McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/adv-Dei/thepool/feybattle/return: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''

Silmeriel sighed once more, that night had definitely been a complicated one, chaos at the court, her mother's tricks, and now she was wounded and an invasion army approached the Court at full speed, by the evening of the next day they would be there, infinite hosts of foul beasts, lead by these vile murderers, spring fey who betrayed their own people and sold their souls to the Dark Court.But she had duties, important nobles were slain, and the enemy bodies too awaited her blessings, this was the court of love and there they prayed for the redemption of their enemy's souls.
After a few minutes she was there at central hall, not even nearly as beautiful as before, the whole court including herself passed a sensation of mourning and dread, the songs began but they were now full of sadness, the assembled bodies were placed on the floor and the tables disappeared the throne was empty and Silmeriel was wearing the crown.
It was the beginning of the ritual, she approached each corpse, and made a short prayer, closed its eyes, cleaned the blood from it's mouth and gave it a short kiss, she recognized two of her mentors and cried in silence, finally she delivered the last kiss and the chanting stopped. Minutes and minutes of silence, and suddenly vines emerged from the floor and slowly pulled the bodies towards big holes on the corners of the hall, dragging them to the roots of the huge tree that made the city.
A new chanting began, it was simple, repetitive, agressive, it spoke no words of hate, but asked for vengeance, for justice, knowing her part Silmeriel walked towards the throne dropping her dress, nude she picked a leather armor placed besides the throne and slowly tied it to her, then she picked a brooch and used it in a green cloak she placed over her shoulders. The sword was there, clean once more, no blood staining its silvery surface, she also took it and sat on the throne.
Raising her left hand a long wooden table emerged in front of her seat together with a smaller throne behind her, with many chairs, the nobles joined her on it, only one seat that remained empty was the throne behind her, the seat of the regent. She then raised her right hand and made gestures in sign language of the court, many servants stormed the room all of them bringing some sort of map or scout report for the upcoming battle. And so it began, the war council was ready
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain watched Deianarah reappear, and then bolt for the door. He was on his feet and after just as quick, and saw her bolt into the stable. He walked slowly up to her and knelt down beside her.
"What happened?" he asked in a gentle voice.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah tried to block out the world around her, tried to concentrate on the smell of the hay beneath her. Her skin was on fire, her breathing shallow, she was so much worse now.
She could barely remember her name, let alone where she was, the need she felt throughout her body controlled everything.
Somewhere in the grip of her need, she heard someone enter and she was momentarily brought back. Then she heard Thain’s soft voice and she was gone again the mere sound of it made the hair on the back of her neck rise with pleasure and she bit her lip trying to contain the small sigh he managed to bring forth in her with a simple question.
She closed her eyes tightly and gripped the hay in front of her. “Thain…” her lips trembled and she forced herself not to look at him, there was no telling what would happen if she did, or if he touched her, but she wanted him to, gods  she would have done anything to have him touch her but she had to resist.  “It’s so hard to control…” she told him with a soft moan of need and despair. “You must…” she wanted to ask him to leave, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him, she wanted him to stay.
“They gave me…” she felt so idiotic telling him, but she tried to answer his question as best as she could, “it was the wine…” she said, a shiver now coursing through her body. “It makes…you…” she stopped talking and bit her lips. The cramping was mind blowing, she needed release, and now.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, a concerned look on his face. He was shocked to find her like this, and desperately wanted to harm whoever did this to her.
"Shhh. Relax. Who did this to you, and what did they give you?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
When he touched her, she let out a gasp and moaned. His fingertips traced her skin, leaving a blazoned trail along the fire that was already there, and she arched her back. She was trying so hard to resist everything he was, even before she had taken the loveberry wine, she had already been deeply attracted to him, now this was pure torture.
He could clearly see the effect of it, her face was flushed, her skin burned to the touch. She had to tell him, there was no telling what she would do. An image of herself came to her, and she could see herself tearing his clothes off just to get to him. Then he would never speak to her again, he would think her lewd, promiscuous, offensive and gods knew what else…
“It was the Queen… it’s a special wine… it fills you with an insatiable need for… sexual release…” she finally told him, and looked up, her eyes filled with tears, the fear she was experiencing was plain for him to see. “Please help me…” she begged him softly. “I can't help myself, I need you Thain," her voice was filled with desire.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Well..." he said, clearly not expecting what he just heard.  "I couldn't, if you're under the influence of something it would be wrong... Not that I wouldn't like to, but..."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She had already stopped listening to his words, and moved closer to him. He seemed to back up, and she pushed him into the hay, straddling him. Her hands were immediately on his chest, and she deftly started pulling at his clothes. “I want it to be you,” she purred, and shook her head, that had not been what she wanted to say.
“Let’s make it a mutual agreement,” she offered, again the words differed from the screaming in her head, her body refused to listen to.  She leaned down and started to kiss his neck, moaning as her mouth finally touched his warm skin. Her hands trailed down his hard chest, and continued until she managed to pull the top from his belt.  She took his hands and placed them on her hips, his fingers, touching the skin that was exposed through the slits of her skirt and she sighed again. “Don’t you want to feel me?” she then whispered into his ear. 
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
But she had to wait at least another hour, the enemy general probably hadn’t arrived yet, the chaotic hordes arrived randomly, and so she could only coordinate the battle from afar, making complex gestures with her hands to soldier carrying the banner, which in turn waved the flag in different movement patterns spreading the orders of the queen.
More and more pale and shady fey arrived at the enemy’s side, treacherous members of the court that joined the beasts in their cruelty over the generations, they were many by now, the black sheep of Spring which left in small numbers to join darkness at each generation, no enemy was more despised than them.
It was certainly a sign of the general’s arrival, the Dark Court didn’t trust its hideous minions to perform leadership duties, they were only slaves, and so Silmeriel didn’t waste a second unsheathing her sword once more she raised it on the air and ordered the charge of the strike force to begin.
The elite force moved, Nihilus and Silmeriel in it advancing fast and approaching the brown mass of hairy beasts, and as it climbed down the hills to attack they sung a war song, clashing and brutally making their way through the enemy formation, breaking it apart, they were joined by many eager fey soldiers along the way and members of the Eastern and Western wings of the army made daring moves to distract the Dark Court’s legions.
They were now lost on a sea of hostile creatures, opening a painful wound in the enemy’s ranks that didn’t go unnoticed, they were now concentrating on the group, and they run forward pushing deeper and deeper more and more members fell along the way, quickly devoured. Silmeriel was like a whirlwind of death, her expressionless face covered blood, her movements fast, graceful and deadly, severed members of the beasts marked her presence in the area, but she didn’t care she kept going forward, crying and demanding that her troop moved faster.
They were immersed in a nightmare of gore, the closest allies were miles away, there was no turning back and only eight of the original troop of five hundred remained, there could be others alive but these were the only that didn’t lose themselves on the way, Silmeriel examined each of them as she kept running.
Nihilus, with a faint and false smile on his face, it was the first time she saw him really concerned, his armor was torn to shreds by endless fangs and claws that cut through the leather, his face was dripping blood, one of the betrayers made a huge diagonal cut on his face.
Then Gawain, Leon, Goldleaf, Quicksword, Silvery and Moonbow, three men and three women, four of them were old generals that helped the Queen raise the princess, all of them close friends and mentors, with the exception of the young girl Silvery and the young boy Goldleaf, which were friends and flirts, both loved her deeply, all of them wounded somehow.
Silmeriel herself wasn’t feeling well, she knew she wouldn’t hold much longer, she hadn’t slept for three days now, no amount of fey drinks would keep her awake in a close future, the running made it only worse, and she was feeling a terrible pain on all her body with the sole exception of some parts that were already numb, her left shoulder had almost been devoured by a jumping beast, a passing arrow opened a cut in her right cheek, and she had several sword wounds of varied types in her chest, back and legs, the sword seemed terribly heavy and the armor was drowned in blood, and it would not dry anytime soon with all the bleeding.
But they finally made it, a deformed, bloated fey with grey skin and no hair was sitting on a palanquin carried by slave beasts, she rushed towards it the others threw themselves at the guards around it, Leon and Quicksword were easily slain, Silmeriel jumped at the horrid thing surprising it and beheading it with one movement, the slave beasts abandoned the dead master and it fell hitting the ground, horns were blown and the enemy army began a desperate retreat, the exhausted fey soldier regained their strength and pursued the fleeing attackers.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel fell in the grass with the dead general’s corpse over her, against all warning of her broken body she stood up and raised the severed head, some of the desperate creatures stupidly tried setting fire in the nearby woods before escaping and though it worked the reaction of the forest was immediate.
Huge roots emerged from the ground opening the earth beneath them swallowing countless fleeing members of the horde and continued to actively hunt them down smashing and burying their bodies until none remained.
The fey armies were now crying, hugging and kissing themselves, singing united in their happiness in a perfect chorus, the fey that were left on the city were now all marching toward the field joining in the song of a million voices.
Silmeriel made a short and pitiful demonstration of pride, singing for a few moments while waving a flag of the court, but she quickly left towards the burnt part of the woods, she was the Queen and the queen has power over her land, she would need one last act of sacrifice before resting.
Approaching the flames, she made a deep vertical cut in her left hand while whispering something, instead of dripping blood a explosion of blood jumped from it and fell on the burning grass, immediately the fires where extinguished and the plants resurrected, but Silmeriel was feeling terribly weak.
She closed her eyes and concentrated her mind on comfort, friendship and rest, and the last thing she saw was a beautiful bedroom, with Madelena on a chair nearby, she passed out, dropping the sword and hitting the floor, a small pool of her blood quickly formed around it, as the wounds opened with the impact and exhaustion.
'''Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth'''
Nihilus wasn't well, his wounds were serious and deep, but he vowed he would not abandon the Spring Court in it's time of need, he found the gate to it and the Queen rewarded him with renewed youth and an entirely new view on life, he would not them down.
When the thing fell and the beasts fled, he was about to have his head smashed by a huge beast with a club, unarmed, broken nose, a broken leg, strained muscles making his movement painful and hesitating, some lost teeth, a lost piece of his lower lip, ohh his lips, the lips he considered perfectly simmetrical they would be forever marked now.
He had left the waterfall reluctantly waiting for Azrea, he would not know the outcome of his insane romantic ideas, but he wanted to see her again, to see her now, and before he could notice he had closed his eyes and the thought brought him to her.
He was laying almost dead, and terribly scarred at the entrance of her tent.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain was taken off guard, and a flood of feelings rushed through him. He had wanted this since he first met her, and here she was, throwing herself on him, but she obviously wasn't herself and he didn't want to take advantage of her... That would be wrong.... Then she kissed him, and he lost himself in her.
"Don't you want to feel me?" she asked him, and he answered with a passionate kiss, savoring the feeling of his lips on hers. It seemed to last forever and he gasped "Yes, I do."
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr'''
Jenred had grown increasingly uneasy as the night continued. Selene was examining some box and appeared confused, Madelena was mostly silent, Thain looked a bit shell-shocked...But when the flicker passed and Deianarah ran off with Silmeriel nowhere to be found, he froze. In the time it took Thain to sprint off after her, Jenred scanned the room to make sure Silmeriel was not hiding in a corner somewhere. This was too much.
He stood, knocking his chair over, and drew his sword with eyes burning in anger.
"We are leaving. Now. Edara, Madelena, keep an eye on the children, we can't leave them behind. Selene! You have the most experience with matters of this sort, I need you with me. We are getting out of here and setting a cordon around this entire damned house, but we need to get Thain and Deianarah as well. Deianarah may know what happened, and I don't want to leave anyone behind in this blasted place."
Edara nodded and began herding the children toward the stables while Selene moved next to him. He kept his eyes constantly moving, and his sword was at the ready while they advanced toward the stables. He could hear voices, and he moved into the stable proper only to see...Thain and Deianarah obviously attempting to begin a tryst. Deianarah's eyes were...Strange...and she seemed to be the driving force, though Thain was not objecting.
"Lord Thain. Lady Deianarah. What you do is not my business, but this is neither the time nor the place. We are leaving. Now. And by my order no one is to enter this building again until the Priests have made a judgment or we find out what in Amriel's name happened."
While speaking his eyes never stopped, and he half turned to keep the rest of the stable in view without letting the couple out of his sight.
'''Roleplay from Edara Kindon'''
Blast and damn! This was supposed to be a dinner party. Edara knew better than to argue with her husband when he was being the King and jumped up to get the girls moving. She continued to curse silently as she hurried them out the door behind Jenred. She wasn’t wearing a sword; she was wearing a very pretty dress and very silly shoes…and only one knife. She took a moment to stoop and slide it from the sheathe on her calf as they crossed the courtyard.
The whole night had been bizarre. The strangely beautiful Silmeriel had odd manners…enough that even Edara was aware of it. She said such peculiar things, but she had the nicest floaty hair. Jenred had been uneasy even before they arrived and once people started…flickering…in and out his wife could feel him practically quivering next to her.
The colourful wrench when the pair of them had decidedly not flickered had actually stilled him…but left him sharp and watchful. She had been somewhat disappointed herself. She’d never flickered anywhere before. Still…seeing Deianarah come back looking like she was being pursued did make Edara wonder if it wasn’t for the best after all.
She could see no obvious signs of danger as they approached the stable, but she was in time to see the lady straddling Sir Thain. Oh my…Edara stepped back out of the line of sight…she hadn’t been expecting that. Not that she and Jenred hadn’t been in a hurry sometimes…and stables did have all that hay. It was quite prickly, though, managing to slide into quite…tender places…and was so hard to get out of your clothes and hair afterwards. Unusual in the circumstances, in the middle of the party…oh…and probably not something she should let the children see…
Edara herded them back from the door and waited for Jenred's next command.
'''Roleplay from Madelena Rossini'''
Madelena was torn between loyalty to Sil, who she had known all her life, and loyalty to Jenred and Edara, to whom she owed her life and happiness. She had wondered why she had been invited to this strange dinner party. She had thought it would be a merry occasion in good company. But Sil had been acting strangely, even for her. There was an air of absolute doom and danger about her which Madelena had not recalled from their childhood hikes through the forests of Orbeh.
But when Jenred drew his sword and started issuing orders she grew alarmed and followed Edara out of the building. She too witnessed Thain and Deianarah, and with equal discomfort returned back outside to wait for Jenred. She shivered, realizing that her cloak was still inside. She wished she had not come, or at the very least that Tenal was there with her.
"Edara, what is happening? This is scaring the living daylights out of me!"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah froze when she heard Jenred’s voice behind them and closed her eyes, as if coming back to earth. She looked down to Thain, her hands were on his chest and she gave a miserable whimper, mixed with need and shame. She started to move off from Thain, not really knowing what to do with her hands, mostly wanting to go back to him. Both hands reached up to her head and she shook it, whispering to herself to keep control.
She then heard more people arrive. She managed to get off Thain, but every movement took extreme effort on her part. Her resolve to move away was only due to the commanding presence around her that seemed to bring her back if only for a moment.
She then felt Thain move to stand behind her, his presence still too much to bear. Then her gaze went from Jenred, to Edara, and then Madelena. There were too many people around her. She couldn’t take it anymore, she felt like she was combusting from the inside out. Everywhere there seemed to be someone in her way, she had nowhere to go.
Her skin was on fire and her heart was racing so fast. Her limbs seemed to grow weak, the stimulation was too much, and it just kept rising. She couldn’t breathe, her eyelids fluttered and then her eyes rolled in her head and she fell back, unconscious, into Thain.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain caught Deianarah as she fell back into him, and scooped her up, holding her in his arms, and sporting a disappointed look. He looked over at Jenred and shook his head.
"You really do know how to kill a moment your majesty."
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr'''
Jenred's mouth became a thin line.
"Silmeriel did not return from...Wherever she went. Deianarah is clearly not well. I apologize for interrupting your impromptu tryst, but I'm sure you can find a better place to continue it."
Jenred bowed low and swept out with his sword toward the stable doors.
"If you would be so kind, Lord Thain?"
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I'll leave her with my staff and I'll return to assist..." he said bitterly. “My healer will see to her."
Thain then walked out grumbling about interrupting private moments, a huge look of disappointment on his face. He nodded to Edara as he passed her "Good evening your majesty..."
'''Roleplay from Edara Kindon'''
Edara looked at Madelena in surprise. Until that minute it hadn’t occurred to her that there was anything that she should be frightened of. She might not have her sword, but Jenred and Thain did, and she was a dab hand with a knife, anyway. There were guards outside the gates…oh…she was somewhat worried for Silmeriel, but the other woman had flickered to…someplace…that she claimed to know.
“Don’t worry, Maddy…we’re going to get everyone out. Wherever your friend went, I’m sure that she’s fine. She seemed to know what she was doing…she was pretty bossy about it, really. Just hold on to the little ones,” Edara nodded at the girls who huddled together looking bewildered, “Don’t want them to get lost in the confusion."
She turned back to see Thain carrying Lady Deianarah from the stable. The woman was limp in his arms…maybe she was ill...goodness…she had seemed well enough before the flicker. What could have happened in those seconds? Were they really gone for days? What sort of magic could do that?
She continued to puzzle over it as Jenred led them away.
'''Roleplay from Reginald II Von Borghoff'''
Reginald II sits on his horse reviewing the latest dispatches when a note at the bottom of one of the messages.....Trouble Silmeriel is about.. ReginaldII ponders this strange occurrence. The Lunar Amulet ,inside his cloak begins to glow.....He sees he King And Queen , and it looks like trouble…
Reginald puts the Amulet away and Calls out this men; " Ride for all your worth. The Royal Family is in danger!!" He hopes they are in time…Reginald had hoped never to sense this kind of evil again, but it is here. And who is this Silmeriel and how or why is she involved.
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene had followed Jenred out of the house but was concerned by the way he seemed to be acting. From what she had seen, Silmeriel had been strange but certainly not of ill intent. Then again Deianarah coming back in that state certainly didn't bode well, nor did Silmeriel's failure to return. Perhaps it was best for them all to leave for the time being.
When they reached the barn she was surprised to see the couple trysting under such circumstances. It was even more surprising when Deianarah collapsed. So, before she was taken to the healers, Selene quickly checked her over and, seeing no signs of a life threatening condition said "Whatever it is I'm sure she'll recover, it doesn't appear to be anything serious." Standing up, she noticed Lady Madalena shivering and took off her own cloak and draped it around the woman's shoulders.
And already Jenred was striding off, with everyone else rapidly following. As she strode along Selene noticed the young girls who looked quite bewildered and slightly frightened. Pausing a moment, she matched her pace with theirs and bent down somewhat to talk to them.
"Don't worry little ones, you have nothing to be scared of. Your mother and father and I and the rest of us are all here to protect you. We're just leaving at the moment to go to somewhere nicer, when we get there you can have a nice rest or play a game or whatever it is that you'd prefer." Smiling, she stood up and moved somewhat closer to Edara. "Your majesty," she murmured "please tell your husband that I wish to have words with him about this later."

Revision as of 12:42, 17 December 2012