McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/loyalty: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha had made a short stop in Paisland to rest her horse and her men. Kneeling down, she leaned over the bank of a river and removed her gloves wi...)
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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 

Sorsha had made a short stop in Paisland to rest her horse and her men. Kneeling down, she leaned over the bank of a river and removed her gloves with a hiss. Slowly she reached in and began to cup the fresh water onto her face to cool off. She had been trying to ignore the swelling and now looking at it the bruises had grown larger and further up her arm. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and cleared her mind… chasing away the emotions, the pain.
Not far off, a small boy approached one of her soldiers and he waved the boy in her direction.
“Excuse me. Lady McDowell?” he asked and she slowly opened her eyes again. “What?” she answered tonelessly and turned to look at the boy. He didn’t say anything and simply handed her a letter.
She took it with her bruised hand, ignoring the widening of his eyes at the sight. “Go,” she told him simply, and he walked away.
She turned it in her hands and found the seal. Upon seeing it, the corners of her mouth grew into a smile. Breaking the seal she started to read it and her face darkened...
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
The streets were almost empty but for the sounds of men bursting through tavern doors. Off key singing following their drunken slurs. The skittering of small feet filled the otherwise empty air and Sorsha turned to see a rat run across her path. This was a terrible section of the city, one she had been curious to see if only to buy her some time to think.
It was a while before she made her way to the palace and when she did the guard stood straighter, defensive. Standing tall, she crossed her arms slowly and planted her feet. The black leather gave the illusion of complete darkness on her part, her dark brown hair only complimented the image and she spoke. “I wish to speak with the King,” she told him firmly.
She knew it was late, but she could care less. The guard let her through and led her to a waiting area.
Sorsha was tired, she had only arrived in Port Raviel but a few hours ago but she had matters that needed taking care of before she returned home. One of the palace servants attended to her immediately motioning a chair but she refused, preferring to stand.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"Lady Sorsha is here to see you your Majesty." Maurice said softly from the doorway of Cenarious's study.
"Very well." Cenarious replied while setting aside the sheaf of reports before him. "Send her in and bring us some wine."
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien '''
Misha entered the room and announced that Dame Sorsha was here and requested to see Cenarious. Kisharianda smiled thinking this would be the perfect opportunity to maybe talk to the lady without a room full of people.
"Misha bring me some tea" she folded her book and straighten her dress. She couldn't help but remember the private letters she had recently received from Prince Bowie.
<i>Well this will be the perfect opportunity to see how accurately the Prince was after all </i>her lips curled into a satisfied smile. <i>I will make sure to see her before she leaves.</i>
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha did not wait long before the servant returned. “The King shall see you now,” he informed her with a small bow and waved the way for her. She did not thank him and walked ahead until she reached the King’s study. She had been here before, only it seemed to be in another lifetime.
When she walked in the King was sitting at his desk, busy writing letters she assumed.
As she entered, he looked up noticing her presence and she bowed. “My King,” she greeted flatly, bowing. She truly didn’t care of her appearance at the moment, the point was she no longer cared about much.
Maurice entered behind her, setting wine on the desk and left, making sure to close the door behind them.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage '''
Seeing Sorsha walk in brought a smile to Cenarious's face. Gesturing to one of the chair in front of his desk he beckoned her closer.
"A pleasure to see you’re well! I heard such good things about your work in the west, I could not be prouder of you!" Cenarious continued with a chuckle, "A bit jealous of you perhaps, but that is to be expected when you stick a warrior behind a desk! But D'Hara must come first and I cant very well do my duties if I am off on some battlefield.. enough nonsense! Sit, have a drink, relax! You've certainly earned it!"
Setting aside his work Cenarious took up a glass of wine and waited for Sorsha to have a seat.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Somewhere inside, Sorsha felt his smile and pride for her, but she was unable to return the courtesy of pleasure. She took the seat offered. “Yes, it was good work,” she agreed. “It is a shame you could not join us, you would have enjoyed it,” she grinned feeling the battle lust. “But we all know how important your work is here.”
“I am personally satisfied with the outcome, which is one of the reasons I have requested to speak with you. While there, Ordeenstat did not say much to me in particular but I know our assistance has not gone unnoticed.” Her eyes were emotionless as she spoke, “I wish to return again. I have sent my opinion and request to the Military Council and have yet to hear of their opinion. I’m beginning to wonder if my scribe was cut down before he could deliver the message. I wish to know what you want.”
A glass of wine had been set for her and she took a sip, waiting.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage '''
"You’re quite right! Ordenstaat was most appreciative, and our allies in Myern were impressed by our resolve in aiding such a new ally. All in all it was very good work!" Leaning closer Cenarious continued in an excited and secretive whisper, "It’s partly from your efforts that my project has finally taken flight! I can't wait to tell you all about it! You and the other knights will love it! ..,Despite the fact that Rathan has soured the revealing a bit.. regardless, I look forward to finally getting everything in place for your enjoyment! Ahh it’s exciting creating something as valuable as this will be!"
Taking a sip of wine Cenarious continued in a normal voice, "I get ahead of myself, but seeing D'Hara finally blossoming is cause for rejoicing! We merely have to work around the rotten apple or two in our midst and we can craft truly great and righteous works."
Day dreaming of the bright future he envisions Cenarious savored his wine and awaited Sorsha's response.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell '''
“This is good news,” she told him and finally allowed a smile to reach her lips but at the mention of Rathan’s name, her face darkened. “I have faith that whatever it is you wish to reveal, the nobles will appreciate,” she said forming a fist with her injured hand, not even noticing the pain of it now. “I know you will not let us down,” she added meaningfully. “Rotten apples are easily discarded,” she whispered coldly as if speaking to herself.
She then rose from the chair, not realizing both hands were now in fists and she slowly walked, pacing the floor. She was attempting to control the emotions within. Thinking of Rathan had done that, it was her inner turmoil eating at her. One, somewhere deep within her something flared with a sense of attachment. Second, she refused to care.
Sorsha had always been blunt, she had never really cared who she was addressing, she wasn’t about to stop now. “Since you’ve brought it up, that is another reason for my coming. I was personally alerted on the matter. I will not conspire and bicker needlessly. I will get straight to the heart of it. Have the issues been resolved with the Marquis?”
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"I have yet to let him goad me into banishing him, if that is what you mean. His rudeness and insults continue unabated but as my Queen wishes to give him another chance I have allowed it." Cenarious continued to muse aloud, "I am curious how his scheming goes though.. he was always one to turn a phrase and twist others words after all. I am sure he has much to say right now."
Sorsha's obvious agitation gave Cenarious pause, and to cover for his hesitation Cenarious took another sip from his glass as he carefully examined Sorsha's body language.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell ''' 
“The matter has been settled then,” she concluded without adding further information and stopped pacing. She walked over to the table and took her wine in a long gulp. It was a moment and her stance only increased in rigidity.
“Something is taking place,” she said out of turn, ignoring the subject of Rathan altogether and faced him. “On my way here tonight, I came across some news… it seems Sir Celyn Haerthorne is in this very city at the moment,” she put both hands on the desk and peered at the King.
“I shouldn’t have to remind you what occurred the last time the two of us spoke and the reason for my disappearance. Should I have cause for concern? Has his presence been validated? I have asked him of his presence here and he has informed me he is taking care of personal matters. Are we to think these personal matters have nothing to do with the mad Queen he chose to follow? The one who treated me as a traitor to her cause because I could feel the madness from her. Just like I can feel this subterfuge.”
Sorsha had always been kind and forgiving in the past, but this was an extremely sore subject for her. A bitter taste filled her mouth at the mere mention.
This time her eyes grew dark and empty. She was utter calmness on the outside, but inside her rage seethed to bursting. “He was amongst the ones who led me to disappear in the first place… I no longer forgive and forget so easily,” she added, she had the feeling she really didn’t need to tell him that, for he could hear it in her voice.
“Not only that, but for some time now I have noticed odd activity. Nobles who join the realm without choosing a liege to serve? They quietly sit days on end with no income, are we to believe they are here to enjoy the scenery? We need knights, they are here, they choose to watch instead, shouldn’t that alert us as well? I have become extremely wary of anything,” she pointed out, explaining her reaction. “Are we to just let them sit there and watch quietly, while more and more join? I feel it my King, as I feel the air in my lungs… my senses have been numbed but they are not so far gone that I can simply ignore this. Something dark is coming.”
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage ''' 
"There will always be those that seek to destroy what we build here. Sadly they feel only greed and they care not how much of our blood and family wealth we have poured into making this realm stronger. Don't let the darkness in their hearts weigh yours down however. All we can do is fight for what is truly right and let the gods sort out the rest."
Cenarious took a sip of wine before continuing, "You can rest assured that despite Rathan's rousing words against my 'tyranny' I am still no Katayanna. Sadly the path of the righteous is never the easy one. Though I already have enough proof to banish him from these lands, I am no tyrant and I still believe such dramatic actions should be avoided if at all possible. Lucky for him I keep a cool head despite his insults and not so secretive plotting, as I am sure you have no doubt heard all about already."
Growing serious, Cenarious twirled his wine glass thoughtfully as he spoke further, "I will admit that it does seem unnecessarily risky for my family though.. I would hate to think my morality places my children in danger.. Its a pity that unlike those we face we have a conscience to contend with.."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Had Cenarious spoken these words to her a few months ago, Sorsha would have overreacted with an explosion of emotion but now instead she regarded him coolly. “I no longer have the luxury of allowing my heart to be weighed down,” she uttered tonelessly.
At the mention of plotting, her eyes narrowed. “You should know there is no man that I will allow to rule me now,” she said bluntly and sat on the chair once more. She leaned back, crossing her legs before her and picked up the end of her long brown braid as it slipped over her shoulder, looking at it. “Save one,” she looked up and she twirled the hair between her fingers.
“As for a conscience…” she repeated the word, thinking all the while how little she relied on hers now. “Yes what a burden,” her face grew blank, not even looking at him now.
Having said what she needed to, she then looked to the glass of wine and refilled it. She drank it all and then allowed a smile to grace her lips; a rare sight now. “I will take my leave now there is a matter of importance to discuss with Duke Mathias. My men will remain in the city, should you need them you simply need to say the word.”
She then rose and bowed before the King, the only sound was the creasing of her leather. Upon looking up, she then noticed the glint of her McDowell ring on a chain around the King’s neck. The fact that she only had half now, didn’t even faze her. “Thank you for allowing me to see you.”
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage '''
"Any time my dear." Cenarious said to Sorsha's retreating form. "If you can spare a minute to see Selena or my wife on your way out then feel free to do so.. they would be delighted to see you, you know.."

Revision as of 13:23, 17 December 2012