnen

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Vakreno Heaps:

Zuma Coalition vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 50 men
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Cortlandt:

Arnor, Avernus vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 320 men vs. 250 men
Duke Jorge de Zueww is spotted wielding the Lance of Victory.
Duke Jorge de Zueww is spotted wearing the Shiny Armour.
Duke Jorge de Zueww is spotted reading from the Elemental Essay.
Count Harry Weisz is spotted wearing the Forgotten Blanket.
Count Harry Weisz is spotted wielding the Shouting Shield.
Attacker Victory!

Family Investment

Bruce Wilde, Imperial Magistrate of Luria Nova, Duke of Moon Hall, Margrave of Askileon has initiated an investment of 250 gold in the region of Ciarin Tut. Production soars to 121 %.

23rd August

Winter Day - Euschean Sea

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Tower Fatmilak:

(rogue) vs. D'Hara
Estimated strengths: 170 men vs. 270 men
The Sea Dragons (D'Hara), sponsored by Steward Grawldar Plaraveen, were led into battle by Marshal Jeffry Mann.
Defender Victory!

Winter Evening - Euschean Sea

A New Lord

Duke Bruce Wilde of Moon Hall Duchy has appointed Damien Guile to the vacant lordship position in Askileon Purlieus.

24th August

Winter Day - Askileon

Back on Dry Land

Your ship has arrived at the coast of Askileon and is putting you ashore.

Getting ashore takes most of your time, even though much of it is wasted in waiting.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Paisly:

(rogue) vs. D'Hara
Estimated strengths: 130 men vs. 280 men
Defender Victory!

Winter Evening - Askileon Purlieus

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Outer Giask:

(rogue) vs. Luria Nova
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 130 men
Defender Victory!

New Marshal Announced

The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new marshal: Knight Nevit Vilanova. He replaces Marshal Sir Durk Spartan.

27th August

Summer Day - Poryatown


Westgard has taken control of Jorradith. The region used to belong to (rogue).


Tol Goldora has taken control of Elets. The region used to belong to (rogue).

Taxes Received

As the Suzerain Queen of the Luria Nova, you earn 425 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Subsidy Received

As the Grand Panetier of the Luria Nova, you earn 178 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Summer Evening - Poryatu

Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Outer Giask:
(rogue) vs. Luria Nova
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 180 men

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Storms End:

Avernus vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 220 men vs. 170 men
Defender Victory!