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'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 

"My la...Sorsha. There are many things on my mind. You however are the one that takes precedent over all of them." Mathias then walked over to Sorsha and took a seat on the ground next to her. Removing his cloak he rested it under Sorsha so that she may sit on it and not dirty her dress.
"Sorsha, you know that I love you, and always have. Ever since that day so many years ago. Down at those docks when our realm was still new. I remember seeing you there handing out food to the hungry people, and I remember the way you looked at Conrac. Perhaps had I not been so shy that day your heart would never have been broken by him, and you would have ended up with me long ago." Mathias then leaned his head and rested it on her shoulder.
"My love...I guess what I am trying to say is this. Remember a few years back when I asked you to marry me? Well you never gave me an answer, but instead asked me to prove to you that I deserved you. Well.." he said as he reached into his shirt and pulled out a small box, "I still await your answer."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
When Mathias sat down near her and set his cloak for her, she sat beside him closely listening to his words. When he said Conrac’s name her eyes became empty as did her facial expression. Whatever she had been thinking about him a moment ago disappeared to be replaced by the dark void.
When he rested his head on her shoulder she did not move, she didn’t say anything but she knew one thing. She did not want the reminder of what had taken place to come up again, especially not now. And then to make it all worse he pulled out a small box, she knew to contain a beautiful bracelet. She couldn’t understand why he would ask her this now, he knew she couldn’t.
“I can’t…” she told him in a flat voice and then sighed. “Would you be able to marry someone like me? Do you know what I am Mathias? I am nothing, empty.”
Maybe she was fighting with anger, or maybe just trying to control the void that seemed to want to slip away from her now but her voice shook. “Do you know what Conrac did to me?” she turned to look at him, locking her eyes to his. “I think its time I make you understand it once and for all, but I shall never speak of it again. He took it all… took who I was, what emotions I had, whether it be love all the way down to hate… He promised to love and be with me, giving life to hope only to take it away before the sound of his voice had a chance to fade from my mind. He abandoned me without even telling me why… When he left, I left with him and I cannot find my way back.”
She tried to control the trembling in her words but she couldn’t “Yes I live in the past as someone once told me, but it is only because I am broken. I cannot give you what you want, what you need… I can barely function as it is. My mind is riddled with hate, pain and abandonment and I cannot find my way home again…” She looked to the sky again, to the vastness of it, the darkness which was dotted with light. As if its entirety was her at that very moment, lost but with small bits and pieces of hope along the way. “I cannot give you the answer this way Mathias,” she said finally. “Please understand.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Sorsha, that does not matter what matters is that you are here with me, and I with you. I made a promise to you that I would never abandon you like he did. That I would control my temper around you and never jump the gun like I have in the past." Mathias then grabbed her by the shoulders and held her close.
"Listen Sorsha, I have waited a long time to hear the words I desire, and I can wait longer, but I want you to know I shall always be here for you. I shall never abandon you. You need not fear your dreams with me near you. You need not have another restless night so long as you are with me...." Then holding her out and staring into her eyes, "My are perfect and need not worry yourself over anything only desire is for you to be here with me." With that he gave Sorsha a long passionate kiss.
"Sorsha, forget Conrac, forget the pain he caused you. Live here with me and let me take away that pain. Let me comfort you in your hour of need."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
His words were so heartfelt, so full of passion and yet she couldn’t even mirror what he was feeling. She used to be able to string words with fervor and emotion even she sometimes forgot herself but now… and then he kissed her. She resisted at first but then let go. It had been so long since he’d kissed her that she felt powerless to it, as if being carried into him and then he pulled back and she was left trying to catch her breath.
He continued to talk to her and she could barely pay attention to his words but what had just happened. She knew she had felt something just now… only... She cut him off mid sentence and this time kissed him to make sure. When she did, she felt a tingling sensation on the back of her neck and pulled away. He looked surprised and she grinned. “Mathias,” she breathed and moved closer to him. “Shut up and just kiss me again,” she told him almost desperately.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias leaned into her and reciprocated her kisses. Not wanting to speak for chance of ruining this perfect moment Mathias remained silent and just let Sorsha take the reigns.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
He kissed her again and she closed her eyes. Something was definitely coursing through her, and she pulled away, the passion in his kisses making it hard to breathe. The sensation she received was such that she could have laughed deliriously.
She forgot about his question to marry him again, she knew she wasn’t ready for it. All she knew was that right here at this very moment she was close to feeling something she hadn’t felt in so long. She watched his blue eyes quietly and sat onto his lap. “Mathias,” she said his name, and kissed his neck, trailing her way to his chin and then his mouth. Lingering over his bottom lip she sucked on it lightly. “You said you’d help me… I need you,” she breathed hotly into his mouth and put his hands to her hips and hers around his neck. “Make me feel again…please,” she begged him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
The two had been on the other side of a thick wall for quite some time now, and noise could still be heard from inside the hall. Noise so loud that no one could even hear the two if they were to scream at the top of their lungs. The guards still on guard blocked all passage into the balcony and should anyone try to pass they would be stopped.
Mathias was finding it harder and harder to not give into Sorsha. She was all over him, and Mathias just couldn't figure out what to do. He wanted this he always wanted this. For Sorsha to be here with him...forever. Yet it seemed to him that something was off almost as if it was not really Sorsha wanting to do this, but her simply looking for something....something to feel.
"Sorsha." he said pushing her a little away from him, "believe me when I say there is nothing more in this world that I want than you right here right now with me. However I want to make sure that this is what you want. If it is I am here ready and willing to spend the rest of eternity with you. However I just want to make sure you....Sorsha are wanting this, and that you are not simply looking to find your feeling again." Mathias then looked deep into her eyes and awaited her answer.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan had tried to get to Sorsha to cut in for a dance, but wasn't able to get through the crowd before she was whisked away. He followed slowly, nonchalantly. He saw her and Mathias walk out onto the balcony, and two guards step in. He didn't like that, and watched with a suspicious eye. He didn't like what he was seeing, and his blood began to boil. Should he draw his blade, skewer the guards and challenge Mathias to a duel to the death on the spot? Wait for him to go to bed and knife him in his sleep? Rathan swelled with anger, his head was throbbing, and he could almost feel his blood pressure rising. He stood there for a long time, one hand clenched in a fist, the other on his blade, oblivious to anything else. Sure he had heard rumors... But to see it... And like this...
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic had also seen Mathias and Sorsha step onto the balcony. He wasn't far from where Rathan stood in fact. Seeing the anger coursing through Rathan, Hexic deliberately made his movements toward Rathan known, lest he be skewered.
Arriving to stand beside the Marquis, Hexic said "I see you have just noticed how intimate these two have become. Perhaps its for the best. Granted she is a desirable woman, but there are others."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Mathias’ words made her stop and she pulled away with a frown. “Does it matter? It’s what you want and it’s what I need.” She told him and he shook his head at her words, again the meaning behind his eyes clear. If they did this, she would be with him for good, forever, for eternity and she would never be able to turn back. She didn’t know about eternity but she didn’t want to stop feeling what she was feeling right now. The lust coursing through her was overpowering, almost as powerful as it had been with Rathan, and she felt every bit of it, wanted it as a starving person needed food.
But he was right, damn him he was right, she would not lock herself into something she couldn’t get out of if even for a moment of weakness like this. She sighed and backed away from him to stand once more. “You’re right,” she told him flatly, “I’m just looking to feel again.”
Moving away from him was one of the hardest things she’d had to do. She knew by the look in his eyes, the way he watched her every move, that he was hers but she wasn’t ready to give it back.
She stood and arranged the straps on her gown, and flattened the gown with her palms. She searched for the void and her face became blank, she then walked away from him and ordered the guards to move out of her way. To which they complied hearing the edge to her voice and she came out from the balcony only to come face to face with Rathan and Hexic.
Now this was something she had not expected and her steps slowed. She could clearly see the seething anger, the rage in Rathan’s features, Hexic she could not read. She looked over her shoulder to where she came and back to them, her understanding of his rage clear. “Marquis Rathan,” she greeted formally, “Duke Hexic,” not even a hint of emotion behind her words.
Oh she had gone in deep this time, further than she had before, she doubted if something or someone would get a reaction from her now. She was wrapped within the emptiness again.  “Looking for the Duke?” she asked with a hiss and she then pointed towards the balcony. “He should be pulling himself together at this very moment. Don’t bother with the blade,” she warned, noticing his hand gripping the blade. “I believe he’s been wounded enough this night.”
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Quickly catching on that the last thing Sorsha likely wanted right now was to be near Mathias, Hexic answered before Rathan could. "I do believe Rathan's business with Mathias is of grave import." Hexic clapped Rathan's shoulder as he said this. "Would my lady care for a dance?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Yes,” she answered him and looked to Rathan’s eyes and expression, he looked about ready to chew iron. She then offered Hexic her hand.  “Lead the way my Lord.”
'''Roleplay from Jonordebrir Vaaryar''' 
Ignoring the banquet that was held in the grand hall of Duke Mathias, Jonordebrir jumped on the next ferry to Port Raviel
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl'''
Hexic took Sorsha's hand and lead her to the dance floor. "Please, just call me Hexic, I am hardly your lord."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Very well, Hexic,” she said as they got into positions, “but you are a Lord,” she added. When the song began, she recognized it immediately, the dancing was of a more personal nature, this time there was no switching of partners. They stood side by side gliding until he put his hand around her waist, bringing her in to face him and they danced in a sweeping circle until they swayed together, and then did it again. Her gaze glanced back to the balcony for a moment and then she pressed her lips together and focused on Hexic’s green eyes. “It has been some time since I last saw you. You have been well? You move with such ease, obviously your wound healed nicely” she noted. “Are you enjoying the Banquet?” 
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron''' 
Zeromus was searching for his liege, Duke Mathias, which whom he had not met in person yet. Taking a goblet of water with him, he started his journey to find the Duke.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"Ah yes, my arm is just fine. It turns out to have only been a minor wound, but it had somehow gotten infected, that is why it pained me so. The banquet is quite extravagant. Had I known we were invited to bring our own entertainment, I would have brought my.... dancers from Qubel Lighthouse." He had nearly said 'exotic' dancers, and had nearly given away the professions of the two ladies who had accompanied him to the banquet. The Duke decided to change the subject. "Congratulations by the way, on being named Marshal of the Black Lions, you certainly have earned it."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias sat there for a few moments wallowing in his own self pity. He had her, had her right there in his arms ready to give herself to him. Yet he had to open his mouth. He had to do the right thing...."I need a drink." he said to himself.
Standing up he walked off the balcony and back into the hall. As he did he saw Rathan there staring at him. His eyes full of hatred, "What the hell you lookin at," Mathias said to Rathan and then proceeded to walk down into the hall. But seconds later he saw Sorsha dancing with Hexic, Mathias stood in the crowd and watched and made sure that Sorsha saw him there. He just stood there and stared at the two, but before the dance could finish he moved back to his table.
Taking a seat he had a bottle of Whiskey pulled from his cellar and brought to him. pouring himself a shot he thought to himself, "Cheers." and then began his night of drinking.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan smirked, and headed to the dance floor, and tapped Hexic on the shoulder.
"I believe there is a messenger looking for you Duke Hexic, with the utmost importance. I'll takeover from here."
Rathan saw Mathias out of the corner of his eye, and he could barely contain the almost sadistic glee he felt.
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron'''
Zeromus saw Mathias at his table pouring up some whiskey to himself. It looked like he wanted to be alone, but Zeromus approached him anyway.
"Duke Mathias?" Zeromus said and took an empty seat next to Mathias.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At Hexic’s comment of entertainment and dancers her gaze shifted in Lycan’s direction where the two ladies seemed to be hanging on his every word. One leaned forward in clear interest about to fall out of her dress and the other was hovering so close to Lycan’s face it was a wonder he could breathe. “Well it does seem he is enjoying what entertainment you did bring,” she said tonelessly and nodded in their direction for him to look. She gave him a knowing grin.
When she looked back, this time she noticed Mathias standing defensively, the pained look on his face disguised by the anger, but both were obvious and then he walked away returning to their table.
She looked back to Hexic about to say something else when he was tapped on the shoulder by Rathan. She stood watching Hexic and then Rathan, waiting for the outcome.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias looked up to see Sir Zeromus standing there calling his name, but instead of responding Mathias took another shot and then pulled out the chair to his left and pointed to it.
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron'''
Zeromus looked on the chair that Mathias had pulled out on his left, so he assumed that Mathias wanted him to sit there. So Zeromus sat down, and observed Mathias pour up another shot of whiskey.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Sir Zeromus. It saddens me that you must see me in this state." said Mathias now no longer taking shots but drinking straight form the bottle. "But you see that woman down there." Mathias now pointing to Sorsha, "She should be right there where you are sitting, she should be with me right now, and I with her." Setting the bottle down in front of Zeromus giving the rest of it to him Mathias then continued, "Look at those two vultures thinking I have failed. No. In the end Sorsha shall be mine..."
"Sir, let me give you some advice. See that one, his name is Duke Hexic, and he is a man of honor and scantly clad women. Then there is that one, Rathan, he has no honor. No respect for his superiors, in fact I have no idea why I still employ the man...." Mathias then looked over to Zeromus and continued, "I am sorry to involve you in my troubles. How are you enjoying your stay so far?"
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic knew that there was no messenger. He had arranged for Captain Hildebrand to receive all of his messages, and if there had been anything of immediate import, Hildebrand would seek him out. Knowing Rathan, especially considering his recent appearance, Hexic conceded that if he did not allow the Marquis to take his place, a knife may find its way into his back.
"Duty calls milady." Hexic kissed her hand and stepped out of the dance, his hand lingering as long as possible in Sorsha's. He gave a nod to the Marquis, and made way to the door, where a messenger would have been waiting. When he was out of eyesight of the pair, he turned instead into the direction of the Dragon King, and sat down.
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron''' 
"My stay here so far have been good, my liege, and I guess it will be better the longer I stay, though I must say that I am a bit disappointed that sir Jonordebrir did not show up... Anyhow, that cannot be helped..." Said Zeromus, and looked over the dancefloor. Zeromus pointed on a man who stood with Sorsha.
"So that is Duke Hexic?" Zeromus asked his liege, who nodded slightly.
"I see, thanks... Well, I am sorry to leave you alone, but I need to keep track of my sister. Especially during those hours. Let us talk again, under other... Circumstances. When we both are in good moods. Banquets like this scares me." Zeromus said, and before Mathias got a chance to reply, Zeromus had rose from his chair at the Duke's left side. Zeromus took the bottle and the little that was left in it with him, and he walked peacefully away to the exit the grand hall. Before he went out, he waved at the small, but charming lady Briony. If she saw him, she did not show it.
Now, the last and only question was how to find back to his own estate. He had to rely on his luck. but, as one person he considered as his friend once said: "Luck always seems to be against the man who depends on it."
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan was pleased with all the attention he was getting. Ladies Elizabeth and Katherine drank his every word and he was finally having fun. Drinking and eating in the company of not one but two ladies was definitely entertaining. The fact they weren't exactly shy was an added treat.
Throughout the banquet he kept an eye on his friend Sorsha. He wasn't oblivious to what was going on between her and at least three of the nobles present. The Marquis looked about to burst and something could eventually break out. He couldn't help but be protective of her even though she could obviously take care of herself.
He got up and decided to join them on the dance floor just in case. The ladies gladly followed him and the three started dancing.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
As Hexic left, his hand lingered in hers and she watched as he kissed it, his eyes conveying more than his actions, she on the other hand showed no outward emotion. “Thank you for the dance,” she told him, “perhaps we can finish it later.” He then nodded in Rathan’s direction and left.
She was then left standing with Rathan and turned to face him. “Rathan,” she greeted with a small nod and extended her hand. “I believe you wanted this dance.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan took her hand and kissed it.
"Indeed I did m'lady."
Rathan took her hand in his and placed his other hand on her waist. He was an exceptional dancer, and was about to show it off. He signaled the musicians to play something faster and whispered in her ear.
"Are you ready for this? I'm about to sweep you off of your feet."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She leaned in closer as he whispered and then pulled back to look into his eyes. “Then I guess it’s good that I dressed the part,” she told him flatly and followed his lead.
“How long have you waited to finish this dance, Rathan?” she whispered into his ear and avoiding looking anywhere else but at him. She could feel others watching her, that was enough.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan leaned in and kissed her, lightly before pulling back.
"Too long."
And he took off with her, not giving her time to reply, dancing around and across the dance floor, weaving in and around the other couples on the floor. Many lesser nobles eyed him with envy, as he continued to display his mastery of the art of dance. He kept Sorsha perfectly in step, whirling her about, and finished in dramatic fashion, pulling her into a passionate kiss.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Rathan’s first kiss caught her off guard and his lips lingered over hers as he pulled back. And then they were off. He was true to his word, he was an excellent dancer, and led her expertly.
When he finished though it was with another kiss, but deeper, more fervent and she closed her eyes as she felt his mouth over hers. She waited for the sensation to fill her, the lust, the need she had felt but for a moment ago. The insatiable desire she had craved that had been left unfulfilled, but it wasn’t there. There was nothing there, she had closed off completely.
She did return the kiss but not with the same passion he had, and then he pulled away. She regarded him blankly, her eyes completely dull. “You’re too late.” she said tonelessly, “there is nothing left now.” There wasn’t even a shred of emotion, no outward reaction on her part
Oh she knew just what kind of effect her words would have on him, on any man for that matter. It would be like a dagger in his heart and he would never come to understand what had so quickly happened. But she had completely reverted back to the way she began, with a seething cold anger that poisoned her soul, one she could only control with emptiness.
She turned away from him and walked away. There was no further explanation needed, to those who knew how to look it was clear there was nothing within her. She passed by some of the tables, to the direction of the King and Queen, passing Duke Hexic, she gave him a glance but then continued on her way out.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias' eyes filled with rage, slamming his fist against the table he called for one of his guards. "Bring Marquis Rathan to me right now! Let him know that if he refuses I will expect to see his resignation on my desk." With that the guard went off into the crowd to bring the Marquis to Mathias.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan watched Sorsha walk off, a disappointed look on his face. He felt crushed, but he knew that wasn't the end of it. She was a difficult woman, and he was a relentless hunter. He turned to see a guard approaching.
"Milord, Duke Ridder wishes to see you immediately, and he says if you refuse to see him he expects to see your resignation."
Rathan smirked.
"I suppose I'll appease him then."
Rathan approached Mathias's table.
"You wanted to see me your grace?"
'''Roleplay from Briony Eddon''' 
With no one she knew left in the room, Briony assembled her guards and moved out from the banquet. Nothing more interesting would happen, not without Zeromus or Jonordebrir. Why had not Septimus and his fiancée Anne not come?
They were probably busy on other ways, as they were new engaged and such.
Jonordebrir had she not seen since she was in Maeotis. So the last option was to visit Zeromus, if she wanted to socialize with anyone she knew. Luckily for her, a servant of Duke Mathias had told where Zeromus estate was located.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan watched as it all unfold. He was still on the dance floor when he saw the stunt the Marquis pulled on Sorsha and he couldn't believe his eyes. He stopped dancing with the ladies when he saw her leave. "Ladies will you please excuse me for a moment I need to check on a friend." The ladies nodded in agreement but a hint of jealousy could be seen in their eyes.
He followed Sorsha outside and found her in the garden, approaching her he touched her arm to get her attention "Sorsha, I saw what happened, are you alright?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha recognized Lycan’s voice. She felt his hand on her arm but didn’t look up to face him. “I am fine,” she told him, “I have nothing to say, therefore you don’t need to try any further Lycan.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
At her cold reply Lycan's eyebrow rose. "Alright... he said flatly. "I'm going to return to those who appreciate my company." he turned away and walked back inside. Finding the ladies sitting by the table he approached them and with a mischievous grin he said "I think I'm done with this party, what do you say we continue our own party somewhere else?"
They both laughed softly and gave him an alluring look. Lycan took one in each arm again and approached Duke Hexic. "Duke, thank you very much for introducing me to these lovely ladies. If you don't mind we are going to leave now, unless you want to join us?"

Revision as of 13:18, 17 December 2012