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|align="center" width="20%"|Price: 2 silver coins
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|align="center" width="60"|'''Elections show Avalon's double thoughts'''
|align="center" width="60"|'''Avalon is back !!'''
|align="center" width="20%"|February Edition
|align="center" width="20%"|1009 Edition
|align="center"|''Main editor: Thorson Jorvik''
|align="center"|''Main editor: Jord Jorvik''

==News of the year 1009==
==News of February==
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====Command Questioned==== ''March 4, 1007 by Thorson''
====Fire !!==== ''June 18th, 1009 by Jord''
With being imprisonated, Avalon was without a Minister of Defence. Chancellor Scarlet was second in the previous elections and took office while I was in prison. After a few days I was ready to take up command again but it soon came very clear that my support was changing. Lady Scarlet and Osiris, a youngster under the protection of our Chancellor as I once was under Grim-Reaper, were not convinced anymore of my capabilities. I can garantee you, dear reader, that it is strange to have to defend your action in the council against your own ruler. Some heated debates were heared in the council between us three. Initialy the Villrill loses were credited to me, unfair I may add, but discussion and proof was given from my part to counteract. As it became clear not much could be held against me in the recent slaughter, the finger now pointed to my so-called lesser experience to Hector's. Masterdruide and priest Hector was brought in by Scarlet, Osiris and Co to lead Avalon better, according to them. Some public announcements were made by Scarlet, Osiris to favor Hector in the upcomming elections. Hector a former priest had already switched his profesion back to the army. From leading the Order of the Druide straight to the army, a rather strange and sudden switch with a smell if you ak me. Allarion, who I always admired as a good diplomatic Chancellor, publicly spoke in favor of Hector. He stated that although I was not to blame for bad management, I was not as experienced as Hector. Now the couple of the year both wanted me gone. I thought it to be a dark pre-election but I was not forgotten and alone in this. I had realm-wide help from Lord Demonte, Countess Elzebeth and Lord Otto. They all spoke highly of me and agianst Hector. It was a gentle smile that could be seen on my face that day.
====Prison==== ''March 3, 1007 by Thorson''
Being captured in Villrill means immediate transportation to the hell-holes of Enweil's Prison. They don't seem to make much difference to councilmembers or not. After nearly a full night of riding, I got finaly to Fengen's dungeons. With valuable information I was certainly to be the first one tortured. In the morning I tried to escape a first time but just out of my cell, I was directly overwhelmed by two guards that were questioning another prisoner. Back in my cell I could only wait for the night for a final try as the extracting tools were already been put in place. That luckely dark night was very intence because I had knowledge of great secret plans about the alliance that needed to be kept safe. After some waiting I saw my chance and found a secret underground passage belonging to former rebels. The secret plans were safe and still locked away in my head.
====Delayed scoutings got us in Villrill==== ''March 1, 1007 by Thorson''
When TO-ing Villrill our scoutings had a 12 hours delay. The result was that I, Thorson, did not see an Enweilian move to Villrill in time. If we saw them comming on time, I would have ordered our safe retreat to Darhauyo where the main Avalon-Fronen army was stationed. But it was not meant to be, our small taskforce was decimated and I was even captured by Enweil. Just after this battle I discovered that Fronen and Avalon attacked Villrill in a futile attempt to break OG's forces. Instead of playing cat and mouse in Avalon and prolong any possible battle to get the reinforcements of OG, The allied forces where slaughtered in Villrill. Meaning a fully broken army of Avalon and Fronen. The beginning of a nightmare...
====Fronen and Avalon guarding Darhauyo==== ''March 1, 1007 by Thorson''
With the return of Fronen to the frontlines, Avalon could hold Darhauyo safely. With enough forces left in Darhauyo to stop any outflanking of Enweil towards Piwani-Zod, a small Avalonian taskforce was able to start a FTO of Villrill. For almost two days it was without much trouble and we saw the finish line nearby. One morning we had an attack from RoF troops in an failed attempt to stop our FTO of their region. Avalon and Fronen had it firm under control and only waited the needed arrival of OG to refit.
====Infiltrator attacks in Avalon==== ''February 22, 1007 by Thorson''
With sudden mortalities under the guards of several regions we expect enemy infiltrators at work. First is was in Henhower yesterday, now it has increased to Tey Gren, Zod and even our capital Cteduul. We only got one infiltrator, named Crimson, who killed a few guards in Tey Gren. I'll ask our judge Jelpot to hold him in his cell and ban him but I'm sure he has already took the appropriate steps . I hope those pesky infils know that returning to Avalon with a ban on their head is playing with...well their head. Patrols have been doubled in all regions to stop those acts of aggression.
====Changes in Avalon==== ''February 19, 1007 by Thorson''
This sunday has been full of changes in Avalon..<br>
Our Chancellor has announced he has to look for the roots of his family. After consulting with the elders of Order of the Druides he decided he had to leave Avalon alone for a while. With a capable council he left in the deep of night, We hope he finds what he's looking for. Keep good Allarion !!<br>
Today, Duchess Scarlet has announced me, Thorson Jorvik to be Marshal of the Legion of Wudenkin. A great honour wich I won't fail. Also gives me the ability to issue Marshal orders when needed. And with the current situation on the Island we can use every angle available. <br>
With the recent events of Chancellor Allarion stepping down, we are going to know the new Chancellor in the morning. The votes are cast and the result will be in soon. As Lady Scarlet is my Liege and on top off that a very capable leader, my vote is going for her. Good luck Duchess Scarlet!
====The Battle of Fengen !!==== ''February 14, 1007 by Thorson''
On this day, this morning, the combined forces of Old Grehk, Thalmarkin, Fronen and Avalon marched against Enweil. Combined by an oath of Alliance, We attacked the City of Fengen with Level 4 defenses and much militia. A windy day didn't help our archers to hit full volley. Set up, like General Grego's orders, in the middle of the field, the archers stood next to the infantry. The first rounds our infantry took heavy fire with massive casualties as result before they even reached the outer walls...When our Siege Engine finally hit the walls, our forces were already advancing with large gaps in their lines. Luckely we had some veterans who put their lifes in the scale to make up for spilled blood. With renewed courage, we breached the walls and our crippled cavalry could finally ride on. But there were just to much men to kill and the infantry barely hold the walls, sometimes even driven back off. The outer walls were finnaly in ruins when it came clear not manny were left standing. Although we had more men, we did not stand victorious on the field. I pain that was felt in my heart as we should have won...It was a too close call and both fronts pulled back to regroup ending without winner...
After many screams of pain and more death, the sun was setting to cloud this final assault. With a little help from late troops we engage Enweil again. But in the meantime, Enweil had also fresh troops arriving and with the help from even children, they stood on the crumbled walls. Although late orders issued by Lady Scarlet, Tiridius, Duke of Mhed, took command and all units were given the infantry charge orders. But on the first sight, it was already clear that even with lower defenses, the allied forces were not going to win this. Without even looking at the odds, We fought and killed as much as we could. But there is a saying that even the largest giant will get tired of slaying a seemingly endless stream of enemies. This time we were defeated by Enweil. Yes, dear reader, I can admit defeat. But I won't admit we lost the war...
Fresh nobles are lining up as we speak to erase this defeat by a series of victories !<br>
Avalon will stand united !! Avalon will stand by its Allies !!
====Becomming a Man==== ''February 14, 1007 by Thorson''
The battle of Fengen : Here is it where I became a man, for several reasons. I could witness first hand the tactics of great leaders as Grego, Gias Kay and Krimhild. I must admit being General does not give you a free card to do whatever you think is best. No, you need to coordinate, bring ideas, wait for answers and wait some more, you need to follow the rulers decisions and act accordingly. All that without letting your men down. I became a man because I now know that you should question that what your haert tells you to question. I know now, I should discuss rather then to see what comes. I will stand up and rule as a General should rule his army, no large compromises all the time. Sometimes you have to listen when experienced advice is given but sometimes you should just do what your mind and heart tell you.
I was young this morning but I'm seasoned by this great battle. I have stood beside my men and fought with them, I have not ashamed my fathers in Valhalla. Death and destruction ruled the field but they did not fear me anymore. They did not touched my heart as Avalon gave it all and so did I.
When most Avalonian lay wounded around the few standing, I felt never more bound to my Realm, My Avalon. If you give me a chance I will lead you in this new ordeal...
====Lord Vornamen died with Honour !==== ''February 14, 1007 Thorson''
In full charge Lord Vornamen stormed the walls of Fengen, throwing his life in battle for Avalon. With some Enweilians cornering Him, he suffered a deep wound but He fought on well. He slayed his opponents one by one under the banner of Avalon. It was almost on the end of that battle when He fell on the ground with a sword hanging from his waist. Here on the Field of Fengen did Lord Vornamen died with utter respect wich even Odin will admit. May you rest and find your peace.

====Yeah we rule...==== ''February 12, 1007 by Scarlet''
A large fire in the archives has destroyed the section of the year 1008. Luckely the trained firemen of Cteduul have prevented more harm to the elder books. Nonetheless we have lost an entire year. The writers guild has asked for voluntears for this year as they are trying to puzzle back the remains.
The largest army that modern beluatara has ever seen just left the stronghold of Zod. Last readings showed a force of more then 40 000 cs camped arround the mountain. Army camps as far as the eye can see. Fields of wagons and huge siege engines stand proud and strong. In my years as a soldier I have never witnessed an army of this scale. The force comprises mainly of Avalonien and Fronen troops. Reinforced by the OG regulars and the Thalmarkin reserves. I must say, and I'm proud to do so, that the Avalonien military has the largest unit on the field! A 145 inf unit under command of Lord Galvin Duke of Cteduul. While its still to early to indicate where we are heading,we know that the "victim" will have a hard time ahead!

====Wudinken is expanding==== ''February 6, 1007 by Scarlet''
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Under the guidance of her Duchess, also known as the best looking duchess across the continent, the infrastructure in wudinken has been growing! We are proud to present the new production facility for heavy siege equipment. Wudinken now produces long range trebuchets, iron reinforced Rams, Siege towers and variety of garden gnomes. Beside the workshop Wudinken also owns a banner facility from now on. The Banners are made from the best fabric imported from OG and processed with care. With these expansions we will rule the world!

====Council reconfirmed==== ''February 1, 1007 by Thorson''
With the results for today's elections, the council has been granted permission to stay on their track to make Avalon a great nation.
Even in this time of peace I have been given the authority to manage the military side of the realm. As Avalon is a democracy I still  answer to my Chancellor Allarion. Luckily we have a very good council, which tries to support our Ruler in every way possible.

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==The archive==
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[[November 1006|November 1006]]
*[[/November 1006|November 1006]]
*[[/December 1006|December 1006]]
*[[/January 1007|January 1007]]
*[[/Year 1007|Year 1007]]

[[December 1006|December 1006]]

[[January 1007|January 1007]]
[[Category:Inactive Newspapers of Beluaterra]]
[[Category: Newspapers]]

Latest revision as of 09:34, 8 October 2018

Price: 2 silver coins Avalon is back !! 1009 Edition
Main editor: Jord Jorvik

News of the year 1009

====Fire !!==== June 18th, 1009 by Jord

A large fire in the archives has destroyed the section of the year 1008. Luckely the trained firemen of Cteduul have prevented more harm to the elder books. Nonetheless we have lost an entire year. The writers guild has asked for voluntears for this year as they are trying to puzzle back the remains.
