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[[Image:Faithill.jpg|left|framed|''Emblem of Faithill''.]]
[[Image:Faithill.jpg|left|framed|''Emblem of Faithill''.]]
=In-Game Description:=
Deep in the shadows of Barrow Peaks, surrounded by Hell's Jungle, lies the hills of Faithill. The small region serves as a much needed to resting place for travelers between Shokalom, to the southwest, and Golden Farrow, northeast. Things are relatively quiet compared to the dangers one must brave in order to reach the lush rolling hills, but the safety and fellowship is unmatched.
The foothills to the north provide the Highlands with their only supply of ores, as well as excellent protection for the majority of the regions population who call it home. However most of the Faithill's income comes from the commodities found in the the jungles to the south, where the logging and hunting industries are unmatched. These two areas make the people of Faithill mostly self sufficient, as well as provide an excellent source of goods available to foreign traders.
Faithill Town is a sleepy one, its houses made of wood from the nearby jungles and stones quarried from the Barrow Peaks. The town's only fortification is a wooden pallisade, which is surrounded by watchtowers. A main public square is where the population gathers for festivities or celebrations, and there are only dirt roads with occasional cobblestones dotting them, vestiges of past settlements.
The Longhouse is the lord or lady's manor and the biggest building in the region. It follows the same patterns of the houses in the region, with a stone foundation and wood. From its halls, justice is delivered to the population, as the lord holds court. Despite its simple and austere external appearance, the interior is richly decorated with wooden gravures and banners of the local lord's House, Faithill and the realm. It is known that the same main hall from which the local lord rules may serve to host a merry gathering of nobles.
=Further details for Roleplay=
Faithill was a geographically diverse region, with stone hills in the norther region, just below the shadows of the Barrow Peaks, and a lush forest, more a jungle than simple woods, on the south, covering most of the territory of the barony. The majority of the few farms that could be found in the region were located in the open north, on the few arable lands, while most peasants made a living as cattle herders or breeders, especially goats that thrived in the rocky outcrop that dots the lands.
The mountainous northern region was unimpressive, characterized mostly by shrubland hills with many rocks rising from the ground amongst wild bushes. The roads are few as most of the natives do not leave their birthplace. Mostly dirt roads and rough paths, though there is an ancient main road preserved with enough cobblestones to be useful that connects Golden Farrow to Shokalom in the south, serving as the main route for the merchant caravans that travel between the two cities offering exotic wares. Faithill Town and the Baroness Longhouse are situated just on the border with the Barrow Peaks, upon a complex of hills that overlooks the beginning of the lush jungles that extend from Faithill to Mistight and Shoka.
Hell’s Jungle, some liked to call it, one of the largest forests in the continent, rivalling in size the Marwood Forest in the Maroccidens (southwestern Dwilight).
From the hills upon which the main settlement in the region was located, the old cobblestone winding road goes deeper into the jungle, until it disappears completely from view into the green maze of tall trees. If there is one rule amongst the locals to avoid getting lost, it is to always search for the main road, which can still be mostly navigated by horses, despite the forest vain attempt to conceal it with rough vines, protruding roots and encroaching ferns with slippery leaves. There are occasional trails throughout the wilderness, which are used by implacable hunters to venture deeper into the most hidden spots, often sought for those preying on the most exotic animals for food or treasure… or those hunting monsters who prowls the forests.
The heart of the jungle is not traversed by the main road that connects Shokalom to Golden Farrow, though only the bravest hunters dare to venture there. Famous for its prized wildlife, dense undergrowth and tall, sturdy trees with a rich foliage and long creepers that can even block the sun in the inner forest, it can be found in the intersection of the borders of Faithill, Inklen and Lavendrow. Clearances are rare on that area, but often found in the early stages of this green maze in Faithill and close to the main road, offering respite to travelers, merchants, gatherers and hunters.
It is easy to notice when the core of the jungle is being reached through one of the trails that originates from the main road, as the sun disappears from the sky, the horses cannot be ridden and must be left tied to trees so one can go further. It is where most rivers that cross the woods can be found, and a large waterfall coming from the southern side of the Barrow Peaks, ending in one of the many lagoons that dot the forest.
As the main source of a living for many in Faithill and even the nearby regions, the jungle has been extensively explored, though most knowledge about it has never been documented, but is passed on by oral tradition and folktales. There are few dangers if one follows the main road, except the occasional attacks by bandits, though to deviate into the trails is a risk that should not be taken lightly. It is where few humans dwell that most monsters and beasts thrive.
The fauna is as diverse as the flora, ranging from different butterflies and ants to large wildboars, monkeys, birds of colorful plumages and large felines, amongst many others. Though two apex predators dispute the dominion of these lands: humans and different types of monsters.

Revision as of 20:33, 26 June 2021

West Hills
Hunting, Logging
Emblem of Faithill.

In-Game Description:

Deep in the shadows of Barrow Peaks, surrounded by Hell's Jungle, lies the hills of Faithill. The small region serves as a much needed to resting place for travelers between Shokalom, to the southwest, and Golden Farrow, northeast. Things are relatively quiet compared to the dangers one must brave in order to reach the lush rolling hills, but the safety and fellowship is unmatched.

The foothills to the north provide the Highlands with their only supply of ores, as well as excellent protection for the majority of the regions population who call it home. However most of the Faithill's income comes from the commodities found in the the jungles to the south, where the logging and hunting industries are unmatched. These two areas make the people of Faithill mostly self sufficient, as well as provide an excellent source of goods available to foreign traders.

Faithill Town is a sleepy one, its houses made of wood from the nearby jungles and stones quarried from the Barrow Peaks. The town's only fortification is a wooden pallisade, which is surrounded by watchtowers. A main public square is where the population gathers for festivities or celebrations, and there are only dirt roads with occasional cobblestones dotting them, vestiges of past settlements.

The Longhouse is the lord or lady's manor and the biggest building in the region. It follows the same patterns of the houses in the region, with a stone foundation and wood. From its halls, justice is delivered to the population, as the lord holds court. Despite its simple and austere external appearance, the interior is richly decorated with wooden gravures and banners of the local lord's House, Faithill and the realm. It is known that the same main hall from which the local lord rules may serve to host a merry gathering of nobles.

Further details for Roleplay

Faithill was a geographically diverse region, with stone hills in the norther region, just below the shadows of the Barrow Peaks, and a lush forest, more a jungle than simple woods, on the south, covering most of the territory of the barony. The majority of the few farms that could be found in the region were located in the open north, on the few arable lands, while most peasants made a living as cattle herders or breeders, especially goats that thrived in the rocky outcrop that dots the lands.

The mountainous northern region was unimpressive, characterized mostly by shrubland hills with many rocks rising from the ground amongst wild bushes. The roads are few as most of the natives do not leave their birthplace. Mostly dirt roads and rough paths, though there is an ancient main road preserved with enough cobblestones to be useful that connects Golden Farrow to Shokalom in the south, serving as the main route for the merchant caravans that travel between the two cities offering exotic wares. Faithill Town and the Baroness Longhouse are situated just on the border with the Barrow Peaks, upon a complex of hills that overlooks the beginning of the lush jungles that extend from Faithill to Mistight and Shoka.

Hell’s Jungle, some liked to call it, one of the largest forests in the continent, rivalling in size the Marwood Forest in the Maroccidens (southwestern Dwilight).

From the hills upon which the main settlement in the region was located, the old cobblestone winding road goes deeper into the jungle, until it disappears completely from view into the green maze of tall trees. If there is one rule amongst the locals to avoid getting lost, it is to always search for the main road, which can still be mostly navigated by horses, despite the forest vain attempt to conceal it with rough vines, protruding roots and encroaching ferns with slippery leaves. There are occasional trails throughout the wilderness, which are used by implacable hunters to venture deeper into the most hidden spots, often sought for those preying on the most exotic animals for food or treasure… or those hunting monsters who prowls the forests.

The heart of the jungle is not traversed by the main road that connects Shokalom to Golden Farrow, though only the bravest hunters dare to venture there. Famous for its prized wildlife, dense undergrowth and tall, sturdy trees with a rich foliage and long creepers that can even block the sun in the inner forest, it can be found in the intersection of the borders of Faithill, Inklen and Lavendrow. Clearances are rare on that area, but often found in the early stages of this green maze in Faithill and close to the main road, offering respite to travelers, merchants, gatherers and hunters.

It is easy to notice when the core of the jungle is being reached through one of the trails that originates from the main road, as the sun disappears from the sky, the horses cannot be ridden and must be left tied to trees so one can go further. It is where most rivers that cross the woods can be found, and a large waterfall coming from the southern side of the Barrow Peaks, ending in one of the many lagoons that dot the forest.

As the main source of a living for many in Faithill and even the nearby regions, the jungle has been extensively explored, though most knowledge about it has never been documented, but is passed on by oral tradition and folktales. There are few dangers if one follows the main road, except the occasional attacks by bandits, though to deviate into the trails is a risk that should not be taken lightly. It is where few humans dwell that most monsters and beasts thrive.

The fauna is as diverse as the flora, ranging from different butterflies and ants to large wildboars, monkeys, birds of colorful plumages and large felines, amongst many others. Though two apex predators dispute the dominion of these lands: humans and different types of monsters.