User:Chaman/Work in Progress: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 11:44, 8 May 2008

Proposal new Church Ranks.

As you can see, I have updated the ranking system again, this time more focusing on names. These are completely wisdom and knowledge based, with a small hint of Faith, as I believe the Church of Humanity is supposed to be heading for 'Guiding'. It's (the ranking system) primary point of existing is based in teaching others of it's faith. Of course, one should not forget what the tenets are about. They are to be 'teached' as well.

The current ranks are cased on donations (monthly fees/grants) and services (Oath/Test). The more you donate (each month!), the higher your rank will be, this also counts for initiates). On a side note, I've removed all Militaric Ranks, as they would not fit a faith/knowledge/wisdom based church.
I kept the Oath/Test system, both to keep the old church idea's alive and because it fits in to the wisdom and knowledge based faith. Test takers allow for higher ranks and therefor for higher donating purposes.
Note that at every level (initiate, oath, test) I kept one rank that doesn't donate (for those unwilling to donate, but that have done great services, for instance, the allowance of building of a temple, or because of doing a one time donation.)

"Oath takers" and "Test takers" are not ranks, but levels.
Each having a maximum debt of:
For followers: One time the monthly fee.
For members (oath): Two times the monthly fee.
For members (test): three times the monthly fee.
Apprentice Priests: None.
Guiding Priests: 30 gold.
Elder Priests: 50 gold.
Master Priest: 200 gold.
Councilors: 50 gold.
Prophet: 25 Gold.


Is not obtainable.
As named, is the Prophet of the Church, there is only one allowed, which is voted in by popular vote of the Elders, with the current (former) Prophet itself having the final decision.
Monthly grant of: 25 gold.
Maximum debt: 25 gold.
Master Priest
Only one allowed, gives guidance to all Priests. Voted in by popular vote of Elders, after submitting his/her name, if there is no current Master Priest and excellent services to the Church. (Must be promoted by either Prophet or current (former) Master Priest.
Monthly grant of: 50 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.
Maximum of five Councilors. One can obtain the rank of Councilor by popular vote of the Elders, after submitting his/her name, not being a priest and excellent services to the Church.
Monthly grant/fee of: 15 gold.
Maximum debt: 50 gold.
Elder Priest
Priest whom have done excellent services to the Church.
Monthly grant of: 25 gold.
Maximum debt: 50 gold.


Test takers.
Test Takers Ranks can only be obtained after the Test has been taken, and after at least one month of service in the Church.

Guiding Priest
For all normal priests. Must have been a Apprentice Priest for at least one month.
Monthly grant of: 10 gold.

Maximum debt: 30 gold.
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
Joining fee of: 50 gold.
Maximum debt: 75 gold.
Monthly fee of: 20 gold.
Joining fee of: 40 gold.
Maximum debt: 60 gold.
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 45 gold.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Maximum debt: 30 gold.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 15 gold.
Only obtained after taking the test and stating to become a donator (by either stating during the test, or action through joining fee).
Only obtained after taking the test and state not to become a donator. No monthly fee.
No joining fee.
No maximum debt.

Oath takers
Oath Donator Ranks can only be obtained after one has taken the Oath.

Apprentice Priest
For all beginning priests. You must be a priest.
No monthly fee/grant.
No maximum debt.

Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 30 gold.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Maximum debt: 20 gold.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 10 gold.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating to become a donator (by either stating in the oath, or action through joining fee). Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 2 gold.
Maximum debt: 2 gold.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating not to become a donator. No monthly fee/grant.
No joining fee.


Blacklisted Member
Can only be obtained by demotion. If you get here, I suggest leaving, fast.
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
No maximum debt.
Donating Believer
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 5 gold.
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 5 gold.
Maximum debt: 1 gold.
No monthly fee.
Joining fee of: 1 gold
No maximum debt.