Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/December: Difference between revisions

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The dinner finally came to an end, however, and the countess put her wards to bed. Skipping like a child, she went straight to Goriad's quarters. Time to make an heir. Then the next day, they would travel.
The dinner finally came to an end, however, and the countess put her wards to bed. Skipping like a child, she went straight to Goriad's quarters. Time to make an heir. Then the next day, they would travel.
=== Summer Evening -- [[Askileon]] ===
==== Goriad Gabanus ====
As Tyra had moved to put her wards to bed, Goriad himself moved towards his room. He had not wanted to consummate their arrangement on the road with her wards present, but perhaps more so it provided him some time. It had been over two decades since Goriad had last been with a women and in time he had no longer even felt the lust to be among them. There had been greater concerns in his life, but ever since the news of his son and his time with Tyra he had felt a sensation once more and now she would soon arrive. It was now perhaps for the first time in many years that Goriad had felt some tension and uncertainty.
After a few minutes of hesitation Goriad finally decided to remove his official robes and replaced them with the more comfortable robes he had worn during their last training match a year ago. It would be about 15 more minutes after that before Tyra knocked on his door. He had spent them in an uneasy waiting, pacing from door to bed and back. When she knocked on the door he jumped up from his bed, but then calmed himself a bit again. It was almost like he was a young man again, but he had to become focused again, there were important matters at stake.
He took a short moment to regain his composure as he walked towards his door to open it. She entered, still looking beautiful in her blue tunic. Goriad was uncertain what to say and so instead didn't say a word, but rather took her hand and pulled her towards him. He kissed her before she could respond much as he pulled her tight. He turned her around towards his bed and just before he pushed her upon it he tore her tunic open breaking some of the cords holding the tunic together.

Revision as of 22:12, 2 December 2018

1st December

Summer Day -- Askileon

Goriad Gabanus

Tyra had been drinking and eating at a local inn, trying to teach Alya and Edelyn to play Skat. Alya, almost 16 now, was proving to be quite a decent opponent, but Edelyn managed to get the basic rules well enough to make it fun to trick her.

When a messenger announced Goriad's arrival, the Countess put away the cards and got the girls moving. She was as savage as ever, side braids barely keeping the wild hair away from her face, wearing light chainmail over her blue tunic, sword and axe belted to her side, the Bluelake crest on her shoulders.

"We're going to meet him, then I'll have to talk to him in secrecy, to hash out an agreement. This means Alya will take Edelyn back to our quarters... No sidetracking like in Flowrestown, ok?"

"Yes, Miss Warrior. Understood."

"Good. Now let's see where he's setting up camp."

As he entered the main town Goriad was informed that Tyra had set up camp at the edge of the town and without delay he moved towards the described location. His entire retinue save for 5 scouts and 6 soldiers were sent to occupy the west wing of the Lordly estate while he rode towards Tyra on horseback.

The scouts quickly moved ahead on horseback as well and reached the Countess before Goriad and the soldiers did, whom were by foot. They would announce his arrival to the Countess.

"Milady, Ambassador Goriad shall arrive shortly," one of the scouts said after he dismounted and made a quick bow to the rugged looking Countess. He had seen her several times before on the previous trips so knew well who to address.

Tyra smirked at the scout and nodded. "Very well, then. We'll wait for him inside."

Pointing at the tavern with her head. The scout made a face which he quickly hid, much for Tyra's amusement. Alya interfered. "Lady Tyra, what if we meet him here and take him back to camp? A Lord and Ambassador in a tavern..."

Tyra chuckled. "So what do you take me for?"

"Well, you're trying to teach us life lessons." Even little Edelyn nodded at that. The countess smiled warmly. She liked those two.

"Ok, we can meet him outside and walk back to our camp."

It wasn't long before Goriad rode in, his horse marching to match the fast pace of his eleven men retinue. Alya had been waiting by Tyra's side on the easy warrior resting stance, but Edelyn had been looking for bugs and critters on the roadside.

Tyra was slowly waking Alya up to paying attention to people, and Alya's more analytical mind would sometimes beat her own. She looked forward to what the teen would see in Goriad. With a whistle, she warned Edelyn to come close, and the 8 year old joined them, holding a huge bug on her little hands.

Goriad was pompous as ever. The countess greeted him with a slightly mocking curtsy as the middle aged man stopped his horse before them.

"Lord Goriad. Please greet Dame Alya, who you already know, and Dame Edelyn, my new ward from house Luitolf. Edelyn, please come forward and introduce yourself."

As the fellish dismounted, the girl stepped forward with a curtsy, not too badly made. "Milord Goriad, I greet you, Miss Edelyn Luitolf, catcher of bugs, heir of Lord and Praetor Ansil Luitolf from Luria Ferrata."

Goriad smiled as he saw the little girl approach him and make her courtsy. "It is an honor to meet you, catcher of bugs. I am afraid I have yet to have had the pleasure to meet your father, but I can tell your bow is already more skilled than that of your warden." He dismounted his horse as he continued to speak. "Dame Alya, it has been a while. You seem to grow taller with each passing moon. Perhaps you shall rise as tall as your father one day yet," he said as he made a small bow towards the young woman.

As he finished he turned his eyes towards Tyra "Your family seems to grow by the day," as a smirk showed upon his face, "Milady" he quickly added as he shortly nodded towards the Countess. "Now let me see what you captured little hunter," he continued as he turned back to Edelyn. "I am afraid I will have to travel to the capital of Swordfell, but I can promise there will be many creatures there if you want to see them."

They had arrived just before sunset, first the scouts and herald with Goriad and Tyra, sharing his horse, then the carriage with the girls and the rest of his retinue.

Goriad helped the countess down, though she leaped confidently, when her legs hit the ground they felt like butter, and he had to hold her steady. She had grinned then, and all the way through her bath and readying of her wards for dinner.

Now, they were all set up, waiting to be summoned. Tyra on her beautiful blue tunic, lined in silver for the Bluelake crest, with a silver fox trim on her shoulders matching the wild blond hair, braided on one side. The only ornament was a white agate rose on her hair. Alya, the teenager, wore her blonde hair in braids, and a fine purple dress. Edelyn, the eight year old, looked angelical in her white dress and red ribbon. Tyra chuckled at the sight of them. The day they volunteered to wear tunics to social occasions would be the day she'd think her job was done.

After several hours of riding from Flow to Flowrestown, Goriad felt a little excitement in him. When they arrived near the city Tyra insisted that she would prepare for dinner along with the girls and so he offered them a place in the palace to freshen up and as he walked by the palace guards he gave them a gold coin each "Make sure the Countess has all the hot water and space she requires. She is an honored guest of the realm as an official emissary. Make sure she is treated as such." He paused as they reached the hallway which would split their ways, he shortly breezed her back with his hand to her lower back before he pulled it back "I will see you in three hours...milady"

Before he entered his room he called together his own scouts "I want you to get me something within the next 3 hours, hurry." He smiled as he prepared himself. He had waited a long time for Tyra's answer and although he had believed he would no longer get it, she gave it to him. He was only 12 when he had his son and far too young to take care of him, but he could not help how he would have turned out had he tried, had he not sent him to his brother. Perhaps he could do better now.

He insisted on escorting his guests himself and was pleased to see his scouts managed to get what he asked them for. And so he found himself near their door with a small glass cage in his left hand as he knocked the door with his right. As Tyra opened the door however he saw all three of them standing, perfectly made up and he almost felt foolish, yet he smiled nonetheless "Lady bugcatcher, I have a gift for you. It will only hold one of them however, so you must treasure your greatest hunt." As he gave the cage to Edelyn, he turned to to Alya next. "And for you princess I have this," he said as he pulled out a golden ring, ornated with a black stone. "Upon my return to Dwilight this ring was gifted to me by the only Lord at the time worthy of my loyalty and I want you to have it."

He paused for a moment as he handed the ring to the young woman, "As for you dear Countess, I have another gift for you, but it shall have to wait untill after dinner. Now if you three beautiful ladies will follow me, I shall escort you to dinner myself."

Edelyn had been marveled at the glass cage and promised to catch the most beautiful little beast for it. Alya accepted her gift gracefully, but unable to hide a shocked expression. The teen had suspected Goriad knew who her father was from his previous comment, and now she followed his line of thought to... It couldn't be. She'd have to ask Tyra later. But Tyra was only paying attention to the fellish, old enough to be their father... The girl shrugged and put on her dinner face, practicing a smile like she had seen the ambassador do.

When they entered the dining hall, the herald announced a nobleman already present within. Goriad had warned her of another noble guest, and she was quick to step forward.

"Greetings, Sir Orion, I'm Tyra Thunderborn, envoy from Luria Ferrata. How do you like being at the service of Swordfell so far?" The countess spoke, her pale blue eyes piercing him as if searching his soul.

Behind her, she could almost feel Goriad, and recalled her own chagrin when she had admitted to him she couldn't ride.

Orion snapped to attention and bowed slightly at the waist "I am am honored to make your acquaintance mi'lady." he said straightening.

"How do I like the service? Well, I have to admit, the raid by the undead the earlier today produced the most impressive arrow display I have ever seen."

He grinned "it was nice to wait for the undead in the shade!"

Tyra chuckled at the knight, giving him an appreciative look. "Even better than that, Sir Orion, is to be ahead of the arrows, finding the beasts before the archers can get to them... finding them with blades rather than arrowheads." She turned to the two girls and introduced them as well. "These are Dame Alya" the 16 year old courtsied, then it was the eight year old's turn "and little Dame Edelyn, my wards from Luria. Dame Alya has been imprisoned by monsters with me, and Dame Edelyn has followed the old Beluaterran tradition of training swordskill with a defanged, declawed beast... so I'm hoping they'll enjoy the sword as well as I do."

Goriad stepped forward to take the role of host, and the countess's eyes took a moment to appraise him. She didn't know if it was the horse ride or the fact that she had only had women for a whole month, but he looked... good. Even better than the tasty youngling before them. She almost didn't mind the formal clothing.

Goriad first let Tyra and the girls introduce themselves before he himself stepped forward "Sir Orion, it is an honor to meet you in the flesh. Watching such a hail from the shadows is a mighty event, especially the first time. But it shall not be the last time you see these undead and at times they will come closer than you would like. Those of us old enough to remember the western hordes will attest to it, but there is also excitement in meeting such creatures face to face and test your skills. Do not be fooled by the countess' lovely appearance here, with a sword in hand she can be quite dangerous. Not all is always as it seems to be, but please join me and sit down."

As he spoke those words he could not help but remember her question "If it is an heir you want, I can still sleep with women, right?" He shortly shook his head "This woman is to smart and wild for her own good," he thought, "it's why she's perfect." His ideas of love, marriage and women had been warped throughout the years and for the last decades he had no longer cared for his purpose laid elsewhere. This changed when a trader from the island of Beluaterra arrived with stories. It was not uncommon for Goriad to entertain traders and provide food and wealth and so he hosted a party for traders. One story was greater than the next, until a trader turned to Goriad "Milord, so your name is Goriad? Weren't you King in the south of Beluaterra?" and as the trader finished he was corrected by his captain "No you fool, that is Goriad II and I wouldn't come near him. I heard he's some sadistic nutcase, he is nothing like the gracious Lord here..." he had then turned to Goriad "Again milord, we are humble and grateful for your invitation." Goriad had looked upon them that day and asked them for more, only to be told that his son had died. He knew the stories, of what they had become but a part of him had never believed it. But to hear of his death had changed him again, it had made his own fate, his own legacy to be left for the vultures.

A smile returned to his face as he looked at his guests and he motioned them towards the table and each had a separate waiter to pull away their chairs and another set to bring the appetizers. "My friends should always be treated well," he said with a smile.

It was a pleasant dinner with Sir Orion, the wards and Lord Goriad. They talked of the military and tactics, of monsters and particular kinds of fauna found in Swordfell, Alya and Edelyn behaved and chatted splendidly. Tyra was happy, but also a little distracted all night. The horse ride had been... Interesting.

They had decided on terms, sure, there would be an heir, as long as Tyra could give it away after the second year, she would commit to breastfeeding that long, but he'd have it afterwards... Until the child was 6 years old, then Tyra would get involved again. That hadn't been the interesting part, though. For the first time she hadn't been afraid on a horse, and holding on to Goriad had been quite pleasant. She had hoped they would stop and execute the contract right then, but Goriad, of course, wished to do it formally. Tyra had the feeling she was being teased with, but he was always so cerimonial she couldn't be sure. He would touch her, somewhat intimately, or give her a warm look... then turn back to his plate or talk to the guests as if nothing had happened. It was infuriating.

The dinner finally came to an end, however, and the countess put her wards to bed. Skipping like a child, she went straight to Goriad's quarters. Time to make an heir. Then the next day, they would travel.

Summer Evening -- Askileon

Goriad Gabanus

As Tyra had moved to put her wards to bed, Goriad himself moved towards his room. He had not wanted to consummate their arrangement on the road with her wards present, but perhaps more so it provided him some time. It had been over two decades since Goriad had last been with a women and in time he had no longer even felt the lust to be among them. There had been greater concerns in his life, but ever since the news of his son and his time with Tyra he had felt a sensation once more and now she would soon arrive. It was now perhaps for the first time in many years that Goriad had felt some tension and uncertainty.

After a few minutes of hesitation Goriad finally decided to remove his official robes and replaced them with the more comfortable robes he had worn during their last training match a year ago. It would be about 15 more minutes after that before Tyra knocked on his door. He had spent them in an uneasy waiting, pacing from door to bed and back. When she knocked on the door he jumped up from his bed, but then calmed himself a bit again. It was almost like he was a young man again, but he had to become focused again, there were important matters at stake.

He took a short moment to regain his composure as he walked towards his door to open it. She entered, still looking beautiful in her blue tunic. Goriad was uncertain what to say and so instead didn't say a word, but rather took her hand and pulled her towards him. He kissed her before she could respond much as he pulled her tight. He turned her around towards his bed and just before he pushed her upon it he tore her tunic open breaking some of the cords holding the tunic together.