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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 20:17, 21 May 2018



The following is a collection of missions undertaken by Agents of the Inquisition to purge followers of Daimondom in the glory of the Veiled Goddess. Their stories serve as a reminder to the faithful: heresy, in all its forms, will never be abided by, and shall be rooted out with extreme prejudice.

The Inquisition serves as the Judicial Branch of the Sacred Obia'Syela, tasked by the Oracle and lead by the Grand Inquisitor to police the lands for any activities of heresy.

These are their stories.

Law & Order sound

Inquisitor Adolphus

Orders from Jessica Gildre
Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor

The Offices of the Grand Inquisitor Jessica Gildre charges Inquisitor Adolphus with the investigation of possible necromancy in the vicinity of Avengmil and Ardmore.

Inquisitor Adolphus, report your findings to the Inquisition upon completion.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."

Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Adolphus raised an eyebrow as cartloads of corpses were dumped in his camp. Apparently, the Grand Templar's men had hoped to test his fortitude with the most disgusting, rotted, bloated bits of flesh they could find. He smiled grimly. It would take a lot more than that to make him squeamish. His cursed bloodline had seen worse than this, caused worse than this, and he'd be damned if a little rot got to him.

"Strip them, take note of physical characteristics, and any anomalies. I am going to ensure no more shenanigans occur. I will have answers." Adolphus said, his tone detached, and he came to a sudden stop.

"Funny. Several of them bear the coat of arms of Caelint upon their gear and clothing. I wonder what else we'll find."
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
"Finally..." Adolphus muttered. A simple formality, assuming command of an investigation, and met with fierce resistance. Couldn't they just understand all he wanted to do was his damned job?

"Templars, and their touchy pride." he mumbled under his breath. He didn't care about any of that, he just wanted to be an effective instrument. He stalked the battlefield, organizing men and carts, as the wights were stripped of their gear, and the bodies examined before being carted off to be burnt. He made a beeline to where the Grand Templar's men had been, and noticed with a tinge of disgust, some of the dead had been burnt before examination. The fires were guttering out, and he poked one of his swords through the ashes, and dragged it back out.

"By Obeah..." he gasped.

"Get 6 men, all of the Inquisiton. Bring them here, now!" he barked at his scribe.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
"S**t." Adolphus breathed, upon seeing the nigh endless ranks of the dead arrayed before the palisades. He stepped forward, to take his place among his men, drawing one of two swords upon his back. A brilliant blade of blessed silver, all the better to send the dead back to their graves.

"Purge the unclean. Die a good death." Adolphus said calmly, as the dead breached the palisades. The ensuing melee was chaos. The bit of steel upon gobbets of rotten flesh, the screams of men drug down by the hordes, and the terrible sound of men being ripped apart. Adolphus fought, and kicked, and spat. He whirled about, and his blade flashing in a brilliant arc, taking the head off a particularly bloated corpse. He went to step forward and put down his next next foe, but felt something grab his ankle. His eyes went wide, and he gasped.

"By Obeah, not like this..." He whispered, and was abruptly pulled to the ground. His sword fell out of his hand, and he took to kicking and biting and shouting. He felt himself dragged along, and after a few moments he realized that he was not being torn asunder, but instead carried off. He struggled until he could struggle no more, but to no avail. Darkness took him, and when he awoke he found himself in the confines of a cell, completely intact. He had not even been relieved of his remaining sword.

Adolphus paced his cell, examining every inch of it for weakness. He found none. He made his way to the door, and stared out the bars. Two banners hung in the hallway outside of his cell. One depicted a skull beside a crescent moon. "Angmar..." Adolphus growled. The other was the unmistakable shield of Caelint.

The day drug on, and he could hear activity from near his cell. Men, and women being thrown in cells, some being drug out. The ones that were taken from their cells, he did not know what became of them, but soon after they were taken, screams would echo the halls. He lingered, for days, with no food. No water. He kept his sword at his side, at all times, waiting for his chance. It came. A man came, and after a whispered exchange, Adolphus handed him some gold.

"They will come for you soon. I will leave the inner and outer doors unlocked. From there it is up to you, Inquisitor."

Adolphus nodded, and readied himself. He pried a rock from the floor, and waited, sword in one hand, the rock in the other. Hours dragged on, and suddenly he heard the rattle of a key in the lock. The door creaked open, and Adolphus lept, smashing the rock into the face of the man on the other side, his sword thrust into the eye socket of a wight.

"Not today, bastard." He growled, and leapt to his feet.

Please Obeah, let these doors be unlocked. Let this stranger be true to his word. He prayed as he ran, and smashed into the door. It crashed open, and Adolphus shouted with glee. He sprinted down the next hallway, and his sword scythed out, laying open the throat of a guard, and soon he was at the next door, and he threw his shoulder at it... Only to recoil in pain as lightning arced down his arm, to his shoulder.

Bastard! Adolphus thought to himself, the cries of the guards and the thundering of their footsteps echoing not far behind him. He looked about, and noticed a window. It was narrow, but it lead outside. He darted towards it, threw his sword out of it, and them himself at it next. He became stuck, and squirmed. He felt hands on his leg, and he kicked with the other, pulled and strained, and was free! Freedom was not all it was cracked up to be, as he fell a good ways, landing upon his sword, luckily overly suffering a few bruised ribs and a nasty cut. He stumbled to his feet, grabbed and his sword, and staggered away from the tower as quickly as possible. He knew not where he was, but he'd be damned if anything stopped him now.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Adolphus rode ahead, his hood pulled down over his head against the beating rain. Hooves clattered down the cobbled streets of Rines, and he reigned in his horse before the residence of the Grand Inquisitor. It was a dark night, and the torrential downpour did not help any. He handed the reigns of his stallion off to his squire, and approached the doorway. He pounded heavily upon it.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Bryant, Jessica's chief scribe, hustled towards the door.

Who in the name of Obeah could be calling at this hour? he wondered. Swiftly, he unlatched the bolt and creaked the door open. The light from the sconces inside illuminated the front step, and the man banging on the door.

"Inquisitor Adolphus?" Bryant asked in surprise, "I assume there is an urgent matter at hand, sir? Shall I rouse the Grand Inquisitor?"
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
A fork of lightning revealed the Inquisitor to be a grim sight. The gold braiding that secured his black jacket over his breastplate was stained with gore, and Obeah knew what else. The breastplate underneath was likewise dinged and stained. The leather jacket signifying his station was torn in places, but likely do to the torrential downpour, fairly clean. "Please, at once." Adolphus growled.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Jessica stepped carefully down the stars to her parlor, lead by Bryant. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Why would I do that? she mused to herself, Force of habit, one would assume...

She smiled as she entered the room. Servants had arrived before her, laden with towels, a dry black cloak, and a pitcher of water. She stood patiently, allowing Aldolphus to attend to himself, and explain the nature of his unexpected visit.
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Adolphus waited some time, was finally shown in to see the Grand Inquisitor.

"Forgive the late hour, your eminence." Adolphus gravely intoned.

"I bring dire news. My brief investigation, interrupted by my captivity, which I doubt was coincidental, has revealed some startling news, along with what I observed during my incarceration."

Adolphus gestured towards the pitcher of water.

"May I? The roads have left me rather parched."
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Jessica felt her way forward until her hand touched a chair. Using it to guide herself, she slipped down onto it, and then gestured towards the empty air in front of her welcomingly.

Bryant sighed, grabbed the back of the chair and turned it while she sat, facing her towards the table and other chair.

"Inquisitor, please help yourself. Dry yourself and drink," he said, nodding towards the other chair, "When you are ready, the Grand Inquisitor shall hear your tale."

He bowed to the two of them, and stepped back.
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Adolphus gratefully helped himself to some water, shrugged off his battered coat, and hung it upon the chair before sitting down.

"Your eminence. My findings, I do believe to be dire. I will refrain from speculation, and jumping to any conclusions." He paused to greedily gulp down his water.

"The majority of the corpses found upon the battlefield were determined to have originated from Angmar, based on style of dress, equipment and what could still be recognized as regional features in more well preserved examples. Smaller minorities of the corpses, still sizeable in number showed examples from Angband, and Caelint, and aside from one notable exception which I will come back to, the remainder appeared to be randomly gathered or simply were too old to determine. The units appeared to be organized by national origin, but what I found to be particularly interesting was that the leader of each unit of the deceased, not only showed the signs of experimentation, of surgical nature and in some cases, even darker experimentation still, but were exclusively dressed in the styles of Caelint, and in many cases, their equipment bore the coat of arms of the realm." Adolphus paused to let the Grand Inquisitor digest.

"As for the notable exception, that is the reason for the urgency." his voice becoming dark as he trailed off.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Jessica leaned back in her chair slowly as Adolphus finished his report.

She could understand "groups" of undead all from the same place. If a bunch of soldiers from one realm were resurrected, it would be natural that they would be wandering in a group together, more or less.

These other abominations... these "surgically" enhanced wretches... she was unsure of what to make of them.

Someone was certainly reaching past the Veil, into time-space where they did not belong, stealing secrets of a power they could not control.

A necromancer?

Some sort of brilliant, mad, scientist?

Was this the doing of Caelint? Or was it a ruse to throw suspicion off of the real perpetrator?

She needed more.

She snapped her fingers and Bryant moved forward with a piece of parchment. They had prepared a series of questions for interviews such as this.

"You have concluded your investigation?" Bryant asked. Jessica shook her head.

"Ok, you must continue your investigation?" Jessica nodded. Bryant looked at Adolphus.

"Do you need additional finances?" Jessica shook her head, "Do you require assistance from more Agents?" Jessica nodded.

She then tapped her lip with her finger. She wanted to know more about the Caelint origins.
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
"That isn't quite everything, Eminence. Most of the evidence was destroyed when the Grand Templar ordered destruction of the dead... But I was able to recover items which refused to burn." Adolphus unceremoniously dumped the contents of a satchel on the table. Blackened from the flames, they carried the stench of death and burnt flesh still. An amulet, commonly worn by the followers of Obeah, a badge bearing the coat of arms of the Grand Templar, and the twisted, rent remains of a shield, bearing the emblem of the Templars. "Bryant, if you would so kindly describe the items I have laid out for the Grand Inquisitor. These were pulled out of a burn pile confirmed to have contained only wights."
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
"Of course," Bryant leaned forward, pinching his nose against the assault of scents, and continued in a high pitch tone, "We have a pile of burnt refuse..." he poked around with a handkerchief, "What appears to be a Heralds amulet... a piece of the insignia of the Grand Templar... and, what is this? The remains of a wooden crate? It bears the same insignia."

Jessica breathed deeply. She smelled the charcoal scent. The scent brought her back to the crushing defeats in Avengmil, and the burning of the undead army.

Surely soldiers of the Templars could be risen to fight for the darkness, much in the same way other realms could? She would have to consult the Heralds on the subject.

And certainly the Grand Templar had fought in enough battles to leave an impressive amount of dead bodies, ripe for the picking...

She leaned back again and waited. She was growing increasingly interested in the direction Adolphus' investigation had taken.
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
A crate? Adolphus mused, the slightest of grins cracking his face.

"I'm sure even her Eminence can see that is the remains of a shield, Master Bryant." the faintest bit of mirth creeping into his usually icy voice.

"I do not wish to draw conclusions so early into an investigation, but I will share my working theory. Such a sizeable and organized force, for we faced undead armies, not mere hoards of unorganized wights, and organized by national origin and such is hardly the product of wandering hoards conglomerating into a larger force. This requires organization, funding, and structure that only a nation or several nations can provide. No mere nest of backwoods hermits practicing necromancy could raise a force that can challenge nations, surely. Caelint desires a fight with us, this can be certain due to their posturing concerning our first temple. We are at war with their allies, notably the Witch Kingdom of Angmar, whose use of black magic is well known, and even advertised. These are our likely culprits, but that does not explain everything.

How did they know where to land? Who helped coordinate such a thing? Why were the bodies of Templars among their number? Surely they did not have time to raise our dead so soon after landing on our soil, for our armies were waiting. Further disturbing is why would the Grand Templar pick a fight with a mere Knight on a minor issue, whilst he carries out the scope of his duties, and then burn a small selection of the Undead? I am not leveling an accusation at this point, as it could have been mere stubborn pride, an attempt to hide the embarrassment of Templars being turned to fight their own people, an attempt to conceal that our dead are not safe, treason most foul, or any number of other things. I understand casting suspicion at one of such a lofty station is unpopular, but I assure you it is not personal. It is professional. None are innocent, so what is her degree of guilt?

Furthermore, I was taken prisoner in the second battle. Why was I spared? Why was I not torn to shreds? Why was I of all people targeted for capture? I have not slept since, for those questions have kept me from obtaining sleep."

Adolphus paused, allowing his lengthy statement to sink in.

"I wish to acquire a few informants to put to work hunting the dead, some discretionary funding would be useful to build rapport, and perhaps acquire items of use. As for an additional Inquisitor, I would request one... Sir Innocent." Adolphus said, an almost malicious grin spreading upon his face.

"His purported innocence may prove useful. Barring that, the vats of ammonia he is said to drag around should be useful for drowning a few heretics."
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Jessica leaned back in her chair and absorbed the report in its entirety. Indeed, she felt satisfied that some results had been gained, yet these findings had opened other, more troubling doors. She tapped her finger against Bryant. He moved to the desk and pulled forth Official Document stationary...
Jessica Gildre

Report from Jessica Gildre
Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor

To the Regent,

The Offices of the Grand Inquisitor Jessica Gildre reports to the Offices of the Regent of The Sacred Obia'Syela. Sufficient proof has been acquired regarding the involvement of Caelint in the formation of the great horde which assaulted Avengmil. Appropriate diplomatic action is recommended.

Inquisitor Adolphus, Inquisitor Innocent

Coordinate, effective immediately, in the investigation of why large numbers of Templar insignia's were found among the burned refuge. Maintain respect and dignity, but ascertain truth.

Caveat: You do not have authority to impede any ongoing military operations. Report all lack of cooperation to Grand Inquisitor Jessica Gildre.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."

Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor
Jessica Gildre

Inquisitor Innocent

Orders from Jessica Gildre
Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor

The Offices of the Grand Inquisitor Jessica Gildre today promotes Informant Innocent to the rank of Agent.

Agent Innocent, having volunteered for the Ardmore investigation, your orders are enclosed. Investigate the farmstead in Ardmore, ascertain the truth of the situation, and destroy any relics or practitioners of heresy.

There is an Adventurer contact in the region who has been supplying information. Make contact with him and he will assist you. You will be given a secret code to identify him by.

Report any findings to the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor.

Good hunting.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."

Official Documentation of the Offices of the Grand Inquisitor
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Innocent Nifelleisca
A baggage train soon followed behind Innocent and his nurses on their way towards Ardmore: a wagon filled with bars of soap, three wagons filled with barrels of ammonia, and the medical supply wagon, with his trunk of belongings nestled amongst them. He'd rather forgotten to visit his estate first and was thus bringing all his worldly supplies with him into Ardmore in his haste to inquisite heretics.
Innocent Nifelleisca

Roleplay from Innocent Nifelleisca
Innocent and his caravan had stopped for breakfast. Innocent and his nurses were each enjoying a bowl of fruit and oatmeal, some toast, and mugs of orange juice. Deciding it a fine time to sift through some of the day's correspondence, Innocent began reading the oldest first as he chewed on the toast, but quickly tired of the content. Sifting through the rest, he stopped upon a short personal letter from his fellow knight. Taking a drink of orange juice, he quickly read and composed a mental reply. Dictating the response to a nurse disgruntled at having his breakfast interrupted, Innocent began sifting through the next epistles.

Oh, but now a request! Reading with eagerness, this too quickly bored him to setting it aside and pausing to enjoy his bowl of oatmeal and fruit before resuming mail sifting.

Ah, but orders now! Official Documentation orders, how exciting! Innocent quivered with joy, at sight of his first orders. Oh, fancy that, the orders were about him! Embarrassment and pride filled him. Blushing red, but with a beaming smile, Innocent read on as he finished his orange juice. Whether the nurses noticed or were lost in their breakfasts, the narrator can't be bothered to decide.

A promotion! Innocent jumped up in glee, knocking the table and spilling several nurses' mugs. Upon reading orders though, he ran to the stationary wagon, found a pen and notepad and wrote another todo list.

   Duty: Investigate abnormal lights, sounds, and sights at farmstead in western Ardmore along road to Grehk.
       Make contact with male adventurer.
       Bring dancing shoes to farmstead.
       Bring ammonia to farmstead.
       Ascertain truth.
       Purge heresy and heretics.
       Destroy heresy and heretics.
       Forward evidence relating to undead army which assaulted Avengmil to Agent Adolphus.
       Report everything to Grand Inquisitor.

Innocent tucked the note close to his body and flipped through the remaining letters. Most of the nurses had now finished their breakfasts and it was nearly time to complete the journey into Ardmore. But oh yes, another personal letter from the Grand Inquisitor. And of great import. Folding it carefully, he tucked it next to the todo list. While doing so he thought it would be awfully great if there were some way of attaching those papers together as one.

An innovative thought that passed quickly as he began reading the next missive. Oh my! Another order? For him?!? With disappointment, he read Inquisitor Maura, yet kept reading, his disappointment soon turning into a mixture of relief and anxiety. He folded this order and put it with the others, as a reminder for himself.

Thinking certainly that that was all the orders to be had, he noticed a third, though less lengthy and formal and bearing a different heraldry than that of Jessica Gildre, his liege. It did seem somewhat familiar to some earlier important heraldry he had attempted to memorize, poorly. Soon he saw the title of Grand Templar ordering instructions to what seemed to be unrelated to himself, so he threw this letter on the smoldering cooking fire.

Another letter from Maura. They were all waiting on him now, so he didn't have time to enjoy the dramatic gossip for now. Repacking his letters in their envelope, he hopped up on a horse and continued the journey into Ardmore.
Innocent Nifelleisca

The Templar Conspiracy (Adolphus and Innocent)

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig

The scourged flayed flesh, and drew forth blood.


A grunt, and a whimper. Not pain... Something else.


Another grunt. Not pain... Shame. Adolphus knelt before the small shrine to Obeah in his tent, the only light, a single candle upon the shrine. Blood and sweat ran down his back, but the pain from his flagellation was nothing compared to the burning shame he felt.

What have I done to displease the Holy Oracle?


His hands trembling, he placed the scourge down upon the altar, and called for a servant. He stood, and opened a flap of the tent, letting light pour in, his back a bloody ruin.

"A bucket, warm water. Soap. Sponge. Wash my back. I have too much yet to do to die of infection. Have my horse readied as well." He dictated to the servant. The bucket was brought, and he winced as the wounds on his back were scrubbed clean, and bandaged. He pulled on a tunic, and donned his breastplate, over which went his black greatcoat. He slung both of his swords over his shoulders, and stepped out of the tent. It was time to meet Inquisitor Innocent.

Innocent. What a name for an Inquisitor.

Adolphus swung himself up into his saddle, and touched his spurs to the horse's flanks. Riding through and around the various camps in Ardmore, he made his way to a farmstead, where Innocent was encamped. He looked about at the denizens of the camp.

"I am Sir Adolphus Schwarzherzig, Knight of Rines, and an Agent of the Most Holy Inquisition. I seek Sir Innocent."
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Lounging within a farmstead in western Ardmore eating grapes, Innocent shivered at the reports of hundreds of rogue beasts. He got up to find a blanket and returned to lounging, eating grapes. Soon, his inquisition would pay off, but such things required patience. Or well, his nurses always referred to him as a patient, so he thought he should practice being patient as to not disappoint them.

Prior to Adolphus's Arrival at the Farmstead

The male adventurer had never been found, but it was difficult to miss this farmstead with the constant abnormal lights. Innocent had arrived and after his nurses had found and demanded the best building for their medical bay, Innocent had gone to work inquisiting by going undercover as a non-duty doer. Under the auspices of the Inquisition, he proceeded to ignore all orders, for following orders would jeopardize the mission.

Laying out a lounge chair and grabbing copious heaps of grapes, he began slack, savoring the moist juiceness of grape flesh. At first, it was relaxing. Then, it felt a bit guilt-inducing. Undercover work was not so easy, it turned out. And then came the boredom. And the sun.

Hours later, sunburned and nearly out of grapes, the heretics arrived, fresh grapes in hand. Phew, thought Innocent upon seeing their approach. After some brief discussion, the heretics led Innocent the Inquisitor to their den of iniquity. Innocent made sure he brought his dancing shoes. It had been said the bizarre lights were most visible at nightfall, which was just falling at this time. Upon reaching the coven of heresy, which happened to be a small roadside barbershop a mile and a half from the farmstead, they formed a square and chanted,

   Familiarity is Law
   Credit is Courage
   The Abyss is Existence
   Father, Mother, Sister, Brother
   Bless Our Brave
   Call Them to Our People's Beginning

Innocent chanted along, so as to not draw suspicion to himself as he wondered how he'd get these sixteen heretics. He counted again. Fifteen. He counted again. Yeah, sixteen. He didn't bother to count again. Anyway, he felt quite puzzled at how to ever get the sixteen heretics standing in a square chanting back to the farmstead where they could be purged with his ammonia. He felt that standing in a square chanting something that didn't mention Obeah was probably enough truth ascertaining.

Soon, they finished their square-chanting, and took him down a dark tunnel. Innocent thought he was underground. It was cold. He didn't bring a jacket. Innocent mentioned this to a heretic and the heretic let Innocent hold the torch. Which didn't help that much at all, but Innocent didn't say otherwise.

Finally, they emerged into a vast room. It was a bit warmer, but Innocent was so disoriented he wasn't certain if he was underground still or above ground. The warmth could've been from the scores of hedonist heretic bodies engaged in all manner of pleasures. Innocent froze.

Innocent had awoken back on his camp cot with rather sore legs and still feeling exhausted from the night's events. The events he couldn't well remember. Which wasn't unusual for Innocent. But rather frustrating to the investigation. How was he to find heretics if he kept forgetting all the time?

When he emerged from his chambers, a nurse handed him an inch-thick file of papers that the nurse titled Transcript of Investigation.

"And the heretics have been purged with the ammonia?" The nurse affirmed with a nod. Well, perhaps he could find heretics while forgetting all the time.

"And the monsters you've been collecting to be cleansed, as the Oracle decreed?" Innocent pressed upon his nurses, with some trepidation in his daring.

"Well, monsters are awfully dirty, but we've been giving them daily baths with the soap we brought. We think the monsters are a slightly lighter color, but we lost a couple nurses establishing bathing safety procedures early on. It's still rather much for a nurse, are you sure we're best suited?" Not liking the manner of this question, Innocent had abruptly left, leaving the transcript locked in his desk. He was much more eager to inspect the heretics' cleanliness after their ammonia bath. It was then that Adolphus arrived.

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
The Camp of Innocent:

Adolphus swung off his horse, and made his way to where a bumbling servant mentioned his master was. Adolphus threw the door open, and glared into the building. An imposing figure, two bastard swords slung on his back, a black leather greatcoat, and a lacquered breastplate underneath, Adolphus cast an air of menace where he went. He stalked into the immaculately clean room, and turned his nose up at the stench of ammonia. He glared at a figure sitting in a chair near the fire. The man sitting there was small, and gave off tangible aura of... Foppishness. A servant no doubt, but to have the audacity to sit when he should be working?

"I am looking for Inquisitor... Innocent. Please, do direct me to him." Adolphus spoke, unaware that he was indeed speaking to the man he was looking for.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig



The Case of Lady Jane Howard

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Adolphus grinned behind the mask he had donned, and turned in step with the music, letting go of his partner's hand and stepping forward to change partners. The music was merry, the food exquisite, and the drink plenty. The minor nobility and great merchants sure knew how to flaunt their wealth. The song wound down, and Adolphus made his way to a table with a pretty young lady.

"So, who are you again kind Sir?" she asked, her blue eyes enraptured with the Inquisitor.

"I am Sir William Clover, Chief Mason of Athol Margos, and whom do I have the pleasure to make the acquaintance of?" he said, before tearing into a drumstick. She giggled before answering him in kind,

"I am Lady Jane Howard, and it is my pleasure to be the Head of my Lady Vahanian's household." she said, fidgeting with her own mask.

"Head of the household to the Grand Templar herself, your star has risen considerably my Lady." Adolphus said in false wonder. If the sarcasm of his statement was picked up on by the glorified highborn maid, she made no sign of showing it. Adolphus tossed the bone of what was once a drumstick on his table, and helped himself to a pomegranate, the juice spilling onto his chin.

"You have no idea Sir William. I owe many thanks to our host for recommending me for the job. He is such a wise man. He is fabulously wealthy too, made his fortune in spices, and he started with nothing! He is lowborn of course, but that should hardly stop anybody!" She prattled on, Adolphus suppressing the urge to throttle her.

"Indeed my Lady. He sounds like quite the man, but who is our host?" He inquired.

"You haven't met him? Oh my goodness, you must. He has taught all of us here so very much. Come, let us see if he will see us." She said, standing up. Adolphus stood, and offered her his arm, and let her lead on. The left the feast hall, and into a side passage, around a corner, and to a doorway flanked by a pair of guards, and an attendant.

"Would you please let Master Einar know that Lady Jane wishes to introduce him to a most fascinating individual?" She chirped at the attendant, who disappeared within the room behind him, and came back out shortly thereafter.

"He will see you now." The attendant intoned. Adolphus offered a slight bow of thanks, and a lady on one arm, his hand on the fashionable, but short, dress sword hanging jauntily off of his belt, he entered the room. It appeared to be a study, books lining the walls, and a desk with piles of scrolls laying on it sat off to one side. Sitting before a fire, was a short, greasy, balding man. He rose, and bowed.

"Lady Jane, who have you brought me today?" he said in a voice that made Adolphus feel greasy just by hearing it. The merchant stroked the wispy mustache that adorned his ratlike face, and wiped a little spittle from the corner of his mouth.

"This is Sir William, from Athol Margos. He is their Chief Mason." she said, letting go of Adolphus to hug the greasy little man.

"Sir William eh? Tell me, do you know how I was able to achieve all of this?" he asked, rubbing his hands together.

"No, but I suspect you're about to tell me, Master Einar." Adolphus said, looking about the room.

"I spent time in Agyr. A most fascinating place I found there. They taught me many things. They told us no one need think that the world can be ruled without blood..."

"The sword shall and must always be red and bloody." Adolphus cut him off, finishing the litany. The greasy merchant's eyes grew wide.

"A fellow faithful perhaps? It is rare in these parts to find someone with a broader perspective. So many dogged adherents to a single Goddess. Fools! Why worship one, when there are many! They can still have their Obeah, but they lack the envision to embrace the wider faith. Why their foo..." the man stopped, gurgling on the blade protruding from his neck. Adolphus felt a grim sense of satisfaction. Jane screamed...
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Rines, continued:

Adolphus wrenched his blade free, as the two guards from outside the room stormed in, blades in hand. Adolphus grabbed a candelabra from a table, and slowly circled the edge of the room, short sword in one hand, candelabra in the other. The guards attacked. Adolphus parried one blade, and caught the other in the candelabra, wrenching the blade free, and they clattered to the ground. The now disarmed guard, furious, growled and threw himself at Adolphus. They crashed to the ground, a table and books being thrown about. The two kicked, and swore and bit.

"Bastard!" Adolphus yelled, bringing the pommel of his sword down on the man's head, again, and again. The 2nd guard had regained his senses and circled, not wanting to strike his companion. Adolphus hollered in pain, his hand being bitten. He reversed his grip on the sword and brought it down, piercing his foe's spine. The man went limp, and sighed. Enraged, his companion lashed out with his sword, Adolphus narrowly avoiding the blade thanks to the corpse atop of him. He rolled, losing his blade, which was stuck fast in the dead man's spine.

Adolphus glanced about as the first guard advanced, and he grabbed a crystal decanter, and began his own reckless charge. He hurled the decanter at the guard's face, who moved to block it. Adolphus used the opening to close the ground, bringing his knee into the man's groin. The guard doubled over in pain, and Adolphus seized the moment to wrap his arm around the man's neck, and with a swift motion, and a sickening cracking noise, the man lay dead.

Adolphus's eyes moved to the Lady Jane Howard, who remained standing over the corpse of the heretic Einar. Adolphus retrieved his sword, and noticed a black bound book, with gold lettering, spelling out Sanctus Sanguis. He scooped up a satchel, threw the book inside, and slung it over his shoulder. He pointed the bloodied tip of his sword at the Lady, and dug a seal out of a belt pouch.

"Lady Jane Howard, in the name of the Inquisition, I hereby arrest you on suspicion of Heresy." Adolphus growled, seizing her by the arm. He made his way out of the room, and down a side passage. He shoved her out of a door and into an alleyway. Dragging her down the alley, he fumbled about his neck, and finally brought a silver whistle to his lips. Three sharp blasts, and his Knights of the Sepulchre came down the narrow alley.

"Bind her, and take her to the dungeons. The rest of you..." Adolphus looked about at the men.

"Board all the entrances shut. Circle the building. You. Fetch oil." Adolphus said coldly.

A short while later, the work was done, and on a post outside the manner, Adolphus nailed a proclamation declaring the site a nest of heresy, to be cleansed with fire. His inquisitorial seal adorned the parchment, in blood red wax. Adolphus strode up to the building, and read his proclamation aloud.

"On this day, agents of the Inquisition observed the inhabitants of this manor engage in acts of heresy against the Holy Church of Obeah, and furthermore make use of practices known to be employed by the worshipers of Daimonkind. For this, you are all condemned to die in the cleansing fires. May your wretched souls find their way to perdition." Adolphus intoned, without emotion. He could hear the frantic cries of those behind the door, pushing in futility against it. Adolphus then heaved his torch onto the roof of the building, and walked away. He mounted his horse, and watched as the building went up in flames.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Report from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Grand Inquisitor,

Rendered into your custody is one Lady Jane Howard, a scion of a lesser house in the employ of the Grand Templar. She was observed by myself personally engaging in acts of heresy, and spreading unorthodox teachings which appear to have their roots with the Bloodspeaker cult, once a prominent religion until its ties with Daimon Worship were exposed. The rest of her nest have been purified. I request to be present for any questioning of the woman.

Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Knight of Rines
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
"My lady," Bryant touched Jessica's arm to indicate his presence, "Interesting news. Inquisitor Adolphus has taken into custody an active agent of heresy. He awaits your presence in the dungeons. I have taken the liberty of collecting your purple and black dress."

Jessica nodded and stood. Bryant quickly assisted her from her evening gown, into the formal gown. How close they had become, she thought idly. Her entire life had been spent alone, and now she found herself completely dependent on a scribe to function in day to day life...

She sighed as he finished lacing the gown. She smiled and wished she could see herself. She liked to dress up for special occasions such as these.

"You look beautiful, m'Lady," Bryant told her, catching the wistful expression on her face. She held out her hand for him to lead her to the dungeons.

Bryant opened the door of the cell and led the Grand Inquisitor inside. She felt her way through the door, hand resting on the jamb.

"Agent Adolphus," Bryant announced, "And a Lady Jane Howard. Your tools are ready beside the interrogation chair, m'Lady."

Jessica heard a pitiful sobbing sound. With careful steps, she made her way to the sound until her foot bumped into the chair. She reached out with her hands, and touched Janes. She felt the manacles, securing her to the wooden chair. She ran her hands up the woman's arms to her neck, lingered, and then moved up until she felt the burlap of a hood.

She would never rob another of their sense of sight. Especially not on such an occasion in their lives. It wasn't every day that one had to opportunity to be purified in the name of Obeah. Jane would want to watch it, undoubtedly. Jessica pulled the hood from her head and tossed it to the side.

The sobbing intensified.

Jessica touched Janes face, wet with rolling tears. Gently, gingerly, she wiped them from the woman's face, and stroked her hair.

Poor, sweet summer child..." Jessica thought. Her heart went out to her, it truly did. Jessica had been on the other side of this event several times. She knew what came next. She took Jane's face in her hands and kissed her forehead.

"Please... please..." Jane mumbled through sobs.

Jessica needed to warm up. She felt cold and stiff. She reached to the tray and carefully felt across the tools until she found what she sought: 10 small, thin, shining spikes, sharpened to a very fine point. Much akin to little metal toothpicks.

She felt her way back down Jane's arm until she reached her right hand. She pressed it flat against the arm of the chair with her left and and drew a spike with her right. As she felt towards her fingernail, Jane shrieked and begged. Jessica found the fingernail, slipped the spike under the edge, and slowly inserted it underneath.

Jane howled.

Jessica silently thanked the Judge of Gothica for this trick. Who knew such an overlooked part of the body could be responsible for so much pain?

She self consciously rubbed her own fingernails, and then continued her work.

By the time she finished the right hand, Jane was drenched in sweat, sobbing and drooling. Jessica stood up, and indicated towards Adolphus.
Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Adolphus Schwarzherzig
Adolphus waited. The cold, damp cells were located in the myriad of buildings that composed his estate. Very fitting that he had occupied the Offices of the Inquisition. The door creaked open, and in walked the Grand Inquisitor and her scribe. Adolphus was taken aback. The Grand Inquisitor was... Dressed for the occasion.

"Beautiful" he mouthed, glad his face was hidden behind a mask. An expressionless mask of silver, made to alter the sound of his voice.

"Agent Adolphus, and a Lady Jane Howard..." Adolphus listened to Bryant announce, his eyes eagerly affixed on the Grand Inquisitor as she went to work. He was intrigued as to how a blind woman would manage such a task. The screams of Jane Howard were answer to his unspoken inquiry. His hand clamped down on the shoulder of the sobbing woman.

"Confess child, and it can end." His eerie, distorted voice rang out. "Such a group does not come to being without prominent backing. Give me a name."

The frail, sobbing form of the Lady Howard shook her head.

"Recant, and be welcomed back into the light of the faithful."

Again, a shake of the head.

"Your eminence, the heretic desires further purification." Adolphus, his voice even and calm rang out, and he gently placed another spike in the Grand Inquisitor's hand, his fingers lingering for but second longer than necessary upon hers.
Adolphus Schwarzherzig

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre
Jessica felt Adolphus slip the spike into her hand. Thoughtfully, she felt the smooth metal with her thumb, and then reached out and placed it back on the tray.

If Jane made it through the right hand, she could undoubtedly endure the left. Perhaps she would revisit the fingernails later, but currently another approach would be more appropriate...

She felt across her tray of devices until her hand touched firm leather.

Yes... she thought, Please, impress me Jane..

She made her way to Jane's left side.

While she had learned many interesting techniques while on the table of the Judge of Gothica, she had learned much more about the physiology of the human body while she was a guest of the Daimon Prince Akkan...

She had learned that there was limits to the nerve systems. Continuing in the area of Jane's right arm would have diminished effects. The left arm was fresh, ripe for pain renewed.

Jessica felt for Jane's elbow. The device had two leather braces, one attached above and one below the elbow. In between the two was a small block of wood attached to a crank.

Jane whimpered as Jessica finished attaching the device. Without looking at her, Jessica softly stroked Jane's cheek with a finger, and began to crank. Jane made odd, panicky sounds, but Jessica ignored her until the cranked her arm straight to the point of slightly uncomfortable. Here she stopped. She leaned back and felt her hair, readjusting a pin which had slipped out of place. Satisfied that her fiery hair was proper, she leaned back in to continue.

She heard Bryant turn away as the arm started folding backwards. Undoubtedly Adolphus had a stronger stomach. She continued to crank as Jane screamed bloody murder until the elbow popped grotesquely out of joint. Jane drooped her head, hyperventilating, undoubtedly in shock.

She would have to pause here, and allow Adolphus his questions, and give Jane time to come out of the shock.
Jessica Gildre

The Apostate

Roleplay from Apostate

Apostate cursed as the guards threw him to the ground. Begrudgingly, he picked himself up and walked to the Temple of Obeah. Scribbling his name in the Book of Names, he marched off to Avengmil.

After five hours on the road and a quick hunt he had arrived at his hut. It was near the Northern Hills, on the fringes of society. It suited him well. His position also allowed him ample opportunity to spy on the Attano Manor.

The hut, like its owner, was in a sorry state. A section of reed roof had fallen in, the hole patched with a spare tent. A weed choked garden sat by the door. Inside was a dusty, smoky mess. A pot of day old stew boiled over a campfire, a chair by it. Two tables were in the room, one for carcasses and the other stocked with old cutlery and plates. Three full kegs of beer sat upon it as well, tankards cluttered near them. The back wall had a hammock tied to it, also an extra tent. Odds and ends were littered around the hut, old books and interesting baubles. Herbs hung from the rafters amid potential spell components, items which were in reality useless to all but the wisest sages.

Apostate set the fawn carcasses upon the bloodied table, the smaller of the two he prepared the meat for the stew and set the other parts aside to be readied for the market.

He unstrapped his staff and bow from his pack, setting them by the door.

Hours later he had completed his toil. From the mouth of a hill cave hung bone chimes and scriptures made from deerskin. The skull hung morbidly above the macabre decorations. Inside, three bedrolls, discarded supplies, a crude Daimon Idol and a roaring campfire. He was pleased, this would serve as a nice distraction for his true endeavour.

Using his skill as a hunter, the disheveled former priest made his way to his hut. It would take time for the rumours of a cult base in the hills to pop up, but he was patient. Contentedly, he served himself up venison stew, his first hot meal in weeks.

Roleplay from Apostate
Alehouse in Avengmil:

Apostate shoulder barged the door of the local alehouse in. His head throbbed with pain every moment, a maddening reminder of his folly. He noted some rough looking thugs bearing the symbol of the Inquisition in the building. He groaned lightly, and touched the back of his white hood, the blood had dried, hopefully on the back of his head as well.

He staggered to the bar, wincing in pain before slamming a few silver pieces on it. “Ale. Now.”

Two empty tankards sat in front of him, a third half way. The alcohol had helped quite a bit, but his head still throbbed. He groaned and took another swig.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin
Alehouse in Avengmil:

"Open up a couple o' kegs, wench!" - thundered raspy voice of Ulli, followed by a painful slap on the arse that drawn more than a couple of whistles from the company.

"But lady commander said we should be ready by dawn." - on of the Inquisition Guard soldiers protested.

"Shmady shmommander. Maura is a dick... hot piece of arse though." - Ulli allowed a salvo of laughter before continuing - "Noone counted my drinks in the docks and sure as Akkan's foreskin noone will now!"

Not a second later he noticed his level-headed comrade staring at a white-hooded man by the bar. Levers and counterweights of a tiny trebouchet of his brain started moving and a while later it launched a question:

"You know this fancy boy?"

"He's one of them, the talented ones Lady Maura sent requests to. I had the message fetched to this one. Know of no response though."

"Is that so?" - Ulli grinned at his comrade's answer - "what a poor sod ignores the Inquisition?" - he started walking towards the adventurer.

The reasonable guardsman caught his arm - "but captain, second comes the order, only when this too fails we intervene" - his plead only earned him a bruise or two as he got shoved aside.

"You there!" - the thug shouted, and stupidly so, since he was now standing precariously close to the white-hooded man - "You have been instructed to give information of your, uh... magical asses."

"Assets" - corrected the other guardsman, rubbing his sore arm.

Ulli paid it no attention, continuing instead - "Will you tell me here or the Grand Inquisitor in the Inquisition's dungeons? Or should I beat the spirit out of ya and see for myself how many magical asses do you have, ah?" - captain's grin slipped into more serious smile as he concluded - "Speak, you rogue, what is your name?"
Maura Arnickles Renodin

Roleplay from Apostate
Alehouse in Avengmil:

Apostate growled lightly when he heard the blasphemy from the thugs. He chose to ignore it, he was in no state to fight a single man, let alone several soldiers.

It was when they approached him his mood fouled. He picked up his staff and waved it, grumbling. “Away with ye, your threats have no effect. Another visit to the cells would only annoy me at this rate.” He leant his staff against the table, putting his right hand in the folds of his robes, gripping the hilt of his short sword.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin
Alehouse in Avengmil:

The man by the bar started waving his staff angrily and shooing the Inquisitorial Guard away. Ulli opened his eyes wide and put his arms up in feigned surrender: "Well forgive me noble sir! If that be the case we will leave you be now. Wouldn't want to annoy ye."

The thug grinned and hissed "HA!" through clenched theeth of his malicious grin so hard and loud his inquisitorial robes jumped up a couple of inches like a ghost struggling to depart his body. He grabbed two of his soldiers and as if wanting to clap his hands to congratulate himself theatrical performance, he brought his outstreched arms together shoving the guardsmen at the angry man with the staff.
Maura Arnickles Renodin

Roleplay from Apostate
Alehouse in Avengmil:

Apostate snarled as the two men were pushed to him. The alcohol was getting to him at this point.

“Away! I warned ye! Leave me be or make use of yerself and deal with that cave!” He growled, loosening his shortsword in its sheath.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin
Alehouse in Avengmil:
   “Away! I warned ye! Leave me be or make use of yerself and deal with that cave!”

Shouted the man in a growling voice, as the two guardsmen shoved at him bumped their heads and stepped back, cowed by the unsexpected sight of an unsheathed sword, long before any of them even thought about reaching for their own weapons.

"Cave?" - asked a female guardswoman from the the other end of the alehouse, surprisingly picking up on the conversation.

"I'll cave your skull in!" - shouted Ulli, menacingly waving unstrapped mace, his face red from anger and embarrassment.

"You will do no such thing." - a calm voice from the alehouse entrance declared matter-of-factly.

At that all the Inquisitorial Guardsmen save for Ulli stood at attention and knocked on their chests with their fists in salute, uttering only acknowledging: "Inquisitor".

Maura entered the alehouse and continued in the same unshaking voice, as if informing of the turn of events that will transpire rather than ordering:

"In fact, dear Ulli, you will settle all dues this man may have with the tavern. Whatever food or drinks shall he order here, they will be paid for from your wage." - she turned to the commoner by the bar, mockingly acknowledged his drawn sword and beholding his features against the information in her head she continued in the same tone - "Apostate, I believe?" - hearing the word as a curse in a temple most of the guardsmen involuntarily placed their hands on the hilts of their weapons.

Maura called forward the guardswoman who made the original inquiry and turning to Apostate she said: "You will tell Anteria here all you know about that cave you mentioned. In fact I would be most glad if you would guide her to investigate it. Afterwards it would please me if you visited the nearest hall of the Inquisition and registered with the guild as an informant. In turn you will be offered protection, resources and whatever funds you might need to continue being so impressively useful." - assuming that there is surprise painted on his face, not bothering to corroborate her assumption she answered unasked question - "Well you are. You have been so far." - she pointed to the state of his face and clothes - "Those are fresh. You survived quite and ordeal, made fool of Ulli and provided Inquisition with valuable information - all in one day. Impressive. The Inquisition needs people like you to win the fight against the daimon worshipers. Even if they happen to own a most unfortunate name." - her eyes alone smiled.

Turning to Anteria she ordered: "You will take two men with you. No point in forsaking all caution."

Before departing the alehouse Maura half-turned around and said: "I haven't forgotten about the portal stones and magical scrolls. Those are most dangerous objects and the Oracle will know how many of them there are on these lands. The only variable is wether this information will be told, or screamed."
Maura Arnickles Renodin

Roleplay from Apostate
Alehouse in Avengmil:

Apostate steeled himself as the guard roared at him, he crouched preparing for an early sacrifice.

A calm voice made him pause. Inquisitor. He gulped. This made it complicated.

A light chuckle escaped his lips as the guard was ordered to pay his dues. “I am Inquisitor.” He sheathed his sword and bowed.

He nodded as the Inquisitor ordered him to take the soldiers to his false heretic cave. This would do nicely. He was shocked to learn that he had been requested to become an Inquisition informant. He took a moment to process it. The fresh clothes were a surprise as well.

A meaningful name.

“As you command, Inquisitor. I thank ye for the clothing.”

He turned to the female guard, Anteria. “The cave is in the Northen Hills. An hour from my hut. I saw three figures travel there. I checked it out, the entrance has nine chimes and deerskin with writing on it.”

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin
On route in Avengmil:

A short but able looking guardswoman instructed the adventurer to lead the way and another two of the guards to follow.

They departed from the alehouse and talked heavily among each other as they walked. They talked about the Heralds, undead hordes and inquisitorial business. "It is as if she went crazy about those magical parchments, and ROCKS, don't let me get started about those magical rocks. We used to eat fresh apples at noble courts while the lady inquisited one noble or another, now we harass honest people like this one here for damned ROCKS. I tell you, something serious is brewing up." - said one of the guards somewhere along the way - "What do you think about it?" - he asked their new companion.

Not two hours later they passed a remote located hut, and an hour after that they indeed reached a cave in the northern hills.

The ground in front of the cave was a bit trampled down and the whole place appeared to be in use. She handed a torch to one of the guards and motioned him to enter, but then they noticed chimes and a deerskin with something scribbled on it. She turned to one of the guards - "You know your letters?" - both of the guards shook their heads, so she turned to Apostate and said - "How about you, you know your letters? Be a dear and read it aloud."
Maura Arnickles Renodin

Roleplay from Apostate
Cave in Avengmil:

Apostate led his newfound companions through the hills, past his hut.

The conversation turned to rocks and he was pressed for an opinion. “Eh? Oh the magic stones. I reckon ‘tis because of that beam o’ light way back.”

He continued leading them, watching closely for tracks.

Eventually they came to his little set up. The earth was well trod, hours of pacing on his behalf. Bone chimes clattered in the breeze.

“I do know me letters, I was a priest of Daishi before them Daimon worshippers threw me in a cell for months. Let’s see; ‘We claim this place in the name of the Lords of the Netherworld.’ Crazy bastards. ‘Truth deliver, from the sins of man.’ Rest is just scrawl and odd shapes.”

He stroked his beard in false consideration. “Definitely a place of crazies and heretics.” He peeked in the entrance.

“Looks like there’s a fire in there.” He drew his shortsword.