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Patrols in Supra have captured the enemy troop leader Nabiki (Noble). She is now on her way into your dungeons.</i>
Patrols in Supra have captured the enemy troop leader Nabiki (Noble). She is now on her way into your dungeons.</i>

<b>Obviously on their way to [[Ibladesh]] to try to get a load of well needed food to their hungry cities. In other news, Vlad was mysteriously wounded today. An "accidental" early tax day was called, and Queen Gwynyth as agreed to an interveiw later on in the month. Oh and the squirrls of Caligus have mysteriously dissappered, apparently heading north for some odd reason.</b>
<b>Obviously on their way to [[Ibladesh]] to try to get a load of well needed food to their hungry cities. In other news, Vlad was mysteriously wounded today. An "accidental" early tax day was called, and Queen Gwynyth as agreed to an interveiw later on in the month. The March edition of the [[Caligan Coureir]] has hit the 300+ veiw mark. Has anyone seen a new issue or even a new article from the Itorunt Informer latley? (Notice im not adding a link to their paper, i dont want any peeping toms to go looking.) Oh and the squirrls of [[Caligus]] have mysteriously dissappered, apparently heading north for some odd reason.</b>


Revision as of 23:31, 16 March 2006

Caligus icon.PNGThe Caligan Courier March '06Caligus icon.PNG
Price: Free unless Yssarian ------------------------------------------ Printed In Domus ---------------------------------------- Editors: Twinblade

Heres Some News for Ya!

2, I beleive Sirionite, Traders were thrown in our prison today by patrols in Supra:

New Prisoner
Patrols in Supra have captured the enemy troop leader Kraco (Lord). He is now on his way into your dungeons.

New Prisoner
Patrols in Supra have captured the enemy troop leader Nabiki (Noble). She is now on her way into your dungeons.

Obviously on their way to Ibladesh to try to get a load of well needed food to their hungry cities. In other news, Vlad was mysteriously wounded today. An "accidental" early tax day was called, and Queen Gwynyth as agreed to an interveiw later on in the month. The March edition of the Caligan Coureir has hit the 300+ veiw mark. Has anyone seen a new issue or even a new article from the Itorunt Informer latley? (Notice im not adding a link to their paper, i dont want any peeping toms to go looking.) Oh and the squirrls of Caligus have mysteriously dissappered, apparently heading north for some odd reason.

Abadan Attacked and Winkamus Defended!

In a series of successful attacks and defenses, we succesfully lead three attacks on Abadan and routed a somwhat large force from Winkamus. The battles in Abadan follow as below:

Battle in Abadan (1 day, 18 hours ago) Caligus vs. Yssaria Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 3000 CS Ocean (Knight of Hamadan) (Yssaria) was captured by Caligus forces.

Attacker Victory!


Battle in Abadan (1 day, 6 hours ago) Yssaria vs. Caligus Estimated combat strengths: 1000 CS vs. 4000 CS

Defender Victory!


Battle in Abadan (18 hours, 37 minutes ago) Yssaria vs. Caligus Estimated combat strengths: < 500 CS vs. 1000 CS

Defender Victory!

Battles in Winkamus:

Battle in Winkamus (3 days, 18 hours ago) Yssaria vs. Caligus, Ubent Estimated combat strengths: 10000 CS vs. < 500 CS Gnaeus (Noble) (Ubent) was captured by Yssaria forces.

Attacker Victory!


Battle in Winkamus (2 days, 6 hours ago) Caligus vs. Yssaria Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 1000 CS Isilador (Knight of Isadril) (Yssaria) was captured by Caligus forces.

Attacker Victory!


Battle in Winkamus (1 day, 18 hours ago) Yssaria vs. Caligus Estimated combat strengths: 1000 CS vs. 2000 CS

Defender Victory!

Now i wish i had more details, but i was lying with the healers when all of this took place. I asked for a quick sum up of events, i got a "Went to Abadan, killed Yssaria, came back, drank in the tavern."

What a Suprise! Supra Attacked Again!

Now that Supra is without walls, i guess Yssaria got a big head, cause the attacked our 13K of CS with a mere 5.5K. They have a decent force in Winkamus misdirecting to Domus every turn, so we be ready for the heads up for when they actually do attack Domus. Though why Ubent it allowing them to be in their lands stumps me. There might be more on that later in the issue. But for now, im with the healers and i have no more information....

Avamar Joins and Perdan Cancels!

Former ruler of the fallen Avamar, Sir Lalakis, just so happens to be the head editor of the Avamar Times. His joining of the OCPU has made the OCPU the OCPAU. And also the head editor of the Perdan Pride has canceled her membership to the OCPAU.

Whos Winning The War With Who?

Dear dedicated readers of the CC. We're winning!

CC March Edition: 200 Veiws!

OO Only off the ground for a few days has: 95 Veiws!

II Editon three has: 135 Veiws

II Special Editon has: 25 Vewis!

So much for that Special edition eh?! These updades are officaly from the second Thursday in March, whatever that day is. Im too lazy to look at the calandar....

Journalism War!

The OCPU has officaly declared a state of war with the Itorunt Informer! This is how it all started:

Can you at least show a fellow soldier a bit of respect? Itorunt TL's succeeded in bringing down your walls as was the main plan. If we had wanted to take Supra with Yssria then we would have had half the army pile in for the kill, rather than just the TL's hanging around on our border regions. --The1exile 3 March 2006 23:58 (CET)

You guys couldnt have taken Supra if you life depended on it.....--Twinblade 4 March 2006 00:24 (CET)

Besides, newspapers arent usually about respect. They're about truth, or, like the OO, about opinionated truth! :D And, the truth is, Yssaria/Itorunt lost a big force, as did Caligus(though Caligus is on top right now...), and you smashed the wall, but lost a big force.Vellos 4 March 2006 00:42 (CET)

Not our fault. But if newspapers are about opinionated truth then I might just start slagging you lot off in the Itorunt Informer. You do know that IC decisions can be made on the basis of what is published in newspapers? I just wish Ibladesh would teach its soldiers how to fight long enough so we can go help Yssaria more. Although they also have their own problems, you might want to watch for the next issue of the Itorunt Informer for that. --The1exile 8 March 2006 22:44 (CET)

Bring it, go ahead! The OCPU will smash Itorunt and throw it into an anarchy of rumors! Do it! Rag on us i dare you! It will give us more to make fun of you!--Twinblade 8 March 2006 22:47 (CET)

Oh you will regret that. My new co-editor is the founder of ARSE, and you may find yourself bending over your latrines wishing you hadn't had that last beer... --The1exile 8 March 2006 22:50 (CET)

I'm sorry, I dont drink beer. Also, I believe Ibladesh's chronic failure to achieve any success is enough ammunition for mocking and jeering! Besides, I have my ways to get personal dirt on people! Or, if that fails, I'll invent and create dirt on people! :D My sense of journalistic.... creativity... knows no bounds! ;) Vellos 8 March 2006 23:02 (CET)

Perhaps you should work on the Itorunt Informer! What is this talk about crushing Perdan's army in Al Aquabah earlier this week??? You caught a very small group of inactives on a weekend and call it a great victory after you allies capital was looted to the ground. The main army successfully pulled back to refit. Not to mention you are about to suffer a major defeat in about...oh, 1 hour and 56 minutes. Maybe the Itorunt Informer will write an article about that? I doubt it... --Blackknight 9 March 2006 04:59 (CET)

If I perceive this newspaper as a in character source, then Itorunt Informer can claim a major victory. It may be true or may be false, it can be false news to encourage the peasants, or the bare truth. I think you guys should keep this in the game, end this flame war 2. Tokyo Rose in WW2 spread false information and angered americans like you guys anger each other. Don't let history repeat itself in a wierd, unlike, unimportant way lol. Nice newspapers by the way... Lost my interest doing the elven tribune. Dan raymond March 9, 2006 05:04 (CET)

This is an IC journalism war. The newspapers are IC, we can have an IC flame contest I believe. After all, the OO at least is shamelessly biased and really almost more of a tabloid at times!Vellos 9 March 2006 05:06 (CET)

Hey hey now! Don't go saying Aurum is going to use his connections to ARSE to attack people with. It is to be used to furthur the agenda of peace. No fighting shall go on if we are all out back sitting on a hole. Or for the king, his golden throne with state-of-the-art automatic wiping, disinfecting and flushing. I know Itorunt and Caligus have those. Saw them first-hand. Perhaps other monarchies have them? Perhaps I should write an article on governmental toilets... - Aurum of Bishamon Family March 9, 2006 06:30 (CET)

Aurum, I am sure that we shall be able to publish far more effectively if you overwhelm their latrines. After our new SPECIAL EDITION (bet you didn't see that one coming) we shall control all news on the Island! And no more fighting shall go on, unless it is in this prose that we write to oppose our enemies. And to Dan raymond, all our newspapers are IC. Our flame wars here are all IC, and I shall continue to publish our victories/propaganda. You will notice that I do not have huge faith in Ibladeshs abilities. Perhaps we should form our own news alliance. And if you wish to talk about looting Ibladesh to the ground then why did we pursue your army all the way into Clermont and rout many of your forces? Think about that! --The1exile 9 March 2006 19:43 (CET)

Retrieved from ""

Funny or what?! Now even Yssarians get the paper free until the Itorunt Informer is no more! GO OCPU!

Vlads Back! And whats up with Grego?

Vlad is back and in his rightful position, but Grego, Vlads brother and royal trader, has somewhat went insane after a year+ in an Ibladeshian Prison. He cant seem to rememeber anything about Caligus, and he was found outside the gates of Domus the other day uncouncious. I wonder whats happening.....

Vlad Abdicated?!

Vlad was thrown from his position of banker for inactivity today. Though most havent seen him in days, Queen Gwynyth has temporarily taken the spot until Vlad returns to reclaim his position or until she finds a replacement. More on this story later in the month......

Itorunt Sent Home With Tails Between Their Legs!

As advertised, Itorunt sent a group of TL's to assist Yssaria in an attempt to take Supra, which failed, though, they did succed in destroying the walls.(see below) Though after the 4th wave of the combined Itorunt/Yssarian forces, All of Itorunts "veteran" TL's units were left in shambles after the four-in-a-row smashin fest we had here in Supra. Bye Bye Itorunt, hope to see you fail again soon!

The Wall Has Fallen!

Tis a sad moment indeed here in Caligus, for the wall of Supra has fallen. After repeling 4 waves of attacks from an Itorunt/Yssaria invasion, Yssaria has finally accomplised their goal of destroying the walls in Supra, making it immpossible to rebuild the only fortifications which held a big advantage for us when we were defending Supra. The walls official fell at sunset of March 1st, though Caligus has mangaged to fend off all attackers, a deeper wound has be opened with the fall of the wall. Originaly Supra had about 19k of CS in Supra before the waves, now all milita is in shambles as well as our army after the four battles. Now if it was just Yssaria, Caligus would have easily repeled their attacks, but with about 5k to 6k of CS sent from Itorunt, only the wall was evening the odds. This is what was left of Supra after the 4 waves. Supra

Now some comforting words from Queen Gwyenyth and High Marshall Eagles Reach

Request from Gwynyth (59 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm

We could not save the fortifications in Supra, but still it was a very good fight. Many Yssarians wounded or in our prison.

A propos prison, our Judge has taken the gold from the prisoners and has some to send to you. So, all those who asked for gold, please message again and directly to the Council of Caligus. Additionally, we have taxes in 3 days.

And please remember, even if we cannot rebuild the walls in Supra, we still can rebuild the militia there and defeat the invaders again. Please those who can, set your unit as militia in Supra.

Lady Gwynyth Queen of Caligus,


Message from Eagles Reach (58 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm

It can be frusrating, some not moving etc., but from the first battle I had given certain orders to certain people.

Some where asked to sacrifice themselves, which they did, some where told to be on Defensive and at the back (police units) We have done what we can, they always said three attack would bring the walls down, well it didn't it took four and a bomb.

Be proud of yourselves and of you men, for our next battle will (hopefully) will not be on Caligus soil but Yssarian. Also Itornut goes home.

Eagles Reach High Marshal of Caligus

Dont ya just love the "we thwarted our enemys but for a cost" type of encouragement?

Its Offical!

The Caligan Courier has signed the OCPU Newpaper Franchise! Huray! Free drinks on me!

Ibladesh on Hands and Knees

Get this. From an informer, i came across quite a pathetic message fromt he Minister of Finances in Ibladesh, by name, Misty. The message said:

"Roleplay from Misty (10 recipients) (3 hours, 53 minutes ago) Message sent to: Circle, Samson, Manfred, Antan, Axel, Achilles, Paul, Billy Bob Brubaker, Vlad, Lancelot

Lady Misty:

Friends... Enemies... Accuatences; No matter what we are to one another we all have the same goal in the end, Am I right? We all wish to strive, profit and do the best for our realms. The people of Ibladesh is currently in need of food and paying hansomly to the provider of that food source; Weather your an enemy or a friend at the end of the day each and every one of you wants to do the best thing for your realm and at this current time the best thing for your realms is to earn your self a substancial ammount of gold. If you have food to sell; if you have food to spare, Let me know and you will not regret it. Thank you for listening.

Misty Fiduciary of Ibladesh, Countess of Oc Lu Pesh"

Is that Pathetic or What? Well Ibladesh you wouldnt be in this mess if you wouldnt have turned your back on the SA. What comes around goes around, and what can I say? Its your go around!

Possible New Franchise?

The Caligan Courier's head and only editor Twinblade (me) has been chatting with the editor/s of the Oligarchian Observer. Rough plans and Ideas have come to a possible Franchise of the SA (of East continent) journalist. To see more or should i say read more of how this got started, go here Talk:Caligan Courier