An Adventurer's Tale/The Undead Part 7: Difference between revisions

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(Arrival in Grehk)
(Ahhh! Run! It's Herkan!)
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Baldhart (Freeman)
Baldhart (Freeman)
'''Roleplay from Danost'''<br>
''Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Grehk (11 recipients)''<br>
Danost tried to to hide behind a mound of turnips as the wagon passed Minister Herkan's camp. The guards at the pavilions didn't seem to see them, or didn't recognize them if they did. Minister Herkan was nowhere to be seen.
"Thank the gods we made it past them." Danost said. "I don't want to get hauled down in front of him again. He'd probably conscript us and send us off with the army."
Several minutes later the farmer driving the mule team pulled up in front of a merchant's stall. "End o' the line! Here's where you get off. Now about that silver you promised..."
The three men hopped off the vegetable wagon. Each man tossed the farmer a few silver to pay for the ride. The farmer smiled as the silver disappeared into the man's tunic. "Pleasure doin' business with you, sirs!"
Danost looked around the marketplace. It was a typical city marketplace. Vendor stalls crowded the courtyard, forming a maze through which streamed endless throngs of commoners. Hawkers called out to advertise their services. The occasional pair of city guardsmen patrolled the streets to maintain order.
The three adventurers quickly lost themselves in the crowds as they moved farther into the city.
Danost (Freeman)
'''Roleplay from Herkan  (6 days, 15 hours ago)'''<br>
''Message sent to everyone in the region Grehk (15 recipients)''<br>
Their cart had halted...a long column of soldiers was blocking a crossing. The soldiers seemed tired, dirty but full of cheer.
The three adventurers Baldhart, Danost and Calinban could catch some snatches of conversation while the warriors marched by: ' that those Luzians crapped their pants when our advance did reach Thromegor...', '...all that marching, for nought. Damn, we could have lounged in Grehk for all that was worth!' 'Naw, stupid - if we hadn't marched, there might be a full fledged war now in the south...what do you prefer, some marching before and lounging /now/...or lounging first and fighting for a few weeks later?' 'And what makes you think we'd be able to lounge now?!? As if we ever had any rest? Why do you think the quartermaster did smirk when he handed us those new boots, tell me that willya?' 'Well word from above is that we'll have some days of rest...' 'Yes and what does that tell you? Maybe that there'll be a lot of marching and fighting soon?'
Now their cartdriver flicks his reigns and turns his cart into a sidestreet, muttering: 'maybe ther's a way a-through 'ere. Damn soldiers. Damn all nobles and their wars...'
That route led them back towards the walls...and was soon blocked by another column of soldiers. While waiting, Danost hissed: 'There! On the walls!' Turning, they saw Herkans banner atop the battlements - and sure as rain follows sunshine, Riombaras general could be seen as well, with another noble standing beside him...being identified by the cartdriver as 'Steward Gorch, they call 'im. Been all over Grehk those past weeks. 'Olding court and being important. Though he did get the walls back up, you gotta leave 'im that...'
There was no way of retreat out of that alley...on the one hand were the main walls of Grehk, on the other side the first row of houses did act as second line of defense...only arrowslits, no openings...
Not enough having no way of retreat, a fluke of accoustics made them hear the conversation as well...
'...well done, Lord Steward. I am impressed by the speed and quality of this compliments!'
After staring silently across the merlons towards the east, Herkan continues:
'I remember being a small lad, carrying bolts towards the crossbowmen manning these battlements back during the end of the first age. By then the undead had overrun all of Riombara except this fortress...we had already broken two of their main armies in front of these walls. While I was handing out pockets of bolts once again they finally did gain these battlements....I remember the chaos and horror of them swarming over the defenders. One of these soldiers did push me back and practically threw me down the stairs into the hands of some terrified peasants. They dragged me to safety but I'll always remember seeing the undead getting hold of that soldier...and I remember his screams. I didn't even know his name, nor was I able to learn it later...'
Again silence for some time...then Herkan reaches for his beltknife, slashes his thumb and does press it into the small engraving of a hammer that had been cut into the merlon.
'As you gave your blood for a child, so will I give my blood. As you gave your blood for life, so will I to keep your memory alive.......Qyrvagg, hear me! This soul shall rest with your chosen as he has proven his courage where many would fail...'
With that Herkan bows, then both nobles head down the stairs. , right towards the cart and the overjoyed adventurers. Seeing them, Herkan's eyes narrow, then he grins: 'Ah, travelling the lands, are you? Wise choice as it seems that someone is looking for you in Athol...would you do me the honour of accompanying me?'
The adventurers look at each other and at the soldiers surrounding the cart...'Very funny!' one of them mutters, though only very quietly.
Being escorted into yet another room within the battlements, this one showing all signs of recent construction, Herkan gestures: 'Just yesterday I had received a report of a murder in Athol. Apparently someone saw someone else at the site of the murder who might have a certain resemblance to you...thus our Judge...wants to have you being talked to.'
Looking closely at them, Herkan is unable to judge their reactions. Somewhat sullen, yes. Guilty...who knows?
'To be frank, I doubt it was you. The crime did apparently look too much like a cruelty beating which is more popular among the thugs of Athol than among your sort. Still, if I find out that it was you...there will be little mercy. There are few crimes worse than slaying an old one. So any information you have will go a long way to prevent making your stay in Riombara an unpleasant one.
But this is not the reason I need to talk to you....this murder could have very well been dealt with by the provosts. There was mentioned something akin to a staff...and that is what I need to know about. Both undead and monsters are searching for certain artifacts...and what happens to those they catch holding one of them you should know very well... Thus, did you receive anything?Or do you know anything about something that has a special aura or is in other ways unlike anything you usually encounter? Anything that you might feel more comfortable being in the hands of someone who is defended by strong walls and soldiers instead of three swords?
Tell me...for there is a dark storm coming...'
Minister of Defense of Riombara

Latest revision as of 01:36, 29 June 2007

Roleplay from Baldhart (13 minutes ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Grehk (11 recipients)
"I hate carts," Baldhart grumbled, rocking back and forth as the mule team pulled the creaky wooden box over the muddy and pockmarked road towards Grehk. "Hate Donkeys, too," he mumbled, half asleep, exhausted. "One stomped me good, once. Broke my foot."

Across from him, Calibann and Danost stirred absentmindedly, Danost with his head laid over the side of the cart, snoring loudly.

The fields began to thin to low cut grass, and in the distance the walls of Grehk rose high, its thick base surrounded by ramschackle huts that poured smoke out into the purple glow of twilight.

"Danost," Baldhart called as the Cart pulled closer to the open portcullus that lead inside the City's Walls. His partner stirred, and slipped back to sleep.

Grumbling, he looked forward as a throng of peasants passed through ahead of them. Whistles, catcalls and hoots came from somewhere deep inside and, looking up, Baldhart saw dozens of sets of eyes peering through him through the murderholes.

Inside the Fortress, a temporary camp had been set up, a dozen richly coloured pavillions, pennants fluttering from their center-pole, surrounded by a handful of drab canvas tents.

Baldhart recognized one of them, directly across from him, behind Danost. He kicked his part hard in the shin. "Wake, damn you!" he hissed.

Danost came awake with a grunt, bleary eyed and weary. "Where have we seen those Arms before?" Baldhart asked, pointing behind him.

Danost turned, glanced at the fluttering pennants atop the pavillion, and jerked back around, cursing as he pulled the cawl of his cloak over his head.

"Herkan!" he hissed.

Baldhart laid flat in the back of the cart. "Maybe we shouldn't linger in,ummm, Grehk too long, eh?"

Baldhart (Freeman)

Roleplay from Danost
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Grehk (11 recipients)
Danost tried to to hide behind a mound of turnips as the wagon passed Minister Herkan's camp. The guards at the pavilions didn't seem to see them, or didn't recognize them if they did. Minister Herkan was nowhere to be seen.

"Thank the gods we made it past them." Danost said. "I don't want to get hauled down in front of him again. He'd probably conscript us and send us off with the army."

Several minutes later the farmer driving the mule team pulled up in front of a merchant's stall. "End o' the line! Here's where you get off. Now about that silver you promised..."

The three men hopped off the vegetable wagon. Each man tossed the farmer a few silver to pay for the ride. The farmer smiled as the silver disappeared into the man's tunic. "Pleasure doin' business with you, sirs!"

Danost looked around the marketplace. It was a typical city marketplace. Vendor stalls crowded the courtyard, forming a maze through which streamed endless throngs of commoners. Hawkers called out to advertise their services. The occasional pair of city guardsmen patrolled the streets to maintain order.

The three adventurers quickly lost themselves in the crowds as they moved farther into the city.

Danost (Freeman)

Roleplay from Herkan (6 days, 15 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Grehk (15 recipients)
Their cart had halted...a long column of soldiers was blocking a crossing. The soldiers seemed tired, dirty but full of cheer.

The three adventurers Baldhart, Danost and Calinban could catch some snatches of conversation while the warriors marched by: ' that those Luzians crapped their pants when our advance did reach Thromegor...', '...all that marching, for nought. Damn, we could have lounged in Grehk for all that was worth!' 'Naw, stupid - if we hadn't marched, there might be a full fledged war now in the south...what do you prefer, some marching before and lounging /now/...or lounging first and fighting for a few weeks later?' 'And what makes you think we'd be able to lounge now?!? As if we ever had any rest? Why do you think the quartermaster did smirk when he handed us those new boots, tell me that willya?' 'Well word from above is that we'll have some days of rest...' 'Yes and what does that tell you? Maybe that there'll be a lot of marching and fighting soon?'

Now their cartdriver flicks his reigns and turns his cart into a sidestreet, muttering: 'maybe ther's a way a-through 'ere. Damn soldiers. Damn all nobles and their wars...'

That route led them back towards the walls...and was soon blocked by another column of soldiers. While waiting, Danost hissed: 'There! On the walls!' Turning, they saw Herkans banner atop the battlements - and sure as rain follows sunshine, Riombaras general could be seen as well, with another noble standing beside him...being identified by the cartdriver as 'Steward Gorch, they call 'im. Been all over Grehk those past weeks. 'Olding court and being important. Though he did get the walls back up, you gotta leave 'im that...'

There was no way of retreat out of that alley...on the one hand were the main walls of Grehk, on the other side the first row of houses did act as second line of defense...only arrowslits, no openings...

Not enough having no way of retreat, a fluke of accoustics made them hear the conversation as well...

'...well done, Lord Steward. I am impressed by the speed and quality of this compliments!'

After staring silently across the merlons towards the east, Herkan continues:

'I remember being a small lad, carrying bolts towards the crossbowmen manning these battlements back during the end of the first age. By then the undead had overrun all of Riombara except this fortress...we had already broken two of their main armies in front of these walls. While I was handing out pockets of bolts once again they finally did gain these battlements....I remember the chaos and horror of them swarming over the defenders. One of these soldiers did push me back and practically threw me down the stairs into the hands of some terrified peasants. They dragged me to safety but I'll always remember seeing the undead getting hold of that soldier...and I remember his screams. I didn't even know his name, nor was I able to learn it later...'

Again silence for some time...then Herkan reaches for his beltknife, slashes his thumb and does press it into the small engraving of a hammer that had been cut into the merlon.

'As you gave your blood for a child, so will I give my blood. As you gave your blood for life, so will I to keep your memory alive.......Qyrvagg, hear me! This soul shall rest with your chosen as he has proven his courage where many would fail...'

With that Herkan bows, then both nobles head down the stairs. , right towards the cart and the overjoyed adventurers. Seeing them, Herkan's eyes narrow, then he grins: 'Ah, travelling the lands, are you? Wise choice as it seems that someone is looking for you in Athol...would you do me the honour of accompanying me?'

The adventurers look at each other and at the soldiers surrounding the cart...'Very funny!' one of them mutters, though only very quietly.

Being escorted into yet another room within the battlements, this one showing all signs of recent construction, Herkan gestures: 'Just yesterday I had received a report of a murder in Athol. Apparently someone saw someone else at the site of the murder who might have a certain resemblance to you...thus our Judge...wants to have you being talked to.'

Looking closely at them, Herkan is unable to judge their reactions. Somewhat sullen, yes. Guilty...who knows?

'To be frank, I doubt it was you. The crime did apparently look too much like a cruelty beating which is more popular among the thugs of Athol than among your sort. Still, if I find out that it was you...there will be little mercy. There are few crimes worse than slaying an old one. So any information you have will go a long way to prevent making your stay in Riombara an unpleasant one.

But this is not the reason I need to talk to you....this murder could have very well been dealt with by the provosts. There was mentioned something akin to a staff...and that is what I need to know about. Both undead and monsters are searching for certain artifacts...and what happens to those they catch holding one of them you should know very well... Thus, did you receive anything?Or do you know anything about something that has a special aura or is in other ways unlike anything you usually encounter? Anything that you might feel more comfortable being in the hands of someone who is defended by strong walls and soldiers instead of three swords?

Tell me...for there is a dark storm coming...'

Herkan Minister of Defense of Riombara