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Perhaps the most feared God, ''Solar'' has a very powerful influence on us all.  Many cultures refer to ''Solar'' as the ''Sun God'', and is mentioned across the world.  ''Solar'' directly controls the Sun's energy and therefore the entity can make civilisations great, or it can burn them to the ground.  There is some evidence, sketchy at best, that says ''Solar'' controls the energy output via an advanced form of chemistry.  Perhaps one day 'Solar' will favour us, and provide the knowledge of such power to those that are worthy.
Perhaps the most feared God, ''Solar'' has a very powerful influence on us all.  Many cultures refer to ''Solar'' as the ''Sun God'', and is mentioned across the world.  ''Solar'' directly controls the Sun's energy and therefore the entity can make civilisations great, or it can burn them to the ground.  There is some evidence, sketchy at best, that says ''Solar'' controls the energy output via an advanced form of chemistry.  Perhaps one day 'Solar' will favour us, and provide the knowledge of such power to those that are worthy.

==Newly discovered Gods==
The Gods listed here were not discovered with the original three.  This does not make them inferior or superior.  The core of the religion still follows ''Celestial, Lunar and Solar'', but the Gods listed here may also be followed. 
Cherub is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and compassionate God. Cherub is the ordainer and enforcer of law and upholder of the world order. Cherub is the knower of all. He is capable of controlling and dispensing justice. He knows the path that the birds fly through the heavens. He knows the pathway of the wind. He knows the Gods who dwell above. He knows all this because of his innumerable spies (the stars) who are spread everywhere acting as his eyes and ears. If two people are talking together, Cherub will know what is going on. He controls the world order and when people commit sin, he knows and punishes them. But if they repent and seek forgiveness, he also forgives them.
--Discovered and described by Tempest

= Progression =
= Progression =

Revision as of 15:59, 3 April 2006

May the Light show you The Path



The Light Of Fontan is a religion based on the values and prophecies of a distant realm. We follow their ideals by referencing their scriptures on Knighthood. Our Gods are from the Celestial Plane, and therefore we worship the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

Light of Fountain

Duke Lycastus seceeded the Duchy of Fontan to form the realm. Hannibal, the Avatar of Light, has already pledged allegiance. They have some support, but the extent will not be discovered immediately.


A knight known as Asdrubal discovered what he thought was a tomb. His brother, Hannibal (a veteran of battle), discovered that it was actually an underground Pyramid. Hannibal kept the find to himself, preventing widespread panic due to the shocking contents. He eventually informed the most respected knights of Fontan, even drawing on their expertise in deciphering the Books. Lycastus built a temple on the Pyramid to protect it, and in doing so, founded the Light Of Fontan. The Gods granted Lycastus the chair of Founder. Hannibal however was not dismissed by the Gods, and was granted the title: Avatar of Light. To this day, their roles are not certain, but many believe that they are destined for greater things.

The Temple Of Light

We have constructed a Temple in Fontan City (ooc: this is currently a Guild). This is the central hub of the religion. The day it was completed brought about an epic shift in people's beliefs. The temple imbued the Founder and the Avatar of Light with the Light of the Gods. It is written that other worthy individuals will also be chosen, granting them an unknown power, similar to the Founder and Avatar of Light.

Imbued Items

When the Founder and Avatar of Light were imbued, they were each given a holy weapon. Other items are believed to be granted to the chosen few.

In the presence of the Undead it is written that these items will undergo a transformation.

Light Sword

The first weapon, a Light Sword was given to the Founder, Lycastus. Unlike a normal sword, it has no conventional blade. In its place is a beam of pure white light, that appears to cut through all known objects with immense ease.

Light Shield

Unlike the Light Sword, this object is made entirely of Light. When it is held by the Avatar of Light, it prevents harm from all directions. It can also be used as an offhand weapon to smite foes, but cannot harm knights that respect the true values.

Items that do not exist, yet

  1. Battle
    • Light Spear
    • Light Platemail
    • Light Chainmail
    • Light Gloves
    • Light Bow
    • Light Ballista
    • Light Trebuchet
  2. Non-Battle
    • Light Scrolls
    • Light Rings
    • Light Cloaks
    • Light Scout

There are others we are currently deciphering. We believe that the items belong to worthy knights. Someday those knights will step into the temple and be imbued, thereby granting them the item they deserve.


We know of 10 Books from the Pyramid

  • 1. Integrity
  • 2. Trust
  • 3. Honour
  • 4. Respect
  • 5. The Path
  • 6. Courage
  • 7. Weakness
  • 8. Strength
  • 9. The Unseen Prophecies
  • 10. The Seen Prophecies

They detail how a knight will become a true warrior. There are rumours comign from the upper echelons of the religion about "hidden codes", or something of that nature, within the text.

The Unseen Prophecies

The paintings in the Pyramid predict that great evil will arise from a region of darkness. Various words are mentioned, including Akesh Temple. It is written that darkness swarmed around the temple, suffocating the light, plunging the area into darkness. This allowed the evil to grow faster until there was a horde of foul creatures. We all wonder the same thing: "Could this be the same as our world's Akesh Temple?".

The Unseen Prophecies Book is difficult to translate and is taking a long time. Some say we need the Arch Priest of Light to discover this Book's true writings.

The Seen Prophecies

Perhaps the only important Seen Prophecy is that of the Civil war in Sirion. Years ago, the government of West Sirion was overthrown, and a new realm formed - Avamar. The battle of Avamar was brutal and the details of the battle are almost identical to the paintings. We do not believe this is coincidence.

Hannibal's Reports

Asdrubal has collected all of the reports and placed them for easy reading here. They will become essential scriptures, detailing the formation of our religion.

All followers must study them, for that is the first step of a long journey. Only then will they be able to progress.

The Gods

For ease of writing, the Gods are often mentioned as "He", but this is simply to keep the flow of English going. To be accurate the Gods are known as entities. We acknowledge that there are probably other Gods out there. Maybe even an infinite number of them.

The following is a short summary of each God we currently worship. To learn more, it is necessary to read the texts that are being written based on the information Hannibal is reading from the Ancient Books.


The Celestial God is neither a singular or a multiple entity. It is simply referred to as Celestial. This God overlooks the large scale interactions of Stars and cosmological objects. When knights study Celestial, they learn about the large scale implications of actions. This helps the knights to make decisions based on, to quote the holy scriptures, "the needs of the many...".


The Lunar God has very strong connections to the Moon. We aren't sure yet if Lunar created the Moon, or what role the entity plays exactly. But we do know that Lunar controls the Moon's orbit and therefore our tides, by some unknown force. Some say Lunar is the opposite of Solar. We have always known Lunar to be less impressionable than Solar. It seems to be very difficult to please or displease Lunar.


Perhaps the most feared God, Solar has a very powerful influence on us all. Many cultures refer to Solar as the Sun God, and is mentioned across the world. Solar directly controls the Sun's energy and therefore the entity can make civilisations great, or it can burn them to the ground. There is some evidence, sketchy at best, that says Solar controls the energy output via an advanced form of chemistry. Perhaps one day 'Solar' will favour us, and provide the knowledge of such power to those that are worthy.

Newly discovered Gods

The Gods listed here were not discovered with the original three. This does not make them inferior or superior. The core of the religion still follows Celestial, Lunar and Solar, but the Gods listed here may also be followed.


Cherub is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and compassionate God. Cherub is the ordainer and enforcer of law and upholder of the world order. Cherub is the knower of all. He is capable of controlling and dispensing justice. He knows the path that the birds fly through the heavens. He knows the pathway of the wind. He knows the Gods who dwell above. He knows all this because of his innumerable spies (the stars) who are spread everywhere acting as his eyes and ears. If two people are talking together, Cherub will know what is going on. He controls the world order and when people commit sin, he knows and punishes them. But if they repent and seek forgiveness, he also forgives them.

--Discovered and described by Tempest


Many knights ask how they can progress from one level to another. Unfortunately those knights rarely pass the first hurdle.

In order to progress, a knight has to study both the Books and the Path that they have chosen. There are generally two types of knights within the religion.

  • Those that study everything
  • Those that study one God

There are exceptions as some knights have studied two Gods, but generally this is a rare event.

Progression is fairly straightforward. There is only one exam, early on, which tests the knight's memory of Hannibal's Reports. A pass is required and no exceptions are made on this, ever. To progress from one level to another, the knight has to study the God(s) he/she has chosen. To become a Light, the knight must have gained the understanding of all Gods on that level.

It is very important to remember that the Levels and Ranks do not affect a knight's standing within the Religion. Every knight is on a journey. Where that journey leads is unknown. We do not even know if the Arch Priest of Light will be enlightened. To quote the Books: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players...".

A knight has to make an important choice early on. That is, to study all aspects of the religion (a very difficult task and likely to prevent the knight from progressing far), or to study one of the Gods solely. Usually a Priest will inform the knight of his/her potential, but it is ultimately up to the knight to decide.

Ranks and Members

All members are equal in terms of value. However, those that have progressed to the higher ranks will have gained more experience and understanding of the religion. The higher ranks are encouraged to teach the lower ranks.

It must be noted that not all knights are destined to enter the higher ranks. This does not make them inferior. As long as a knight attempts to reach his/her potential then the Gods will be pleased.

We are currently seeking our Arch Priest of Light, and is therefore one of our main objectives.

Ranks Members Level Description
Founder Lycastus ? Built the Temple of Light.
Avatar of Light Hannibal ? Discovered the hidden Pyramid
Arch Priest of Light 36 A gifted individual.
Solar High Priest 28 Reads the Hidden Solar texts.
Lunar High Priest 28 Reads the Hidden Lunar texts.
Celestial High Priest 28 Reads the Hidden Celestial texts.
Priest of Light 21 Preaches Ethics of each God.
Solar Priest 15 Develops the Solar Ethics.
Lunar Priest 15 Develops the Lunar Ethics.
Celestial Priest Tempest, Seraph 15 Develops the Celestial Ethics.
Light Gazer Phillipe 10 Has followed each Ideology.
Solar Gazer 6 Following the Solar Ideology.
Lunar Gazer Happy Jim 6 Following the Lunar Ideology.
Celestial Gazer Zedd 6 Following the Celestial Ideology.
Aspirant of Light 3 A rank while the Aspirant chooses which God(s) to follow.
Solar Aspirant 1 Passed a written test on the Reports.
Lunar Aspirant 1 Finished studying Hannibal's Reports.
Celestial Aspirant 1 Started studying Hannibal's Reports.
Aspirant Abigail 0 An enquiring mind.

The Levels are based on an ancient game. A game based on spheres that collide and sometimes disappear and reappear elsewhere. The relevance of this is clear to anyone studying the religion.

No Space

What is "No Space"?

We believe that many world's exist in Bubbles. In between the Bubbles is this No Space. We do not know what it is, but we assume given the name, that it is a region where there is literally no space.


Hannibal read in the Books repeating references to this No Space. We have no other known source, and have not even heard about it in legends or mythology.


Our greatest minds have devised a model of the system of No Space based on Hannibal's translations. We find that there are many Universes trapped inside many Bubbles. Generally 1 Universe to 1 Bubble, although we aren't certain of this. It may be possible to have multiple Universes in a single Bubble. These Bubbles then travel around No Space by some mechanism and occasionally they collide. From what we have read, they usually bounce off each other, but sometimes merge partially or wholly. The Bubbles also can leave behind fragments of their worlds in other Bubbles.

The Pyramid

The Pyramid probably was transported here when two bubbles intersected briefly. A foreign Bubble left behind parts of a foreign Universe in our Bubble, and part of that has to be the Pyramid. However, the odds for the Pyramid appearing where it did, are astronomically small. We know the Universe is huge, so why did it arrive here? We can only speculate that there was some divine intervention that caused this. In theory the Pyramid could have been transported in this way, but to occur at this time and place, seems to be the work of some God. We suspect that Celestial is responsible, although there may be other Gods that favour us. One explanation is that the God known as Boo did this. We do not deny that it is possible as we know that he favours Fontan, but we generally think Celestial is responsible. Celestial is known to control many large scale cosmological objects, and therefore 'Celestial' may control the No Space - Bubble interactions.

We think that this is the best explanation for the strange events surrounding the Pyramid's discovery. Firstly, there is no known record of any Pyramid or indeed any site existing at the location. Secondly, the interior is incredibly well preserved. The only problem is that the exterior is quite badly worn. We theorise that the exterior's time dimension accelerated somehow during the transportation process.

Parallel Universes

The Books describe infinite Universes, in infinite Bubbles. Some Universes will be almost identical to our own. We think that the Pyramid came from another Universe that was almost the same as ours. The pictures certainly support this, and the Books themselves describe Parallel Universes in detail. The shocking revelation is that the depiction in the paintings appears to be a copy of our past. And therefore it is also, by inference, a prediction of our future.


It has become clear that the scale of the Universe is immense.

We think that the Solar System is located in something called a Galaxy. There is also more than one of these Galaxies, and that they are separated by vast distances. The Galaxies then make up the Universe, and the Universe(s) the Bubble(s).

What is a Km?

Written in the Books are many references to distance in Km. We know it is an abbreviation, but we can't seem to translate it further. It is similar to our miles and through arduous investigation of scale references in the Books, we have calculated that 1 Mile is roughly equal to 1.61 Km. We use Km whereever possible to preserve the meaning of our translations.

Cosmological Distances

The Books reference many distances to stars which we do not know. We do believe however, that the Books came from a Parallel World. Therefore it is likely that we can match up constellations to gain this knowledge.

The distances we know so far are:

  • Earth->Sun = 149 597 870 691 km (What is also known as an Astronomical Unit or AU?)
  • Earth->Moon = 384 403 km
  • Earth->Nearest Star = 39,900,000,000,000 km

How could these distances be measured? We assume they were passed down from the Gods, but something tells us there is more to it. Maybe another Parallel Universe intersected theirs, and somehow the information was transported to them. Hopefully the Arch Priest of Light will be able to decypher the Books further and deliver the answer to this enigma.

The following must be distances, but of what?

  • 1 light-second ≈ 0.002 AU
  • 1 light-minute ≈ 0.120 AU
  • 1 light-hour ≈ 7.214 AU
  • 1 light-day ≈ 173 AU
  • 1 light-year ≈ 63 241 AU
  • 1 pc ≈ 206 265 AU

There are many other things we are learning, one VERY IMPORTANT discovery is that our Earth is not the centre of the Universe. In fact, it may not even be the centre of our Solar System.

Community Artwork

Here we place our community's thoughts presented in the form of Art.

We welcome all interpretations from all ages and skill levels.