Taselak (SEI)/HSG Conspiracy: Difference between revisions

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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'''''The names of the authors of the following content have been withheld in order to protect them from further retaliation.'''''
'''''Already threats have been made! If the name is lacking below, then chances are the RHC has sent the HSG to "take care" of those people. Do be careful!'''''

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*2005-11-03_____________Mischa_____________Began her career in Taselak.
*2005-11-03_____________Mischa_____________Began her career in Taselak.
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*2006-05-08_____________Kanuni_____________Began his career in Taselak.
*2006-05-08_____________Kanuni_____________Began his career in Taselak.
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*2004-11-25_____________cronos_____________Began his career in Taselak.
*2004-11-25_____________cronos_____________Began his career in Taselak.

Latest revision as of 03:07, 10 April 2007

OOC Irony, okay? ;)


A Conspiracy?

What explains those experimental tax reports? What explains this mysterious rebellion they all deny? How can certain people muster such large units to do takeovers? It's a conspiracy!

Untold power?

With the lords of Taselak always secretive, and their murderous army, codenamed the HSG running rampant in Toren grounds, one cannot help but be afraid, very afraid! And so we should! It is rumoured that they control the governments of all the realms of the southern islands! Their wealth and influence is told to be beyond immagination! This war of ours, nothing but a game of chess for them!

Dark Secrets?

Truly, nobles of Taselak, keep an eye on your government! Only by constant spying on our leaders may be bring some glimpse of light to the dark secrets they hide!


Already threats have been made! If the name is lacking below, then chances are the RHC has sent the HSG to "take care" of those people. Do be careful!

  • Roleplay from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Scribe Note Scout Report (Lesthem)

Scouting gains you detail information about regions that is not available from the region list, such as troops currently located in that region. However, it takes one hour of your time to brief and debrief the scouts.

You have no scouts with you or ready and no healthy soldiers to misuse for this job, either.

Interesting, it claims I don't have trained scouts...when in reality I have one. Hmmm...I sense a conspiracy?

Oh Cronos, good friend ~Kurohyou places right hand on Cronos' shoulder~ you wouldn't have happen to give my scout some ale now...did you? Because sadly the poor 'chap can't hold his alcohol like some of us here >; D

XXXXX (Imperial Knight)

  • Out-of-Character from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Don't listen to either of them!!! Keep your watches as they are. Daylight Savings Time is a myth perpetuated by a vast left-wing conspiracy!!! Its purely a natural occurance without any involvement by man.


  • Letter from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Experimental Personal Tax Report The below is an experimental tax report based on the new local tax system. It does nothing for now, it just shows how things would be.

  1. You receive 2 gold as a member of your realm.
  2. You receive 2 gold as a Hero.
  3. Your total tax income is 4 gold


XXXXX (Noble)

  • Important Orders from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Dear Knights. Your Lords will probably present you with a new oath, offering a much smaller percentage of money then the one u have now. There is a maximum share installed for all regions by law, and you must accept the oath, or step down as knight.

Don't fear though knights, in practice your tax share will only grow.

If you feel that you, for some reason, need a bigger share then the avarage noble, message the RHC. (This could be for example for TO units, or militia drops.)

I hope you understand the reason we need to do this. If you have questions, send them to the RHC.

For Taselak! XXXXX.

XXXXX Arch Priest of Taselak, Marquis of Belus

  • Letter from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Homus Cornelius you explained all very well, but I only have one question. You say our king has a veto right, but I was told this was a democracy, but that there was a screw up in the rebbelion. Why would someone have a veto right in a demorcacy?


XXXXX (Knight of Taselak)

  • Report from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Simply, as the leader of the realm he has the final word in case there is discussion. When needed a leader must be able to bring order in the chaos. In that law, his veto-right is a build-in tool to help him keep order. (Never saw any chaos in the council though. :) )

XXXXX Arch Priest of Taselak, Marquis of Belus

  • Report from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

The current percentages I recieve are absurd:

Experimental Personal Tax Report The below is an experimental tax report based on the new local tax system. It does nothing for now, it just shows how things would be.

   * You receive 1 gold from your liege.
   * You receive 2 gold as a member of your realm.
   * You receive 2 gold as a Knight.
   * Your total tax income is 5 gold

I receive only 1 gold from my liege!!! If my Lord was to keep 20 gold, then I will never receive the same tax rate that I do under the current system. I understand that the new tax system ties each knight or dame to a region and personalizes their taxes. However, I thought that each noble in this realm deserved at least a comprable share to the system we currently use. This new law will currently now allow for that and many nobles will be affected by it.

XXXXX (Knight of Eraus)

  • Letter from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm

What if we really are in an alliance with toren already? What if this long, drawn out plan has just been a ploy to trick ikalak into thinking that it is going to be able to easily attack toren. This yak mythology would have been founded to explain why they always attack with the least expected force possible....

Its a conspiracy!

XXXXX (Knight of Belus)

Out-of-Character from XXXXX

Message sent to everyone in your realm (131 recipients)

Who is this Serindu which you try to hide so much! Has the HSG eliminated him too!?!


Hard-to-Find Proofs

Mischa's History
9th of April 2007 (Tasalak) by (anonymus)
  • 2005-11-03_____________Mischa_____________Began her career in Taselak.
  • 2006-07-10_____________Mischa_____________Banned from Taselak by cronos.
    • Reason: Member of a failed rebellion
  • 2006-07-11_____________Mischa_____________Ban from Taselak lifted by Serindu.
  • 2006-08-03_____________Mischa_____________Appointed as General of Taselak
  • 2006-08-03_____________Mischa_____________Appointed as General of Taselak
  • 2006-08-03_____________Mischa_____________Appointed as General of Taselak
  • 2006-08-04_____________Mischa_____________Appointed as General of Taselak
  • 2006-09-11_____________Mischa_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-10-15_____________Mischa_____________Elected as ruler in Taselak.
  • 2007-03-10_____________Mischa_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2007-03-21_____________Mischa_____________Appointed as General of Taselak
Kanuni's History
9th of April 2007 (Tasalak) by (anonymus)
  • 2006-05-08_____________Kanuni_____________Began his career in Taselak.
  • 2006-07-10_____________Kanuni_____________Banned from Taselak by cronos.
    • Reason: Member of a failed rebellion
  • 2006-07-11_____________Kanuni_____________Ban from Taselak lifted by Serindu.
  • 2006-10-28_____________Kanuni_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-12-02_____________Kanuni_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2007-03-11_____________Kanuni_____________Character deleted
  • 2007-03-12_____________Kanuni_____________Retired at age 24
  • 2007-03-12_____________Kanuni_____________Began his career in Taselak.
Cronos' History
9th of April 2007 (Tasalak) by (anonymus)
  • 2004-11-25_____________cronos_____________Began his career in Taselak.
  • 2006-06-02_____________cronos_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-07-10_____________cronos_____________Banned from Taselak by cronos.
    • Reason: Member of a failed rebellion.
  • 2006-07-11_____________cronos_____________Ban from Taselak lifted by Serindu.
  • 2006-08-31_____________cronos_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-09-21_____________cronos_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-10-25_____________cronos_____________Elected as judge in Taselak.
  • 2006-10-25_____________cronos_____________Elected as ruler in Taselak.


None! There is nothing we can do! Resistance is futile! Our best hopes is to join the HSG instead of suffering it!


Do not be so foolish as to become a member! One may only immagine the foul fate the HSG will reserve for you!