Itorunt Informer/May '07: Difference between revisions

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(→‎News: added "A New Realm Created")
(→‎Ichigo's comments: added Valdid comment)
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===An Unexpected Interview===
(Note from Ichigo: Well, Lady Valdid, having returned to our great realm, did more than our current editors in helping with the II. She actually took the initiative - well, I suggested she rejoin, but that was it - and got us an interview with the High Marshal of the recently created Obsidian Islands. A transcript of her interview follows.)
<i><b>Valdid: High Marshall Kerwyn, would you humor me and allow an Editor from the Itorunt Informer hold an interveiw with you at the most convient time?</b>
HM Kerwyn: Lady Valdid,
If I find time, I am willing to answer to the questions of an interview for the Itorunt Informer.
<b>Valdid: As the first High Marshall of the Obsidian Islands what are your plans for defense against possible monster incursions?</b>
HM Kerwyn: A good question, especially when you consider the long boat travels between Bastad, Chaos Temple and Kalmar that make the connection between the three islands. I plan to have three battle forces, one on each island, that will be stationary there to take out the monsters. The most important thing is that there are always soldiers on every island to take out monsters should they appear. Therefor we still need some Archery recruitment centers, as some good arrows are commonly known as excellent monster exstinguishers.
<b>Valdid: What does the majority of your realm think of the destruction of the Ibladeshian Temple?</b>
HM Kerwyn: The most people on Obsidian Islands, including myself, consider the Duke's actions against the Ibladeshian Temple completely justified. As Duke of Chaos Temple he may decide which of the buildings, that were built when the rebels had the power over the islands, get to remain there, and which don't. Does it surprise you that the Duke has decided in his region to tear down a temple of a religion that is not supported by the legitimate government, and that is built in the region that is meant to be the center of our own religion? I find it very normal that we don't want another temple there. On a side-note: if it would've been a temple of Dunkontology, the Light of Fontan, the Flow of the Balance or whatever other religion that is here on East Continent, it would've been torn down just the same.
<b>Valdid: What's OI's future plans as a realm?</b>
HM Kerwyn: It is hard to decide about such matters already, we are currently still getting our regions in full shape, mainly Stora and Alvaret, so it might take some time before we decide what direction we want to go out. I won't speak out about that now.
<b>Valdid: How are your noblemen and women taking to the islands?</b>
HM Kerwyn: What else can one in Obsidian Islands be than pride, to be a part of this young, independant realm, where young nobles work together with each other to make this a well-fairing realm. Everyone is working very hard to restore the regions of course after the last war against the rebellious invaders, but it is proving succesful. They enjoy being here in our realm, and that greatly pleases me.
<b>Valdid: Thankyou for answering my questions High Marshall Kerwyn. I wish your realm the best of luck in their future endevors.</b></i>
===Tournament Results===
This swordfighting tournament in Domus has come to a close, at last. While here, we celebrated Prandur's birthday and wished Lars, brother of Magnus, well on his journey into the afterlife, toasting to both fine men. And of course, lots of free training. 235 nobles from all 11 realms. Both finalists were Ibladeshians (and another of the semifinalists was one as well), Dread beating out Blood to gain the victory. Former king TK Jones managed to get to the quarterfinals before losing. I personally beat Sellatha of Sirion before losing to the famous (and old, haha) Doc of Sirion in a challenging duel. All in all, it was an enjoyable tournament, and I hope I do even better next time.
===Another Interview===
While at this fine tournament, I had the opportunity to interview Mathew, the current Count of Oc Lu Pesh. He had this to say:
<i><b>What have the various positions you have held taught you about political and military affairs?</b>
Most of what I learned from politics came from my contact with Lord Nightmare, Lord Gadouha and Lord Yamajima, during my early days. The positions I geld were a reflex of what I was taught during my life. I was involved in military affairs more until Oligarch conquered Oligarch City, after this I walked a more political path. What I learned from war is that it is an unavoidable curse as long as men dont find different ways to solve their disputes. As selfishness is part of being human, so is war part of the relations between realms. What my life experience taught me about politics is that it is a game. It has its own rules and system. You can choose to play by them or create your own rules, but if you are not powerful or influent enough to impose your rules into the game you will fail.
<b>What have you learned about diplomacy as Minister of Foreign Affairs?</b>
Diplomacy can be the solution for wars but also one of its sponsors. You can use it to solve differences or spread hatred. What I could observe is that diplomacy is often used to hide behind well chosen words the real political interests behind an action you take. It is often helped by hypocrisy and deceit, which are inseparable components of the game, or by trust and sincerity, which are a very rare asset. Basically, diplomacy is the art of disguise.
<b>How do you feel about the present leadership of Perdan?</b>
Perdan was always led by competent rulers. Its greatest problem lies in their council. Too many generals and very few politicians.. perhaps this is a consequence of their strong and victorious army. They were trained to think they can solve all their problems with their undefeatable army and didnt care much for diplomacy. When their army was stopped, they lost everything. I hold no personal grudge with anyone in Perdan... I have suffered a lot already because of my past and how it made me feel... But I am not welcomed there and many nobles there hold strong hatred feeling towards me, perhaps even my own sister.
<b>What do you think about the ruling council in Ibladesh?</b>
Lady Sorcha is a very capable ans resolute woman. This is one of the qualities I enjoy in her. We sometimes have sharp divergences in our way of thinking, in our methods, but we often agree in what is best for Ibladesh... I think this is one of the blessings of marriage: You often complete the other.
Ibladesh Council is very unique. You have the Church voice and the political voice. Our challenge is to meet the religious demands with the political imperatives, walking in the line between these two inclinations. Avoid using the state for religious promotion and also avoid excluding religious considerations from our day-to-day decisions. It is a very complicated task.
<b>How do you feel about the realm of Itorunt and her nobles?</b>
Itorunt is a very prestigious realm. Ibladesh and Irotunt worked hard to overcome our past differences and build strong relations. It is inspiring the way both our realms have been working together and solving our problems, the latest one being the odd border configuration after the war with Perdan. I have nothing but respect for Itorunt and its nobles. Gopherman was a good friend and great leader. Also Lord Robert seem very wise. I havent had the preasure to know each one very well, but I am glad to call Itorunt an ally and friend.
<b>Have you learned any valuable life lessons that you would like to share with us?</b>
Yes I did! They are very valuable to me but perhaps to others it will make little sense. "Nothing is more important then our family." Despite every challenge that we have to face in our marriages, it is a worthy effort. I have given up everything, fame, prestige, honor, positions, reputation just to seek love. And I dont regret it, despite all the difficulties. There are many other small lessons you learn and test during your life that deserve to be passed forward, but this is not a subject for an newspapper but perhaps a book.
<b>What is your opinion of the Fontan-LoF war?</b>
Big guy attacking the small guy without any tiny valid reason. Fontan using once again their government type as an excuse to do anything they want and willing not to be accounted for it. The realms that can make things right are too scared, are hiding or lack the interest to do it. Another classical example that power buys principles or legitimacy... that what matters is the law of power not the power of the law. Another example that morality is held hostage to political interests and that how speeches are partial in the defense of your friends.
<b>Any closing comments for the readers of the Itorunt Informer?</b>
I wish to thank the editors for the interest in my story and for the opportunity to say a few lines. I pray that our gods bless all of you and our federation. That we may stay united and prosper, for in unity lies our strength and in our gods our hope.</i>
A fine interview. There should be another coming soon...
===More Tourney News===
Prandur, Duke of Domus recently announced that he would be holding a swordfighting tournament a week from now. The entrance fee was reported as 5 gold, the prizes being 400 gold for first place and 50 gold for second place. The following letter, sent to some guilds, accompanied the announcement:
<i><b>Letter from Prandur</b>
Honoured brothers and sisters of the Order,
The tournament I am hosting is to honour my upcoming 45th birthday. It would mean a great deal to me if you could all participate.
With honour,
Duke of Domus</i>
We wish Prandur a happy birthday and hope he has many more to come. I personally believe I shall be attending the tournament, though I don't know about the two inactive editors of the II.
===Marshal? ...Again?===
Take a guess, you'll probably guess right. ...Yep, Duke Robert has, yet again, appointed me the Marshal of the Army of Semall. It is probably a temporary position until we can find somebody else suitable for the job, since we tend to separate military and administrative positions. I'm fine with that, though, and it probably won't mean much considering we're at peace. I think this is the fourth time I've held the position...
===A Ruler, Finally===
Yes, that's right, a ruler has been elected now in the Obsidian Islands! This new de-facto ruler is none other than Shady, a former troop leader of Old Rancagua. He had gained a lordship there, but later left for the island of Beluaterra. After having gone from the realm of Luz de Bia to Fronen, he returned to the East Continent, once again joining OR. He received another lordship, but stepped down 4 days later. Now, he joined the new realm of the Obsidian Islands yesterday and was elected today. With his election, the Obsidian Islands are now a monarchy. Hopefully, he will be strong and experienced enough to lead the islands to a better future.
The realm of the Obsidian Islands is beginning to spiral down into an anarchy due to a lack of a ruler. Hopefully, one will be elected soon.
===A New Realm Created===
===A New Realm Created===
A new realm was recently created in the northern islands and was named the Obsidian Islands. This realm currently consists of only Kalmar and Stora, but more regions will soon join them. King Dekion of Old Rancagua and Queen Evangeline of Perdan had a few words to say on the subject:
A new realm was recently created in the northern islands and was named the Obsidian Islands. This realm currently consists of only Kalmar and Stora, but more regions will soon join them. King Dekion of Old Rancagua and Queen Evangeline of Perdan had a few words to say on the subject:

<i><b>Report from Dekion</b>
<i><b>Report from Dekion</b><br>
Fellow Rulers,
Fellow Rulers,

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However the new leadership of the OI wanted to begin now and so they shall be given that opportunity. I am hoping that soon they will elect their leader and make some announcements of their own to the world.
However the new leadership of the OI wanted to begin now and so they shall be given that opportunity. I am hoping that soon they will elect their leader and make some announcements of their own to the world.

Sir Dekion
Sir Dekion<br>
King of Old Rancagua
King of Old Rancagua

<b>Report from Evangeline</b>
<b>Report from Evangeline</b><br>
Indeed, it was a happy moment to see the culmination of work come towards its end today.
Indeed, it was a happy moment to see the culmination of work come towards its end today.

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It was very rewarding working with OR to restore our joint venture, and my thanks also to King Lucian and Itorunt for helping Perdan achieve their part in the liberation of the islands from the rebels.
It was very rewarding working with OR to restore our joint venture, and my thanks also to King Lucian and Itorunt for helping Perdan achieve their part in the liberation of the islands from the rebels.

Lady Evangeline
Lady Evangeline<br>
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights</i>
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights</i>

Now that the East Continent has been cleansed of the Avamarian scourge, perhaps the people of Kalmar can look forward to a better future. Hopefully, under the new leadership of the Obsidian Islands, yet to be elected, the devastation caused by the former Kavamarian governments can be undone. We salute our allies' efforts in helping the people of the islands recover.
Now that the East Continent has been cleansed of the Avamarian scourge, perhaps the people of Kalmar can look forward to a better future. Hopefully, under the new leadership of the Obsidian Islands, yet to be elected, the devastation caused by the former Kavamarian governments can be undone. We salute our allies' efforts in helping the people of the islands recover.

===Nimraw Gets a New Count===
===Nimraw Gets a New Count===
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''My cousin's already a countess!''<br>
''My cousin's already a countess!''<br>
''Dal, congrats! I'm sure you'll do well.''<br>
''Dal, congrats! I'm sure you'll do well.''<br>
''Congrats to Alois, too!''
''Congrats to Alois, too!''<br>
''How many more times, I wonder?''<br>
''Valdid's back to writing!''

=== Thray's comments ===
=== Thray's comments ===

Latest revision as of 03:19, 31 May 2007

So many tournaments, so much time...
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki, Thray Walsh, and Arlian Bedwyr.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. May Edition


An Unexpected Interview

(Note from Ichigo: Well, Lady Valdid, having returned to our great realm, did more than our current editors in helping with the II. She actually took the initiative - well, I suggested she rejoin, but that was it - and got us an interview with the High Marshal of the recently created Obsidian Islands. A transcript of her interview follows.)

Valdid: High Marshall Kerwyn, would you humor me and allow an Editor from the Itorunt Informer hold an interveiw with you at the most convient time?

HM Kerwyn: Lady Valdid,

If I find time, I am willing to answer to the questions of an interview for the Itorunt Informer.

Valdid: As the first High Marshall of the Obsidian Islands what are your plans for defense against possible monster incursions?

HM Kerwyn: A good question, especially when you consider the long boat travels between Bastad, Chaos Temple and Kalmar that make the connection between the three islands. I plan to have three battle forces, one on each island, that will be stationary there to take out the monsters. The most important thing is that there are always soldiers on every island to take out monsters should they appear. Therefor we still need some Archery recruitment centers, as some good arrows are commonly known as excellent monster exstinguishers.

Valdid: What does the majority of your realm think of the destruction of the Ibladeshian Temple?

HM Kerwyn: The most people on Obsidian Islands, including myself, consider the Duke's actions against the Ibladeshian Temple completely justified. As Duke of Chaos Temple he may decide which of the buildings, that were built when the rebels had the power over the islands, get to remain there, and which don't. Does it surprise you that the Duke has decided in his region to tear down a temple of a religion that is not supported by the legitimate government, and that is built in the region that is meant to be the center of our own religion? I find it very normal that we don't want another temple there. On a side-note: if it would've been a temple of Dunkontology, the Light of Fontan, the Flow of the Balance or whatever other religion that is here on East Continent, it would've been torn down just the same.

Valdid: What's OI's future plans as a realm?

HM Kerwyn: It is hard to decide about such matters already, we are currently still getting our regions in full shape, mainly Stora and Alvaret, so it might take some time before we decide what direction we want to go out. I won't speak out about that now.

Valdid: How are your noblemen and women taking to the islands?

HM Kerwyn: What else can one in Obsidian Islands be than pride, to be a part of this young, independant realm, where young nobles work together with each other to make this a well-fairing realm. Everyone is working very hard to restore the regions of course after the last war against the rebellious invaders, but it is proving succesful. They enjoy being here in our realm, and that greatly pleases me.

Valdid: Thankyou for answering my questions High Marshall Kerwyn. I wish your realm the best of luck in their future endevors.


Tournament Results

This swordfighting tournament in Domus has come to a close, at last. While here, we celebrated Prandur's birthday and wished Lars, brother of Magnus, well on his journey into the afterlife, toasting to both fine men. And of course, lots of free training. 235 nobles from all 11 realms. Both finalists were Ibladeshians (and another of the semifinalists was one as well), Dread beating out Blood to gain the victory. Former king TK Jones managed to get to the quarterfinals before losing. I personally beat Sellatha of Sirion before losing to the famous (and old, haha) Doc of Sirion in a challenging duel. All in all, it was an enjoyable tournament, and I hope I do even better next time.


Another Interview

While at this fine tournament, I had the opportunity to interview Mathew, the current Count of Oc Lu Pesh. He had this to say:

What have the various positions you have held taught you about political and military affairs?

Most of what I learned from politics came from my contact with Lord Nightmare, Lord Gadouha and Lord Yamajima, during my early days. The positions I geld were a reflex of what I was taught during my life. I was involved in military affairs more until Oligarch conquered Oligarch City, after this I walked a more political path. What I learned from war is that it is an unavoidable curse as long as men dont find different ways to solve their disputes. As selfishness is part of being human, so is war part of the relations between realms. What my life experience taught me about politics is that it is a game. It has its own rules and system. You can choose to play by them or create your own rules, but if you are not powerful or influent enough to impose your rules into the game you will fail.

What have you learned about diplomacy as Minister of Foreign Affairs?

Diplomacy can be the solution for wars but also one of its sponsors. You can use it to solve differences or spread hatred. What I could observe is that diplomacy is often used to hide behind well chosen words the real political interests behind an action you take. It is often helped by hypocrisy and deceit, which are inseparable components of the game, or by trust and sincerity, which are a very rare asset. Basically, diplomacy is the art of disguise.

How do you feel about the present leadership of Perdan?

Perdan was always led by competent rulers. Its greatest problem lies in their council. Too many generals and very few politicians.. perhaps this is a consequence of their strong and victorious army. They were trained to think they can solve all their problems with their undefeatable army and didnt care much for diplomacy. When their army was stopped, they lost everything. I hold no personal grudge with anyone in Perdan... I have suffered a lot already because of my past and how it made me feel... But I am not welcomed there and many nobles there hold strong hatred feeling towards me, perhaps even my own sister.

What do you think about the ruling council in Ibladesh?

Lady Sorcha is a very capable ans resolute woman. This is one of the qualities I enjoy in her. We sometimes have sharp divergences in our way of thinking, in our methods, but we often agree in what is best for Ibladesh... I think this is one of the blessings of marriage: You often complete the other. Ibladesh Council is very unique. You have the Church voice and the political voice. Our challenge is to meet the religious demands with the political imperatives, walking in the line between these two inclinations. Avoid using the state for religious promotion and also avoid excluding religious considerations from our day-to-day decisions. It is a very complicated task.

How do you feel about the realm of Itorunt and her nobles?

Itorunt is a very prestigious realm. Ibladesh and Irotunt worked hard to overcome our past differences and build strong relations. It is inspiring the way both our realms have been working together and solving our problems, the latest one being the odd border configuration after the war with Perdan. I have nothing but respect for Itorunt and its nobles. Gopherman was a good friend and great leader. Also Lord Robert seem very wise. I havent had the preasure to know each one very well, but I am glad to call Itorunt an ally and friend.

Have you learned any valuable life lessons that you would like to share with us?

Yes I did! They are very valuable to me but perhaps to others it will make little sense. "Nothing is more important then our family." Despite every challenge that we have to face in our marriages, it is a worthy effort. I have given up everything, fame, prestige, honor, positions, reputation just to seek love. And I dont regret it, despite all the difficulties. There are many other small lessons you learn and test during your life that deserve to be passed forward, but this is not a subject for an newspapper but perhaps a book.

What is your opinion of the Fontan-LoF war?

Big guy attacking the small guy without any tiny valid reason. Fontan using once again their government type as an excuse to do anything they want and willing not to be accounted for it. The realms that can make things right are too scared, are hiding or lack the interest to do it. Another classical example that power buys principles or legitimacy... that what matters is the law of power not the power of the law. Another example that morality is held hostage to political interests and that how speeches are partial in the defense of your friends.

Any closing comments for the readers of the Itorunt Informer?

I wish to thank the editors for the interest in my story and for the opportunity to say a few lines. I pray that our gods bless all of you and our federation. That we may stay united and prosper, for in unity lies our strength and in our gods our hope.

A fine interview. There should be another coming soon...


More Tourney News

Prandur, Duke of Domus recently announced that he would be holding a swordfighting tournament a week from now. The entrance fee was reported as 5 gold, the prizes being 400 gold for first place and 50 gold for second place. The following letter, sent to some guilds, accompanied the announcement:

Letter from Prandur

Honoured brothers and sisters of the Order,

The tournament I am hosting is to honour my upcoming 45th birthday. It would mean a great deal to me if you could all participate.

With honour,

Duke of Domus

We wish Prandur a happy birthday and hope he has many more to come. I personally believe I shall be attending the tournament, though I don't know about the two inactive editors of the II.


Marshal? ...Again?

Take a guess, you'll probably guess right. ...Yep, Duke Robert has, yet again, appointed me the Marshal of the Army of Semall. It is probably a temporary position until we can find somebody else suitable for the job, since we tend to separate military and administrative positions. I'm fine with that, though, and it probably won't mean much considering we're at peace. I think this is the fourth time I've held the position...


A Ruler, Finally

Yes, that's right, a ruler has been elected now in the Obsidian Islands! This new de-facto ruler is none other than Shady, a former troop leader of Old Rancagua. He had gained a lordship there, but later left for the island of Beluaterra. After having gone from the realm of Luz de Bia to Fronen, he returned to the East Continent, once again joining OR. He received another lordship, but stepped down 4 days later. Now, he joined the new realm of the Obsidian Islands yesterday and was elected today. With his election, the Obsidian Islands are now a monarchy. Hopefully, he will be strong and experienced enough to lead the islands to a better future.



The realm of the Obsidian Islands is beginning to spiral down into an anarchy due to a lack of a ruler. Hopefully, one will be elected soon.


A New Realm Created

A new realm was recently created in the northern islands and was named the Obsidian Islands. This realm currently consists of only Kalmar and Stora, but more regions will soon join them. King Dekion of Old Rancagua and Queen Evangeline of Perdan had a few words to say on the subject:

Report from Dekion
Fellow Rulers,

A new realm has been created this day. The Obsidian Islands.

Once again this was a joint Perdan/Old Rancagua venture as the original Kalmar Islands was. Soon, all the original regions from the original Kalmar Islands will join with the Obsidian Islands.

Currently there will be hard times for the new islanders as the production is extremely low from the war with Kalmar Islands and Avamar Selective left the lands ravaged.

However the new leadership of the OI wanted to begin now and so they shall be given that opportunity. I am hoping that soon they will elect their leader and make some announcements of their own to the world.

Sir Dekion
King of Old Rancagua

Report from Evangeline
Indeed, it was a happy moment to see the culmination of work come towards its end today.

Perdan will be farewelling many happy and excited colonists from our realm and releasing the five island regions that we've held in trust for Obsidian Islands when the new leadership is ready to take them.

It was very rewarding working with OR to restore our joint venture, and my thanks also to King Lucian and Itorunt for helping Perdan achieve their part in the liberation of the islands from the rebels.

Lady Evangeline
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Now that the East Continent has been cleansed of the Avamarian scourge, perhaps the people of Kalmar can look forward to a better future. Hopefully, under the new leadership of the Obsidian Islands, yet to be elected, the devastation caused by the former Kavamarian governments can be undone. We salute our allies' efforts in helping the people of the islands recover.


Nimraw Gets a New Count

Alois has recently been appointed as the newest Count of Nimraw. Lucian did the honors, since Alois was not from the Duchy of Semall. Robert personally congratulated Alois once he awoke, speaking of his hard work and dedication. Alois has assured Duke Robert that Robert will not be disappointed in his performance as lord. We congratulate him wholeheartedly and know he will do well.


A New Duke

Well, this news is a bit late, but that's okay. With the departure of Michael, Dal (my former 2IC on several occasions) has been made the new Duke of Xavax! We at the II give him our congratulations and are confident that he will serve the duchy well. There have also been other lordships, I'm sure, but I'll get to those later. Once again, congratulations and good luck!


Interview with Aram

Aram of Perdan sent his responses to my interview questions. They can be found below:

What made you decide to come to the East Continent from Abington?

I was in Abington and confronted by Marquise Altmon the brother of Lord Bryce, in Predan. he said the Bryce was looking for someone to help run one of his organization and in need of a good knight. I spoke with Bryce' brother on many occasions and then exchanged letter through his brother to Lord Bryce.

After a while I decided to move to Perdan and that is how it came about.

Any specific reason you chose the realm of Perdan?

I believe I answered this question in my previous answer to your first question.

What have your numerous experiences as a count taught you?

That you must first and for most protect your people and they in turn will do most of your work for you. if you gain their trust then you have only to ask of them and it will be done for you. Some times you don't even have to ask.

As the previous Count of Zawr, do you have any advice for me?

I would say to you that Zawr is a great land and one filled with many good people. They were very good to me while I was there and if you do as I have sated in the previous question then you will find being the count of Zawr an easy task.

How did you meet Lady Balkeese? When exactly was it you two got married? (I remember being at the ceremony, I just don't remember when it was.)

We were in a war at the time and I was in the same region as she was there was it seems a lull in the action. I had noticed noticed her beauty many times before but thought this was the perfect time to try and get too know her better. So i sent her a copy of this letter and that is how we came to meet and eventually marry.

Lady Balkeese,
I am writing you this letter in hopes that it finds you well and in good spirits. I have served our realm and its way of life to the best of my abilities and have long to find a place that I could call my own. I believed that I had found it when I entered this great realm from my homeland of Abington. The stories of great virtue and heroic men and women were astonishing to my ears and I came to find out for my self if it was all true.
I was surprised to see for myself that in fact it was true in more ways than the story teller could produce with mere words. I have grown to love this land and have become proud to have my name and that of my family associated with its banners. But alas I still have been unable to solve my burden of longing to be. My search for home a some my say is still not quenched. Although it is far from the parched man I was when stepping off of that blasted ship so long ago.
I have noticed that you also have the same compassion for Perdan and her survival as I believe I do. and I have seen your spirit in your work and dedication to our Armies and the Perdan ghost riders as well. You have a tireless and effective grasp on your duties and have deserved your many awards as payment for these efforts you have given to us all.
In recognition to your tireless giving of your self to all of Perdan I would like to ask you to be my guest this evening in my command tent for a nite of well deserved relaxation and fine diner as well. I hope you except this invitation as a opportunity for the two of us to get to know each other better personally and talk about the things that make our realm the right home to all honorable nobles of life.
Respectfully Yours,
Aram Stien
Knight of Montauban

We got married about two months ago it was in the castle of Aix. that was the happiest day of my life.

Why did you found the EIDA, and how is the guild currently doing?

Well actually I did not found it but I inherited it from the founder as I was the first elder put into position after its creation. Currently the guild is going through a change of sorts, we are actually changing the way that we record our duels. We do so by changing from actual duels to the bouts of the tournaments, making it where you gain rank by a point system for each bout won and extra points for making it to the semi finals and finals as well as winning the tournament. We have several guild houses in many realms all across the continent, wherefore we thank the constructors and granted them a higher full rank, and many highly skilled swordsmen in our ranks. We are even expanding to accept bouts of joust as well. I would say that our guild is soon to be one of the largest on the Island, maybe even the world.

There are no requirements to become a member of the EIDA, you don't have to join every tournament that's been held on this Island, although it helps to gain you ranks, and neither do you have to be a skilled sword fighter or jouster to join - you will become so by being a member of the EIDA for some time. The ranks of the EIDA are always open for new nobles who wish to get into contact with the best sword fighters and jousters of the continent.

What do you think of the present Perdanese government?

I believe that our current government is quite capable of running our realm in fact I would say that is the best I have seen since I have been here. Our Queen is a honest and just woman that has proven her honor and metal over again many times. Her Intelligence is merely the tip of the ice burg that you see. she is much more than a queen of Perdan in my opinion she is the throne it self and because of that and her ability to understand our needs and that of thepeople of perdan well that makes her perfect for throne.

Our general is... well what can I say about the old man that is not already known by so many in entire continent. he a very smart and intelligent man and if you have the misfortune to be at war against him then i would hope you have a god that can protect you.

Our banker well there is only a few words you can say that would be appropriate and they fall short of his true stature. He is a quite man that speaks few words but his words are very sound and well spoken when they are spoken. he has provided Perdan with a great amount of gold in all types of economically hardships and strong points and I would dare not even think of how to replace him should anything happen to him.

Our Judge I have saved her fro last she is a Beautiful woman of great class and even high honor than I my self could even say about most nobles. She has shown me a true meaning to life and what it means to be duty bound. She puts the realm of Perdan first above all else even our marriage was held off for a time because of her duties to the realm. Still yet we have had very little time together for our selves since our wedding. She is dedicated and devoted to Perdan and her people and then to her husband me of course.

What is your opinion on the current state of affairs on the continent (in general)?

I believe it is moving towards a better and safer place to live for all of us.

Any closing comments?

I think the host of this tournament has done an excellent job and I would like to congratulate the winners of each event and one day you will see me at the top of the list. Hopefully very soon.

There's little that is left to be said. Keep your eyes peeled for more interviews to come!


Tournament Results

The tournament is finally over! 232 nobles were in attendance, representing all 10 realms of the East Continent. Sadly, I lost in the first round of swordfighting, though to a formidable opponent, Screndt of Perdan. Mathew of Ibladesh managed to defeat Atlore of Yssaria for the win, receiving 800 gold for his hard work (300 to Atlore). Veneron of our own realm got to the semifinal round before losing to the one who would later become runner-up. In the joust, I beat my new knight, Krondell, 3 rounds to 0, though he put up a fair fight in the first round. I was then defeated 3 to 0 in the second round by Sylkvor of Caligus. Ryndhal managed to the get to to the 6th and quarterfinal round before losing to Kurt from Ubent, 2 to 1. Andrei from Sirion emerged the winner, beating Godfrey of Yssaria in a 3-to-0 match. An enjoyable tournament on the whole, and I got a few articles out of it, too!


My First Interview

Well, for the first time, somebody else interviewed me. To be specific, it was Inara of the Rampant Lion, who passed the message on through Maelg. Hopefully, my interview will be showing up there soon.

Another Response

Vlad, who has held numerous prestigious positions in the realm of Caligus, gladly responded to my questions about the Fontan-LoF war. His responses follow:

Letter from Vlad

First of all, I like your news paper, Keep up the good work! Second, Here are some of your questions answered:

What is your view on the Fontan-LoF war?
Fontan is taking the City LoF should have given them as soon as they found another City. Which they got by threatening us with war.

Is it justified?
From my opinion, It is but there might be allot more other things happening behind the scenes which we don't know about.

Is it necessary?
I Would say no, but Fontan does find it necessary, I guess they still have a promise to pending with the Former nobles of Coimbria...

Do you believe the war should be limited to those two realms, or do you think your realm should enter it? Opinions from nobles of those two realms are welcomed.
I think no realms should interfere in there 'civil' war, they should solve it them selves. But I do believe there many interested parties in the former east wing of Caligus. Though the only realm who can rightfully rule these Lands is Caligus, for it still Holds Claims on most of these regions.

I hope you can do anything with this for your newspaper.

Yours Respectfully,

Vlad (Royal)

In other news, Aram has promised to respond to my interview questions for him as soon as he can.


Tournament Interviews

At the most recent tournament here at Castle Ubent, having little better to do, I asked the general public what they thought of the Fontan-LoF war. Unsurprisingly, few people replied. Sir Modi of Perdan said he didn't know all the facts about the war and declined to comment. Aram, husband of Lady Balkeese, Arch Priest of Perdan, had said he would be willing to have me interview him, which is when I asked the questions to the tournament attendees. Maelg, Count of Dimwood and Marshal of the Perdanese Crimson Wing army, offered his opinion as follows:

Roleplay from Maelg
I think it's a depressing state of affairs that a realm as large as Fontan thinks they need to own yet another city.

Why is it they can sign a treaty and then over a year later decide it no longer exists, after making LoF stick to it by handing over Negev first?

Count of Dimwood, Marshal of the Perdanese Crimson Wing army

Aram, wanting to avoid discussing politics at a tournament, went off on a tangent:

Letter from Aram
I will comment on these question you have asked Ichigo.

What is your view on the Fontan-LoF war?

But then mixing politics with a tournament is just not right now is it. I believe that we should instead go and have a drinking contest.

Is it justified?

Of curse it is the tournament is days away and teh Tavern is open all night!

Is it necessary?

Ummmm I would say yes that way we do not get invloded in political arguments at anouther tournament. But then arguments about what ale or better than another is quite acceptable I myself believe that Abington Dark is the best ale out there thatis of course when I am out of Aixen whiskey my prefeered drink of choice.

Do you believe the war should be limited to those two realms?

the war of drinks sall be admited to all nobles no matter what realm they have arrived or claim they are from!

Or do you think your realm should enter it?

I would hope the nobles from my realm would join in this war of drinking as it wuld be slightly unfair to the rest if I was to out drink them all by my self. you know the loosers buys the drinks right?

Aram (Lord)

Duke Robert of our own realm declined to comment, remembering his previous tournament discussion regarding the former nobles of Avamar. Let's hope this tournament is a good one!


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

Yet more tournaments...
My cousin's already a countess!
Dal, congrats! I'm sure you'll do well.
Congrats to Alois, too!
How many more times, I wonder?
Valdid's back to writing!

Thray's comments

None Yet

Arlian's comments

None Yet