McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/runes: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' Kaylan returned to her camp in Oligarch, only to find out orders had already been issued for the Fontan Rangers to move on ahead. It wasn’t until ...)
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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

Kaylan returned to her camp in Oligarch, only to find out orders had already been issued for the Fontan Rangers to move on ahead.
It wasn’t until a few days after that she arrived in Evora. She quickly returned to her daily routine, fought with as much and probably more desire than she had before. Eventually she came to the realization that she wasn’t looking over her shoulder as much. Sleep was easier to find and in what seemed like forever she could finally breathe. Sir Malcolm wasn’t actually there with her, but she still felt a remnant of his presence, she could feel and practically see his hand at work.  She was extremely proud, but she finally had to admit that it was due to him that she was able to get some comfort. 
Kaylan stepped out of her tent to see how her men were fairing and a man noticed her. When his eyes fell on her, his eyes brightened and he smiled, obviously finding the person he was looking for. As he approached, she was a bit unsure at first, but she waited. He handed her a message and her shoulders relaxed. She opened and read in his presence. A smile slowly appeared as she read and she looked up. “Please inform Lady Katalynfae that I would be honored.”
He bowed, and walked away carrying her message.
She had truly enjoyed the warm welcome and friendship extended from the lady in question. Unfortunately, it had been a while since she had exchanged words with her,  which was mostly due to all the battling, traveling and every little thing that required her attention. She truly had no excuse but now she was given the opportunity to meet the Marshall face to face. This would be interesting, and she found herself pleased and looking forward to the evening.
First she would need to look somewhat presentable. Thankfully, she was prepared
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae checked her dress and hair for the second or third time, and then went downstairs to check on the dinner she had told her staff to prepare for tonight.
She hadn't had much of a chance to do any entertaining since she had come to Fontan. The affairs of war seemed to keep her always busy, always moving.
She had never actually met Dame Kaylan, but her letters gave the impression of a bright and vital young woman. There was also the thing about her being a red head, and KatalynFae had to agree on that count; she had never met a red head she didn't like either!
KatalynFae walked into the kitchen, and surveyed the staff working on the meal. She stopped a young girl who was there from the village helping her mother with the preparations. "What is your name?" KatalynFae asked.
" name is Sarah mmy llady" the startled girl answered. She was a pretty young woman with soft golden hair and bright blue eyes.
"Would you like to earn a gold coin this evening?" asked KatalynFae.
"Oh yes, my lady," came the quick reply.
"Good, I will need you to serve the dinner for me tonight. Do you think you can do that? I will have Jamieson show you how to do things properly."
The young woman beamed, "yes my lady, I can do that well for you, and you wouldn't have to pay me at all, it would be a pleasure to do it because of all you have done for us, protecting us from the invaders and all."
KatalynFae smiled. "I will indeed pay you, and if you do well, you may be called on again to do this for me."
KatalynFae turned and there was Jamieson, always where she needed him. "Please see that this young lady knows all she needs to know of serving at dinner."
Now all there was to do was wait until Dame Kaylan arrived.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan had braided her long hair, and pinned it up in an elaborate twist, leaving a bare neck displaying her pendant. For what seemed like the tenth time, she pressed her hands into the velvet fabric of her royal blue dress and made sure the silver corded belt was placed exactly so. What was she doing? She shook herself back to reality and stopped the butterflies from migrating into her stomach. Lady KatalynFae had been nothing but friendly with her, therefore she had absolutely nothing to worry about, old habits died hard. Noticing someone waiting at the entrance, she informed them who she was and waited.
It was only a short wait and she was escorted in. The butterflies returned…
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
"My Lady...Dame Kaylan McDowell has arrived." Jamieson said as he ushered the young woman into KatalynFae's sitting room.
KatalynFae rose, and straightened her dress, an emerald green silk that she kept for special occasions. The gods knew there hadn't been many of those lately. Most of the time she was in breeches and a leather jerkin to make it easier to fight. She motioned for Dame Kaylan to sit in the chair next to her by the fire. "Thank you Jamieson, that will be all", she said and turned to the young woman seated beside her.
"Would you care for something to drink? I am sure you are thirsty after the trip here. I have some fine wine here, a gift from my good friend Count Armstrong. The wine from An Najaf is divine." With that she offered Dame Kaylan a glass.
Kaylan seemed to relax slightly, and took the glass that was offered to her.
"I am so glad that you could come tonight, I don't often get company while working and I would very much like to get to know you. I am sure we will become great friends. So tell me, how did you come to be in Dulbin when I needed a knight?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
At first Kaylan was taken aback by Lady KatalynFae’s beauty, her emerald dress truly enhanced her pools of green and she had a very pleasing air about her. That made her almost instantly relax. Accepting the glass, she gave a small smile. She took a moment to examine the room, but her gaze returned at her question.
“I very much hope we will become great friends,” she agreed as her eyes brightened.  “Honestly I was in the right place, at the right time. I was on a personal quest, hoping to find answers, and reveal my true self.” Kaylan truly did not want to lie to her at her first opportunity of friendship and gave her the truth wrapped within a plain riddle. She didn’t like doing it, but it was a necessity, at least this way it would alleviate any of her guilt. “I’m just grateful I was able to assist you,” she diverted the question and took a drink of wine. She was right, the wine was divine.  “Unfortunately, so many things have happened since then. How have you faired?
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae watched this young woman with interest. There was something, she couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something that made her want to make this young woman feel at ease.
She heard Kaylan's question, and a multitude of thoughts crossed her mind. Everything from the failed attempt on her life and the life of Jon Paul in the same night a while back, to the recent victories of the realm. All those things had an affect on how she was fairing. At times not well at all!
"Well, I have had both good and bad in the past while. Our armies are making good progress with the war, our taking over Bruck was indeed a good thing. It does mean more work for the bureaucrats in my army, but I am sure they are up to it. As for losing Dulbin, I am sure that when the time is right, it will be regained and then we will be able to keep it safe. Of course my up-coming wedding is to say the least, a bit daunting right now. It is difficult to plan such things and be miles away from where the event is to take place. All in all, though I would say things are doing well for me. There is much worse that could be in this world."
"And you, have you found a new liege, yet? And what of the fighting, any great tales of battles that you have seen?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“Yes as a matter of fact, I have,” she informed softly. “I will be leaving in the morning for Bruck. I hope to assist and help return it to its proper state.” At her question, Kaylan couldn’t help herself and grinned flashing white teeth.
<i>Fighting</i>, oh she had been doing plenty alright. “Give me a clean view with a calm wind and I am a very content woman. I have found many Perdanese targets and I promise to find more,” she said confidently. “I have no real tale to tell as of yet, but I guarantee one day when this is over, they will remember me.”
She was feeling more at ease and her grin returned to a smile. “I must congratulate you on your up coming wedding. I have to say in the event of war, and everything it comes in association with, it truly is romantic.” Kaylan couldn’t help herself, sometimes the envious girl shone through. “Nothing is ever easy, things can become somewhat tedious, but they are worth it.”
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae smiled, “Yes Lady Leane will make a wonderful Lady in Bruck, and you will do well with her as your liege.”
A small voice caught their attention from the hallway.
“My Lady, dinner is served.” Sarah was standing in the doorway smiling. She had her best frock on and it had been freshly cleaned and ironed.
KatalynFae rose, “would you care to join me in the dining room Dame Kaylan?” she asked.
The rather small table had been set for two. Already on the table was a plate of small spiced meat pastries with sauces for dipping, a plate of cheeses, and another with fresh fruit; strawberries, grapes, and apple slices.
As they sat down, Sarah scurried to fill their glasses with cool drinks.
She moved away toward the kitchen with a shy smile at KatalynFae and a strange look at Kaylan.
“Who is that young girl?” Kaylan asked as she reached for a strawberry.
“A girl from the nearby village, her mother works for me as a cook, why?” replied KatalynFae.
“Nothing I am sure, she just looked familiar.” Kaylan reached for another strawberry. “Strawberries are my favorite.” She smiled.
Soon Sarah came back with the main course; roasted duck with a sweet red sauce, small red potatoes sprinkled with spices, leaf lettuce, and small onions in cream sauce.
“Oh my!” exclaimed Kaylan, “if I eat all this I won’t fit into my armor.”
They both laughed…how good it felt to laugh.
KatalynFae regarded Kaylan.
“As I said before, I don’t have many friends that are close. This may be an awful imposition, but would you attend me at my wedding to Sir Jon Paul?”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan’s laughter subsided and her smile began to fade. Her blue eyes intensified and she concentrated on the strawberry. She herself, had no close friends to speak of, and to be asked something of this magnitude was an honor, one she really wasn’t deserving of. The silence suddenly seemed to stretch on, and without realizing it, KatalynFae’s expression saddened. Kaylan had created an awkwardness she didn’t intend and thought quickly to rectify it. “Please… just Kaylan,” she smiled, “and I would be honored.”
KatalynFae smiled with relief and Kaylan returned the expression. “But If I’m to attend you my Lady, we have much talking to do this night. I will make this promise true, you shall no longer use the same words. For closeness you will receive, a great friend you want, then a great friend I shall be.
The small child peeked through the door to make sure everything was fine and Kaylan made a mental image of her. Where had she seen her before?
She took a sip of her drink and began to eat, the food was exceptional.
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae was afraid that her sudden, unexplained request of Kaylan had been a mistake. Her sudden silence spoke volumes. She started to apologize, to relieve the sudden tension that had developed, but Kaylan broke the silence, and KatalynFae looked up surprised by what she heard. Kaylan actually wanted to be a friend, a real friend.
They finished off the dinner with small talk.
As Sarah cleared away the final dishes from the table, KatalynFae rose and motioned for Kaylan to follow her to a small area that was secluded in the courtyard. It looked out on a small hillside with a waterfall. There were swans swimming gracefully in the pond at it’s bottom. This was a truly peaceful place, one where KatalynFae often sat just to take a break and think.
She offered Kaylan a glass of her family’s Apple mead.
‘Now, that we are alone, and no one to hear, tell me all about Kaylan, and I will tell you all about KatalynFae. Then we truly will have a basis for being friends, for it is said that only one you call friend can truly know the things in your heart.”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
The area was truly peaceful and reminded Kaylan of her childhood. So many days she had dreamed to find herself in a place like this, longing for a measure of peace in her suffocating life. Taking a drink of the mead offered she sat in melancholic silence. She suddenly wondered how her mother was. Her large blue eyes looked up from the rim of her glass to KatalynFae who patiently waited for an answer. She had such a trusting smile that Kaylan wished nothing more than to open up but the guarded side of her was resisting at every given opportunity.
She had trusted only one person so far, and had to admit she felt relieved by the fact. “My family settled in Commonyr, they have a small estate there.”
Where was she supposed to start? She grew silent once more, trying to come up with the right words. “I am an only child,” she swallowed, “I learned the art of war through my father. He was a captain long before I was born. My mother tried to fight against his turning me into a soldier,” she grinned at the memory. “She truly wanted a lady, but eventually they came to a compromise, I am a lady with a bow,” she laughed and KatalynFae shared in her mirth. “They both won it seems,” she smiled fondly.
There, she had began simply enough and without a lie. When she felt more comfortable, and knew the time was right, then she would divulge more.
“And tell me, who is KatalynFae?” 
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
Who indeed was KatalynFae? KatalynFae often wondered the same thing, but she couldn’t let this dear lady in front of her know that.
“Well, my family is from Aegir’s Deep, a region on the coast of the realm called Springdale in Dwilight. There is a lot of old lore and legends in that place. My grandfather even claims to be descended from giants, but I am sure that is just a tale to amuse small children.”
Once again both ladies laughed.
My older sister, Katrina, is still in Springdale, her last letter said she was seeing someone, but she was very quiet about who he was.
I came to Fontan, because I wished to move away from the shadow of Katrina, she was always the first at everything, so I decided to go where my accomplishments wouldn’t be measured by hers.
My younger brother, Zadek, recently moved here as well. I am not sure, but I believe that he was sent by our parents to keep an eye on me, not that I need tending by any manner of means.”
KatalynFae stopped and took a sip of her mead. She had a sudden thought, this might be something that could break the ice. She took out the gift her grandmother had sent with her. A set of runes, old and worn with age.
“Have you ever had your fortune told, Kaylan? My grandmother taught me to use these when I was young. They are mostly just for fun, as girls, we would ask about the men we would marry.” KatalynFae smiled. The times with her grandparents seemed so far away now.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan looked at the runes with keen interest. She had heard of it, but never had the opportunity to have her future told, her mother would have disapproved. She used to always say <i> We create our own future. </i>. A lot of things were uncertain in her life at the moment, and she could certainly do with some guidance, even if they weren’t concrete facts, they could steer her in the right direction.
Leaning forward her eyes brightened and she gave a lopsided grin. “Why not?” she thought out loud. “Let’s start with an easy one,” she smiled brightly. “Will I know love?” She already had a sinking feeling she knew the answer to the question, but what did it hurt to ask? 
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
As he rode slowly through Greatbridge, Malcolm pondered.
It had been a few days since he had been so...abruptly dismissed by Kaylan. He couldn't really blame her, but he felt uneasy about her safety...Which brought him back to what was <i>really</i> troubling him.
Why, in the name of all the gods, did he care? She was beautiful, assuredly. She was witty, his equal in intelligence...And was no slouch at fighting either, if that rapid punch had been any indication. But...He couldn't possibly have fallen for her <i>that</i> fast, could he? And if so, was this the "infatuation" his parents had so annoyingly warned him could happen? He had a task here, and was already making his way toward it, but he could get bogged down if he kept committing resources to Kaylan's affairs...
Malcolm sighed. You'd think he'd at least get more than a <i>kiss</i> for all this effort...
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae smiled. “The runes are a very old way of seeing the future. My grandmother said the giants of old brought them to Aegir’s Deep with them from far away.” With that she reached into the bag and drew out three runes from inside it. She tossed them on the table beside her.
She gently turned over the first one. It was the rune Thurisaz, but it was upside down. It was the rune of great protection, or the rune of great vulnerability. She frowned slightly, “This rune tells of things that are in your past. It is called many things, among them the thorn. Like the thorns on my roses, it protects things, but like the thorny fences that the villagers use to keep their animals in, it also keeps things inside that should be allowed at times to have freedom.”
KatalynFae gently turned the next rune over. It was the rune of Mannaz, it was lying tilted to one side. It was the rune of mankind, of the dependence we have on one another, or also the feeling of being totally alone. This was a confusing reading so far, and KatalynFae thought of how these runes could possibly relate. “This rune tells of things that are in the present. It is the rune of man. It talks of relationships we have with one another.”
Turning over the last rune, KatalynFae said “This will be the rune that speaks of the future.”
The rune was Ehwaz, the rune of trust and loyalty. It was also the rune of change. It was upright, meaning the change would be something good.
“This rune is often called the horse and rider, it is the partnership that one has with a good horse or mate.”
KatalynFae took a deep breath. “So in your past there is something that is dark and makes you afraid, but something else is there that keeps it hidden within you. Your present has the possibilities of people who can help, but you still feel alone and unsure. The future holds the possibility of changes that will give you the ones that are loyal to you and will hold you and keep you safe.”
With that Kaylan began to cry.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
The words hit her so hard, she was unable to hold back the pent up emotions. KatalynFae had given her more than she had anticipated. The portion of her past was entirely true, present, she believed, but the future? She truly wanted what the runes foretold and would give anything to receive. Her blue eyes filled quickly with tears, and unable to face her, she lowered her gaze and brought her hands up to her face. “I apologize,” she said softly, her voice trembling but then being in that state brought a bit of embarrassment and she smiled. “Lady, your words speak true… I truly wish they will not deceive when the time arrives to prove the outcome of my future.”
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae moved toward the other lady, and gently raised Kaylan’s face to look at her. She looked at the young woman, concerned that something that was to be a fanciful thing, had brought pain instead.
Slowly she started to speak; “the future is always changing, we can never be sure what will actually be, it is always as my grandmother used to say; you make your own future. The way of the runes and how they tell you of things that are to come has much to do with the lore surrounding them. You see, the things that have happened are past and nothing can be done to change them. It is as if they have been carved in a stone somewhere, and only time can diminish the picture there, as memories of these things fade. The present is to some extent formed by the things of the past, but it is changing always, and the choices we make shape the present. The future is always in the making; you have within you all the things that you need to make the future as you choose it to be. No one can determine what the future is for you; that is for you alone to decide.”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan gave KatalynFae a tremulous smile. She shook her head, this all sounded wonderful, if only the future could be so simple. “So can they tell me what the one who is to hold me and I am to be able to trust will look like? she asked with a shaky laugh.
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
“Well we can see what the runes say”, KatalynFae said with cheerfulness that she did not quite feel. She reached again into the pouch that held the runes. She drew one out and laid it on the table between them. The rune was Uruz, the rune of challenge. “This rune says he will be a strong warrior, someone who embodies all the things that define a warrior; strength, honor, and a heart that is compelled by right action. It is often called the Auroch or the Challenge. Long ago, there were huge beasts that a young man had to conquer and kill in order to be accepted as a warrior. He took only his wits and what the land could offer to complete this challenge, so literally he had everything within him to succeed or fail at the task. Much like we have everything we require within us to make our future as we wish it to be.”
KatalynFae sat back in her chair and sipped her mead. “I will not press you to tell me what it is that is so dark and fearful, but I would like to know what you wish your future to be. Then if I can I will try to help to make it come true.”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Her blue eyes twinkled with moisture, “thank you,” she smiled and wiped her cheek. Never had she spoken a word of her desires, for fear that if she uttered a word, they would simply disappear forever. Her bottom lip trembled and she looked up at KatalynFae’s green trusting eyes, she didn’t know why but she felt it was finally time to let some fears go. 
“I wish… for freedom, I don’t want to run anymore, I am tired of hiding behind this mask of bravery, I want everyone to see who I really am…” KatalynFae gave a reassuring nod, as if urging her to continue.
“Mostly…” she paused and swallowed. “I don’t want to be alone anymore…”her voice shook, “but I am so afraid to let anyone in…” she closed her eyes, letting the corpulent tears trail on her cheeks. “It is a foolish notion, but I wish what everyone woman desires…. Romance... Passion and love…but I fear I shall never know their meaning…”
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
“Those are the same things we all want dear”, KatalynFae took a deep breath and continued “you can have anything you desire,
but you have to believe that you deserve it. The running and being afraid even though I am not sure what it is that you run from, must be horrible. I don’t believe that the bravery is a mask though…bravery isn’t the lack of fear, it is taking action in spite of that fear. As for being alone, I have heard that a certain young noble fancies you…so what of Sir Malcolm? Could he be the one that you are seeking? You know the only way to find out, if he is the one you could believe in, is to try. It isn’t without risks, but hmm I believe that the runes gave you a challenge did they not?”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan nodded thoughtfully. She had to think on this some more…she was still unsure of how much she could tell this woman before her yet, she didn’t want to lose what seemed her best chance for friendship now that it was beginning.
'''Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul'''
KatalynFae roused her from her musings, “The hour grows late. Day after tomorrow is my wedding. I had a room prepared for you so that you might have a good night’s sleep before you return to your unit. Or if you prefer, you could ask Marshal Malfurion for permission to stay with me and ride to An Najaf as my escort for the wedding. I leave the choice to you, but please, you look as if you could use a good night’s sleep, stay the night. Things often look brighter in the morning’s light.”
Nodding, Kaylan rose and moved to give KatalynFae a hug. “Yes I would love to stay here the night.”
KatalynFae rose as well and called for her faithful aide Jamieson, who seemed to materialize out of thin air. “Please show Dame Kaylan where she may stay for the night. I will see you in the morning dear, we will have breakfast out here in the courtyard, the morning is exceptionally beautiful here.”

Revision as of 12:58, 17 December 2012