D'Hara/History/Katayana's Will: Difference between revisions

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m (New page: To Whom it may concern, By my own hand and in my right mind I do hereby put to paper my final wishes. I nominate Lady Katrina Dragul as your next ruler. Failing that I nominate Tenebriou...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:47, 19 February 2010

To Whom it may concern,

By my own hand and in my right mind I do hereby put to paper my final wishes.

I nominate Lady Katrina Dragul as your next ruler. Failing that I nominate Tenebrioun.

If you have recieved this then I am dead. If by the hand of Pian en Luries, it was the price for peace with D'Hara.

No matter how you look at it Pian en Luries is our parent realm.

I want all to know that it was my offer to give up my life to protect that which I love.

It is my wish that D'Hara abide by the treaty with Pian en Luries. That The SA be abolished in D'Hara, that all who follow it be banished, executed if captured after. Absolutely no mercy to those that would turn traitor to their own realm.

That said, I did commit many crimes against Pian en Luries and my execution is the price of my honor and peace and the real chance for D'hara to survive and grow.

As GDoF will be a vassal state, free to rule itself, only tied ever so close to Pian en Luries, So too I suspect the treaty that is worked out be for D'hara.

This has many benefits. Madina can no longer feel that it can attack us with immunity, Morek may think twice about enforcing their will upon us. Terran's days will now be numbered many less that before.

I request that those that lead after me, work hard to form a federation with Caerwyn, madina, GDoF, and Pian en Luries against the tyranny of the SA. This is in fact my final wish.

And know that I will overlook and as I fly with the dragons, will act as guardian as best I can.