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It was dark and Carozar was alone, walking in the mountains around Estahs. At a certain moment, he heard crackings in the woods. He went to take a look, drawing his sward. When he arrived at the woods, thousands of demons jumed at him. Carozar fought brave and could kill all of them. But he turned mad. He was paranoia, and saw demons everywhere ever since then. He created himself a sword of hot gold, and a horse of clouds. He sworn that he would chase the demons until the end of times, and he rode on his horse, chasing darkness. Every day you can see his shield and his horse passing the sky. Sometimes he has no horse with him, because it is in Estahs. The demons still flee from him every day. But be carefull at night! Demons wander around then!
It was dark and Carozar was alone, walking in the mountains around Estahs. At a certain moment, he heard crackings in the woods. He went to take a look, drawing his sward. When he arrived at the woods, thousands of demons jumed at him. Carozar fought brave and could kill all of them. But he turned mad. He was paranoia, and saw demons everywhere ever since then. He created himself a sword of hot gold, and a horse of clouds. He sworn that he would chase the demons until the end of times, and he rode on his horse, chasing darkness. Every day you can see his shield and his horse passing the sky. Sometimes he has no horse with him, because it is in Estahs. The demons still flee from him every day. But be carefull at night! Demons wander around then!
=== Voxar, God of evil, Bearer or the undead and monsters ===
Voxar was the one that created all the evil in the world, and the evil in persons. The earth had only just been created, as Voxar appeared in sight again. At his birth he had been granted with an ability which allowed him to get into others minds and influence them from the inside. Such an ability hadn't been seen before, and that way he could influence many of the other god-children when he was still young. Once the elder ones found out what he could do, they made a barrier between their minds and the oustide, so he couldn't get in anymore. In the war of the gods he fought on the "evil " side too, and he developed an evil that had never been seen before on the world. He had found a spell with which he could resurect fallen soldiers from the grave, forming fearsome undead armies. Tough this was not enough to balance the war in their advantage. Another race came into his mind, evil, fearless, just like him, but with incredible strength. They would never come in large groups, but had awesome strength, he called them monsters.
When mankind was created, his head started buzzing again, filled with other peoples toughts. The gods had forgotten to make barriers in the minds of normal people too! He saw his chance, and took it immediatly. He went into the minds of each man and woman, filling them with fearsome toughts, evil toughts, about murdering, raping, stealing and much more. Too late the gods figured out what he was doing. They saved some people from having evil toughts, as Voxar didn't came that far yet, this is also the reason why some people are incredible evil, while others let see that they haven't even had such a tought yet.
Because he hadn't fully succeeded in his evil misschief, he decided to send at random times, groups of monsters and undead too the world, to murder the ones that didn't have the bad toughts, so only the ones that did would stay alive and the full power of evil would be let loose upon the earth. He failed again tough, since mankind was braver then he tought, and defeated his legions, with great losses however. He still wanders around Estahs now looking for a better plan.

Latest revision as of 12:37, 29 April 2006

This are the first pages of The Spiritual Guide to Estahs

The List of Supreme Gods

This list is temporarly

I. Aisen, God of Wisdom,

II. Ochenes, God of humanity and animals,

III. Izmir, God of War,

V. Maneva, Goddess of the peasants, protectoress of the State and the ruler,

X. Carozar, God of light and sun,

XVII. Voxar, God of evil, bearer of the undead and monsters,

XIX. Masus, god of secrets, keeper of the Golden Key,

The Chronicles

Aisen, God of Wisdom

He was the third on earth, to give mankind his wisdom. He gave them the basics of life, and told them to teach what they had learned from him. All knowledge, from love to warfare, goes trough him. He knows all about the world, even about the gods. He knows more about one man, then the man himself knows about. He can tell you more about the world then you would ever have dreamt of.

But after the born of mankind, he decided to never go back to earth (civilised, Estahs is not concidered earth) again. The year before he left, he asked the seven kings of the world to build places to teach men and women. These place are named Academia, or in common: University. The Academia are well spread all over the known continents. Every honourable city has at least one. The Academia is not only to spread the wisdom, but is also used for praying to Aisen. Every academia has its small place of meditation, most of the time it’s located in the middle of the building. In the building itself you can find teachers, who are at the same time priests of Aisen. Priests of Aisen are called Murvan, which is originated from an inscription in the first academia on the world. The first academia, however, was destroyed by Segul, god of Chaos. The Murvans could only save one big rock. But on that rock were all inscriptions made by Aisen. The rock is now held on a secret place, and only two members of the Protectorate of Aisen know where the rock is. But even if you know where the rock is, and you aren’t a Murvan, you cannot destroy or steal it. That is because the location is guarded by the Xinfen, those who also guard Estahs.

Ochenes, God of Humanity and Animals

Already did the gods exist for an unknown period, when Ochenes was looking for complete separation of the other gods and Goddesses. For this he travelled unknown lands. Twelve oceans and three deserts he crossed. He had to face the creatures of Sachner, which were even more feared then savage Xinfens. The creatures of Sachner were called to be undead. They die actually, but every year they will come back to terrorise the gods and all their servants. Besides these monsters he had to kill, he had to survive dehidratation. As you must know, a god never dies. But Gods can stop living, until Lonraca revives them. Ochenes could turn into a stone statue if he would run out of water. Luckily Ilmis placed rivers on his path where he could refill his drinkingbags.

But then, finally, Ochenes reached his isolated place where he was looking for. He started meditating for years, even centuries some said. He didn’t need any water while meditating, because he was only living with his mind. But after some while Carozar came to him. He wished to surprise Ochenes, by giving him light. So Carozar created light, but on his quest for a symbol of light, he faced the undead too. See the story of Carozar for all the rest.

He could spread light through the empty spaces, and he could fill Ochenes’ heart with the heat of the sun. As other gods saw this, they came over and added something of their own. Nine days the gods came, to complete this work. And on the tenth day, Ochenes woke up and he saw that everything was changed, and was beautiful. Still he noticed that there was one extra to be added. He was missing something that should resemble to him. So he created mankind, with two arms and two legs. He said they needed one arm for justice, and the other one for wisdom. That man needed one leg to walk, and one to stand on. But of course, his mankind was quickly changed by others...

Izmir, God of War

When the Gods finally agreed to have peace with each other, they withdrew from earth (civilised earth, Estahs is not concidered Earth) and left their armies, which were almost all human armies, at the ruins of their great constructions. All the Gods were happy with the peace treaty. And so were the humans, they all went back to work on the fields and enjoyed their selves by telling great tales about the War of the Gods. But at Estahs things were going different.

Izmir, the former God of Peace, was getting bored and talked to Sakka, God of looting; Voxar, God of evil and Fyeks, Goddess of twist and discussion. These four Gods all got bored and decided to start a new war between the humans. Fyeks was send to earth and by lies she persuaded the humans to war eachother again. Izmir provided them with weapons and made sure they would keep warring, Sakka taught them to loot in stead of burning everything to the ground and Voxar was told that from the moment he had a large enough army of perixed soldiers he should lead them against mankind. Now Izmir taught the humans to make weapons their selves and changed the mentality of mankind so that even the most civilised community would desire nothing but war.

Maneva, Goddess of the peasants, protectoress of the State and the ruler

It was not so long that Izmir had changed the mentality of mankind, when Maneva entered the live of the gods. Maneva was clearly a god who loved the humans as they were. But Maneva wasn’t just a Goddess. She was one of the captured, when the gods were still at war with each other. She was born out of human, but brought to Estahs as a trophy for the victories. There she was kept alive in the dungeons for a long time, and was only given food and books. But when the Great War was over, all the captured were released. However these humans couldn’t get out of Estahs, because only Gods knew the right way. So she had to become a God. Years and many years more she was taught by Aisen. It was Aisen, and only him, who could turn a human into a god.

So Maneva became a god, but her love for the homeland was too big. One day she asked Aisen if she could go back to her people. But that ofcourse was now impossible. Gods cannot turn back into human. But Aisen had the solution, Maneva would be sent to the continents to take care of the peasants, who are her people. And she also had to take care of the State, since the Great War was over. And with her passion for the State, the love for the ruler came.

Carozar, God of light and sun

It was dark and Carozar was alone, walking in the mountains around Estahs. At a certain moment, he heard crackings in the woods. He went to take a look, drawing his sward. When he arrived at the woods, thousands of demons jumed at him. Carozar fought brave and could kill all of them. But he turned mad. He was paranoia, and saw demons everywhere ever since then. He created himself a sword of hot gold, and a horse of clouds. He sworn that he would chase the demons until the end of times, and he rode on his horse, chasing darkness. Every day you can see his shield and his horse passing the sky. Sometimes he has no horse with him, because it is in Estahs. The demons still flee from him every day. But be carefull at night! Demons wander around then!

Voxar, God of evil, Bearer or the undead and monsters

Voxar was the one that created all the evil in the world, and the evil in persons. The earth had only just been created, as Voxar appeared in sight again. At his birth he had been granted with an ability which allowed him to get into others minds and influence them from the inside. Such an ability hadn't been seen before, and that way he could influence many of the other god-children when he was still young. Once the elder ones found out what he could do, they made a barrier between their minds and the oustide, so he couldn't get in anymore. In the war of the gods he fought on the "evil " side too, and he developed an evil that had never been seen before on the world. He had found a spell with which he could resurect fallen soldiers from the grave, forming fearsome undead armies. Tough this was not enough to balance the war in their advantage. Another race came into his mind, evil, fearless, just like him, but with incredible strength. They would never come in large groups, but had awesome strength, he called them monsters.

When mankind was created, his head started buzzing again, filled with other peoples toughts. The gods had forgotten to make barriers in the minds of normal people too! He saw his chance, and took it immediatly. He went into the minds of each man and woman, filling them with fearsome toughts, evil toughts, about murdering, raping, stealing and much more. Too late the gods figured out what he was doing. They saved some people from having evil toughts, as Voxar didn't came that far yet, this is also the reason why some people are incredible evil, while others let see that they haven't even had such a tought yet.

Because he hadn't fully succeeded in his evil misschief, he decided to send at random times, groups of monsters and undead too the world, to murder the ones that didn't have the bad toughts, so only the ones that did would stay alive and the full power of evil would be let loose upon the earth. He failed again tough, since mankind was braver then he tought, and defeated his legions, with great losses however. He still wanders around Estahs now looking for a better plan.