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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''

Waiting by the docks in Paisly, Sorsha looked out to the multiple constructions in the area. Mathias had taken to his duty with exuberance and she mentally applauded him for it. It was also nice to see the peasants were slowly growing accustomed to his presence. Maybe she should have visited, it would have been nice to see him again, but something had made her shy back from the very idea.
She had only been in Port Nebel for a short amount of time, upon her strange reception in Duke Conrac’s estate, spoken with him briefly before she had been called on to other matters. She had received word of an undead horde approaching Paisly and tried to get there as fast as she could, but it hadn’t made a difference.
Now she would return home… and again try to get back to that ever elusive library. Only three times now she had tried to step within its doors, she had been so close yet had never managed to even see it.
She knew she should have taken the time to visit Priestess Kisharianda… but she actually felt the need to leave, as if nervous about something. 
A noise made her turn, and she realized the ship had arrived. She felt a mixture of relief and disappointment and prepared to leave.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Lying in her bunk, she stared off at the wood planks above her, absently playing with the strings of her shirt. The gentle swaying and creaking of the ship had lulled her into a half-daze and her thoughts continuously swirled around in her head.
There were only two people who filled her thoughts lately and it was driving her mad with confusion. What was she even going to do about it? When she thought of one, the other wasn’t far behind and vice versa. 
Sulking, she sighed despondently and closed her eyes. Usually she wasn’t one to hide behind the comfort of lies and half truths… but a part of her was afraid to even delve too deeply into this matter.  Her entire life, the only worry she had even known was sitting in her brother and her cousin’s shadow, content with watching. Now… well…what was even the point…it wasn’t like it even mattered, these things were not what she was accustomed to. Maybe instead of going to Conrac’s library she should just return to Nebel and stay hidden until called upon. Or maybe…she then wondered how life would be if she returned to Fontan…
A yell above made her open her eyes and she noticed the small lantern attached to the ceiling had stopped swaying. She had arrived and even though the thought had presented itself, she still made her way to Duke Conrac’s estate.
Upon her arrival, she received the same welcome as the last time she was there. The servants still behaved a bit oddly around her as if she belonged there only this time she took advantage of the situation and headed straight to the ever elusive library. She was sure her presence would be announced to Conrac soon enough, besides he had already given her permission to go through his library the last time she spoke with him.
When she entered the vast room, she stopped. Not many things could take her breath away, but this did. Hundreds of books lined the walls, all in colorful order, varying from large to small, and scrolls… so many scrolls. Conrac had not lied when he said he tried to collect as much as he could… he had done well and she was momentarily envious of him.
Finding a small table, adorned with a quill and inkpot she hung her cloak on the back of the chair and stretched. Then she got right down to the task and began to look through several books, taking some out, reading the titles and then returning them when it was not what she was looking for.
Someone cleared their throat and she looked over. “Milady Sorsha,” a servant bowed, “perhaps I can assist you with what it is you’re looking for?”
She smiled and pulled her hand back, “yes, perhaps some assistance would speed things up. Do you have anything that relates to the human mind? Maladies, mind disorders or strange occurrences of the psyche?” she asked timidly not really knowing what she was looking for.
“I will see what I can find,” he answered, now pleased to be able to assist her.
She sat on the chair behind the desk. He brought her several books and she started to leaf through some, when she discarded one, he was back with more. The candle burned down to a tiny nub before her latest traveling caught up to her and she drooped over the book in front of her. She fell asleep, her cheek pressed to the page. 
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Conrac sat with his head into a book. He took a careful gaze around his library and practically melted with pleasure. His library was wonderful! And most importantly was his. How many Dukes or lords could brag about having a library bigger then a small castle? Still ranging ten stories high, and three stories underground the "Tower of Knowledge" was certainly the largest in D'hara and perhaps the biggest on the continent. Still it was worthy of an Amcastra, a member of the fifth richest family in the world. Conrac dusted off Colloquo Votar's Jade Compendium, a thick volume analyzing the differences in jade formations.
Conrac put the book back into its shelf and began going down the stairs. He passed a small display cabinet. It held a knight's gauntlet made of lobstered steel. One of his oldest scholars had claimed it had belonged to a prince...but could no longer seem to remember which one. Conrac felt like he wanted to read about something forbidden and he kept all his dangerous and rare texts in the fifth floor underground. It was the safest place. As Conrac walked down the stairs he saw a person sleeping on "Gasp" was that person defiling his beautiful book with their dirty cheek?!? Conrac marched intent on finding out whether one of the apprentices a long discussion on the dangers of sleeping on books! The perspiration could damage the ink! And books were worth their weight in gold, the paper and time-consuming process was hardly cheap.
Conrac grabbed the individual by the shoulder and jerked her/him up before suddenly realizing that the face was someone he recognized.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha seemed to be chasing words on legs and no matter how fast she ran she couldn’t catch up.
Suddenly she was jerked back and her eyes snapped open, realizing now she had only been dreaming. Her blue-purplish eyes looked around confused until they focused on… She let out a small whimper. Of all people, only he would catch her sleeping in such a un-lady like state. She tried to sit up and regain some form of dignity but for the lightly smeared ink on her cheek.
She cleared her throat, “milord,” she greeted and tried to push the book out of her way, in her haste she managed to push the ink pot to the edge of the desk and quickly reached over to grab it before it fell to the ground, on the beautiful carpet.
Saving the disaster from happening she placed the ink back where it belonged and hand pressed her clothes, now out of sorts. “I apologize I let myself in…well they… and I… you said… I wanted…” she stuttered the words out and sighed, her face turning beet red unable to finish her explanation. Why did she always have to turn into a blundering idiot whenever he was around?
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Conrac smiled and pat Sorsha lightly on the cheek. Before looking down at the books she was reading. Cicero's Human Mind, these were very advance books pertaining a very little-understood topic.
He glared down at Sorsha in mock anger. "Normally I would scold you terribly for sleeping on my precious books. But I see your reading up on Mathias correct?"
He sat down quietly. "The study of the mind is very chaotic and unknown science. Although these books can help you I don't think you'll find the key to helping Mathias from these texts... I think the only cure I remember well is a priest hung the mad individual on a tree and whipped him for three days but I doubt such an option is available. Sti-"
"DUKE CONRAC!" A servant ran into the library, his face red with exhaustion.
"Duke Conrac". The servant handed him a letter desperately.
"What is it?" Conrac opened up the letter and his face turned pale. He gripped the chair and began breathing hard.
"The capital has been given away?" Conrac whispered in sheer horror.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
His hand drifted to her cheek and her heart skipped a beat. The butterflies suddenly surged, filling her to bursting and she swallowed. He was right – there was nothing. She had looked for countless hours and all she had gathered was what she had already figured out on her own. If it hadn’t been for the strange occurrence of her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth, she would have answered him.
No words came forth, she was just… mute. Then he started to sit and she followed, suddenly incredibly aware of his proximity.
His servant managed to pull her out of her state with his shouting, and she blinked as Conrac lowered his hand and took the letter. She tried to ignore the ethereal impression on her cheek and instead focused on his facial expression.
She watched his initial reaction quietly and then her face saddened as he seemed all but lost with personal thoughts. For one moment, she wished she could take all his worries away, to make the pain in his eyes disappear, to see him smile. He would have to let go, and allow it first… but she didn’t think he knew how, or that he ever could.
The man was very serious and gave much of himself to his duty. He was so committed to it… so dedicated that it left room for nothing else.
In that moment, she realized, she had in fact come to have feelings for him, stronger than she had ever felt. But with that realization was also the understanding that her feelings would never be returned. How could they? She yearned for passion, adoration, tenderness, carefree laughter even adventure… an equal companion. All things she knew he had in abundance, but they were buried deep and they weren’t reserved for her…Never for her…
Then his words made it through her crippling epiphany and she blinked. “What?” she whispered and took the letter right out of his hands. She read it and looked up to see his face had gone several shades of pale. “Conrac,” she breathed his name and he seemed to look up in a daze.
He didn’t say anything and she attempted a wave to get his attention but Conrac’s eyes had lost focus. She turned to the servant “you,” she commanded, “something to drink. The Duke needs a moment.” To her amazement he obeyed her without question or even a second glance and scurried off. Several thoughts spun through her head at what this potentially meant… but she wasn’t going to panic, she would instead try to rationalize, she was good at that.
“Let’s not…I’m sure…” she really had no idea what to say.
Reaching up, she cupped his face and made him look at her. “Conrac,” she said his name softly but firmly. “There must be a perfectly good reason and explanation for this. Honestly I am baffled, and confused but I’m sure if we spoke with the Queen, she would be able to enlighten us on this matter.”
He seemed to remember she was there and she slowly withdrew her hand, realizing what she was doing… a part of her was afraid yet another didn’t care. “Forgive me,” she mumbled and passed her lower lip through her teeth.
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Monarchy, drunken mob, oh gods. He closed his eyes hard, this was going to take a lot of work.
"Umm lord there's a referendum..."
"Blast the damn referendum" Conrac was going to weep. He had worked for so long to try to expand Monarchy power, and now the capital was out of the hands of the royal family? Not that he didn't love Cenarious, he was a wonderful friend and a good general, but no one but the Queen should rule the capital. It was a deeply symbolic thing.
"Conrac!" Conrac stared at Sorsha for a few minutes, as she forced his face towards her. She has really wonderful eyes... He thought absent-mindedly.
"There must be a perfectly good reason..." Conrac stared. He wasn't paying too much attention. He was a bit too busy trying to swallow his shock. This was probably one of the few times a person who was not related to him had ever touched him.
"U-u-um that's nothing to apologize about." Conrac stated awkwardly as she withdrew her hand. He turned away for a minute as the redness began to fade from his face. Although he couldn't understand why, it wasn't like it was unheard of. The redness faded as Conrac began to remember the letter.
"Sorsha...we're going to have to double the paperwork in a few days..."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Of course he would go right back to his duty without even a second thought to her obvious blunder. Was he red with muted anger?
“Double the paperwork?” she repeated dumbly and her brow bunched up. “Conrac, please get a hold of yourself, you’re over reacting,” she told him bluntly.
Rising from the chair, she began to pace away. The servant near them had brought back two glasses of wine, waiting to be taken. Then as if thriving on their Lords reaction, began to inform him of other matters. Ignoring Conrac who was perfectly capable of ordering about his own servants she took the glasses from the proffered tray and turned malignant eyes on him. “Don’t you have other matters to attend?” she told the older man harshly. “Leave and do not return until you are called upon.” The servant withdrew, frowned, looked from Conrac to her as if seeking for a more powerful command to belay her order, but Conrac said nothing and she tilted her head, waiting. He finally left and she turned to the Duke.
Taking one glass, she drank its content trying to, no needing to, calm herself. She set the glasses on the table beside him.
“The Queen has always taken measures to ensure we are taken care of,” she began now somewhat calmer. “She would never do anything to jeopardize our safety, our standing, she is our rock, she would give of herself until her dying breath if that is what was needed of her. You know this,” she said and sat beside him again, taking his hands in hers.
“Yes it’s a symbolic thing, but that does not mean she is still not our Queen, that’s where the real symbolism lies. It’s a harsh blow, completely unexpected for someone who has worked so hard…like you. She knows this she has not forgotten you…” Then she added in a softer tone “how could anyone ever forget you…”
He looked so tense, and more defeated than she had seen him last. “I know you’re disappointed Conrac,” she said softly and her hands tightened around his to give him comfort, they were trembling.
“Nay, you’re angry,” she deducted, “but please take some time to think this through. It is done already, no amount of anger or harsh words would change it now. If we would go this moment to see her, she would still welcome us as friends and with open arms because to her, we are what is in important, not a duchy. I have faith in her, and in a sense I could see why she would choose General Cenarious, he is loyal and admirable and commands a lot of respect, I couldn’t have thought of anyone better myself. If this is what she has decided, than it’s what she has decided,” she said seriously. “Perhaps she wanted to focus on the nobles, to be able to give more of herself rather than sit in a Capital. You know her, she is anything but ordinary, she does things in an unorthodox fashion. I’m not saying it is a bad trait, unusual, but it allows her to rise above the norm of other rulers, it is what relates her to the rest of us. Besides…nothing is ever so far gone that it cannot eventually be redeemed,” she finished somberly.
“Promise me one thing?” she asked suddenly and he finally looked up. “Don’t do anything rash, or out of sorts until you have taken the night to settle and think this through. Please… for me,” she added the last quietly. He didn’t say anything and just looked at her.
She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “All I ask is that you don’t throw yourself deeper into work over this. That mountain of paper I know is waiting in your office… it will still be there in the morning… and the day after… and it will have to do just that…wait. If you leave, rush in there, I fear you shall never see the light of day… and I fear I shall never see you again,” she gave a weak smile, hoping he wouldn't read too far into her words, but it was how she felt. She just hoped to make him smile, even if it was short lived.
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Conrac smiled weakly back at Sorsha "General Cenarious is a good man but that does not make the action any less dangerous. A tree that collapses in a forest will crush small plant underneath it. Its true that in many realms the rulers do not serve as dukes as well. But a nation's strength is backed by the strength of the ruler. Springdale may still be alive if their ruler had been Duke rather then a certain traitor. Moreover your correct, this is an action that can't be reversed which makes it frustrating. If she needed to reward Cenarious she should have asked me to step down, I could always be reappointed Duke of Port Nebel but she can't be reappointed as ruler of the capital."
Conrac looked at the small glass of wine and hesitated for a minute before grabbing it.
"I'm not angry just a little tired and confused. Oh...and you don't have to worry about never seeing you again. When I get to work on the paper, I'm grabbing you too."
He chuckled in a disturbingly evil way. "I hope D'hara can manage to accelerate our growth. If we intend to survive surrounded by enemies we're going to need to."
Conrac snarled. "I think I should call back my friends, it’s not like we have the power to play around in other realms anyway. I have one in Terran, another in Morek and another in Pian. D'hara might need extra nobles more then we need information."
Conrac sighed and breathed slower. "I apologize for that display, it was unbefitting of nobility."
He turned to Sorsha and cocked his head sideways.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Well at least he had regained some of his enthusiasm… somewhat and his sense of duty was never far behind. “No Conrac you are far too important and Port Nebel needs you…” she almost voiced the fact that she did as well, but it was left unsaid. “Everything happens for a reason… we may not be aware of the end result at this moment in time, but it will eventually be made clear.” She looked down to her hands, now empty since he had withdrawn his. She played with her fingers, and then began to turn the McDowell ring around her finger, another sacred family heirloom, attached to a long line of tradition.
“Growth is a noble idea, quite ambitious, but we have to be careful. I know I don’t have to remind you that until we can safely protect both east and western borders with some show of firm military power, that the idea of expanding further would be folly. We need to focus on this beforehand Conrac.”
At the idea of paperwork she mentally groaned and without realizing it, pouted. She remembered how quickly her attention had drifted the last time she had attempted the dreary task and ironically it had drifted to him…  She could just see herself, trying to pay attention to the page in front of her, and be caught staring at him, like a lovesick fool who couldn’t control her thoughts for even a moment.
“I’m really not very good with papers…” she said timidly. “You can’t honestly enjoy being cooped up in a stuffy room surrounded by those frightening mountains of white?” she asked and she could already see the appalled expression before it appeared on his face and laughed. 
“Alright,” she said softly, suddenly having a different idea. “I will assist you any way I can, but you will have to do something for me…” she said playfully. “I will step into your world of numbers, forms, letters, dull reports and whatnot, but you will have to visit mine…” she smiled, actually proud of what she was about to do. “Will you come to Nebel with me?” her voice was almost a whisper, “a small compromise…” If he didn’t know how to enjoy a carefree moment, even a small one, she would teach him how.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha had waited for Conrac’s reply but he seemed to have withdrawn and she regretted even asking. Then as if to make her confidence shatter, a servant entered even against her latest wishes and brought the Duke a stack of letters to take his attention away. Almost immediately he was buried into the latest letters and forgot she was even there.
Taking this as a sign for her to leave, she rose from the chair and quietly made her way out. It wasn’t like he would had went along with it anyway, he would have most likely said no, he had just been thinking of a gentle way to let her down. She had gotten the unspoken message…and she would not try again.
Tying her cloak, she slipped her gloves on and ordered the stable boy to fetch her horse and returned home to Nebel.
Upon her arrival, she was welcomed by a servant and a tray stacked with her very own letters. Disappointed with the outcome of her day, and disgusted with the paper work, she brushed him off, they could wait.
She took the time to bathe, welcoming the comfort of heat and then dressed in something more comfortable, a light soft violet dress with delicate satin slippers.
When she was done, she walked to her study. She had chosen it because of the large window that practically covered the entire wall which allowed her a view of the beautiful scenery and the setting of the sun. A small fire was already lit in the fireplace in the corner of the room, and several tall candles added soft light, creating a calm atmosphere.
Lorlan brought her a glass of wine, taken from a private mixture she had chosen for herself. The sparkling effect danced on the tongue, the fruits she had chosen, strawberry amongst them added a succulent flavor that was neither too dry nor too sweet. It was just perfection to her. She settled in and began to read the letters, which has seemed to double in size. Taking a deep breath, she began reading.
It was slow reading at first, but then she found one letter in particular that just made her blood boil. She tried to ignore its contents but no matter how much thought she gave to it, and the more she read the rest of the letters, the angrier she became in the end.
When she was done, she wrote one of her own. 
'''Letter from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Priest Tenebrioun,
I am disappointed, and deeply insulted by your condescending words towards the members of this realm. You call yourself a prophet? Very well, I will only give you the respect due your title at this point in time, but any other respect I may have had for you has greatly dwindled and is dangerously becoming non-existent.
These cowardly dogs that you have so conveniently named for yourself are the ones who have broken their backs, rushed to battle, given their blood and sweat, lost men in the doing and stood strong to secure this land as it continuously grows and they are so named by you, because of one… and I stress ONE decision you do not approve of. Did you forget these cowardly dogs are the legs this realm stands upon?
Is this all it takes for a leader the faith of WOTD to put them down? To degrade them to such lowly forms because what… they were looking for options?
You have shown some of your true colors and I am glad to see them now, rather than later. I am saddened to say that a man of your position has degraded my views on your standing and what you represent.  Then again, perhaps that is all you see of us, low life forms who are mindless and easy to mold in your views.
I follow the WOTD because it is my Queen’s faith, but what they feared as dissention within the faith, you will manage on your own. Congratulations, you must be extremely proud of yourself.
I do speak for myself, but I am sure those who are too afraid to voice their words will heartily agree with me.
And just when I thought your ignorance could not be any deeper, you then continue to insult the nobles in a patronizing fashion. Can you read yourself Tenebrioun? If you do, then all is well in the world you live in, but please before you become ignorant with a pompous reply do read the words between the lines of this letter.
In the future I will turn a blind eye to any decision that affects you. Since you are all powerful and all encompassing and so proud in your position, then you should be strong enough to take all matters between your own hands and in the faith you represent.
Perhaps then the dragons will assist you in doing so… since us lowly cowardly dogs are all but useless but to rush to every corner of this realm and offer ourselves to the slaughter so that you can grow in your comfort and the teaching of mindless followers.  I will take my proper position and cowardly watch.
It is also sad to think, that at least the SA did not sprout at the mouth with these disgusting words, but that it should come from one of our own. I pray for your order there are others who do not let their positions get to their head and they remember the people they are trying to teach in goodness and in the Virtues of the Dragons. You speak of fear… but let us not forget that fear is what drives us to discover courage.
Maybe it’s time to rethink your lessons.  Before you even manage to say anything in your defense, do not, and again remember <b>you can read</b> that the damage has been done. Just as you noted to the ones who put forth their vote, the damage has been done.
I stand behind the idea that every noble has every right to make his own decision whether it is to go along with the referendum or not, and not walk blindly around simply awaiting their fate.
I have continuously supported WOTD until now… but it did not take the SA to change my views, you have done that yourself.
Thank you for the enlightenment. I am humbled by your lesson.
[[McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Encounter2|continue...]]

Revision as of 13:33, 17 December 2012