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|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
|month = June
|day = 24
|year = 1008
|title = The Death of the "Triple Alliance"? Irony Abounds!
|article = So proclaims the Caerwynian Chronicle, "Caerwyn splits from Viridian". What can one make of this? The Chronicle claims that the falling out is over a small city to the north, of whom no or few men have seen. Derfig, or so the nobles of the Court of Gelene call it.
Apparently, Viridian is acting "aggressively" towards Caerwynian colonists. This is obviously a cause of the bad blood that rules and founded Viridian. Vesna Valentine, the former "Prime Minister" was a noble of Everguard but proved an inherent weakness when Lord Valentine fled Everguard. What can the fools of Caerwyn expect from a realm founded and ruled by a weak dog that fled Everguard, the Shining Emerald of the North?
Indeed, Viridian is posed precariously between stagnation under brutal monster assaults, and rapid decline from a massive civil war. This war is between two factions, one led by the current "Prime Minister", a noble of little reknown, and the other led by Vesna Valentine. With such apt leadership, I have no doubt Viridian will succeed!
As well, the Morek occupation force of Libid Island has laid claim on Eidulb, and flies their flags over the palace. It is important to remember that the former ruler of the native Dulesians, Ayaui Piotari Michicirri, was slain by Caerwyn and control was taken of the city. This is a bit of a sore point between the Morekian occupation and Viridian, who had eyes upon the glorious castle in Eidulb. But possessing only one small island and a large city, can the occupants ever hope to feed the poor Eddons and Dulesians? The Morekian occupation force has neither the wealth to buy food nor the might to conquer lands that produce food. With Caerwyn unable to keep them afloat, it seems the only way now is down...
So look what Caerwyn has wrought. Their warmongering ways have lent them an unruly son, and an investment about to go under. Irony abounds!
|author = Karibash ka Habb
|realm = Everguard}}
|month = June
|day = 20
|year = 2008
|title = The Fall of Melodia?
|article = Reports came in about an hour ago that the city of {{Reglink|DW|Paisly}}, [[Melodia]]'s capital and last remaining region, has revolted and joined the realm of [[Madina]], the populace no doubt agitated by daimonic attacks. And so it seems that Melodia, once a proud realm consisting of five regions along the southeastern coast of Dwilight's western island, is no more, another lost colony succumbing to the malignant forces of Dwilight.
|author = Inkrav Donkeyvich<br>Coffermaster
|realm = Morek}}
|month = June
|day = 17
|year = 2008
|title = Daimonic Forces Attack Melodia
|article = Rumours have been growing lately of the presence of daimonic forces roaming the western subcontinent of Dwilight. Several weeks ago, some explorers reported the presence of odd creatures in the vicinity of {{Reglink|DW|Volcano Nightscree}}. These started as just traveler's tales, and were generally dismissed as such. But recent reports indicate that there may have been some truth to them. Two days ago reports arrived from {{Reglink|DW|Paisly}}, the capital of [[Melodia]], carrying more tales of fiendish creatures. The city of Paisly is apparently under assault by two groups of these creatures. Messages from General Akeela, the general of the rapidly shrinking realm, indicate that two separate forces of these "netherworld" creatures are ravaging the country side and marching on their capital. General Akeela reports that these creatures hail from the small city of {{Reglink|DW|Nightmarch}}, on the south-eastern slopes of Volcano Nightscree. So far we have not spoken directly with anyone who has seen these creatures with their own eyes. But the profusion of third-hand accounts and spreading stories indicates that there may be a kernel of truth here somewhere.
|author = Brance Indirik<br>Duke of Libidizedd
|realm = Astrum}}
|month = June
|day = 11
|year = 2008
|title = The Expansion of Religion
|article = Word has reached the temple of [[Sanguis Astroism]] in {{Reglink|DW|Libidizedd}} of the official founding of a new religion upon the continent of Dwilight. The fledgling religion is known as [[Magna Aenilia Ecclesia]]. Sorting through the many rumours that flow across the docks Libidizedd reveals that the new religion was formed by the King of [[Verus Luria]] and Duke of {{Reglink|DW|Poryatown}},  Kaennji Shenron. With the formation of the religion in Poryatown, King Kaennji has stepped down from both of his positions as Duke of Poryatown and King of Verus Luria.
|article_right = While Magna Aenilia Ecclesia is new to the continent of Dwilight, it is apparently a large and well-established faith on the [[Far East]]ern continent. The connection of Kaenji Shenron to the faith is unclear. Also unclear is why he chose now, so soon after his secession from [[Pian en Luries]] as the time to found this apparent extension of the faith. The realm of Verus Luria is foundering under the mass exodus of nearly his entire duchy and all it's nobles back to Pian en Luries. Verus Luria has no ruler, no judge, and no general, and now it also has no Duke.
|author = Brance Indirik<br>Duke of Libidizedd
|realm = Astrum}}
|month = June
|month = June
Line 34: Line 74:
|year = 2008
|year = 2008
|title = Tournament in Aegir
|title = Tournament in Aegir
|article = Many nobles have shown off their skills at the tournament, Lucius Curs, Duke of Nifelhold proved his swordfighting skill is 65%. Sir Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim showed his swordfighting skill to be 55%. Edith Hashimashidas (Dame of Port Nebel), had a swordfighting skill of 45%. They are presumed to be favorites, though others have yet to display their skills, rumors are abound that much money has ben staked.
|article = Many nobles have shown off their skills at the tournament, Xyola Eirik showed her swordfighting skill to be 75%. Lucius Curs, Duke of Nifelhold proved his swordfighting skill is 65%. Sir Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim showed his swordfighting skill to be 55%. They are presumed to be favorites, though others have yet to display their skills, rumors are abound that much money has ben staked.
The winners:
Semifinal round:
Edith from Shadovar -beats- Xyola from Morek
Farlouche from Everguard -beats- Eustice from Melodia
Final Round:
Farlouche from Everguard -beats- Edith from Shadovar
Winner: Farlouche
|author = Anonymous
|author = Anonymous
|realm = Anonymous}}
|realm = Anonymous}}

Latest revision as of 05:02, 24 June 2008

The Death of the "Triple Alliance"? Irony Abounds! June 24, 1008
So proclaims the Caerwynian Chronicle, "Caerwyn splits from Viridian". What can one make of this? The Chronicle claims that the falling out is over a small city to the north, of whom no or few men have seen. Derfig, or so the nobles of the Court of Gelene call it.

Apparently, Viridian is acting "aggressively" towards Caerwynian colonists. This is obviously a cause of the bad blood that rules and founded Viridian. Vesna Valentine, the former "Prime Minister" was a noble of Everguard but proved an inherent weakness when Lord Valentine fled Everguard. What can the fools of Caerwyn expect from a realm founded and ruled by a weak dog that fled Everguard, the Shining Emerald of the North?

Indeed, Viridian is posed precariously between stagnation under brutal monster assaults, and rapid decline from a massive civil war. This war is between two factions, one led by the current "Prime Minister", a noble of little reknown, and the other led by Vesna Valentine. With such apt leadership, I have no doubt Viridian will succeed!

As well, the Morek occupation force of Libid Island has laid claim on Eidulb, and flies their flags over the palace. It is important to remember that the former ruler of the native Dulesians, Ayaui Piotari Michicirri, was slain by Caerwyn and control was taken of the city. This is a bit of a sore point between the Morekian occupation and Viridian, who had eyes upon the glorious castle in Eidulb. But possessing only one small island and a large city, can the occupants ever hope to feed the poor Eddons and Dulesians? The Morekian occupation force has neither the wealth to buy food nor the might to conquer lands that produce food. With Caerwyn unable to keep them afloat, it seems the only way now is down...

So look what Caerwyn has wrought. Their warmongering ways have lent them an unruly son, and an investment about to go under. Irony abounds!
Comment on this story. by Karibash ka Habb 
The Fall of Melodia? June 20, 2008
Reports came in about an hour ago that the city of Paisly, Melodia's capital and last remaining region, has revolted and joined the realm of Madina, the populace no doubt agitated by daimonic attacks. And so it seems that Melodia, once a proud realm consisting of five regions along the southeastern coast of Dwilight's western island, is no more, another lost colony succumbing to the malignant forces of Dwilight.
Comment on this story. by Inkrav Donkeyvich
Daimonic Forces Attack Melodia June 17, 2008
Rumours have been growing lately of the presence of daimonic forces roaming the western subcontinent of Dwilight. Several weeks ago, some explorers reported the presence of odd creatures in the vicinity of Volcano Nightscree. These started as just traveler's tales, and were generally dismissed as such. But recent reports indicate that there may have been some truth to them. Two days ago reports arrived from Paisly, the capital of Melodia, carrying more tales of fiendish creatures. The city of Paisly is apparently under assault by two groups of these creatures. Messages from General Akeela, the general of the rapidly shrinking realm, indicate that two separate forces of these "netherworld" creatures are ravaging the country side and marching on their capital. General Akeela reports that these creatures hail from the small city of Nightmarch, on the south-eastern slopes of Volcano Nightscree. So far we have not spoken directly with anyone who has seen these creatures with their own eyes. But the profusion of third-hand accounts and spreading stories indicates that there may be a kernel of truth here somewhere.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
The Expansion of ReligionJune 11, 2008
Word has reached the temple of Sanguis Astroism in Libidizedd of the official founding of a new religion upon the continent of Dwilight. The fledgling religion is known as Magna Aenilia Ecclesia. Sorting through the many rumours that flow across the docks Libidizedd reveals that the new religion was formed by the King of Verus Luria and Duke of Poryatown, Kaennji Shenron. With the formation of the religion in Poryatown, King Kaennji has stepped down from both of his positions as Duke of Poryatown and King of Verus Luria.While Magna Aenilia Ecclesia is new to the continent of Dwilight, it is apparently a large and well-established faith on the Far Eastern continent. The connection of Kaenji Shenron to the faith is unclear. Also unclear is why he chose now, so soon after his secession from Pian en Luries as the time to found this apparent extension of the faith. The realm of Verus Luria is foundering under the mass exodus of nearly his entire duchy and all it's nobles back to Pian en Luries. Verus Luria has no ruler, no judge, and no general, and now it also has no Duke.
Comment on this story.by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Verus Luria June 4, 2008
There were likely many who wondered just how long Lurian power would last, and they have just found out. Duke Kaennji Shenron, a former King of Pian en Luries himself, has just recently declared his duchy's secession from the realm of Pian en Luries in the following message:

My Friends in Pian en Luries,

Today is grave day. Today duchess Marie was removed from her own position as Duchess of Askileon and embarassed in front of everyone. This realm has become insecure, unsafe and corrupt. Queen Alanna and Arbitrator Finegus have too little understanding of the feudal system we live by and have ultimately disrespected. They have becom corrupt with power. Pian en Luries has failed. Thus it will have to be replaced.

Today Verus Luria shall stand.

Kaennji Shenron
Duke of Poryatown

This single move by the Royal Duke has literally split the strength of Pian en Luries in two, with nearly half of the realms nobility now under command of Verus Luria, and even the Royal Arbitrator Finegus O'Shea himself included among them.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian 
Tournament in Aegir June 4, 2008
Many nobles have shown off their skills at the tournament, Xyola Eirik showed her swordfighting skill to be 75%. Lucius Curs, Duke of Nifelhold proved his swordfighting skill is 65%. Sir Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim showed his swordfighting skill to be 55%. They are presumed to be favorites, though others have yet to display their skills, rumors are abound that much money has ben staked.

The winners: Semifinal round: Edith from Shadovar -beats- Xyola from Morek Farlouche from Everguard -beats- Eustice from Melodia

Final Round: Farlouche from Everguard -beats- Edith from Shadovar

Winner: Farlouche
Comment on this story. by Anonymous