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= Hierarchy Information =
The Church of Humanity traces its roots to noble orders of knighthood and the laws of ancient monarchies.  It espouses the principles of order, integrity, obedience, and loyalty as a result of these historical ties.  Those who take the Oath of Faith, the Church's full members, are expected to help guide and teach others in the beliefs of Holy Church.  In this way, we build a strong foundation of community and kinship under the Divine's loving gaze.

The Church of Humanity is based on democratic ideals where each member have a voice which he/she may use. We rely upon the guidance of the council of elders, which is made up of the founder/prophet and all high priests. To rise through the hierarchy, you must have patience and must work hard for the church.  In order to be promoted your application must be accepted by all the current high priests and priestess's.
Holy Church's ranking is divided between Adherents, Oathsworn (full members who are themselves divided between tithers, Templars, and Clerics), and the Ecclesiarchy.

== Hierarchy Layout ==
Most Adherent ranks are attained through devotion and tithing.  It is through this stage in one's spiritual life that followers are to seek out the Church's teachings and doctrines  Adherents are also expected during this time to consider their future within Holy Church, their path as one of the Oathsworn.

When an Adherent is ready to become a full member of the Faith they must contact the Ecclesiarchy and swear the Oath of Faith, pledging to uphold the Code of Chivlary, the Twelve Tenets, and the doctrines of Holy Church.
Founder: Shallow ----- Prophet: Tabatha<br>
<parsed for rewording>
Council of Elders:<br>
Elder: Sangue<br>
Paladin Primus: Maelg ----- Treasurer: ''(vacant)''<br>
Voice of the Church: ''(vacant)''<br>
High Priest: Boyer<br>
Full Members:<br>
Keeper of the Pages: OldenRat<br>
Paladin Majors<br>
Paladin Minors<br>
Blacklisted Members

= Rank explanation =
The lowering of rank is uncommon unless requested from the Oathsworn or even Adherents who can no longer afford certain tithes.  Exceptions include clerics who violate proscriptions (such as using the Faith to seize lands from landed lords), Knights Templar who disobey or refuse orders from their officers, or any who practice some form of heresy.  In the latter case, punishment is only carried out by order of the Ecclesiarchy.  Should one truly turn their back on the Tenets of Holy Church, they may be declared an apostate.

==The Ecclesiarchy==
The Prophet is the highest rank attainable in The Church of Humanity. They are the leaders of the church and act as the representative when conducting church business with governments. It is rare for the prophet to talk to those any lower that the council of elders, so a personal message from the prophet is always of great importance. There is only one Prophet at any one time, and a replacement will be voted in by the council of elders should the prophet step down.<br>
The Ecclesiarchy in its entirety from across the world, it is the heart of Holy Church. While based on the [[East Continent|Eastralis]], its branches influence several continents and all obey the Tenets.  While all Grand Clerics are equal as Pontificum, in practice the place for highest advancement in the entirety of the Church is the [[East Continent|Eastralis]] as it is from there that the Arch Cleric oversees all.

<big><u>Council of Elders</u></big><br>
'''Jor Tanos''' Arch Cleric, Pontifex Maximus of the Church<br>
An influential member of the Church who has risen to the ranks to earn a place as an Elder. They are consulted on issues that affect the Church as a whole, along with the High Priest Treasurer and Paladin Primus.
'''Michael Turner''' Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of [[Beluaterra]]<br>
'''Malos Nebehn''' Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of the [[Far East]]<br>
'''Benedictus Tanos''' Grand Cleric Vicarius, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric Vicarius, Pontifex Errans of [[Beluaterra]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Azure See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Cobalt See [[Beluaterra]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Crimson See [[Beluaterra]]<br>
'''Nafsika Aroo''' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Gold See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''Antonious Turner''' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Rose See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Sable See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''Jameson Talratheon''' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Scarlet See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
''Vacant'' Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Turquoise See [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''Maedros Iltaran''' Grand Master of the Templar Order<br>
''Vacant'' Master of the Templar Order on [[Beluaterra]]<br>
'''Genivae Mailler''' Archchancellor of Holy Church [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''Lance Hagakure''' Counsellor Externus, Vicar Apostolic of Eponllyn [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''Gaenm ap Gaenvan''' Revered Cleric of the Prelacy of Oligarch [[East Continent|Eastralis]]<br>
'''MieKarra Elvinfir''' Revered Cleric of the Prelacy of Partora [[East Continent|Eastralis]]

<big><u>High Priest</u></big><br>
==Territorial Hierarchy==
If priests were soldiers then the high priest is the general. They gives each priest their orders makes sure that they are doing a good job. They have similar powers to the Elder and Paladin Primus, however they cannot directly order the army nor change financial settings. High Priests however, do have the power to change the views on other religions and in an extreme emergency can call for a Holy War against them.<br>
===The Catholic and Most Holy Church===
The entire Church of Humanity across all continents, the universal Church's mission is to save the souls of all Humanity and spread the knowledge and worship of the Divine.  On Her behalf, it is overseen by the Arch Cleric from the holiest places in [[East Continent|Eastralis]].
The smallest unit of Church territorial authority, the parish generally generally only includes a village or perhaps small district of a townland or city.  It is spiritually governed by a deacon, a lay person who has made certain vows but is not considered a proper cleric.  The deacon maintains a chapel, known by many other faiths as "shrines", and from there maintains the spiritual well being of those within the parish's borders.

==Titular Hierarchy==
A treasurer is a member of the council who governs everyday politics in the church. They are elected by the already existing elders. The treasurer have similar powers to the High Priest and Paladin Primus, however they do not have the burden of having to look after priest's orders, however they do have more power over the treasury.<br>
<table><tr><td valign = 'top'>
=== Ecclesiarchy ===
'''Arch Cleric'''<br>
As the Pontifex Maximus of the Church, there is only one allowed, which is voted in by popular vote of the Ecclesiarchy, with the current (former) Arch Cleric themself having the final decision in the event of the Arch Cleric abdicating.<br>
Monthly grant of: 100 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 0 gold.<br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Holiness  || Your Holiness || Holy Father/Mother

<big><u>Paladin Primus</u></big><br>
'''Grand Cleric Ecclesiast (Magnus)'''<br>
The General of the Paladins. He leads them into battle for the glory and protection of The Church of Humanity. He doesn't care for the financial side of things and finds working with the priests boring. He also deals with followers who do not keep to the rules.<br>
A special Clerical commission from the Arch Cleric, the Grand Cleric Ecclesiast serves as the Pontifex Magnus on all overseas curacy.  Though the first carrier of this title on a continent is granted the Magnus honorific, none after him or her may carry it.  By Church law, only one Grand Cleric Ecclesiast may be proclaimed in each curacy.<br>
Monthly grant of: 50 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style'''    || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Most Eminent Highness  || Your Most Eminent Highness || Most Eminent Father/Mother
'''Grand Cleric Vicarius'''<br>
While Pontifex Magnus on [[East Continent|Eastralis]], they serve as Pontifex Minorium in the overseas curacy.  Their task is to serve as a roving Grand Cleric unbound by the borders of any See and represent the interests of the Ecclesiarchy.<br>
Monthly grant/fee of: 15 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 50 gold.<br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style'''    || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Beatitude  || Your Beatitude || Beatific Father/Mother
'''Grand Cleric'''<br>
Pontifex of their Sees, Grand Clerics traditionally are bound by those borders but serve as the voice of Holy Church's authority within them.  Such Sees typically correspond to the borders of realms and as such Grand Clerics are typically the highest ranked Cleric within a kingdom.<br>
Monthly grant of: 25 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 50 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style'''    || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Holy Eminence  || Your Holy Eminence || Eminent Father/Mother
'''Grand Master of the Templar Order'''<br>
Serving as supreme military commander of the universal Ordo Fraternum Templarii including all minor Orders, the Grand Master is responsible for the organization and well being of all Templars, be they knights, sergeants, or paladins.  The Grand Master serves as the sword of Holy Church.<br>
Monthly grant of: 50 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 25 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style'''    || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Most Venerable Lordship/Ladyship  || Most Venerable Brother/Sister || Grand Master and Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>
'''Master of the Templar Order'''<br>
Much like the Grand Master, the Master serves as commander of the Ordo Fraternum Templarii and minor Orders within an overseas curacy.  Though they are under the oversight of their Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, their direct superior is the Grand Master.<br>
Monthly grant of: 30 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Venerable Lordship/Ladyship || Venerable Brother/Sister <Name> || Master and Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>
Serving as the voice of Holy Church, the Archchancellors are lay members who specialize in diplomacy.  Through them, peace is to be maintained and the spread of the Divine's Light secured.<br>
Monthly grant of: 30 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Serene Excellency  || Your Serene Excellency, Archchancellor <Name> || Archchancellor <name>
'''Counsellor Externus'''<br>
In realms where a See is ordered established yet there is no native Grand Cleric to represent the Faithful to the Ecclesiarchy, a Counsellor Externus is appointed. With the voice and authority of Holy Church, they act as Grand Clerics with the only difference that they are not permitted to hold sermons.  They are, however, granted authority to consecrate building projects to enlarge the temples to the Divine.<br>
Monthly grant of: 30 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Apostolic Vicar  || Apostolic Vicar || Counsellor Externus <Name>
'''Revered Cleric'''<br>
Revered Clerics function as the religious head of a duchy, maintaining the spiritual well being of the Faithful within those bounds.<br>
Monthly grant of: 30 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Eminence  || Your Eminence || Most Revered Father/Mother
'''Knight Marshal'''<br>
Serving as the second in command to either the Grand Master or their curacy's Templar Master, the Knight Marshals help keep the Templar Order a well organized and functioning spiritual and actual army.<br>
Monthly grant of: 30 gold. <br>
Maximum debt: 200 gold.<br><br>
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Reference Style''' || '''Spoken Style''' || '''Religious Style'''
| His/Her Most Devout Lordship  || Most Devout Brother/Sister || Most Devout Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>

<big><u>Keeper of the Pages</u></big><br>
The Keeper of the Pages maintains and manages all of the written words. Silent work behind the scenes, but the Keeper of the Pages is the one that makes sure that new members are able to learn about the Church by reading about it. <br>
''Oathsworn Ranks can only be obtained after the Test has been taken, and after at least one month of service in the Church.''<br><br>
'''High Cleric'''<br>
Experienced priests who are granted additional responsiblity by the Ecclesiarchy.<br>
Monthly grant of: 20 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 100 gold.<br><br>
'''Guiding Priest'''<br>
For all normal priests. Must have been a Apprentice Priest for at least one month.<br>
Monthly grant of: 10 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 30 gold.<br><br>
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 50 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 75 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 20 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 40 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 60 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 30 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 45 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 20 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 30 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 10 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 15 gold.<br>
Only obtained after taking the test and stating to become a donator (by either stating during the test, or action through joining fee).<br>
Only obtained after taking the test and state not to become a donator.
No monthly fee.<br>
No joining fee.<br>
No maximum debt.<br><br>
'''<big>Oath takers</big>'''<br>
''Oath Donator Ranks can only be obtained after one has taken the Oath.''<br><br>
'''Apprentice Priest'''<br>
For all beginning priests. You must be a priest.<br>
No monthly fee/grant.<br>
No maximum debt.<br><br>
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 30 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 30 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.'''<br>
Joining fee of: 20 gold.'''<br>
Maximum debt: 20 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 5 gold. <br>
Joining fee of: 10 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 10 gold.<br>
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating to become a donator (by either stating in the oath, or action through joining fee).<br>
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 2 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 2 gold.<br>
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating not to become a donator.
No monthly fee/grant.<br>
No joining fee.

<big><u>Voice of the Church</u></big><br>
The Voice of the Church handles communications with other religions and is the main voice of our members. <br>
Can only be obtained by demotion. If you get here, I suggest leaving, fast.<br>
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.<br>
No maximum debt.<br>
'''Donating Believer'''<br>
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 10 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 5 gold.<br>
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.<br>
Joining fee of: 5 gold.<br>
Maximum debt: 1 gold.<br>
No monthly fee.<br>
Joining fee of: 1 gold<br>
No maximum debt.<br>

Those who spread the word of the Church to the people are the priests. They receive orders from the High Priest, who gives them an area for them to look after. Priesthood is a serious business, but has its rewards. <br>
<td valign = 'top'>

<i>Paladin Major</i><br>
An experienced holy warrior for the church, he is a guardian of the faith and fights for the survival of the religion. He takes orders from the Paladin Primus.<br>
<i>Paladin Minor</i><br>
A new holy warrior for the church, he is a guardian of the faith and fights for the survival of the religion. He takes orders from the Paladin Primus.<br>
This is a basic member, they have not been selected as a paladin or any council position. <br>
This is an aspirant member position. They have not yet entered the membership of our Church.<br>
<big><u>Blacklisted Member</u></big><br>
If you are no longer allowed to be a member of our Church, you will be demoted to this rank. Until you leave out of your own, of course. (There is a large monthly fine in this rank).

Latest revision as of 07:36, 23 January 2013

The Church of Humanity traces its roots to noble orders of knighthood and the laws of ancient monarchies. It espouses the principles of order, integrity, obedience, and loyalty as a result of these historical ties. Those who take the Oath of Faith, the Church's full members, are expected to help guide and teach others in the beliefs of Holy Church. In this way, we build a strong foundation of community and kinship under the Divine's loving gaze.

Holy Church's ranking is divided between Adherents, Oathsworn (full members who are themselves divided between tithers, Templars, and Clerics), and the Ecclesiarchy.

Most Adherent ranks are attained through devotion and tithing. It is through this stage in one's spiritual life that followers are to seek out the Church's teachings and doctrines Adherents are also expected during this time to consider their future within Holy Church, their path as one of the Oathsworn.

When an Adherent is ready to become a full member of the Faith they must contact the Ecclesiarchy and swear the Oath of Faith, pledging to uphold the Code of Chivlary, the Twelve Tenets, and the doctrines of Holy Church. <parsed for rewording>

The lowering of rank is uncommon unless requested from the Oathsworn or even Adherents who can no longer afford certain tithes. Exceptions include clerics who violate proscriptions (such as using the Faith to seize lands from landed lords), Knights Templar who disobey or refuse orders from their officers, or any who practice some form of heresy. In the latter case, punishment is only carried out by order of the Ecclesiarchy. Should one truly turn their back on the Tenets of Holy Church, they may be declared an apostate.

The Ecclesiarchy

The Ecclesiarchy in its entirety from across the world, it is the heart of Holy Church. While based on the Eastralis, its branches influence several continents and all obey the Tenets. While all Grand Clerics are equal as Pontificum, in practice the place for highest advancement in the entirety of the Church is the Eastralis as it is from there that the Arch Cleric oversees all.

Jor Tanos Arch Cleric, Pontifex Maximus of the Church
Michael Turner Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of Beluaterra
Malos Nebehn Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of the Far East
Benedictus Tanos Grand Cleric Vicarius, Pontifex Magnus of the Curacy of Eastralis
Vacant Grand Cleric Vicarius, Pontifex Errans of Beluaterra
Vacant Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Azure See Eastralis
Vacant Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Cobalt See Beluaterra
Vacant Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Crimson See Beluaterra
Nafsika Aroo Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Gold See Eastralis
Antonious Turner Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Rose See Eastralis
Vacant Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Sable See Eastralis
Jameson Talratheon Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Scarlet See Eastralis
Vacant Grand Cleric, Pontifex of the Turquoise See Eastralis
Maedros Iltaran Grand Master of the Templar Order
Vacant Master of the Templar Order on Beluaterra
Genivae Mailler Archchancellor of Holy Church Eastralis
Lance Hagakure Counsellor Externus, Vicar Apostolic of Eponllyn Eastralis
Gaenm ap Gaenvan Revered Cleric of the Prelacy of Oligarch Eastralis
MieKarra Elvinfir Revered Cleric of the Prelacy of Partora Eastralis

Territorial Hierarchy

The Catholic and Most Holy Church

The entire Church of Humanity across all continents, the universal Church's mission is to save the souls of all Humanity and spread the knowledge and worship of the Divine. On Her behalf, it is overseen by the Arch Cleric from the holiest places in Eastralis.






The smallest unit of Church territorial authority, the parish generally generally only includes a village or perhaps small district of a townland or city. It is spiritually governed by a deacon, a lay person who has made certain vows but is not considered a proper cleric. The deacon maintains a chapel, known by many other faiths as "shrines", and from there maintains the spiritual well being of those within the parish's borders.

Titular Hierarchy


Arch Cleric
As the Pontifex Maximus of the Church, there is only one allowed, which is voted in by popular vote of the Ecclesiarchy, with the current (former) Arch Cleric themself having the final decision in the event of the Arch Cleric abdicating.
Monthly grant of: 100 gold.
Maximum debt: 0 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Holiness Your Holiness Holy Father/Mother

Grand Cleric Ecclesiast (Magnus)
A special Clerical commission from the Arch Cleric, the Grand Cleric Ecclesiast serves as the Pontifex Magnus on all overseas curacy. Though the first carrier of this title on a continent is granted the Magnus honorific, none after him or her may carry it. By Church law, only one Grand Cleric Ecclesiast may be proclaimed in each curacy.
Monthly grant of: 50 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Most Eminent Highness Your Most Eminent Highness Most Eminent Father/Mother

Grand Cleric Vicarius
While Pontifex Magnus on Eastralis, they serve as Pontifex Minorium in the overseas curacy. Their task is to serve as a roving Grand Cleric unbound by the borders of any See and represent the interests of the Ecclesiarchy.
Monthly grant/fee of: 15 gold.
Maximum debt: 50 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Beatitude Your Beatitude Beatific Father/Mother

Grand Cleric
Pontifex of their Sees, Grand Clerics traditionally are bound by those borders but serve as the voice of Holy Church's authority within them. Such Sees typically correspond to the borders of realms and as such Grand Clerics are typically the highest ranked Cleric within a kingdom.
Monthly grant of: 25 gold.
Maximum debt: 50 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Holy Eminence Your Holy Eminence Eminent Father/Mother

Grand Master of the Templar Order
Serving as supreme military commander of the universal Ordo Fraternum Templarii including all minor Orders, the Grand Master is responsible for the organization and well being of all Templars, be they knights, sergeants, or paladins. The Grand Master serves as the sword of Holy Church.
Monthly grant of: 50 gold.
Maximum debt: 25 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Most Venerable Lordship/Ladyship Most Venerable Brother/Sister Grand Master and Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>

Master of the Templar Order
Much like the Grand Master, the Master serves as commander of the Ordo Fraternum Templarii and minor Orders within an overseas curacy. Though they are under the oversight of their Grand Cleric Ecclesiast, their direct superior is the Grand Master.
Monthly grant of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Venerable Lordship/Ladyship Venerable Brother/Sister <Name> Master and Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>

Serving as the voice of Holy Church, the Archchancellors are lay members who specialize in diplomacy. Through them, peace is to be maintained and the spread of the Divine's Light secured.
Monthly grant of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Serene Excellency Your Serene Excellency, Archchancellor <Name> Archchancellor <name>

Counsellor Externus
In realms where a See is ordered established yet there is no native Grand Cleric to represent the Faithful to the Ecclesiarchy, a Counsellor Externus is appointed. With the voice and authority of Holy Church, they act as Grand Clerics with the only difference that they are not permitted to hold sermons. They are, however, granted authority to consecrate building projects to enlarge the temples to the Divine.
Monthly grant of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Apostolic Vicar Apostolic Vicar Counsellor Externus <Name>

Revered Cleric
Revered Clerics function as the religious head of a duchy, maintaining the spiritual well being of the Faithful within those bounds.
Monthly grant of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Eminence Your Eminence Most Revered Father/Mother

Knight Marshal
Serving as the second in command to either the Grand Master or their curacy's Templar Master, the Knight Marshals help keep the Templar Order a well organized and functioning spiritual and actual army.
Monthly grant of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 200 gold.

Reference Style Spoken Style Religious Style
His/Her Most Devout Lordship Most Devout Brother/Sister Most Devout Brother/Sister Lord/Lady <Name>


Oathsworn Ranks can only be obtained after the Test has been taken, and after at least one month of service in the Church.

High Cleric
Experienced priests who are granted additional responsiblity by the Ecclesiarchy.
Monthly grant of: 20 gold.
Maximum debt: 100 gold.

Guiding Priest
For all normal priests. Must have been a Apprentice Priest for at least one month.
Monthly grant of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 30 gold.

Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
Joining fee of: 50 gold.
Maximum debt: 75 gold.
Monthly fee of: 20 gold.
Joining fee of: 40 gold.
Maximum debt: 60 gold.
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 45 gold.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Maximum debt: 30 gold.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 15 gold.
Only obtained after taking the test and stating to become a donator (by either stating during the test, or action through joining fee).
Only obtained after taking the test and state not to become a donator. No monthly fee.
No joining fee.
No maximum debt.

Oath takers
Oath Donator Ranks can only be obtained after one has taken the Oath.

Apprentice Priest
For all beginning priests. You must be a priest.
No monthly fee/grant.
No maximum debt.

Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Maximum debt: 30 gold.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Maximum debt: 20 gold.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 10 gold.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating to become a donator (by either stating in the oath, or action through joining fee).
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 2 gold.
Maximum debt: 2 gold.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating not to become a donator. No monthly fee/grant.
No joining fee.


Can only be obtained by demotion. If you get here, I suggest leaving, fast.
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
No maximum debt.
Donating Believer
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Maximum debt: 5 gold.
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 5 gold.
Maximum debt: 1 gold.
No monthly fee.
Joining fee of: 1 gold
No maximum debt.


Ecclesia Humanitas - The Church of Humanity
Doctrine The DivineOath of FaithMagni PeregrinatioPrayers and BenedictionsSacrosatictuni Scrinium - Saints & MartyrsVirtues & VicesOther Faiths
Organization Territorial and Titular HierarchyHoly Crusades - The Divine CallsTemples of the DivineVestments of Clerics and Templars
History and Sermons The RefoundingTexts of the Heroic AgeSermonsDocuments of the Unholy War of Eastralis
Orders Militant Ordo Fraternum Templarii - The Templar OrderOrdo Sancte Proelium - Order of Holy Battle